Dan Howell Fanfiction

By DarksPrisoner

118 3 1

I get together with Dan. More


Dan Howell Fanfiction

98 2 1
By DarksPrisoner

A/N: I decided to put the entire story into one chapter so....

My name is Aubrey and I am at Playlist Live. I am a you tuber and I have about four million subscribers. My fans are all here right now, but I am backstage with some other you tubers that make similar content as me. So far I have seen Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa, Shane Dawson, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Louise from SprinkleofGlitter, Chris Kendall, Pj Ligouri, Joe Sugg, Alfie Deyes, and Catrific. More are on their way, but for now, we are just socializing. But that is just the problem. I am very socially inept. My idols are Dan and Phil, and I cannot afford to embarrass myself in front of them, so I have been staying as far away from them as I can. But then the unexpected happened. Phil walked up to me and held his hand out to shake. I shook his hand. So far so good.

"You must be Aubrey, right?" He asked. I nodded my head yes and he smiled, "Nice to meet you, my name is Phil, from AmazingPhil."

"Nice to meet you, Phil. How are you enjoying the party?" I asked him.

"It's nice so far. I'm hoping that the others get here soon, or the show may be cancelled because Marcus has our scripts," I nod my head to let him know that I understand what he is saying, and I see that Dan is walking over to us.

I start to get really nervous and I can tell that I am slightly sweating, but not that much. So far, I have been handling talking to people just fine. That may change when I talk to Dan though, because he is my favourite youtuber of all time. I may be a slight fan....

"Hello, are you Aubrey?" Dan asked once he got over to where Phil and I were standing.

"Yes, I'm from the YouTube channel called AubreyIsEntertaining. I started my channel as a joke to my friends at school, but it was a lot of fun, and others on the internet liked it, and it just sort of took off," I explain. I probably didn't need to tell them that, but it was too late anyways. They probably don't want to know the backstory of why I'm here.

"Nice, well I'm Dan from danisnotonfire, and I used to be a HUGE fan of other youtubers, so I decided to give it a try, and now I'm here!" He said while spreading his arms around as a gesture to show that he was there. But when he did that, he hit a stage manager in the face, and made her drop all of the papers she was holding.

Dan bent down and helped her pick them up, and so did I. Phil joined in too, because he is really nice. When we were done helping her, we all stood up and Dan apologized to her. He then turned to me and explained that he was very socially awkward, and embarrassing stuff like that happened all the time in public areas.

"But he's not as clumsy as me, though," Phil said.

"Yeah, that's for sure," Dan said jokingly.

Marcus and a few others walked in and handed out the scripts. We were doing a short play and we all needed to memorize the lines that we were going to have to say. I skimmed through it a bit and realized that Dan, Phil, Louise, and I were going to have an entire scene together with nobody else. I already knew that that I was going to embarrass myself in front of them.

Basically, the whole scene is about how I'm single and so is Dan, and Phil and Louise are dating but then Louise wants Dan, but I get jealous. We have a big fight, Dan tries to settle it, and Phil is really sad that Louise left him for his best friend.

There's a kissing scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M FREAKING OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan notices too, and sees that I am worried also. He comes over to me, and we talk it through.

"We don't have to if you don't want to," He says.

"But then the producers would get irritated and not let me perform any of my own shows," I sigh and Dan puts his hand on my shoulder and looks into my eyes.

"Okay, we'll give them what they want, but don't worry, because it means nothing at all," He is trying to make me feel better, but it isn't working. I smile and thank him anyways.

Phil and Louise come over and we start a conversation about exactly what we are going to do. We have all figured out how we will enter, where we will stand, and how we will portray the emotion. We also have to make sure that the cameras get a good shot of us, since it is live.

Everyone who is about to perform takes their places behind the curtain. That means that our little group is left behind backstage. We watch from the monitors on the wall, and it is VERY funny. Then it is our turn so we get behind the curtain and mentally prepare to see millions of people staring at us.

We are doing perfectly fine, and then the kissing scene is happening.

(ATTENTION ALL FAN GIRLS IT IS HAPPENING!1!!2!!1!!!!11!11!1!111!2!!!)

Dan holds me in his arms romantically, and slowly leans in and kisses me. He sticks his tongue in my mouth and we are now officially making out. It lasts longer than I expected, and everyone claps and cheers. He pulls away and looks at me. Then we awkwardly get off the stage while Phil and Louise follow.

We are done with this show, and we make our way out the door, but I decided to be brave and do something I never would have done before.

"Hey, Dan! Wait up for just a second," He stops and waits for me to come up to him, "Look, I was just wondering if, you know, if I could have your phone number. Then maybe we could hang out sometime. Unless you don't want to, of course."

"Yeah, sure. I'd love that," He gets his phone out and we type each others numbers in the phones, "I'll see you around sometime."

This was great! Since I live in London also, we'll be close and we could have a chance at being good friends! Or more than friends....

So I continue the day going to panels to meet fans and answer questions, eating room service food, and hanging out with some other YouTube friends.

When the day was over, I went to my hotel room and practically fell over on the bed. So much has happened today, as well as so many awkward fan moments that I'll probably make a video on. I changed into my pjs' and turned on my laptop to check my social media. There were a ton of gifs and pictures of Dan and I. Some were even photo shopped make it look like Phil kissed Dan instead of me. I bet the whole Phandom is mad with me.

I heard my phone buzz and I saw that Dan had texted me!

Dan- Hey, how was your day?

Me- Pretty good. I am really tired after all of the fans swarming around me. It takes a lot of energy to do these meet ups.

Dan- Yeah, I know right? I am glad that I was able to do this though, because my fans are so loving and sweet.

Me- Yeah, mine too. I just wish they'd give me just a little personal space once in a while.

Dan- Do you want to go out for coffee sometime when we get back home?

Me- Yeah, I' love that! We'll discuss arrangements when we get there. Have a good night.

Dan- You too. J

God, he is so sweet. I just hope that we might be going out on a date, and not going out as friends. Maybe we could be girlfriend and boyfriend someday. I look out of my window and see the beautiful California lights from the buildings. I take a few pictures and then I go to bed.

In the morning, I wake up hearing the sounds of my alarm on my phone. I get up and get dressed in my usual skinny jeans, black shirt and black Vans. I had a panel in about an hour, but it's in walking distance, so I decided just to relax and play on the computer until thirty minutes before. Then I take a shower and straighten it. I don't wear makeup, so by the time imp done, it is time for me to leave. I grab my hotel room keys, my phone, and my purse.

The sun is really hot (obviously) and there are fly's' everywhere. I walk along the pavement (Americans call it the 'sidewalk') and I get into the building through the back entrance, so I don't get trampled by fans. When I enter, I find my way to the panel and get ready behind stage. Then I see Dan!

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. He smiles.

"I wanted to watch your panel." He gives me a hug and went to the monitors so that he could watch.

They were announcing all of the youtubers to come onto stage. There was Phil, Pj, Chris, Zoe, Joe, and Louise. I don't know why Dan wasn't on this panel if Phil was.

"And...AubreyIsEntertaining!" The announcer said.

Everyone cheered and I came onto the stage and sat down. There were less people this time, thank god.

"So, Aubrey. Tell us about the kiss yesterday. It's what everyone is talking about," Joe said. What do I say?

"Oh, well, um," They could tell that I was nervous. I hope Dan can't tell, "It didn't mean anything. It was acting."

"Are you sure? You hesitated when answering." He said.

"Yes, I'm sure. We're just friends," I made sure to keep my cool, even though I was sweating up a storm.

We kept talking about YouTube and making videos. Then we discussed our fans and how much we appreciate them. Then we ended the panel after answering the audience's questions.

Afterwards, Dan met me backstage and we walked to a vending machine. He got Whoppers since they were the closest to Maltesers. I got a chocolate bar.

"You did great back there," Dan told me. I blushed and nodded my head.

"Thanks. I was really nervous in front of all those people. Although, there weren't very many this time." I said as I took a bite of the chocolate bar.

We kept walking down the hallway and talking. It took about thirty minutes to get to the next panel, so we had plenty of time to get to know each other. We both decided that we are very similar in many ways, almost like the girl version of him, but I didn't say that as it would probably end the possibility of us getting together.

When we arrived at the next panel, I was greeted by a flock of producers, all talking to me at once. They pushed me inside and Dan was left alone. Thankfully, when I waved goodbye to him, he waved back and smiled. The producers then sat me down and fixed up my appearance and talked to me about what I'll be doing. I was surprised when they told me that we were going to be talking all about the boy youtubers. It's basically going to be a whole panel on youtubers that we would be willing to date.

I sat down on stage along with Zoe, Louise, Cat, Mimzy, and Ingrid. After talking for about an hour, we decided to end the panel. Thankfully, throughout the whole thing, they didn't mention Dan or Phil. They probably saw what I said earlier to Joe.

We all get up and walk off the stage and I grab my stuff. While going out the door, I realize that I have only a few hours left of Playlist Live, then I'll be flying back home. I should find out when Dan and Phil are flying back home too. I am done for the day, but I need to see Dan first. I text him.

Me- Can you meet me at the first back entrance to the right?

Dan- Yeah, right now?

Me- Yes please. I need to talk to you really quick.

Dan- Okay I'll be there in a sec.

I hurry to the door so that he doesn't get there first. I only have to wait two minutes before I see him standing in the doorway with a smile.

"Hey, Aubrey. What did you need to talk about?" He asked.

"I was wondering when you were flying back to London,"

"Phil and I are Going back early tomorrow morning," He replied.

We have a bit of awkward silence, so we said our goodbyes and I head to my hotel room to pack up. When I get there, I put all of my stuff in my suitcase and carry-on bag. After I do that, I take some pictures to remember this trip.

I went downstairs and returned the room key, while also calling a cab. The cab got there, so I put my suitcase and carry on in the boot (Americans call it the trunk) and I got into the backseat. I told the driver where I was going, and we got there surprisingly quick.

I hopped out of the car, got my stuff, and started walking towards the airport entrance. There were hundreds of people so it was a bit stressful getting to the bag check in. Well, long story short, I got my bag checked in, went through security, and got to my gate with plenty of time to spare. I just played on my phone until I heard the announcements saying that the flight was canceled.

'Well, shit' I thought to myself. I need to stay with someone then because I can't afford another hotel room. Plus, it's not like I'm going to stay the night at the airport where anyone could kidnap me or steal everything I have. This is a long shot, but I decide to text Dan.

Me- My fights was canceled, so I was wondering if I could stay with you and take the same flight.

Dan- I talked it over with Phil and he said yes. The address is (I'm not going to let you see that, you crazy stalker).

Me- Thank you so much! I'll be there soon.

I get another taxi and get there within an hour because of traffic. I enter the hotel and go into the lift (Americans usually call it the elevator) to level three. The doors open and I knock on their door. They open it and I wave.

"Hi, guys! Thank you so much for letting me stay here. I don't know what I would do without you guys," I walk in and they gesture for me to put my stuff on the chair in the corner of the room, "So what time is your guys' flight tomorrow?"

"7:00" Phil said, "Its flight (Still not letting you see the information)"

I nod my head and look it up on my phone and buy the ticket.

"What seats did you get?" I ask them.

"I think I got seat 25a and Phil got 25c, I think" Dan said.

"Wow, I got 25b!" I said very excitedly. It will be kind of weird sitting next to both of them.

"That's great!" They both say at the same time. It's so funny when they do that.

They were kind enough to buy me dinner. We had Chinese food, and we watched some Netflix on their laptop. Then the decision of the sleeping arrangements needed to be made.

"Why don't you sleep in my bed, and I'll just sleep on the floor," Dan offered, but I declined, "C'mon, I'll be fine on the floor, trust me."

I still decline so he finally gives up and lets me sleep on the floor. I placed some of the spare blankets on the floor next to my stuff in the corner. Since it was technically two rooms with a door connecting them, I was in Phil's side while Dan was alone on the other. But the door was still open so that they could hear each other if they needed to talk.

--Time skip to 6:00 am-

Dan, Phil, and I woke up at the same time because all of our phone's alarms were basically in sync. I got up and put my hair in a ponytail, and made sure all of my stuff was together. I was done within five minutes, but Dan and Phil are taking longer.

"Why are you guys taking longer to get ready than a girl?" I ask jokingly.

"Ha-ha, very funny. We need to look presentable when we are going back to London. There are people we know there and there are fans." Dan explains.

We are all out of the hotel and in a taxi within thirty minutes, which means we only have thirty minutes to get there, get our bags checked in, go through security, and make it to our gate.

As soon as we get there, we are running to the bag check in, and thankfully, the lady was very fast about it. Then we sprinted to security. Five minutes later, we were all running to our gate. We made it with ten minutes to spare, but the entire time we are waiting for our flight, we are all panting from the run. We are so out of shape.

They start to board the passengers and we sit in our spots. Phil got the window seat, I got middle and Dan got the aisle seat.

--Time skip 9 hours later-

We arrived at the airport and made our way to baggage claim.

"What do your bags look like?" I ask them.

"Mine is black, and Phil's is blue," Dan says. He sounds very tired, and so do I.

We all find our bags and we get a taxi. We ride for a bit and they get out, leaving me in to let me go to my apartment. We say goodbye and off I go.

I get home an hour later, and put my stuff in the lounge. Home sweet home. I go upstairs and turn on my computer. I then remember that I have the Sims 4 game that I got to play for my gaming channel called AubreyIsGeeky.

I look on my Tumblr and it is just endless pictures of when Dan and I kissed. It is a constant reminder that something awkward happened between us when we first met, like everyone else I have ever met. I close Tumblr and I open a new tab with Twitter. Everyone has been talking about what I did at Playlist, but no one has talked about Dan and I in quite a while. Maybe it's just a Tumblr thing.

I go back downstairs and go into my office, which is at the end of the hall way to the left. My bedroom is on the right. The kitchen is in the middle of the hallway on the left. Some people have said that my apartment looks just like Dan and Phil's, but I have never seen their house in person.

In my office, I film my main channel videos in front of a wall that has a ton of creepy and really amazing fan art of me. The camera is still in the same spot on the tripod from about a week ago before I went to Playlist Live. I look decent, so I turn on the camera, press record and start talking about my trip and all of the awkward things that happened to me. I also made an announcement that I have new merchandise on my website. I end the video and take the sim card out of the camera and put it into the computer at the desk and start to edit it.

Within an hour, I am already done, and I upload it. Uploading my videos always take forever. The video is up now, I watch everyone like, comment, and subscribe. Thousands of people have seen the video within just a few minutes.

I get up and go to the kitchen to get a snack, but since I haven't gone to the store yet, there is nothing besides a couple of granola bars. I grab one anyways, and go into the lounge to watch some TV. I turn on multiple shows, but they are all reruns, so I switch to Netflix and watch some Supernatural, since I have never seen it before.

Two episodes in and I am already starting to fall asleep. Good thing I don't have a flat mate to get mad at me for leaving the TV on.

--Skip to noon the next day-

I slept really well, considering I slept on the couch. I got up and brought my suitcase and carry on into my room to unpack and get dressed. When I am done putting my very dark clothes away, I move onto my bathroom stuff. When I am done with that, I get my phone and see that there is a text from Dan.

Dan- So when is a good time to meet up?

Me- Anytime.

Dan- How about 2:00 at the Starbucks across from the shopping centre?

Me- Sounds good, see you then. J

I set my phone down on my desk in my room and grab my iPod. There is a music player in my bathroom (which is downstairs) so I plug in the iPod and pick out a playlist that has MCR, FOB, Muse, and Kanye West. Thirty minutes later, I am done so I get dressed, dry my hair, and straighten it.

I go out into the lounge and sit at the table with my MacBook. I look around on social media and check how my video is doing from yesterday. Over a hundred thumbs-ups, comments, and one million views. By the time I am done messing around on the computer, there is fifteen minutes till I'll see Dan.

I get my coat on, grab my keys, wallet, phone, and put my shoes on. I walk out of my apartment and lock it. Then I go down some more stairs to actually get outside. It is cloudy, but not that cold. I got to the Starbucks on time and I see Dan sitting at a table looking out the window.

I walk up to him and sit down. He smiles.

"Hi, nice to see you again," He said very happily.

"Nice to see you too, how are you and Phil doing? Are you guys' jet lagged at all?" I ask curiously.

"We're doing well. Phil is a bit jet lagged, but I'm doing surprisingly better than usual," He smiles again, "How about you?"

"I'm doing well too. I made a video and uploaded it yesterday. And I've been on Tumblr multiple times and all I could see were pictures of when we kissed during the play," He nods his head and sighs.

"Me too. Except my fans are super creepy when it comes to photo shopping pictures of me, so it is very disturbing to go on Tumblr at all,"

We continue to talk about almost anything we could for almost an hour. Then the unexpected came again.

"Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" Dan asked me. He said it quickly, probably because he was nervous.

"A date?" I ask.

"Yeah, we could go to the movies or to a resuraunt or something. Whatever you'd like, we can do,"

"Yeah, sure that sounds great," I smile and he smiles back, "When should we do that?"

"Is Friday at eight okay with you?" today is Monday, so I'll have plenty of time to prepare.

"Yeah, sure"

We talked for another five minutes, and he invited me over to his house. I accepted and we started walking there. It took about twenty minutes, and I realized that the outside looked almost exactly how mine looked. When he opened the door for me, I realized that it was basically an exact copy of my house, minus a few of the Knick knacks.

"My house looks exactly like yours!" I tell Dan.

"Really? That's so bizarre," He smiles and shows me his room. It is a lot cleaner.

Phil's room is where my office is and upstairs is where they film their gaming videos also. Even the dining room is decorated almost exactly the same because of where the TV, couch, table, and bookshelves are placed in the room. The fireplace looks as clean and unused as mine. I am too scared of starting a fire, so I just left it alone ever since I moved there a few years ago.

Dan and I hug out and talked in his room for hours, until it started to get dark. He knew that I was going to walk home, so he offered to take me, but I declined.

"You are hard to persuade, you know that, right?" he said. Phil peeked his head out of his door and said goodbye. I left and went home to finally sleep again.

--Next day-

I wake up to a slight humming noise coming from my phone. My mum was calling.

"Hello, mum! How are you doing?" She lives in America, since I was born there.

I moved to England when I was eighteen, because I was accepted into York University. Over the years, I have adapted to the English way of life and I got a British accent. My mum thinks my accent is adorable.

"I'm doing well, how about you and your crazy accent?" She replied being sarcastic about my accent.

"I'm good. I just got back from Playlist Live in California two days ago,"

We talked for about thirty minutes and updated each other about everything going on in our lives. But I decided not to tell her about Dan because then she'd ask a million questions about him. We get off the phone and I sleep for another thirty minutes.

By the time I wake up, it is already 2:00 in the afternoon and so I get up and make a bowl of Shreddies. I go into the lounge and turn on the TV to watch the news, to make sure nothing tragic happened. I don't like to look at the news online, so I just watch it on the TV. Nothing bad happened, so I go take a shower and get dressed. Then I go into the gaming room to set up my equipment to film a video.

About an hour later, I hear a knock at the door when I was trying to end the video. I go all the way downstairs and open it. It was the police.

"Hello, ma'am. Do you know or have and relations with this man?" he held up a picture of Phil, "His name is Phil Lester. He was reported missing about three hours ago. His flat mate, Dan Howell said that you knew him. Is that true?"

"Yes, he's a friend. Did he just randomly disappear?" I was really worried.

"Yes, Dan said that Phil told him that he was going to help him with some BBC Radio 1 work, but he was nowhere to be found in the apartment," He explains.

"What should we do?"

"There is nothing that you can do but answer a few questions for us," He got out a notepad and a pen and started to list off the questions, me answering them all, "Do you know of his whereabouts at all? Do you have any type of sexual relationship with him? Do you know where he lives? Did you ever hear him talking about someone following or threatening him? Thank you ma'am, we'll let you know if we find any more information."

Then he left. I just stood in the doorway shocked that this is even happening. I go upstairs and finish the video really quick, and pack up my phone, wallet, laptop, and sim card all into a bag. I also bring extra clothes just in case, because I am very clumsy.

I walk to Dan's place and knock on the door. He opens it and gives me a big hug. I hug back and tell him that I know all about what happened.

"I just don't understand where he could've gone," he tells me, "I didn't even hear any of the doors open or close."

"And you looked everywhere?" I ask.

"Yeah, even in the cupboards, to make sure he wasn't playing a trick on me," He sat down on the couch and so did I. We looked at each other for a while, creating yet another awkward moment, "So what did the police ask?"

"They asked basically asked if I knew where he was, if he was talking about anyone that could hurt him, or if I have a sexual relationship with him," I laugh slightly and sigh, "Has he been hanging out with anyone recently?"

"Besides the people from Playlist Live, no." He looks down as if he is thinking.

"Hey, we'll find him, don't worry." I put a hand on his shoulder and he looks up at me.

"Oh, fuck it," he says quickly.

"What?" Then he leans in and we are kissing again. This time, it is more passionate and loving than before. I open my mouth slightly, giving his tongue permission to enter.

After a few minutes of making out, we pull back from each other and he just looks at me. No one moves. Then he speaks again.

"I'm glad you feel the same way. Otherwise that would've been really awkward," He gives a small laugh and I smile at him, "So, quick question. What are we?"

"Anything you want us to be," I say and give him a quick peck on the cheek.

I get out my laptop to edit my video that I filmed before I came here. Dan is really interested in how I edit it, so I show him all of the special effects and filters that I put in it. An hour later, I am left with a thirty minute long video ready to be uploaded to YouTube.

"Do you want to be in one of my videos?" he asks.

"Well, I'm not sure that I want to just be known as 'Dan Howell's girlfriend', so can we say that we are still just friends." I didn't want everyone going crazy about us being a couple, or having people not refer to me by my actual name anymore. Aubrey is a rare name, so I need to make sure that I don't abandon the name at all.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever makes you comfortable," he moves my hair out of my eyes and looks into them, "You are so beautiful. When I first saw you before the play, I couldn't believe my eyes. You are everything I could ever ask for in a person. You're smart, funny, kind, and you know a lot about Pokémon, anime, and video games. It's a perfect combination!"

I laugh at him and we go to his room to set up his camera for filming a video. He goes back to the lounge to get a chair for me and comes back with the orange one. Then he sits down on his butt chair and presses record.

"Hello internet, I am joined today by my lovely friend Aubrey from AubreyIsEntertaining!" He says to the camera. I wave and smile.

"Don't for my other channels AubreyIsGeeky and AubreyIsTalented," He just looks at me and I laugh, "Hashtag Spon!"

We continued making the video, and it ended up being about all of the types of fans that we have. After the video, he turns off the camera and turns towards me. The look he gives me let me know everything he wants to do next.

He throws me on the bed, kissing intensely, and taking off my shirt. Next thing I know, we are 'doing it'.

It was my first time.

When we are done, we fell asleep next to each other. He wakes up first and shakes my shoulder to wake me up. We both get up and get dressed. Then he takes me to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I get out the eggs and butter, while he gets the spices and tools needed for cooking. (Including a whiskJ)

He cooks the eggs on the stove, and I toasted the bread and put butter on it. Then we took our plates out to the table and ate it. It was the first real food that I've had in a really long time. When we are done eating, we decided that if we could find Phil in time, then I could come on tour with them. Obviously I'd stay in the back so that no one watching the show would become suspicious of us. I was really excited.

I invite him to my house, and he accepts. He gathers all of his things, and we set out on our walk home. When we get there, he finally sees that my apartment is almost exactly like his.

"It's almost completely identical," He said while looking around the lounge.

"Yeah, when I have collabs with other you tubers, they say the same thing. Because they collabed with you first, of course, "

He smiles and heads to my room. It's a bit embarrassing because we have the same design in our rooms.

"Are you sure you didn't do this on purpose?" he asks while looking around.

Okay, it is EXACTLY like his bedroom, except for a few things on the desk, nightstands, and windowsills'.

"No, I guess it's just a really big coincidence, huh?" I say, trying to keep my cover of a non-fan.

"Have you seen more than one of my videos?" he asked questioningly.


"How many?" Shoot, I think he is starting to think I'm a fan.

"All of them," I say as if it is a bad thing. He just laughs, "I'm a fan."

"It's okay; you could say that I'm a big fan of your videos too. I have all of your merch and I've seen all of your videos."

I blush and we go to the office and he takes a look around.

"So instead of Phil's room, it's your office," He laughs, "I love all of this fan art by the way."

So, I teach him everything that I do, and he tells me what I do differently from him. We just keep talking about filming videos for about forty-five minutes, and he needs to leave. I wave goodbye at the door, and I am alone again.

--Time skip to two weeks later-

I get a call from Dan and I answer it.

Dan- We found Phil!

Me- Where!?

Dan- Just come over and we'll explain everything.

Me- I'll be there soon

I hang up and rush out the door. I use the key that Dan had given me a few weeks ago, and run upstairs to find Phil in the lounge. I think Dan was in his room. I rush over to Phil and give him a relieved hug.

"So, what happened?" I ask them.

"I was taken by a crazy and delusional fan, "Phil said, "I'm glad I'm back. I need to put a restraining order on her and her entire family."

"Did they do anything to hurt you?" I asked, because he was gone for almost three weeks.

He hesitated to answer and he kept looking down. He didn't want to say.

"It's okay, you can tell me," I assure him. He sighs and looks up at me.

"They raped me."

"I'm so sorry," I gave him another hug and he started to cry on my shoulder. I rubbed his back to soothe him. I end up crying too.

After a while, Dan comes in and we just talk. Just a couple of friends that are having a good time. But Phil doesn't know about Dan and I yet. Should we tell him? I suppose so.

"Dan and I are together now," I tell him. He is very surprised," We've been together since you've left. I guess we both needed each other. It's hard losing a friend."

Phil smiles and we all hug.

Later on, I go back home and Dan and Phil are left at their place just talking and having a good time. Even though I wasn't there for most of their own talk, I could tell that they are talking about me. It's very strange dating Dan. He is a celebrity, like me, but there are still millions of people who have never heard of me until they saw the video I did with him. And yet, they still don't know that we are together.

On the way home, some fans see me and they take pictures with me. As I was signing an autograph, they asked me a strange question.

"Is Phil okay now?" The girl asked me.

"What do you mean?" No one knows about his disappearance besides Phil's family, the police, Dan, and me.

"Well, he went missing, didn't he?"

"How would you know that?"

She realizes the mistake she made and takes off running. I guess that was the girl who took Phil.

As I was walking the rest of the way home, I notice a girl that has been behind me for quite a while. I turn down an alley, thinking it would go to another street, but it was a dead end. I turn around, but that girl is there with a creepy smile. I don't need to ask any questions to know what is going on. She is working for the girl who took Phil. I try running past her, but she is much stronger than me. She slams me into the ground making me gasp for air. Then she pulls out a rag and puts it on my face.


I wake up in an ordinary room, but it is a room that I have never seen before. I am very confused. Then I remember what had happened. It seems to be light outside, so it is morning. I swing my legs over the side of my bed and hop off. I open the door slightly to reveal a long hallway with lots of doors. After listening to make sure that no one was around, I went all the way down the hallway and down a stairwell. It seems as if no one is home. After listening in all of the rooms, no one is there in the entire house. I even looked in there too, to see if they were sleeping.

Why was I all alone in their house? I try and open the front and back doors, but they are bolted shut from the outside AND the inside. Then I try the windows, but they are shut from the outside. I looked everywhere for my stuff, but I couldn't find it. What the bloody hell do I do!? I found the attic and went up there. I had to use a ladder, but it fell down once I got up. It's going to be very hard to get down now.

I take a look around and there is a ton of boxes and bugs. Of course, they are only bugs that I am afraid of (Spiders and Moths). I avoid the bugs, and look through the boxes to see if my stuff or anything useful is inside. There is a note in one of them that said:
Hello, I am you kidnapper. Follow the instructions that are taped on the top of the fridge downstairs. Then we can meet in person and get you back home.

I put the note in my pocket and jump down from the attic. I think I broke my leg. I was screaming very loudly and I just laid there for about thirty minutes. Then, I see crutches in another room under a bed. I use them and go to the kitchen. I felt on the top of the fridge, getting lots of unwanted dust on my hand, but then finally finding the note.

1. Get your stuff from under the sink in the kitchen.

2. Get a hammer from in the cookie jar on the window sill in the lounge.

3. Smash the window and get in the black car in the driveway.

4. If you do not follow these steps accordingly, there will be major consequences.

I get my stuff, also noticing that all of my electronics are smashed. I get the hammer and climb out, and walk to the car. I get in, but once I close the door, the doors lock and I notice that the girl who took me here is in the back. I scream and she shushes me.

"It's okay, you'll be alright," She says, but it did not end up 'alright'.

She raped me.

I experienced what Phil went through.

I passed out after.

I wake up in an alley in London. I ran to Dan and Phil's house and find them in the lounge. Once they see me, I burst out in tears and they got up. My knees buckled and they held me in their arms.

"Where have you been!?" Dan asked, obviously confused but also relieved.

"The girl who took Phil took me too" I managed to say through my crying.

Phil was shocked and Dan kept holding me in his arms. Phil sat back down.

"What is it, Phil?" I asked him.

"They might be coming for Dan too,"

Dan's eyes widened and my grip tightened on him.

"I won't let her do anything to you," I say.

"What did they do to you?" Phil asked.

"They raped me like they raped you," I cried again. Dan sat down with me still in his arms and I fell asleep.

I woke up later, screaming as loud as I could from my dream. The dream was about the girl.

"Hey, hey, it's okay! I'm right here, don't worry," Dan rubbed my back and rocked me back and forth. A few tears slipped out, but other than that, I was okay again.

After what seemed like a long time, Dan and Phil were talking about what to do.

"Well, we can't let you go back home alone," Phil said.

"But I couldn't possibly stay with you. You've both already done so much for me," I say.

"Well, since we're dating, you can stay with me in my room, and I'll pay for your food," Dan said.

"No no no, I couldn't possibly let you do that,"

"This time you can't decline. We are going to your place to get the stuff you'll need," Dan gets up and puts his coat on and so do I.

We go to my place, while we are both very alert and checking the surroundings the whole time. When we got there, we went to my room and packed my stuff up in a suitcase, and then moved on to the bathroom. I went to the offices while Dan packed all of my bathroom things. I got my tripods, cameras, and all other camera equipment. Thankfully, it was all the kind that can be broken down to fit in a suitcase or bag easier. Then, as we were about to leave, I remembered something.

"Wait, hold on," I tell Dan and run back upstairs and into the lounge. Under one of the floorboards is a box with all of my emergency money and emergency cards that were given to me before I moved here from America.

I go back downstairs to Dan and he didn't even ask what the box was, thankfully. I didn't want to explain my earlier years yet. We walked back to his place with three suitcases and a duffel bag in our arms. We get there, and all of my stuff is put in Dan's room.

"So, when do you go to work, and do all of your video stuff?" I ask Dan.

"Well, I work at BBC Radio 1, so it kind of depends. I used to go on Sundays, but now it's whenever they tell us to go down there. As for my videos, I film whenever I feel like it, and after I make a written plan," He explains.

I go over to his desk and see all of his plans for future videos. I know his fans will love it. Then I start to think about my videos.

"Where will I film my videos without my fans getting suspicious. And my mom too, because she still doesn't know about us yet. She lives in America, so she can't come meet you, so she'll most likely not trust you at first. Plus, my dad will be worried,"

"Why does your family live in America and you're here?" He sits on his bed and so do I. Time to explain.

"Well, I was born in America, and I really wanted to become an actress, so I made sure my grades were perfect because I wanted to get into York University, which was supposed to have the best acting programmes in the entire world. Then I applied, got accepted, and graduated the first year. Then I got distracted with YouTube. If you watch my first video, you'll notice that I still have a bit of an American accent," He smiles and pulls me into a kiss.

"I've always been interested in Americans," This made me laugh, "As for filming your videos, I think your fans have a right to finally know about us. I'll film a video about us too, and we'll upload it at the same time," he waits for my answer.

"Okay, I suppose. I'm just really nervous," he gives me a hug and we both get up. He goes to the kitchen and I go to the lounge where Phil still is.

"Hey, how're you doing?" he asks me, looking away from his laptop.

"Good. Dan and I have decided to finally announce us being together,"

"Oh, that's great!" he says smiling. Dan comes in with a glass of wine for each of us.

"Thank you," I tell him.

A few glasses later, Dan and I go into our room and.... You know what. J

--Next morning-

We both wake up at the same time, and we just look at each other smiling. He kisses me, and I blush. I got up and got dressed for the day.

"What're you doing today?" Dan asks me as I put on my black skinny jeans.

"Well, I was going to film that video today, and...." I forgot about my gaming channel," Shit, I forgot about my gaming video"

"Why don't you join Phil and I and we can play whatever game you want to. Then you can be in our video"

"That'd be great! I haven't filmed a gaming video in about a month, so everyone will be excited that I'm going to film one with you guys"

I finish getting ready and I go into the kitchen and grab an orange for breakfast. I don't eat very much, as you can tell. Actually, I usually don't eat breakfast at all.

I finish my apple, straighten my hair and find Dan and Phil in their office ready to start the video. I sit down on a chair next to them and we decide 'ladies first' so, I start the video.

"Hello all of my geeky viewers!" I tell the camera.

"Is that really what you call them?" Phil asked, surprised.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well it may be a bit offensive to some people,"

"Then those people shouldn't watch my videos, as they are VERY offensive,"

We all laugh and continue the video.

"Let's play," I stop and think, "World of Warcraft!"

"Oh, I heard of that game before," Phil told me, "It was really popular in America for a while."

"Yeah, I know. I lived in America for eighteen years before I came to England."

"Really? Did you come to go to college or something?"

"Yeah, I went to York University," He gets really excited.

"That's where I went to college at! What did you study?"

"The preforming arts. Much different from law,"

We continue the video and we all had such a good time. When the video was over, they set up for their video. We played the Sims 4 game, and I learned all about their sim named Dil Howlter.

Afterwards, Dan and I film our videos announcing us being together and we upload at the same exact time, and watch everyone freak out on the internet. We were actually trending on Twitter! (#Danbrey). I was glad everything worked out okay.

Until two weeks later.

I was rushed to the hospital after having a really painful feeling in my head. All of the doctors were confused, and couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I had stayed there in the hospitable for about a week while Dan and Phil never left my side. They were worried that I had a type of cancer or something, but I didn't think do. They ran some test, and they came back negative. It was a complete mystery what I had, so they needed me to stay there until further notice. Dan was sitting on the left side of my bed and holding my hand and sleeping. Phil was on the other side sleeping too.

Then I slipped into a coma.

I could see everyone around me though. The doctors rushed to my side and Dan and Phil were pushed out to the waiting room. They hooked me up to a strange looking machine. Strangely enough, I was able to walk around my room and see them operating on me. I managed to make it to the waiting room where I found Dan crying into Phil's shoulder. I sat in the seat next to them and started to cry too.

--A few days later-

I was still in my deep sleep when Dan left. Why the hell is he leaving? I saw him leave around the corner from the hospitable and kicked a bin. He was basically throwing a huge fit. He kept kicking metal bins and sobbing. Even though I knew he couldn't see me, I gave him a hug and he stopped.

He can feel me.

He hugged back, but Phil came around the corner and saw him hugging the air.

"Dan? What the bloody hell are you doing over here?" He came over and uncrossed Dan's arms from me.

"Aubrey is here, I can feel her," Dan said looking around, "I don't know how but I could feel her hugging me just a second ago."

"Look, I know this is hard. It's hard for both of us," He puts his arm on Dan's shoulder, but Dan moved away from him.

"You don't understand, and you never will! It's not just about Aubrey; it's about everything going on in my life!" He yelled at him and Phil was shocked, "I don't want to yell at you, and I understand that things have happened to you too, but you never care enough to ask at all!"

Dan walked past him and went back into the hospitable. Phil didn't move. He just stood there feeling very bad. I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"Aubrey!?" He said very surprised.

I hugged tighter and he then hugged back.

"Hug tight for yes, and no hug for no," He waited for me to get ready for the questions he was about to ask, "Are you a ghost?"

No hug.

"Are you still alive?"

Tight hug.

"Okay, good. You can hear me then. Were you just hugging Dan a second ago?"

Tight hug.

"Do you know how to wake up?

No hug.

"Is there any way that you know of that you could communicate?"

No hug.

"Do you know if you'll ever see us again?"

No hug.

"Do you love Dan?"

I gave him the tightest hug yet.

"Okay, well I'm going back inside and I want you to try your hardest to come back. I'll be waiting,"

I hugged him one last time and I ran past him to my room. I was laying there unconscious. While walking over to myself, all of the reasons why I should and shouldn't come back filled my head.

Dan loves you. You'll die anyways. Your fans are counting on you. Your fans will stop watching at some point, though.

The thoughts kept coming but I stuck to my original plan to try to come back to Dan and Phil.

I basically climbed back inside of my own body and all I could see was darkness. I was now permanently suck in my body, so I tried as hard as I possibly could to move. The doctors were looking in my direction as I opened one eye. Then the other one. Soon, I had control of my whole body again. The doctors gave me a check up afterwards, and I was able to see visitors.

Dan and Phil walked in. I smiled, but I couldn't talk.

"How are you doing?" Dan asked, sitting in a chair next to me. I pointed to my throat and shook my head, "Is is permanent?"

I shrugged my shoulders and he hugged me. Over his shoulder, I saw Phil looking at me. I waved him over and he smiled. He sat next to Dan.

"Was it really you that was communicating with Dan and I outside?" He asked.

I noded my head and Phil explained to Dan what happened after he had left.

Everything was okay again. I guess....

--Two weeks later-

The doctors were letting me go home again, and they still didn't know what was wrong with my voice. It is permanent though. As we walked home, I was teaching them some sign language that I learned in high school before I came to England for Uni. They learned so much, and now it will be a bit easier to communicate. Then, when I thought it couldn't get any worse, my hearing went away completely.

It happened while I was in the kitchen drinking some water. I set the cup down, but there was no sound from the glass hitting the counter. I wasn't worried about it, until Dan came in and said something. I couldn't talk, so I just cried and pointed to my ears and shook my head. Phil came in too, and they both managed to calm me down. They brought me into the lounge, and sat down on the couch with me. They used the sign language that I had taught them.

Does it hurt? Dan signed.

No, I signed back.

Do you know why this happened? Phil asked.

No, we sat there and I then I realized something, I can never make YouTube videos ever again!!!!

I cried and they comforted me again. Then we were discussing that I could join their channel, and we could all make videos together. Dan would put subtitles on the tvs and computers for me when we used them, and I could write things down if I didn't feel like signing. They were also going on tour soon, so they needed to take me to a rehearsal. I was nervous about this MASSIVE change, but it was okay because I had Dan.

I finally got up, and swayed a little because my balance was off. I made it to Dan and I's room and sat down on the bed. I need to tell my parents what happened, but they don't know how to text.

When Dan came in later, I asked him if he could call them for me. He said yes, and the whole time, I was looking at his lips to try and make out what he was saying. Everything seemed to be going okay. They were worried about me and they were booking a flight to come into town next week.

Dan was writing on a piece of paper to comminucate with me.

(Regular text is me, Papyrus font is Dan)

We should make a video explaining what happened to you.

Okay, when should we do it?

Probably this afternoon

Then can we make a video on your channel?

Yeah, sure. Since it's November, we can make a PINOF on Phil's channel if you'd like

That be great!

What happens if you stay like this forever?

It'll be hard, but I can do it. My littlest brother is deaf blind, and he is just fine and happy with life, so I'll be okay too.

I'm glad. Well, we're having company over tomorrow for a video, is tht okay with you?


Are you sure because we could always reschedule

No, you still need to continue on you career.

Thank you. I'll be in the lounge if you need me.

We went our separate ways and I went to his bed and took a nap. I can't leave Dan, or I'd be helpless. I need him as much as humans need Oxygen.

--Time skip to tomorrow afternoon-

Company was coming over and I had prepared myself for it. Dan and Phil had old them about my hearing loss, so they'll know why I don't introduce my self.

There was a knock on the door and Phil went to go answer it. He came back with Louise!

I could read her lips just fine, so that was good.

"Hello," She realized that she talked to me knowing that I couldn't hear,and she felt bad.

I waved to her to let her know that it was okay and signed "I read lips, so It's okay'. Dan told her what I signed and we all went to the lounge to discussed what video we were going to make. We had settled on making it to where I was in all of them. I agreed and we got started.

I will continue the story sometime soon, don't worry. :)

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