Ask The Creepypasta's

By Siddot

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A Q&A for my lovely followers. Ask the actress and actors of the books! More

Ask The Creepypasta's
Question's for Hoody?
Excepting Dares?!
Sexiness Of Halloween
'Just Acting'
Torturing Ben >:3
>//.//< Da Fuq?!
Not Q/A: Suvhcdihsygovjwuciv
Suprise After Suprise: 2016!
Life Update: Rising from the dead!

Lots of Questions!!!

1.6K 42 21
By Siddot

Switchy: You wanna start the intro spike?

Spike: No! *Hides Face*

LJ: Why?

Spike: Im suppose to be dead for reals right now!

Slender: ..... That's only on the set, it doesn't count now.

Spike: Ohhhhh, so I'm only dead in the book?

Everybody else: YES!

Miss P: Your such an idiot!

Ben: Oh! I wanna read the first Question!

Sally: Are you gunna eat it?

Ben: ........ No!

Switchy: .....Yeah, I don't trust you right now, Sally?

Sally: Thanks sista! The first one came from, Twerewolf: Okay I have a few questions~ #1. Hoody, would you EVER go out to a movie with me =w= #2. Masky, why did you get rid of your sideburns? #3. LJ, your pretty cool, can I have a copy of your outfit? >:3

Hoody: Ummm..... I-Is that a date?

Everybody Else: Ohhhhh!

Hoody: *Blushes* Well, I am a fan of your books..... Consider it a possible yes. O\\\U\\\O

Jeff: YOU had side burns?! *Starts Laughing*

Masky: *Glares at Jeff* Well, have you ever tried to wear a mask with those? Also I just look plain stupid with sideburns.... Picture this: Masky The Wolverine.

Ben: I thoughts those were cool, but I can't grow sideburns.....

Switchy: Don't even try it.....

LJ: You think me is cool? *Cat Face* Thank you Twerewolf, but you couldn't possibly handle the ultimate swag that comes with the costumeB)

Ben: Pwease? Pwetty Pwease! *Puppy-dog face*

Switchy: Fine. But NO sideburns!

Ben: Yay! R41N8OW asks, Question for Jeff: do things get stuck in your eyes? #2: How does food taste with blood in your mouth? 0_0

Jeff: *Poker Face* Well, duh! I don't have any eyelids so when I sleep, I use a face mask! The worst part is that I have to use eye drops everyday.....

Sally: Ha ha! *Sticks Tongue out*

Jeff: *Smiles creepily* The blood is fantastic, you should try it with cookies! Especially little girls blood...

Sally: *Screams* Don't touch me!

Switchy: *Growls* Read the rest Ben.

Ben: Also she has a question for Slenderman: Who is the king of all creepypastas? Question for Ben: Did you really drown lol?

EJ: Apparently you don't really know your Creepypasta's well...

Slender: No! That is a good question, some people think its me or Zaglo. You are all wrong. I rule the Over-realm and keep the peace and balance, while Zaglo rules the Under-realm. Our creator is the Mr. Creepypasta himself! We are named after him and is his legacy.

Switchy: Wait. What am I then?

Sally: Sadly your creator is Ben....

Ben: Hey! I didn't mean to kill her! And to answer that, No, I was eaten by a dinosaur and picked the name BEN Drowned when I died.

LJ: That's not nice.

Ben: What? She had it coming! Clearly she's not a pasta lover cuz who eves haven't read my story, is not a true pasta! Anyway, My dad drowned me in the late... I don't know, 1600's? I died, time travels fast if your a spirit, I made a deal with that pasta guy, he put me in a lame game, and Jesabual or what eva, I can't spell his name, freed me and I killed him coming out of his tv, dressed as this.

Jeff: Blah blah blah! my story is more interesting than that!

EJ: Spaz much?

Switchy: Ok! Next! hallo121! Welcome back: yay i got answerd :D and heres my question or dare...: ben i dare you to stop being on drugs for a week i wanna know what happens,

Jeff: *Starts Laughing*

Clockwork: That's a good experiment! *Swipes Baggies away*

Ben: W-Wha? Noooo! My baby's!

EJ: I think it's a great idea.

Slender: Me too. Away from those drugs might do some good on all of us..... Except me.

Switchy: Hey! that's not fair! It's only for Ben. Right? Ben?

Ben: *Seizure*

Jeff: *Still laughing*

Hoody: *Looks around awkwardly*

LJ: Next! Carmel_Candy asks, Okay. My question is...... Masky, Will you marry me?

Jeff: Ok, there's no action for me, but for the gay guy, there is?

Masky: Hey! I'm n-not gay!

Hoody: Yeah, I gotta date!

Sally: Doesn't really prove anything.....

Masky: W-Well, I don't date OR marry my fans, cuz they can be very.... scary to me.... VERY scary O-e N-not to offend any of you, but your scarier than Switchy on her period!

Switchy: ........ Am I that bad?

EJ: Yup....

Slender: That's why we barricade your bedroom.

Ben: Your really scary *Hides behind Jeff* Can I have my drugs back?

Switchy: NO! *Dramatic background fire explosion*

Ben: *Runs in fear, but fails tripping and falling on his face then spazzing on the floor*

Sally: Lets see how good this works out on the next Ask The Creepypasta's!

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