Wanted➣ Lauren/You Fanfiction

By stories_5H

382K 16.7K 11.3K

"You can't control who you fall in love with." or; in which Lauren Jauregui meets someone that makes her feel... More

|1| I Wanna Make You Feel Wanted
|2| We Can Work From Home
|3| Feeling Stressed...Out
|4| Go Love Yourself
|5| My Heart Breaks a Little When I Hear Your Name
|6| Sometimes Quiet is Violent
|7| I'm Just a Sad Song
|8| I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
|9| You've Got A Friend In Me
|10| Count On Me
|11| 7 Years
|12| The Girl's a Work of Art
|13| stars
|14| My First Kiss Went a Little Like This...
|15| Everything Means Nothing...If I Ain't Got You
|16| Junto a Mi
|17| You're Pretty Fucking Dope
|18| No Lyrics
|19| How To Save A Life
|20| I'll Keep You Safe
|21| Beautiful Escape
|22| Figure My Heart Out
|23| Just The Way You Are
|24| This is Logic
|26| Please Don't Go
|27| "Even Though I Know You'll Never Be Mine."
|28| "Tell Her You Love Her Too."
Epilogue: Falling in Love With You [Part 1]
Epilogue: Squeeze [Part 2]
Epilogue: Rest of My Life [Part 3]
The Playlist

|25| Please Don't Hate Me

10.1K 476 244
By stories_5H

"I hate my life." Y/N groaned out, resting her elbow on the toilet seat. Then she realized what she was doing, she instantly pulled away and groaned again when she felt her head pound."Lauren..." The girl groaned out tiredly, slouching over besides the toilet.

"Yes?" The green eyed girl laughed, leaning against the doorframe.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"I warned you about Dinah and her games." Lauren shrugged carelessly, her arms crossed. She stood up straight,"Come on, there's some food in the kitchen."

"Ugh, food." Y/N covered her mouth, feeling something along the lines of a burp or vomit. She hates vomiting, it's possibly the worst feeling in the world. She groaned, leaning over the toilet bowl waiting to see if she was going to or not. When she didn't, she sighed in relief and sat back."I'm not hungry." She told the green eyed girl watching her.

"You have to eat, so you can take medicine for your headache." Lauren told her.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, now get up." Lauren chuckled, walking off towards the kitchen leaving Y/N to groan tiredly. She slowly stood up, going over to the sink and beginning to brush her teeth.

Once she was done, she walked over to the kitchen and found Lauren sitting on the counter with a plate on her lap. She groaned when she saw another plate on the counter, meaning that it was hers, so she walked over and sat down on the stool. Before picking up her fork, she looked at Lauren with sad eyes making Lauren roll her eyes and shake her head. Groaning once again, she picked her fork up and stuffed some eggs in her mouth.

"The girls are coming over," Lauren started, Y/N stayed quiet listening and forcing down the food."they're coming over to apologize." Lauren scoffed, making Y/N look at her questionably."I can't believe Ally went along with Dinah with that."

Y/N shrugged, dropping her fork to rub her temples."All I remember was Dinah starting the 'Never Have I Ever' game. I did do it however and drank, after the fifth shot..." Y/N blinked rapidly, nodding slowly in hopes it will bring her memory back."I don't remember anything else after that."

Lauren hopped off the counter, grabbing Y/N's half empty plate and set a pill in front of her."Water only." She walked off, placing the plates in the sink before turning to watch Y/N take the pill."We need to talk." She finally said, looking at Y/N seriously, who was still drinking her water. She crossed her arms across her chest, leaned against the sink and waited.

Crushing the water bottle, Y/N raised her eyebrow curiously at the green eyed girl."About what? About last night? I told you, I don't remember anything–"

"About our kiss." Lauren interrupted.

Y/N looked down at the crushed water bottle, chuckling nervously,"Right, that." She met Lauren's eyes, shrugging as she said,"I completely forgot about that."

Lauren frowned,"What?"

"Sorry, I guess I was caught up in the moment." Y/N shrugged again, tossing the water bottle into the recycling bin. She looked back at Lauren, smiling a little when she added,"It was just a kiss. It meant nothing."

"Oh. Yeah." Lauren nodded, standing up straight and turned around to seem like she was going to begin washing the dishes."It meant nothing." She furrowed her eyebrows, confused from what she did feel with the kiss.

"We're still best friends, right? I'm not that bad of a kisser, right?" Y/N laughed, forcing the laugh out hoping that her lie wasn't noticeable. Lauren, as well, forced a laugh and changed her expression before turning around to look at Y/N.

"No. You're not a bad kisser. And yes, we're still best friends." Lauren smiled, then looked down at the floor when she couldn't look into Y/N's eyes without remembering the kiss.

"Awesome." Y/N stood up, shaking her head and sighing in relief when her head didn't start pounding. She looked at Lauren, who was still staring at the floor with no emotion on her face. Y/N bit her lip, thinking on whether she should ask or not. She sighed quietly,"How was the date...with Camila?"

Lauren picked her head up,"Huh? Oh, it went great. We talked. A lot."

"That's it?"

"Well, I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend...." Y/N raised her eyebrows confusedly, was? Lauren laughed softly,"You somehow managed to interrupt that."

I did!? Drunk me is a genius. No wait."Damn it, I'm so sorry, Lauren." The green eyed girl waved her dismissively."I'm sorry, Lauren. Oh god, I wonder what other stupid thing I did."

"Well..." Lauren started.

"Oh god."

"You yelled at my phone, telling it that you weren't drunk."


Lauren nodded, an amused smile on her lips as she continued."You also told me and Camila, as I recall you calling it a booger, and to get a room." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows."You were talking about Uber."

"Anything else?" Y/N asked, her embarrassment showing on her pink cheeks.

Lauren shook her head,"Maybe Dinah and the girls have something else embarrassing on you." Y/N's eyes widen making Lauren giggle and walk past her, towards her room with Y/N following now."Dash is currently with Preslee at Normani's." She informed Y/N, making Y/N realize that he was in fact missing."And I have to go the studio."


"Yeah." Lauren smiled, showing her journal to the younger girl."I'll be there for only an hour tops. If not, text Normani and ask her if you have to get Dash or if she is dropping him off."

"Wait, the girls aren't going with you?" Y/N asked confusedly.

"No. I told you, they're coming over later. Besides, I'm only doing background vocals." Y/N pouted making Lauren laugh, shaking her head."I am getting a solo, don't worry."

"You better. You have an amazing voice."

And for some reason, hearing those words come out of Y/N's mouth meant so much more to her than when others tell her. Lauren has gotten that complement several times before, several times. And never did she ever blush either when hearing the words come from someone else beside Y/N. So now she's even more confused about Y/N than she has ever been. Why was she even thinking of Y/N in that way anyway? She told Y/N, and herself, that the kiss meant nothing. But it's not like it was the kiss that had her thinking of Y/N that way. Every time they cuddled, talked or did anything that involves being together she always found herself thinking of Y/N than just as a friend. Can friends think of other friends like that?

"Lauren?" Her voice broke Lauren away from her thoughts, thoughts that she no longer wanted to think about. Lauren forced a smile on her lip, nodding when Y/N asked,"Are you okay? You just...zoned out." She said worriedly, making Lauren smile before walking up to her best friend. Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N looked at Lauren as she got closer. When they were close, exactly as close as they were yesterday during the kiss, Y/N took a step back. She noticed the frown on Lauren's face before seeing her smile, which made her think she was seeing things."I, uh...."

"I'll see you in a few hours." Lauren said hurriedly before walking past her best friend. Y/N blinked trying to think of what just happened, were they about to kiss again? She heard the front door open then close, meaning that Lauren left leaving her alone.

She was alone.

She hasn't been alone since the day Lauren left her for tour. Lauren didn't send anyone to come and watch her, or be with her while she was at the studio for hours. Y/N smiled, thinking this meant that she was getting better and Lauren was trusting her. But no, Lauren knew Y/N would probably go over Ally's or one of the girls', besides Camila's, and hang with them.

Y/N threw herself on the couch, stared up at the ceiling as she played with the bracelet on her wrist. She puffed air out of her mouth, groaning quietly as she realized that she was already bored. So closed her eyes, deciding on taking a nap for the first hour Lauren was gone.


She can't sleep.

She muttered a few curse words under her breath as she grabbed the apartment keys. She continued to do just that as she walked out of the apartment, down the hall then knocked on Normani's door. She waited, rubbing her eyes as she did, then looked around the hallway curiously.

The door opened, revealing Normani with Preslee in her arms. The older girl raised her eyebrow, hearing Y/N say she was bored, she let out a laugh before letting the girl in. She closed the door behind the girl, watching as she set her keys down on the counter. Normani's apartment was....bigger. Y/N nodded in amazement, noticing how clean everything was before taking a seat on the couch. She then heard fast footsteps, and suddenly a small dog was on her lap licking her face. She giggled cutely before petting the dog on top of his head, calming him down before she met Normani's watching eyes.

"What?" She said confusedly, wondering why Normani was looking at her as if she was trying to figure her out.

"You are just...." Normani sighed, walking over to sit next to the girl. Y/N raised her eyebrow when she finished her sentence."hard to figure out."

"What do you mean?"

"Last night," Y/N groaned, a small pout on her lips as she heard Normani start talking about last night's events."we tried to get some information out of you. But all you would give us is nonsense, not one single information about what we really wanted to know."

"And that information is...."

"Dinah, Ally and I wanted to know if you like Lauren. As in, more than a friend." Y/N's eyes widen, making Normani nodded before adding,"But we got nothing." She threw her arms up in the air, shaking her head gently."Well, except for the fact you read Camren smut before."

Y/N's eyes widen again,"I said that?" She asked Normani nervously, only for Normani to nod in response."I lied." She lied.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts." Normani scrunched her nose up."Something like that." She shrugged at the end.

"Okay. Did I say anything else? You know, maybe something equally embarrassing as the Camren smut part." Normani thought about last night, trying to think of anything else Y/N did. She remembered the prank call, so she let Y/N know about that before thinking of more things. But that was pretty much it."Lauren said I stopped her from asking Camila to be her girlfriend. Did I really?"

Normani laughed, nodding her head as she did."You did! That was so funny. Camila was so pissed!" She laughed harder, making Y/N laugh at her laugh before Normani added,"If she didn't hate you then, she hates you now for sure."

Y/N sighed, running her hand through her hair,"I need to fix that. Don't I?"

"Fix what? Camila and Lauren?" Y/n nodded hesitantly, Normani noticed the distant look Y/n had when she asked. So Normani sighed, smiling sadly at her before answering,"Yeah. If you want Lauren to be happy."

Y/N let out a long breath, instead of saying the lyrics out loud, she thought them. Please don't fall in love with someone else. She popped her eyebrows at herself, too late for that. She stood up, scratching the back of her neck as she thought all this through. She looked at Normani, sending her a forced smile before saying."I'll be right back." Normani nodded as she watched the girl walk out of her apartment.

Y/N stood in front of the girl's apartment, her hands clenched into a fists by her sides. She didn't know if she could do it. Well, she could do it; it's just knocking but she didn't know if she could do what she wants and needs to do after she opens the door. She groaned to herself, knocking on the door before waiting.

The door opened, she noticed how her face harden when her eyes landed on her. She took a deep breath, ignoring the screaming voice that was telling her to walk away, then spoke up."We should hang out." Her words caught Camila by surprise, making the girl stop glaring at her and look at her with confusion. She sighed to herself, remembering Lauren's words about how the date went."Look, the only thing that is probably holding Lauren back from asking you to be her girlfriend–"

"Is you." Camila muttered, crossing her arms, leaned against the doorframe.

Y/N nodded,"Yeah. But also the fact that you don't really like me." Camila huffed."See." Camila rolled her eyes, making Y/N roll her eyes at her for acting like a child."Anyway, let's hang out. Get to know each other. Maybe you'll like me." She grinned at the Latina, only for the other girl to roll her eyes again. Y/N sighed tiredly,"I'm trying. You love Lauren, don't you?"

I'm guessing I'm not the only one, Camila thought to herself before answering,"Yes. I do."

Y/N nodded,"Then if you love her, you need to do this one thing. Besides, I'm graduating soon so you never know, I might be leaving soon." She shrugged, half lying, because she does plan on traveling after she graduates.

Camila looked at her for a second, thinking this all through. She couldn't put her finger on it but she felt Y/N was holding something back. Was it her feelings on all this? Her true feelings about all of this? Camila didn't know, all she knew was something was different. Y/N looked like she was holding something back. The younger girl sighed, running her hand through her hair before saying,"Okay. Fine. When?"

"Uh...how about tonight? After the girls apologize?" Camila furrowed her eyebrows."Lauren is forcing them." Y/N shrugged, letting Camila know about that."Plus, Lauren won't be back until late so we'll be able to talk and all that hanging out shit." Camila laughed quietly, nodding and telling the girl she would come over the apartment at six. Y/N saluted her before walking away, going back to Normani's apartment. But before she reached Normani's apartment, the apartment next to hers opened and Dinah walked out.

The Polynesian looked at Y/N, as she did Y/N looked at her weirdly. Why is she staring at me? Y/n cleared her throat, coughing awkwardly after."I'm not stupid." Dinah pointed a stern finger at her, only for Y/N to raise her hands up in defense

"I never said you were."

Dinah hummed suspiciously, eyeing the girl for a minute before sighing."How are you feeling?"

"Tired." Y/N answered.

"I just got off the phone with Lauren." Y/N perked up when she heard Lauren's name, this caught Dinah's attention and made her furrow her eyebrows before continuing."She said the date went well...., up until you disrupted her from asking Camila to be her girlfriend."

Y/N shuffled on her feet uncomfortably, Dinah's gaze on her scaring her a little.

"I'm not stupid." Dinah said again, getting a confused glance from Y/N."I know about your words on Camren." Dinah stomped her feet childishly, making Y/N's confusion grow. The tall girl sighed, pointing a stern finger at Y/N as she said,"I don't know much about algebra, but I know 1+1 equals 2."

"Woah." Y/N said quietly."Does everyone know about Lauren and I–"

Dinah shushed her, wanting to be dramatic when she added,"And it's you and Lauren."

"Woah, wait. No–"

"I'm not stupid." Dinah said one more time, glaring at Y/N to shut her up. The short girl pursed her lips, nodding frantically and allowed her to talk."It's you and Lauren. Not Camila and Lauren."

"Okay. But aren't you–"

Dinah shushed her again."I walked you back to the apartment. Ally and Normani were in front of us as I carried you." Y/N raised her eyebrow, not remembering any of that."You said Lauren had the softest lips–"

"Keep your voice down." Y/N's eyes widen, walking closer to the girl. Dinah crossed her arms in front of her chest, shaking her head disappointedly at her."What do you want me to say? That it's true?" Dinah nodded seriously."Okay. We did kiss–"

"Yes! I knew you guys liked each other!" She shouted making Y/N place her hand over the girl's mouth.

"We don't like each other. Lauren went out with Camila after, do you honestly think if we liked each other she would go on that date and I would let her?" Y/N quirked her eyebrow, the question making Dinah realize just that. The Polynesian frowned, shaking her head sadly. While Dinah was sad about this realization, Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat. Now, love; do you honestly think if I loved her I would let her go on that date? She sighed quietly to herself, dropping her hand from Dinah's mouth. Dinah apologized for assuming then walked away, she had a basket in her hand so Y/N thinks she was going to do laundry.

Once Y/N saw Dinah get into the elevator, she leaned against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor. She hit her head against the wall, groaning after as she answered the question she thought to herself earlier,"The answer is yes. I would." She said quietly, dropping her head to look down at the floor."Because I'm not ready for you now."

Please don't hate me, Lauren.


Shoutout to @archerygirl10 for suggesting Someone New by Banks. Currently obsessed with the song. On that note, if some of you have some songs that you think I could use; comment the name and artist. Plus, I really wanna know what some of you guys listen to.

I love you all, and I might not be able to update this story for the next week. Sorry. I'm not only working on two other new stories, but I'm actually going to be busy this whole week with my family. But if I do update, it's because I got really inspired and wanted to get it to you guys ASAP.

Until the next update, lovelies!❤️

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