Mafia King Took Her


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A Mafia Romance Life was always at his mercy as Death was his best friend. Darkness followed the fearless Kin... Еще



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He was onto me, one look and I couldn't breathe, yeah

I said, if he kissed me, I might let it happen 

I swear on my life that I've been a good girl 

Tonight, I don't wanna be her

Susan's P.O.V

"And how are you doing today?" I asked Dorothy, one of the regular customer at the diner, as she got settled and removed a book from her purse, "Not too bad. I thought you were off today."

Placing the menu on the table, I cleared the doubt, "I am covering Savanah's shift. She had some personal work to do."

"Right. She did mention something about it yesterday. So how come a beautiful woman like you, is still working so late? Don't you have any plans for tonight?" She winked and I laughed, "Well, I do have a party invitation but I would rather work here than get wasted."

Flinching at my words, she put her book down and sighed dramatically, "Enjoy your youth while you can. You never know when a handsome man will enter through that door and make you swoon. My advice: Have some fun in your life." Chuckling at her opinion, I replied, "Yes ma'am. I will surely work on that. So are you going to have your usual?"

"Yes please" taking away the menu, I quickly punched in the order and got busy making her drink. There were not many people today, so I didn't bother to make another pot of coffee and started rinsing the blender. One of the best thing about this diner is that its 30 minutes away from the city, which means no one is running around in rush. People come here to relax and enjoy nature. Soon her food was ready and I served her. Rest of the evening went by cleaning the tables and taking others order, it was something that helped me relax. Especially after my encounter with Sean.

I felt my phone vibrate for a million time but decided to ignore as I knew it would be my friends. I would have definitely gone to the party, after all that club was owned by my parents, but knowing that Sean already knew about my plan he would create a scene. Its best to stay away from him and even better to stay out of his mess.

"Maybe you should pick up the call." Emma nudged as we prepared to close the store. "If I do, then I will have to go to the party. You don't know my friends." Shaking her head at my response, she laughed, "I really wish if you went out and had some fun."

Folding the napkins, I muttered, "I really wanted too, but I know my brothe-"

"Step-brother" she corrected and I rolled my eyes at her, "Whatever. I just do not want to be the reason for him to create another scene. My quota is already full for today."

"Maybe you should talk to him about it. Once he realises how great you are, I am sure he will start respecting you and accept you as his sister." She suggested and I laughed internally, "I would give a million to you, if that ever happened."

"Don't tempt me." Placing a hand over her heart, she playfully nudged me.

The door chimed informing us that a new customer has arrived and we both turned around to see him. I stood still when I saw him glaring at me, "Why were you not picking up my calls?" He asked and I gave him a coy smile, "Because I was working, Alex."

Folding his hands, he showed off his muscles through his dark brown leather jacket, "I am here to pick you up."

"But I am not done yet-" I tried to be reasonable, but Savanah interrupted, "Take her, I will take care of the store."

"You are such a sweetheart." Alex thanked her and I could see her eyes twinkling in happiness as her cheeks turned into the shade of pink.

Teasing her, I whispered to Alex, "Why don't you take her instead?"

'Oh! Don't you dare to turn this on me, Susan" Sav narrowed her eyes at me and Alex's soft eyes turned into a glare.

"Are you coming or not?" He asked again with a hint of anger in his tone. Giving him a glass of water, I answered his question, "I have to do the monthly budgeting for the diner and food products today. If it were not for that, I would have surely joined you guys."

"I am sure Savanah can do that." He argued and stared at her for a moment. Clearing her throat, she apologized, "I am not trained to do that yet."

"Can't you do that tomorrow?" He asked by running a hand through his hair. Albeit I felt bad for rejecting his invitation, I knew what my priorities are, "I kept on postponing this thing for a week and now its finally time to get over with it."

Releasing a frustrated sigh, he nodded his head in understanding and left the diner. Covering my face with my hands, I whined, "I feel like I am a horrible person."

"You turned him down. You definitely are a horrible person." She remarked with a smirk.

"I should have said yes." I regretted my decision as I was torn between my duty and pleasure. The doorbell chimed and we both turned around to greet the customer until we realized it was him, "Are you 'sure' sure?" Alex asked with a wicked smile and I laughed at his attempt.

"I think being a horrible person suits me." Whispering that to Sav, I rejected him again by nodding my head and he left in disappointment.

"Huh! What was he thinking? That I will say YES?" I talked nonchalantly while Sav cleaned the floor, "You got a second chance, but you repeated the same mistake." She joked and I waved her off, "I will be in the back area. Call me if you need anything."

The moment I entered the back area, I heard the doorbell chime again and I knew it was Alex who was trying hard to change my mind. Rearranging the diner's budgeting papers, I yelled loud enough for Alex to hear me from the back, "NO. I am not going to the nightclub with you, because I have a lot of work to do and I am a horrible person. So, you can go to my nightclub and have as much as fun you want to have. Also, I want to avoid Sean. I hope that answers your question." By the time I said that, I was literally gasping for air and came out to the front to see Sav chuckling nervously.

"I-I am sorry. She was expecting someone else." She stuttered which was weird and I turned around to see him. He was standing near the door with his hands in his pocket and his eyes wandering around the diner.

"How can I help you?" Sav asked in a small voice and I gulped as his presence was enough to make me nervous. My eyes were fixed on the floor as I tried to calm myself and took small steps backwards to escape the room.

"Let the naughty one help me." I heard his demand and instantly looked at him to see him smirking at me already. Lowering my gaze, I licked my lips in embarrassment and gave him a small smile. Grabbing the menu from the counter, I lead him towards the farthest table in the room so that I could work peacefully. My heart was beating fast and I hoped that we would leave soon. People like him meant danger and I wanted to stay away from it.

Placing the menu on the table, I kept my eyes low and spoke, "Well this is the most comfortable table in the diner-" Taking a step forward, he asked, "For me or for you?" My nostrils were filled by his fresh musky cologne and I could not think of anything else but our closeness. I tried my best to make him sit in such a direction where his back was facing the front counter, so I could be a little calm and composed. Somehow, he got that idea and moved around me as I clung to the table for my life. I could feel his eyes on me, but I did not dare to connect mine with them again.

Running a hand through my already cleaned apron, I suggested, "I will be back when you are ready." Just when I was about to turn, he ordered, "Sit"

"Pardon me?" I asked in shock and he repeated as he checked the menu, "I asked you to sit down." Baffled by his order, I stood there and informed, " working right now. I c-can't" I don't know how he managed to make me stutter, but in this moment, I truly understood Savanah's situation.

Running a hand through his hair, he whispered something under his breath and removed the gun from his waistband. My eyes almost bulged out when I saw him placing the gun on the table, "Don't test my patience." He warned and without wasting anytime, I quickly sat opposite to him.

My palms were sweating and my breathing was erratic, "Don't worry, I will not hurt you." He said that by filling a glass with water and placed it in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the only thing that was bothering me a lot. "To have dinner with you." He answered and my jaw dropped. How can he be very sure that I will have dinner with him, but then my eyes went on his gun.

"How did you find this place?" I asked again and noticed how sculpted his jawline was. "I had my men follow you." He said that nonchalantly and my eyes widen in fear, "W-Why?"

Placing the menu aside, he signalled Savanah to take our order and I watched him in disbelief. "A black coffee, please." He ordered and Sav looked at me, "Nothing thank you." Nodding in approval, she left and Zach leaned closer to me, "Do you really think I would let you escape so easily?"

"Who are you?" I asked in fear and he laughed wholeheartedly as if I cracked some joke. Though I should be running away from him, I just could not. I sat there noticing how handsome he looked when he laughed. Especially when those dimples formed into his cheeks.

"Darling, I am your worst nightmare." He answered my question in a riddle and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

'Ofcourse you are' I thought internally and saw the tattoos that covered his knuckles.

"Its too late to go back from here now." He whispered mostly to himself, but I kind of heard him. "I am serious, Zach" I leaned in to learn the truth as he is involved with my family now. His eyes turned soft as he leaned in too, "Why don't you ask that question to your father?" He suggested with a smirk and I frowned, "What does my father has to do with you? Is he in trouble?" I asked in worry and was interrupted by Savanah, "Here is your black coffee. Enjoy your drink." She muttered in her monotonous tone and went back to the kitchen, leaving him and I alone in the whole dining area. Smelling the coffee's aroma, he hummed in pleasure.

"What time is your shift over?" He asked as he took a sip of his coffee. Checking the clock on the wall, I whispered, "In next fifteen minutes." He kept his eyes on me and my heart skipped a beat everytime I looked into them. It was just our eyes looking into each other, trying to find some unwanted answers. Swallowing hard, I licked my lips and looked everywhere but him.

"Look at me" He ordered and I bit my lip as I was not going to obey him this time. "You really like to test my patience, don't you?" He asked annoyedly and I still did not look at him. Suddenly, he leaned in closer and placed a hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes in fear and waited for the worst to come, but all he did was caress me. He kept making small circles on my cheek with his thumb and I slowly opened my eyes only to find him inches away from me. His eyes were fixed on my lips and I lost control of myself when I inhaled his masculine musky cologne. In just one meeting, I kind of felt addicted to his scent... to him.

"You really have to stop biting your lip." Zach threatened in a low voice meanwhile he used his thumb to remove my bottom lip from my own torture. My breath hitched as he moved his thumb on my lips and leaned in even more. I could hear my own heartbeat as my heart was pounding hard and this was all because of his touch. He stared at me as he licked his own lips and I lowered my head in his hands. I felt awkward with this, my closeness with a stranger who was a harm to my family.

One part of me wanted to run away from him and stay out of danger, but the other one found him irresistible. Especially the way he looked at me and observed my every move.

Caressing my cheek, he whispered, "Look at me, Susan." Removing his hand from my cheek, I looked into his eyes, but he did not let go off my hand.

"What you see is not the truth and your father is certainly not a Saint." He kept his eyes on me and I twisted my wrist to get away from his hold, "What the hell are you saying." I asked in rage and glared at him, but he did not move a single inch away from me nor loosened his grip on my hand, "The truth" He claimed and I found it difficult to control my emotions.

"You can't even tell me who you are and you want me to believe all those things about my dad?" I snapped and used my other hand to get away from him, "Well you have to because that is truth." He said that calmly and I used all my strength to get my hand out of his grip but ended up spilling the coffee on our hands.

"Shit! Are you alright?" Zach asked in concern and used his napkin to cover my hand which was burning. Biting my lip, I nodded and snatched my hand away from him. "Are you?" I asked and eyed his knuckles which were turning red due to the burning sensation.

We were interrupted when Sav placed a bowl of ice in front of us, "Let me take care of this mess." She tried her best to lighten the situation and I was thankful for her presence. "I hope you can forgive your friend for this mess, as she cannot digest the truth well." He smirked and placed his hand in the ice bowl as she chuckled.

"That is not true. You are a li-" I voiced my opinion but Sav cut me off, "Its okay Susan. You don't have to explain. Besides that my shift is already done. If you are busy, I can do the closing for you." She said that by looking at us back and forth.

Standing up from my seat, I felt Zach's penetrative gaze on me, but I didn't pay attention to him, "Oh don't worry about it. Mr. William was about to leave." Giving him a tight smile, I saw her nodding before she left.

Placing the cash on the table, he adjusted his jacket and muttered, "Don't forget our conversation." Grabbing the money from the table, I placed them in his hand, "Oh believe me, I will." Just when I was about to turn around and leave, he pulled my hand and I almost fell on to him. He snaked his arm around my waist and I placed both my hands on his chest. We were again inches apart as he looked down at me, "Being feisty doesn't suit you" He tsked and I looked up into his eyes, "Being a liar doesn't suit you as well." Stroking few loose strands of hair behind my ear, his lips turned into a beautiful smile and our eyes connected, "I am preparing you for the future."

Glaring at him, I whispered, "A future in which you do not belong."

"A future in which your life revolves around me." He said that by running a hand through my hair.

"I don't want to see you again." Removing my hand from his chest, I tried to maintain some distance between us but he wrapped his hand even tighter around me.

"Darling, that's not your decision to make. In fact we will meet again tomorrow." He smirked and I felt my stomach churn in fear.

"I-In your dreams" It was merely a whisper but he heard it. Leaning in closer, I felt his lips on my ear, "If you don't, I wouldn't mind using my gun on your father." He lingered there for a moment as I stiffened under his grip.

"Are you.. are you threatening me?" I asked hoping that he would deny, but he really knew how to provoke me, "Is it working, darling?"

When I did not answer his question, he chuckled and asked, "Who is Alex?"

"My friend"

He hummed in my ear and I gulped nervously, "And why are you not going to your club?"

Placing my hands on his chest, I tried again to get away from him but it was of no use as he flushed our bodies even more. If someone saw us this way, they would think we were hugging each other as we were so close.

"I think we have come to a conclusion where you must admit that no matter what you do, you won't be able to get away from me." He teased and I tried to stay annoyed at him but his cologne was making it difficult for me.

"Are you afraid of Sean?" he asked in a serious tone and I stiffened under his hold again. "Tell me?" He asked again and this time I felt his feather like lips touching my ear. Shaking my head, I prayed to God that he would leave this topic, but he decided otherwise.

"Then why did you leave when your step-brother entered the room?" Sensing confusion in his tone, I inhaled his cologne again and tried to compose myself, "I was getting late for work." I lied and immediately, he was onto me, one look and I could not breathe.

"You know in my business, people get killed for lying but you are lucky—" He spoke and I completed his sentence for him, "Because I am not a part of your business."

He pulled my hair gently which made me to look him in the eyes, "You are my business."


-Pratyaksha Tripathi❤

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