The Alpha And His Mate

By blackwings17

52.8K 1.1K 118

Becca White is 17 and super excited now that she finally got the apartment she's been wanting for months, but... More

The Alpha And His Mate chapter 1
The Alpha And His Mate chapter 2
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 3
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 4
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 5
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 6
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 7
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 9
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 10
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 11
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 12
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 13
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 14
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 15
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 16
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 17
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 18
The Alpha and His Mate chapter 19
Chapter 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22

The Alpha and His Mate chapter 8

2.5K 64 2
By blackwings17


(Please read the authors note at the end. It'll explain why I didn't update on the first.)

Chapter eight

Becca's P.O.V

He was so gorgeous and tall and sexy. It was hard to even think straight with him so close to me. I was confused as to why I felt attracted to the guy. Maybe because he stopped the other guy from killing me?

His face held happiness and surprise. I wasn't sure if I could trust him yet. He could be crazy. His hand touched my face, gently rubbing his thumb in circles on my cheek. It was then that I felt something. It felt so amazing and right, but I couldn't understand why or what I was feeling. It felt like sparks of electricity running through me from where he touched me. Why was I liking the way he touched me? Was I drugged?

"Touch her and it'll be the last thing you do." James growled out, but it was too late he already had his hand on my cheek.

I looked over to James only to quickly look the other way because he was standing there naked with sweat and blood dripping down his body. He was pretty fit and good looking, but now he didn't even compare to the man that stood in front of me.

The god-like man must've not liked me looking that direction because he turned my heard before I could say anything to James.

I was looking at the man that stood in front of me. His lips looked so soft, yet rough it was perfect. His beautiful hazel eyes Wait, what? Why are they black? I swear they were hazel just a minute ago. It was then I realized that the man was not a man. In fact it was another werewolf.

"J-James..." I whispered with my breathing picking up and my voice shaking. Tears were begging to be spilt from my eyes because of how close the werewolf was in front of me, but I was willing them to not spill.

"Shhh.." He whispered with a husky voice that my body willingly shivered to. He moved a golden strand of my hair out of the way, before speaking to me again. "It's okay, I'm here and I won't let anyone harm you. Okay?" He said looking back at the werewolf that was just getting back up.

I started to panic and pull at the chains, willing the chains to break. I screamed for James, but he was in the same predicament as I was. I looked back at the werewolf in front of me with tears streaming down my face. I was terrified and scared at what he was going to do. I started to have panic thoughts as I tried to break out of the chains. Was he going to rape me? Kill me?

Both of those thoughts scared me even more and once I realized I wasn't going to be able to break the chains, I backed away from him and as far as the chains would let me go.

He looked pained and hurt at the way I was reacting. I couldn't understand why, and I honestly didn't want to be near anyone except for James. I knew I could trust him and that he would help me.

"James!" I screamed still hoping that he'd be able to help me, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to.

The werewolf stood in front of me with a look of shock and hurt written all over his face. Had I hurt him? That thought hurt me to think that I could've hurt him. I didn't know why it did, though, but it did. I was getting even more confused by the second with the new feelings, the werewolf in front of me, it felt like my brain was about to explode.

"Bec's just calm down!" James said trying to get as close as possible to me. "He won't hurt you, and if he tries anything. I'll kill him." He said starring at him while I heard a low growl come from James.

I took deep and slow breaths trying to calm and relax myself. After a few moments in silence I had calmed down enough to where I wasn't panicking hysterically like before.

"Hey, big and mighty alpha. We need to talk." James said. I looked at him in surprise. Alpha?! He was-is the alpha?! Oh god no!

The alpha then turned his head and faced James only to give him a deathly look. He walked out of my cell and over to James'. I could hear a slight growl coming from him or some other werewolf in the room.

"And why would I talk with you, a rouge, of all people; one who does not care or show respect to an alpha." He snorted back at James with power radiating from his voice. "An alpha who has captured you."

"Because I can explain a few things, starting with your human mate." James said gesturing over to me. Mate?! Me?! What?! That-that can't be. James said that humans don't have mates.....but a few werewolves do.. Could that explain why I felt sparks or electricity when the alpha touched me? Or why I felt attracted to him? Or why I feel anything right now?

The alpha's eyes widen with pure shock, yet with curiosity and desire to know. Even I was curious.

"James what are you talking about?! Who is this alpha's mate? I'm insanely confused as to what you mean right now. You said humans don't have mates right?" I asked while rubbing the sides of my head. This is so complicated and very confusing. How does it even work? This whole werewolf thing is still so new to me, it's making my brain hurt from just thinking of what's happened so far.

"Listen, just take us out of here. We won't escape, but it'll be easier for Bec." James said giving me a small smile. "You have guards with us as well, but this is going to be harder to explain to her than for me to explain that Becs isn't a werewolf." He added extra emphasis on the last part.

It was silent for a few minutes, before the alpha nodded his head and the guards took the chains off James while the alpha walked back into my cell and took mine off.

"Remember, if you try to escape I'll kill you rouge." The alpha said with a cold, hard stern voice, before helping me up and carrying me out of my cell. I tried walking, but he just tightened his hold on me.

I felt warm and safe in his arms, as well as those sparks I felt when he touched me the first time. I was sore, tired, hungry, and cold; and I gladly leaned into his tone chest for comfort and warmth.

I heard James growl shortly after I had done that, but before I could say or do anything the alpha growled back and tightened his hold on me.

"Disrespect me again rouge and your life will end sooner than you think." The alpha said glancing back at James while James was glaring at his back.

I snuggled closer to the alpha liking the way I felt. I was too tired and wiped out to argue or even talk about anything, and before I knew it we were outside where there was snow falling and adding to the ground.

It was cold and I couldn't stop the shiver that ran down my body. I was used to the room temperature in the prison and wasn't expecting for us to come outside.

I don't know when I had last gotten some sleep, I didn't even realize how heavy my eyes felt until I was pressed against his chest.

As I slowly drifted off to sleep in the alpha's strong warm arms, I felt his chest vibrate, almost like a purr as I fell into a light, yet deep sleep while he carried me to wherever.


Author's note!!

Hey everyone!! I can't believe I've gotten sooo many reads so far!!!:) thanks so much guys!

Anyways, just wanted to let you know that I will only be doing one chapter this month and that's why I didn't do it on the first. I'll be gone most of this month and I won't have time to work on another chapter. I'm also having problems in my life, but I'll try and keep them low until I finish the book for you all. I hope you all understand.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!:)

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