You're My Destiny

By colecolele

6.7K 99 2

Eunyoung a girl with a really tomboyish style that fall in love with Soojung,a beautiful girl. They will meet... More



1.2K 18 0
By colecolele


I'm trying to escape from him,he's running behind me!

"Noooooo,go awayy!! Ugghh" i was screaming


I hear the dork's face...i slowly opened my eyes...My tears were coming from my eyes,it was just a nightmare

Now the dork is looking at me

"Soojung-ah! Are you okay?!"

I hugged her,she hugged me back

"Were you having a nightmare?Don't worry i'm here with you" she said while comforting me

"I had a nightmare about him..."


"The one who was going to r*ape me when i was younger,he was my classmate,but one day,he decided to....mhhh..."

I couldn't talk,i was crying too much to be able to talk

"Princess,he's not here,you will not meet him anymore. But i you meet him,i will protect you,arasso?!"

"Thank you dork"

And we hugged

"Goodmorning everyone!I have a surprise for you today!" Teacher yuri said

All our classmated were wondering what kind of suprise is this...while the dork...sight!

She's sleeping again!how can she sleep during class?!

"Liu!wake up!"said our teacher

"True,False!" The dork said half-asleep

Hahahaha soo cute,everyone were laughing at her stupidity

"Liu,pay attention please. Just for today"

"Y-yass mum!"

"Okay,so...i was saying,today we are going to have a new student in our class! Aren't you guys excited?!"

Everyone were excited but not me...The boys were expecting a girl,the girls were expecting a boy

"Everyone this is Min ho!"

It can't be...he

He came back! The one who tried to r*ape me long time ago!

"Hi everyone,i'm Choi Min ho,your new classmate,i hope that we will be good friends" he said while eyeing me

"Princess,what's wrong?" The llama asked

"I-it's him..."

"What?!! Are you serious??! Don't worry i will protect you no matter what princess" she said while rubbing my back

Ahh..what will i do if my dork wasn't here with me

"So Min-ho sit there that table near Krystal and Amber' table,and you will be Suzy's tablemate"

"Ok" that jerk said while always looking at me

"Hey babe,i see you again here,isn't fate?" Min ho said to me

"Don't ever go near me jerk!"

"Awww,you missed me right?"

And then he went to his table with that witch Suzy!

they do a great couple! A couple of a**ssholes!

Amber was squezzing my hand to confort me


Amber is now touching that b*itch's hand!

And now i also have a table-mate!

The worst day of my life!

Hey wait a minute! This "new" boy is looking at Krystal

Does he like her?

Hehehehehe i think that he will be a good friend of mine

I smiled to my self

Boring class has finally finished!and that Minho is walking to his new dorm

"Yah! You! Choi Minho!"

He turned to me

"Do you like that girl? Krystal?" I asked

"None of your business"

Uhhh he's a jerk! How can he treat me like that! Suzy stay calm

"I know that you like her,i've seen how you looked at her during class!"

"Fine! I like her and so?! What do you need?!"

" you see that blonde "guy" with her?"

"Yes,is he her boyfriend?"

"She's a girl and her name is Amber! You want Krystal and i want Amber right?!"

"Yes,i will do everything to get her!" Minho said

Now i have a new friend hehehehe

Amber you will be mine!


I can see those two jerks eyeing us! What did they planned to do?! I'm worried...

I should be careful around those two

I had to shower so we went straight to our dorm...but before showering the dork said

"Soojug-ah i'm going to play basketball with my friend Donghae!"

I don't want to be alone! I'm scared! But i don't want her to think that i'm jealous...

"Okay,but please return soon"

"Yess!" And she left me alone

I finished showering and i was changing in my clothes

"Ambe-" i frowned at what i saw

It was Min ho! Again!!

"Hey babe,were you waiting for me?" He said while eyeing my body,i was just wearing my bra and shorts

"Get out of here! Or i will scream!!" I warned him

He started to walk to me,and i was getting away from him...

I'm scared,Amber where are you??!!!

He suddently pulled me near him

"Krystal,do you remember m-"

He couldn't finished his sentence cause i slapped him!

"How could you,i thought you loved me Krys" that a**sshole said

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!AMBER SAVE MEEEE!!!!!!!" I screamed while crying my heart out



Someone slammed the door...who is it?

I see i muscular figure,blond hair,tall with a llama face...

Is Amber!!! Finally!!!

"Amber!!" I shouted and went to her arms

"Are you okay?" She asked while taking away my tears from my eyes

"Hey! You bulls*hit!! What the f*ck were you doing to her??!!!!!! Stay away from her!" She shouted to Min ho

"Who are you?! Ahhhh you're her f**cking girlfriend? You're the l**esbian one?! Get away from my way!" Then min ho suddently punched amber's stomach

Amber punched his face,minho has now his lips bruised because of Amber

Now he is on the ground,Amber on top him,continuosly punching his f*cking face!

Nooo!! Minho kicked amber's face!

"Amber noooo!!! Please survive to this for me!!! amber wake upp!!!"

Nothing...she fainted...!!!

"Hey jerk! Look what did you do!!! You piece of s*hit!!" I cried all my tears

"Heyy!! Don't run awayy jerk!!!!"

Oh my god...i have to take the dork at the hospital!!

"Help!! Help pleasee!!!"

Fortunatly someone heard me,i don't know who he was,and i don't even care!

My dork is going to die!!!!

"Pleasee help mee!!!" I said at that guy

"Sure! We should do fast! We have to take him at the hospital!now!" He shouted

-After 1 day-

The dork has been 1 day at the hospital,she didn't even woke up a single moment

I miss her...

I lost her once,i don't want to lose her again!

Don't leave me Amber... I need you...

I slept all the night with her,holding into her hand


It was Amber! She woke up!!

"Amber! You are alive!" I hugged her tightly

"Sorry miss...but who are you?"

She pushed me away from her gently

Whattt??!! She freaking forgot me...



She f*cking forgot me...

"Miss,who are you?" That dork asked

"A-amber! Can't you remember me?? I'm Soojung!! Krystal!! Your princess!" I said

"M-my princess?!"

"You used to call me like that..."

"Sorry,but i don't remember...i'm really sorry" that jerk said!

"How could you forget me??!!! I hate you jerk!!" I said while crying on her

The doctor finally came...

"Oh miss Liu!"

"Who are you sir?"

"I'm the doctor, you faint after an "accident",this girl brought you here at the hospital with a guy" the doctor said


"You just have to rest,you must be tired"

And then the doctor left

"A-ah! Miss" he said pointing at me

"Come here,i have to talk to you"

And i followed him

We were at his office and i asked

"Doctor,she forgot me? Whyy??!"

"Calm down miss,it's just a temporary situation... Don't worry"

"Thank God!" I sight

"But you don't have to tell the patient what really happened,we have to wait...cause if you tell her soon the truth,she might faint again,and it would be dangerous for her,so you have to wait miss. Her memory will come back slowly day by day,I'm really sorry" he said to me with his arms crossed

"O-okay sir thank you"

"Now you can go"

And i left his office

Even if you forgot me,it doesn't mean i will let you go Amber Eunyoung Liu! I will make you remember me! That's a promise!


I wonder who was that girl...why was she crying for me?

I felt broke when she cried on i that important for her?...

*knok knok*

Someone is knoking on the door

A girl came in...who is she?!

"Hi Am!" She said

"H-hi,but who are you?"

"Don't you remember me?!!"

"Sorry miss"

This is my moment she said to her self

"Oh...always silly sweetie,i'm your girlfriend! Don't you remember?!"

"Sorry,but no..."

"Do you know how much i was worried for you??" She hugged me

Great work min ho,she smirked to her self

And then she kissed me!

"Yah! Why did you kissed meee??!!!!" I shouted

I saw soojung! She saw us kissing!

But why i care about her?!

And why i am running behind her??!!!

"Soojung-ah! Wait!"

She didn't wait for me...she ran away

I feel so strange around her...when she hugged me my heart raced.

Was she something really important in my life? I can't remember...

Ughhh...i should come back in my room,there she is again

That Suzy...she says that she is my girlfriend but i don't clearly remember


I was returning at Amber's room when i saw Suzy with my dork...

They were talking...i don't know what that b*itch said to my llama!

Hey! I screamed in my brain!

She kissed Amber

I ran away in tears,and now that llama is following me

"Soojung-ah!" I can hear her screaming my name

I left her at the hospital and i went straight at the University's dorm

This room feels so empty without her... I'm imagining her while she's cooking and smiling at me,i'm imagining her sleeping with me,her arms around my wrist like she used to do

I miss her so much

And i slept with tears in my eyes...

I will not let you go Amber,you will remember me soon


I said to Amber that i was her girlfriend,i think she believed it!

Finally Amber your mine! I said to my self while touching her face when she's sleeping.

It feels so right

I was with her all the night

Amber now your mine,and i will not let you go to that b*itch!

-The next day-

I have to go to school

"Amber,see you later!" I said

But she didn't hear me,she was sleeping

I kissed her forehead


I'm at school without the dork,i can see Suzy watching me...i eyed her back coldly

I hate her! How could she kiss my Amber!

"Hey b*itch! I saw you kissing my Amber!!!"

"Huh...yours? Now she's mine..."

"What do you mean?!"

What did she said to Amber??

"I said that i was her girlfriend,and she believed it!"

"You!-" i was going to punch her but the teacher yelled at us

"Yah! You two! Bae! Jung! Quiet!!"

"Yes mum" we both said while eyeing each other

Ugghh! If teacher Yuri didn't stop me,i would murder that b*itch with my hands!

I have to go to the dork after school and tell her everything!!! Amber wait! I'm coming for you!



I was running at the hospital when i saw that the dork is still sleeping

Whoa,she really sleeps a lot

I miss her face,i miss all of her

I'm now touching her face...

this llama

She suddently pulled me closer to her face and now my head is on her shoulder,and she is hugging me tightly...

"Soojung-ah..." She said while sleeping

I smiled and i hugged her back

This dork! You shouldn't have hugged me! I will miss her more!!

I cried at the thought that she forgot me,but at least i see that she still loves me

A little...

She woke up...

Her face was so close to mine that i wanted to kiss her but i stopped cause she might faint!


"Dork,i came to see what you were doing"

"Thanks,I'm fine"


"Amber,i want to tell you something"

"Spit it" she said adorably

"I-i'm your real gi-"

I stopped...i thought that it would be dangerous for her


"No,nothing,i forgot what was i saying" i said as an excuse

*Knok knok*

"Come in!" Said Amber

Oh! It was the doctor

"Amber you your situation is pretty stable now,not perfect but they are fine! You can now return at the University! And if you feel bad or sick just call me!" The doctor said smiling

"Yaayyyy! Finally!!!" The dork was excited to return home

"Amber, you are my roommate so we will return together"

"Oh really! That's amazing! You're my chingu!"

I blushed...but my heart broke because of what she said

Am i only a "friend" for her?

We were almost arrived at the university,when i suddenly circled her arm...

I miss this feeling

"Soojung w-what are you doing?"

I let go her arm

"O-oh sorry,is just that i miss someone really special,i used to this to that person"

"I didn't know,sorry. May i know his name?"

It's you stupid dork!!!

"I would like to remain it as a secret"

And that dork now is staring at me with a smile... We are under this sky full of stars,i wish that this moment will be forever

"Amber,we should go back at our dorm,it's getting cold"


So she alredy have someone on her heart...

We are finally at our dorm...i didn't remember that it was small

*knok knok*

"Hi Henry!" Soojung said

"Krystal,may i talk to you a moment?" Henry asked

"Okay,let's go...Amber i wilk return soon"

And she went with him

It might be him,the one she misses...

She might broke up with him...

I wanted to take off all this thought in my mind so i decided to follow them

They are at the garden on the university...

They were talking and

A-and now they are h-hugging!!

Why am i feeling broke inside?!

I'd better go back at the dorm

I felt a tear flowing from my eye


Henry came to talk to me

"Krystal,how is amber now?"

"She's fine,but it seems that she lost her memory,she forgot me"

"Whhhattt???!!!! That's not good! You should tell her the truth! What really happened!"

"I can't!" I said while crying


"The doctor said that it would be dangerous if she knows what really happened"

"Will she remain like that forever?"

"Thank god no...she will remeber something step by step,day by day..."

"That's fantastic! Krystal you better wait! It's worth it!" Henry conforted me

I nodded

I hugged him

Yah! i'm not cheating on Amber! He's a good friend,he was the one who helped me when the dork fainted

He hugged me back and i cried on him

I saw a shadow behind that three

Who is it?

"Thank you oppa,now i'm going"

"You're welcome,i will help you with this Amber's problem,call me whenever you want" he said

The dork is sleeping...she looks like she isn't sleeping at all

"Dork,i know you're not sleeping"


"Stop,you're not sleeping. By the way were you the one behind that three at the university's garden?"

"N-no,i-t wasn't me,you must s-saw it wrong"

"Oh really?"

I leaned forward to her,i sat on her bed

"Are you sure,it wasn't you,cause it might be you"

And i leaned closer to her face,almost touching her lips

I smiled when she blushed

"I told you! It wasn't me!"

I couldn't resist,i was so close to her face

I missed kissing those lips


i kissed her...

i wasn't expecting that she would kiss me back! But i'm happy that she did!

after a long time...

My mind finally went straight!

It's like in those films

At my right shoulder there was the angel

And on the left one the devil

"Krystal! Stop! Don't do it!" The angel said in my imagination while the devil

"Krystal,you're just having fun! Continue!"

I stopped!

The dork is frozen from my sudden action!

I'm such a stupid! I shouldn't have stopped!

But it felt so good

I touched my lips,it has that dork taste!


She kissed me...Krystal kissed me

Her lips were so good,my heart raced when she pressed her lips against mine...

Sight! Why she kissed me?! Isn't she in love with Henry?


Well...i will ask her after class,i should sleep now

-At class-

I can see Suzy waving her hand at me

"Hi Am! I missed you soo much! Would you like to have launch with me today?"


"Yaaayy,i finally going on a date with my sweetie!"

"D-date?! Sweetie?! What the f-" i stopped when teacher yuri came

"Goodmorning! I see that everyone is here! Let's start our class now!"

"Psssttt Krystal!" I whispered


"W-why did you kis-" i got caught by the teacher!

"Yah! Liu! Why are you always like that?!!! Please be careful!!!"

"S-sorry mum"

I bowed at her

-After class-

"Krystal! May i ask you something??"

"Okay dork"

"Why did yo-"

Suzy came and pulled my arm to her

"Amber,don't you remember about our date??"

"Y-yeah,krystal i will talk to you later"

"Yes dork,go at your date!"

And i went with Suzy

I turned back to look at krystal,and i saw her eyeing coldly Suzy

Krystal...My mind was all about her

I think i'm in love with her!

Amber no! She's Henry's girlfriend!

Just let her go!



I talked with Suzy for a long time! It's almost night time!

"I'm so happy to be with you sweetie!" Suzy said

Not to offend her,but she looks like a freak. She's really beautiful,i can't deny it,but i don't like her!!

"Suzy,i don't remember that you were my girlfriend! So stop calling me 'sweetie'! Arasso?!"

"Babe you're hurting me!"

"Suzy,listen,i have to go! Let's meet another time"

"Where are you going?! To that b*itch?! Huh krystal?!uuugggghh!!!"

"Don't call her a b*itch! You don't even know her freak!"

"Amber i love you and i will do everything,and i say EVERYTHING to get you from krystal!"

"Don't even joke about that! Don't ever go near her! Or touch her!" I warned her and i ran at my dorm

I saw krystal sleeping,is she drunk?!

I can see 4 freaking bottles of beer near her!

Why did she drink?!!

"Krystal,wake up!" I said while shaking her


I should put her to bed,so i carried her "bridal style" and i pat her to bed

I couldn't get out from her hug!

"Krystal,let me go"

"Uuhhmm...Amber! Don't leave me!Kajima!"

She said while crying but she was still asleep

Was she crying for me?! But why?!

I decided to sleep with her,she's small but freaking strong! Her embrace is like a man's!

i didn't even changed in my pajama!

I can feel her breath in my neck,hugged tighly to me,still crying

"Krystal don't cry,i'm here for you"

I kissed her forehead

"Goodnight princess"



Oh my God! My head hurts

. . .

What the hell! Why the dork is sleeping with me in my bed?! Did she do something on me?!!

Huh...i can't remember,i just know that i got drunk because of her...

I was so jealous that she had a date with someone else

*cough cough*

Sh*t i think i got sick!

My head hurts,my forehead is hot! And i can't even move!

Oh no the dork woke up!

"Goodmorning princess"

"Goodmorning dork face"

My face was all red

"Are you sick?!" She said while her hand was on my forehead

"F*ck! you're so hot!"

What the hell she is saying?! I'm hot?!

I started teasing her

"I'm hot?Well you should see're hot as f*ck"

"Y-Yah! It's not time to teasing me! I mean your temperature! You're too hot! You have fever!" She was really worried of me

*cough cough*

"It's decided,today you're not going at class,me neither,i'm going to take care of you!"

I blushed at the thought that she will take care of me,just the two of us alone... soojung-ah stop thinking about dirty things!!

Her taking care of me

This is heaven

"I will cook you some porridge! You will like it!"

"No! I want mango ice cream!"

"Princess,you can't! You have fever so you're not going to eat something so cold! It might worse your fever!"

She's so f**ucking hot! Oh my god!

My amber...

"Fine!" I said at her


"Where are Jung and Liu?! Ahhh! Those brats! They are going to drive me crazy! Well let's start this lesson!" Said teacher yuri

I couldn't pay attention at class because of those two!

Where are they?!

Why they are not here,Are they sick?

Amber,where are you?

She might be with that b*tch!

I can't stand it anymore!

After class i will go straight to Amber's dorm

"Since Jung and Liu were absent today,who wants to take them the homeworks for tomorrow?" Asked teacher yuri

I raised quickly my hand

"Teacher! I will give them the homeworks!"

"Okay Bae,this is akward from you,but okay! After class or when you have time,give them the homeworks!"

"Yes mum!"

Krystal don't wish to stay with Amber alone again!


What should i do? Krystal is sick! I hope that she will be ok soon!

I can feel her eyes on me!

"Krystal,stop looking at me! This is uncomfortable!"

"Sorry,dork,but you're so handsome while cooking!"

"Stop it..."

I blushed! My skin tinted with a pink color smells soo good!

*try a scoop of soup*

Yup,it's really good!

"Are you finished?! I'm hungry!"

"Here princess! Chicken soup!"

"I don't like it!"

She didn't even tried it!

"Try it first!"



I started doing aegyos,but i hate doing these things to beg someone!

She burst out laughing!!!

"Soojung-ah! I'm just doing this for you! At least try it! You will like it! Stop being so stubborn!"

"Fine dork! Meaniee!"

We are just like babies fighting over stupid things...hahahahaha

"Mmmhhh...i hate to admit it dork but it's good!"

"See?!" I said while giving her another scoop of my soup


The sound of the scoop on the plate

She finished all!! I'm happy that she liked it!

"Now,sleep,get some rest,you will be okay day by day"

"#*^&@" i couldn't understand what she was saying cause she said it so quietly!

"Uhmm? What did you say soojung-ah?"

She suddently grabbed my neck and sddently hugged me and whispered "Thank you"

This was my chance to ask her why she kissed me the last time!

"Uhmm,krystal why did you kissed me the last time?"

She couldn't aswer,she was frozen

"Are you cheating on Henry?"

"W-whaatt??! Dork what are you talking about?? I'm not even in a relationship!"

"What? I thought you and Henry...i saw you hugging yesterday at the garden!"

"Got ya! I knew it was you! By the way Henry and I are just friends! He helped me a lot!"

This is getting akward! I messed up!

"Uh,i didn't know"

"Such a stupid hahahahaha"

She pulled me to her bed and crawled on me

Her head on my b**bs!

I know they aren't that big but it feels really strange to have someone on my b**bs!


Ok,she's really sleeping now,i have to get out of here

*knok knok*

Who is it?

"Who's there?"i asked

"Am! I'm Suzy! Open!"

There she is again!!



Suzy again! What she's going to do?!

I'm scared mommy!

Amber! You have to protect Soojungie from this freak!

"Amberrr! I came here to give you and krystal homeworks!

I heard how she said "Krystal"

She tried to go near me but i got away from her

"Yah! You don't even greet me,at least say 'Hi'! You didn't even say 'thank you' for give you the homeworks! Are you seeing me as a crazy woman?!"

*cough cough*

I tried to escape from her questions

She saw krystal on her bed,her eyes closed

"Fine! I don't want to see you again! I see that you're 'working' on something"

or on someone she thought to her self

I was confused...what the hell did she got?!

Ahh that Suzy!!!

"D-dork,who was that?!"

If i tell her it was Suzy,i think she will murder her! I saw how krystal look at Suzy! Damn! These two hates each other soo much,i wonder why

"No one! Just a friend"

"What friend?"

"A friend of mine"

"Dork,it was a girl or a boy?"

"None of your business princess"

She pouted, soo cute!

"Princess,you're soo cute! I have the most beautiful chingu of the world!"





These words were echoing in my head!

She's such a stupid person! How can she not know what i'm feeling for her!!!

I even kissed her! On her lips! Does friends do that? I think no!!

Ughhh,Amber! Why can't you remember meee!!!

-The next day-

I got up from my bed,i can see amber still sleeping on her bed

I'm feeling better from the other day! Yaaaayyy finally! I don't think i would say this but i missed going at class and that witch of our teacher yuri!


I should get ready and wake up Amber,so we can go at class!

I got dressed,i just have to eat breakfast


That dork isn't waking up yet! Should i wake her up?

I got closer to her face,and touched that stupid fingers ruffling her short blond hair

"You're so special to me Amber,why can't you see?" I said quietly...

it's 7:25!

"Ambeeeerrrr!!!!!! Wakeee upppp!!!!"i yelled at her ear

She was so surprised that she had jump off from her bed falling on top of me!

This is weird,we are staring at each other's eyes,her dark eyes were like hypnotising me! I can feel my heart beating like crazy,her breath becoming uneven,her scent is making me crazy!

The temperature of this room is getting hotter! Ottoke!!! (What should i do?!)

When she finally realized that she was on top of me she stood up immediatly

"D-dork eat breakfast! There! I prepared eggs and bacon!" I said while pointing at the table

"Okay thanks soojungie"

Like a fool,i ran away and went in our bathroom

Krystal don't panic!!! Don't panic i said!

Then why my heart is like going to burst out my body??!!!!!

I calmed my self

I can see amber washing up her plate,her muscular figure,her muscle oh my god!! Her back is so masculineee!!! Ahhhh!!!

She was alredy ready for school

"So soojung-ah,are you going to ready to go to school? It was almost 1 week that you didn't got to attend class! Me neither!"

Suddently our forehead touched! She was checking my temperature

"Princess,you don't have fever anymore!!! Yaaayy my princess is not sick!!"

Such a kid

Sh*t it was 7:45 a.m!! I grabbed the dork's hand and we ran at class!

"Well...well...well...brats why you didn't attend class for almost 1 week?" Asked the teacher while eyeing the two of us

The dork broke the silence

"Sorry mum,but Krystal was really sick during these days,she had a really high fever so she couldn't go to school! And i even didn't got to attend class cause i had to take her of her-"

I couldn't hear what she was saying cause my eyes dropped on Min ho

That f*cking a**hole!

I didn't talk to him since the accident! And he didn't go near since then! But still! I have to be carefull! I can't know what he is going to do to me!

"Today class,i have great news! We are going to campinggg!! Who's excited?!"

Everyone got excited from the great news!

"Raise their hand who wants to come"

Amber raised her hand

"Krystal cmon! Come! We will have fun!" She said with her puppy eyes

I didn't want to go to camp but i can't imagine her sleeping in a tend with another girl/boy!!

So i raised my hand too!


She was so happy that i was going ,that made my heart flutter

In the other side, Suzy also wanted to go! Her eyes on my amber! I stuck out my tongue at her! Uughhh! B*tch!!

"Oh this is fantastic! Everyone will come! So now choose your partner,the one who you want to sleep with.

Everyone had choose their partners...

"Amber choose one!" Teacher yuri said

"I will be your partner Amber!"

It was Suzy,this girl really don't want to let her go

Amber raised her eyebrows!

Noo please i don't want her she said to her self

"So Amber,Suzy is going to be your partner?"

"Sorry mum,but can i have Krystal?"

She wanted me... I can't believe it

"Are you okay krystal with this?"

I giggled "Yes" i said in a cool tone

I'm more than okay!!!

I noticed Suzy is biting her lips in disappointent!

No matter what i will get you Amber! Suzy said in her mind

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