
By pxssysnatcher

281 3 4

A bit of chaos but then again where's the fun without chaos. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

9 0 0
By pxssysnatcher

I've been avoiding everyone all day. At lunch I just stuck my head in a book. Getting to my last hour, I was late as it is so I just walked. Before I turned the corner, somebody shouted my name. Sweet and sickly just like his cousin. I pulled out my wand to do a quick spell to make me invisible but, he was right next to me. "Why have you been avoiding me?" I jumped when he asked me. I didn't look at him so, I did what anybody would do, I ran. Turning around about to sprint my ass off in the other direction, he grabbed my arm. Spinning me around to face him he asked, "What did I do?" It sounded so innocent, so sweet. He put his index finger under my chin and lifted my head, not sure if it was magic or not. His blue eyes looked like a sunny day sky. My cheeks felt hot. "N-nothing. I just need some time. You know to m-myself." "You know you can talk to me." Why is he acting like this? Our faces were so close if I opened my mouth we were basically kissing. "Daralyn is supposed to be out late tonight." I told him whispering for what reason, I have no idea. But I could tell you, being nervous right now was an understatement. "I know." As he said it his lips touched mine in the gentlest way. Letting my eyes flutter closed, I felt his hands go to my hips. I felt numb. Nothing could ruin this moment, I forgot everything for just a second. He pulled away first, "We should go get smoothies." With hot cheeks and nervous smile, "Are you paying?"

Going home, I knew I was going to be in shit. Aunt Sheila said something about a guest and she wanted all of us home on time and dressed nicely. I got home two hours late. Bobby wanted to go hang at his place, then I realized what time it was. When I walked in everyone was at the dinner table. Someone was in my spot. "What the fuck is going on?" I didn't mean for that to slip. "Excuse me! I asked you to be here two hours ago! We were worried sick. Where were you?" Oh shit. "I was doing a project with John." I hesitated too long, she knows I'm lying. "Ok come over here then and take a seat." She did a spell, if I wasn't lying I could walk but since I was my feet were glued to the floor. Mason snickered. "Maybe-" Ezra tried to say something but you never lie to Aunt Sheila. "I want the truth and if you don't give it to me right now, for the rest of your months I'll make them a living hell. Now Spill." I bite my cheek. I was already in hell. What more can she do? I felt my cheeks go hot. How am I supposed to tell everyone I was with Bobby and that we acted like a couple at a smoothie place? She raised her eyebrows. "Uhh-Well I mean- You see." I took a breath. "I was with Bobby at the smoothie place." She eyebrows furrowed together. "And just why were you with that boy? I told you the Smiths are nothing but trouble. He doesn't care about you Kate." Ouch that hurt. "All he cares about is what teenage boys care about. He's using you. He doesn't care about your feelings or your friendship." I wanted to cry. But I never cry therefore, I won't. Taking a seat across from the asshole who stole my seat, I took in his appearance. Messy black hair, like he just woke up, with brown English glasses. He looked up from his plate and his eyes were a rich blue-grey. More grey than blue. A jawline that could cut your finger. I looked at Savannah with wide eyes. She just shook her head. He is an absolutely a gorgeous person. "Who are you?" I asked bluntly. He looked up, "The name is Nathaniel. Your parents have adopted me." I snapped my head towards Craig's seat. He's back. "You adopted a hot guy because? I'm a bit lost." I said slowly. "He's a halfie." Ezra said. My jaw dropped. Craig went to Boston which is in Massachusetts. Didn't Logan say this guy lived there. Oh my gosh. He's 2 of the 3 I have yet to meet. "So you're Nathaniel. You do know that we're going to go dark. So don't get attached to anybody." "Kate!" Aunt Sheila said. It's almost like she's been on her period since she told me my life is practically over. "Yeah I already knew that. But I mean think about this. When you turn dark, you become a full wizard. If you have enough good can't you just use magic to make yourself light?" He wasn't asking anybody it's almost as if he was stating it. He's got a point. Aunt Sheila just picked up everyone plates and Savannah just looked at him. Maybe because he's hot or maybe because of what he said. "Kate, show him his room." Craig said. Walking to the basement, I took out my wand because we don't have an extra room. He looked at me, "You know spells? How cool is that. Are you going to make a room pop up cause I know how to do it. Let's do it together." Like a little kid on Christmas day. His wand has a dragon claw at the end holding a bright white orb. It was orange with black onto wood. It was about the chillest wand I've ever seen. He smiled and we did the spell together. Two halfies doing the same spell equals a full wizards magic. Who would've guessed. "So here's your room. Lights are out at 10 and yeah. Enjoy your stay." I said laughing. "Thanks. I've never had a room like this since I was 6." He had perfect teeth, what the hell. It was a kinda sad smile though.

I layed in bed staring at the ceiling smiling. Then I got mad because of course Bobby had to be dark. Then I started thinking to how Nathaniel and I did that spell. If two halfies equal a full, than does 4 halfies equal two fulls? I shot up, the book said there are five halfies alive. Who's the fifth? Where are they? What if they're already dark? That can't be because fate day hasn't happened yet. When my phone buzzed it scared me so much I almost fell off my bed. It was from Savannah it read, I'm in vampire territory. Help I think I see the sisters. What the fuck? Why did she leave the house anyways? When I snuck out I passed Masons room and I heard something shatter. "Fuck! I just had to ruin everything with her!" I sighed. Walking the streets of New York, not the best idea especially, if you're by yourself. When I smelled blood I knew where I was. Trying to look normal I rubbed some garlic on me before I left. All vampires smell like garlic it isn't something they don't like. It's actually something they cherish. I spotted Savannah by what it looked like a blood market. That's gross. Vampires are sick. "What the hell are you doing here?" She looked startled. Once she realized it was me she said, "Harry texted me to meet him." I rolled my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows. "Wait, you are aware Lexi Hoff is a vampire which has to mean her sisters are too. As in Bates, she probably got a hold of his phone and texted you." "But why?" I shrugged my shoulders. Looking around I saw Abby, the nicest one of the sisters. She saw me and smiled? Why would she smile? It looked like someone was yelling at her and I saw the brown hair and realized it was Jane. They started walking this way. "Uh Savannah, here comes the bitch." I glanced at Savannah. She surprisingly didn't look scared. I sure the hell was though. "Glad you showed. But I did think once you smelled the blood you would turn around." Savannah rolled her eyes, "I thought Harry texted me." When she said that I spotted Lexi, she was with some tall lanky guy. They turned around and I saw his face. Mason. "Look I need you to back off. Harry is mine. And don't even try with Mason he's with Lexi." She pointed towards him and I've never seen Savannah so disappointed. "Ok yeah we'll leave him alone. If you leave us alone. We have enough shit happening already." I told her. She just rolled her eyes but nodded anyways. "I'm sorry about her." Abby said with a smile showing her sharp teeth. She almost looked like a grown dog who thinks it's a pup. Savannah walked off. "Hey wait, we gotta stick together. You got garlic on you? I mean you could hug me and you'll be ok." I said laughing. "Why is he here? Does he even know? Didn't she try to kill him? What's his problem lately?" She sounded so frustrated. I looked at her, "He didn't use to keep secrets from us." She sounded hurt. I couldn't blame her. Savannah and Mason were the absolute best of friends, nothing could break them apart. Except growing up. It's a scary thing the way fate is playing. Ripping everything apart. Almost like a cold blooded killer. But one thing for sure, Mason never told her a few things. He has secrets just like everyone else. Except his could mean his life is on the line.

We got home and Savannah was talking to Logan, in her head of course. Mason was with Lexi? Yeah Mason was with Lexi. What if she bit him again and he's like under her spell. Or maybe she's like a rebound. That night I had a dream. Or should I said nightmare when I woke up, it was 2 in the morning. I went into the kitchen to get some water. My head was spinning. In the dream, it was fate day and we all were going dark. My life flashed before my eyes. I broke down crying. I couldn't take it anymore. Why was fate such a bitch? I didn't realize arms were around me till I was done crying. Just like I held Ezra, he held me. We just sat there because there was nothing I could do. There's always something you could do. I shook off what Carter said. They really have to leave my thoughts alone.

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