
By pxssysnatcher

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A bit of chaos but then again where's the fun without chaos. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

21 0 0
By pxssysnatcher

Meeting Mason and Savannah and Ezra behind the school so, Ezra can make a portal to go home. The only way we know Ezra is because Ezra mom is Mason's aunt. Mason dragged us with him when he left to go live with them. And his Aunt Shelia said we can't just live on the street. We found Mason trying to sell a half eaten apple to Savannah. He said it cost $50 because Drake took a bite out of it. Sooner or later he tagged along because he simply couldn't live on the street. The closer we got as friends the more we got to know each other. Mason's mom and dad died in a plane crash and as soon as Mason found out he ran away. He had no idea where he was going but he found us. "Openus homeus!" Ezra screamed. "What the fuck bro! How many times have I told you not to scream it." Mason slapped Ezra on the back of the head. Next thing you know we see our neighbor, Torrance. Torrance is the kind of neighbor everyone needs in their life. You run out of sugar, she has it. She literally has anything you need. Giving a head nod to her we walk into our house. Our house has a basement which is where Savannah, Mason,and me live. The upstairs which is where Ezra has his room and the rest of the house is downstairs. "Kids we're going out to eat for dinner!" Aunt Shelia said. Aunt Shelia is a mom to everyone in the household. Ezra's dad isn't around that much because he travels in the wizard world and the human world a lot. Something to do with his job. He said the wizard world has werewolves, vampires, and elves. Nothing out of the ordinary except for pet dragons. Mason and I tried to convince Aunt Shelia for one but she said "we're normal and normal people don't have pet dragons." Normal, I use to think I was normal. But with sparks coming out of my fingers I knew that was a bit far fetched. "Do we have to go out to dinner? Dad said he was going to be back and we could practice a bit of magic." Ezra whined. "No! Absolutly no magic tonight!" She snapped. "Woah now what's your problem? Maybe you should chill a bit; all he did was ask a question." I told her, I feel the argument coming. I was always pushing her limits and so was Ezra maybe that's why she likes Savannah most. "Excuse me miss. Who took you in? Who fed you when you were hungry? Who-" "Alright chill I get it sorry." I said with surrendig hands. "She just a bit worked up because Bobby actually talked to her." Mason snickered. While I was glaring I could hear a "ooooo" coming from Savannah and Ezra saying "Wait who's Bobby?" That poor child, how does he survive. "Nooooo, I just wanted to work on magic, too you know." Talking to Mason was like talking to a 5 year who has ADHD and drank a whole red bull. I could argue with him so much it's unbelievable. "Well to bad, no magic tonight we're meeting with your dad's boss. If any of you, and I mean it, if you do anything to make him or I look bad I will make your life a hell. Do we understand?" She said it in such a serious or stern voice, it was quite scary. "Yes, ma'am." Savannah said in a sweet tone. "Yeaa. Sure. I won't do anything but levitate my drink." Mason said with a hopeful tone. "Do you not understand English? Because I can and I will say it in any other language I need to for you to understand No Magic." She said the last sentence in Latin. Most spells we have learned so far are in Latin but most the time we just say it in English. Ezra raised his hand up like he was saying an oath. "Mother, I swear on Alexia's big black book, that at this dinner I shall not use any magic or say anything stupid." This child, I swear. Then I started laughing and mocking him. "Just go get dressed in something nice." She yelled.

On our way out Mason grabbed his wand and stuck it in his pocket. "You're not supposed to have that." I said in a singsong voice. "Mason if you mess this dinner up, I will turn Lexi into a rat. Well she already is one but-" "She is not a rat Ok. She is a great person, if you got passed her sister you would understand that she's a sweetheart." He said cutting her off. "That's bullshit" I said while laughing. "Watch your damn language, Kate." Aunt Shelia yelled already in the car. Her hearing is unbelievable. We ended up going to this place called Grape Vine. Obviously it's Italian. And expensive. Ezra's dad kissed us all on the head and told us to take a seat. His boss was already here. He kinda looked like Jafar from Aladdin He even had a ring with a snake on it. "Can this guy get any more creepier?" Mason whispered. "Shhhh." Savannah whispered back while smiling a bit. "No Sav, to be honest I think you're into me and you agree with what I'm saying." Well that escalated quickly. "What the frick Mason! Be nice and stop being so conceited." She whispered yelled back with a tint of red in her cheeks. They have this weird connection. And if you're near you'll feel it. "Psst Kate, can you hold this for a sec?" Ezra whispered while handling me something fuzzy. "Uhh what the fuck Ezra!" "No! Don't drop it!" He whispered yelled back. I could feel Aunt Sheila's eyes on us. Looking down I realized he gave me a bird. But it's not just any bird. Are you fucking kidding me. He brought a Phoenix into this Italian restaurant. "Ezra! Your mom is going to kill you. One wrong move this thing will turn into a fire bird lion thing." "The correct word is a Phoenix and just hold Barry for a second." He told me while pulling out his backpack that literally holds anything. "Barry?! You named a Phoenix Barry?!" Oh fuck. I yelled that. "Shhhhhhhhh!" Too late. "Why hello children. I don't believe we have met yet. My name is Ja'Close." His voice was dark and raspy and if he was hot I would of so digged it. Savannah trying to keep her laugh in kicked Ezra under the table. "Wha- Oh right. H-Hi sir, I'm Ezra only born." Ja'Close only stared at him with a sickly smile. "Hey, my name is Mason. Cousin of only born." Well since Savannah didn't say anything yet I guess it was my cue. "Hey, I'm Kate and this is Savannah. Friend of cousin of only born." Pointing to Savannah when I said it. "Yeaa, Hi." Was all she said. "Lovely, Beautiful children. I'm sure they're all great in magic. Yes?" Ja'Close asked Ezra's dad, Craig. "Well yes, they are all very good." Criag said back. "Who's the best?" Well isn't he blunt, maybe we will get along. "The best? I mean they're only just learning and who-" "That doesn't mean that their isn't a best so far. If you think you'll hurt there feelings you won't. It isn't a race, for they'll only want to succeed even more." Ja'Close said looking at all of us. Well doesn't he have a way with words. "I don't know if I should like him or not." Savannah whispered to me. "I like him." I whispered back. "Of course, then I would have to say Savannah is the best but my son has come a long way." Craig said trying not to make his son feel bad. All Ezra cared about right now is this phoen-. "Ow!" Barry just bit me, what is taking Ezra so long to find his cage. "What's wrong Hun?" Aunt Shelia asked. She's so fake. "Haha nothing I just realized that ow! Is a way to get attention. We can get back to the conversation." I tried to say but it came out in a rush. When you get bit by a Phoenix, your blood pressure goes up extremely high and a pounding headache comes in. Depending on the size of the Phoenix you may or may not have steam come out the ears. Considering Barry is small I don't have steam coming out my ears. "Found it! Oh shi-, Kate did he bite you? Barry I said no biting! We are at a dinner table. Here take this medicine." Ezra said while handing me a green pill.

"I asked you all very nicely to act righ-" "Technically you said it in a rude way but continue." Mason said in the car. "As I was saying, Ezra hand over this " Barry" and please don't let anything else like that happen again." Aunt Shelia said. "Who is Barry and why does Kate look like she's going to die?" Savannah asked. Everything was a bit blurry but I could still understand everyone. Aunt Shelia looked back. " EZRA I TOLD YOU TO PUT THE GODDAMN PHOENIX BACK WHERE YOU GOT IT! NOW WE HAVE TO GO TO THE DAMN VAMPIRE PLACE TO BUY SOME GARLIC!" "Wait, why garlic? And I thought vampires like died when it comes to garlic." Mason asked. "Don't believe everything in the mov-" That was all I heard before everything went a red color.

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