Lauren Jauregui Imagines

By 5h_wishful_thinking

168K 5.2K 1.2K

Just Lauren Jauregui imagines. More

Just an Act
What Have I Done?
Maybe Someday
Forever and Always
Forever and Always (alternate ending)
Safe With Me
Please Stay
Mystery Girl
Is There Somewhere
Fuck Buddies
You Deserve Better
Blue Pt. 2
Until the End
Just Letting You Know
Ever Enough
Ever Enough Pt. 2
On Our Own
I'm Sorry
Protecting Her

Is this Real?

4.3K 196 16
By 5h_wishful_thinking

A/N: Well I thought I would try something new... So uhh, let me know how you like it! That is if you even like it at all...Also, sorry it's shorter than the others...


Our sweaty bodies pressed up against one another while our lips moved in sync. I could feel her hands slowly traveling down the front of my body as I pulled away and began trailing kisses down her neck. I felt her fingers begin to play with the button of my jeans, but she froze when I bit down on her sweet spot. Her low moans filled the room and I felt a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach. In that exact moment I knew I never wanted to stop hearing her sexy moans.

I tapped on her thighs signaling that I wanted her to jump up, she got the hint and I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around my waist. She threw her head back in pleasure as I continued my assault on her neck. More raspy moans spilled from her lips and that only fueled my actions. I began to slide one of my hands up her shirt...


I groan as I sit up and grab my phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer in a raspy voice since I just woke up.

"Girl, get your ass out of bed and let me in!" my best friend yelled from the other side before hanging up.

I groan even louder since I was just woken up from a pretty amazing dream. I get out of bed and change into a pair of sweats and a tank then go answer the door. "It's about damn time! I've been knocking for forever! Why the hell is your lazy ass still in bed!?" my best friend scolds me as she punches my arm. "Nice to see you too Dinah Jane..." I glare at her before shutting the door and going over to sit on the couch. She follows me into the living room and takes a seat next to me.

"So why were you still in bed? It's five in the afternoon, that's late even for me!" she shoves my shoulder.

"You know I don't sleep well..." I say simply.

"What time did you finally go to bed?" she looks at me worriedly.

"Uhhh... About eleven this morning..." I yawn.

"Y/NN, I really think you should go see someone about that."

"Nahhh... I'll be fine... but you won't be!" I glare at her and punch her arm.

"What!? What did I do!?" she holds her hands up in defense.

"You interrupted a fucking amazing dream!" I groan as I fall back on the couch and she just giggles at my frustration.

"Is it the same one?"

"Yes, but I don't know why I keep having it! I don't even know the girl in my dreams, so how can dream about her over and over again?" I run my hands through my hair in aggravation.

"Well, ya know they say that people who appear in your dreams are people you've seen in real life. You don't have to know them necessarily, but if you've at least seen them before then they can show up in your dreams. Even people you've just passed on the streets!" Dinah explains excitedly.

"Dinah Jane, people do not give you enough credit... You are one smart individual." I wink at her playfully.

"Bish I know!" she flips her hair, I just scoff.

"So what brings you here in the middle of a Saturday afternoon?" I ask curiously.

"Well I came here to tell you that you're coming with me to a little underground club tonight!"

"Ehhh, fair enough... I'm down for whatever" I shrug.

"Awesome! Well I'll text you the address, you just make sure you're there about ten tonight!"

"Sounds good."

Dinah gets up and starts to head towards the door and I walk with her, "I have some errands to run today so I'll see you tonight!"

"Aye aye, Captain!" I playfully salute her.

Dinah heads down the hall and just as I'm about to shut the door she shouts at me, "Where something hot!" I just laugh and shut the door.

I still had a few hours before I needed to start getting ready so I decided to clean up my apartment. After that I had about two hours before I was supposed to meet Dinah. I took a shower and started to get ready. I put on light make up and let my hair down in its natural waves. For my outfit I chose to wear combat boots, ripped black jeans, a gray muscle shirt, and a black leather jacket.

By the time I was finished it was around nine, I still had a bit before I was going to leave so I decided to get this party started a little early. I walked into my kitchen and pulled out a glass and a bottle of whiskey. I poured myself a rather generous shot before holding it up, "Well... cheers to me..." I laugh lightly before downing the drink. There was a nice, smooth burn as the alcohol made its way down my throat and into my system. I served myself another generous shot and quickly finished it off.

It was about nine thirty and I decided I was going to go ahead and go to the club since I was walking. I pulled up the address Dinah sent me and headed out the door. I showed up to the address a little after ten and saw Dinah standing next to an abandoned building. "Uhhh DJ... You sure this is the right place?" I ask as I take in our surrounding. "Oh yeah, I'm sure" she smirks at me before grabbing my hand and dragging me to the back of the building. She opens a door and drags me in, it's really dark so I can't see much, but when my eyes finally adjust I notice we're in a stairwell. "Umm Dinah..." "Just shut up and try to keep up!"

I watch as Dinah takes off down a flight of stairs, I hesitate for a moment which was a bad choice because she's faster than you'd think. Before I knew it, she was gone. I run as fast as I can down countless flights of stairs, but stop when I see a door open then shut. There's no sight of Dinah so I just assumed she went through that door so I decided I might as well too.

As soon as I step through the door I am met with a completely different scene than what I imagined. There were concrete walls everywhere, but the amount of lights and music filling the room brought everything to life. At the far end of this place was a massive stage that had some band performing, there was a huge crowd surrounding the stage just dancing and singing along. To my left was a rather impressive bar area that was serving countless drinks. There were all sorts of tables and couches over to the right where people were conversing animatedly.

"So what do you think?" I heard from the side of me.

"This place is fucking sick..." I said while I continue to examine this place.

"You're slower than you look ya know?" she spoke up and I just blindly slapped her arm.

"Ehhh shut it. I'm here aren't I?"

"Alright well go have some fun!" she pushes me towards the crowd and the next thing I know it's like I'm being sucked in. Before I know it I'm in the middle of a crowd of strangers, singing and dancing to a band I've never heard of, yet I've never felt more at home.

Seconds? Minutes? Hours? I have no idea how long I'd been here because it all sort of felt timeless. Regardless, I have no intentions on leaving anytime soon.

The band switched it up a bit and started to play a more aggressive song, but I was really feeling the vibe. I was dancing and just doing my own thing, but for some reason I had this weird feeling. I stopped what I was doing and just scanned the crowd. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, everyone was just really into the music enjoying themselves. Then all of a sudden I completely froze when I saw her staring straight at me.

I didn't know if it was all real or if this was another dream, but I didn't dare blink in fear she would disappear. I just watched her intently and saw as a small smirk made its way on her face. Then it happened, I made the mistake of blinking and she was gone. "Fuuuck!" I groan as run my hands through my hair in frustration. "Don't mind if I do..." I hear a raspy voice say from behind me. I slowly turn around and I'm met with the all too familiar green eyes and dark hair.

The same smirk still plastered on her face as she looks up at me. "Pl-please tell me you're real?" I say as I look straight into her eyes. "Baby, I'm as real as you want me to be..." she doesn't five me anytime to respond before she grabs the back of my neck and pulls me down in a heated kiss. I don't spend a second hesitating afraid that this might just be another dream.

Her lips moved skillfully with mine as she plays with the baby hairs at the base of my neck. I lift my hands and rest them on her waist and pull her further into me. I dance my tongue across her bottom lip asking for entrance, which she denies. I decided to step it up a level and squeeze her perfect ass which causes her to gasp, I take this opportunity to sneak my tongue in her mouth. I don't waste time before I begin to explore every inch of her mouth. Once oxygen became a problem I pull away, tugging on her bottom lip between my teeth, then resting my forehead against hers. "W-Woah..." she says while struggling to catch her breath. "Y-Yeah... Woah..." I agree.

The second our lips met I felt nothing like I'd ever felt before. Imagine your wildest fantasy, the one you have dreamed about since as long as you can remember, imagine that very fantasy coming true.  No amount of drugs, no amount of alcohol has ever had me feeling this way. It's like I was feeling every possible emotion all at once, but her presence kept me from being overwhelmed. I was completely calm.

I pull away slightly and just stare into her eyes are dark and hungry, but there's something else there as well. It's like she knew exactly what I was thinking and exactly what I was feeling. "Y-You recognize me... D-Don't you?" she asked shakily. I looked at her with wide eyes, "Y-Yes..." she leans up to my ear, "It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Lauren..." she rasps as she tugs on my ear with her teeth. "Y-Y/N..." I whisper nervously.


As soon as I open my door I slammed her against it and kissed her roughly. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I picked her up wrapping her legs around my waist. I trailed my lips further down and started nipping and sucking at her exposed collarbone as I did this she moaned loudly. She threaded her fingers in my hair and pulled me closer to her, so I bit down making sure to mark her perfect skin. "B-Bed n-now..." she practically growled. I did as she said and carried her to my bed, but I make sure not to stop my assault on her skin.

Once we got to my room I gently laid her on my bed, but she sat up. "This has to go..." she slid off my jacket. "So does this..." I smirk and lift her shirt over her head and throw it somewhere on the floor. I scoot her further up the bed and settle between her legs, she grabs for the hem of my shirt and I let her take it.

She connected our lips in another heated kiss, but it didn't last long because I started trailing kisses over her jaw, down her neck making sure to stop and suck on her sweet spot, then down her chest and the rest of her body. I stopped when my lips were just above the waistband of her jeans, I undid them then slid them down her legs at a painstakingly slow pace. I could tell she was getting frustrated because she bucked her hips up, "Come on! Stop fucking teasing!" she groaned. "Be patient..." I smirked and began kissing up the inside of her legs, making sure to give each one a fair amount of attention.

I must've pissed her off a bit because she flipped us over and practically ripped my clothes off before discarding the rest of hers. I flipped us back over and ghosted my fingertips down her side, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. I then look straight into her eyes, "Are you sure about this?" "I've never been more sure about anything in my life..."

She pulls me down for another kiss, but this one was different. It wasn't fast and lustful, it was slow and passionate. It wasn't full of want and desire, but need and love. This kiss meant so much more than the rest.


Our bodies moved together perfectly, like they were meant for one another. Nothing was rushed or forced, it was all so easy and natural, as if we had done this many times before. We both just took our time worshiping each other's body, making sure the other one was taken care of not only physically, but emotionally as well. There's nothing in my life that could ever compare to that.

No we are just laying here in a comfortable silence. Her head on my chest as she drapes her arm over my stomach and my arm wrapped around her softly tracing patterns on her back. The silence was broken when Lauren finally decided to speak up, "I've seen you before, many times actually... In my dreams."

"I've seen you too... Almost every night ever since I can remember..." I play with the ends of her hair.

"Wh-What if this is just another dream?" she slowly sits up and looks at me in fear as one tear finally falls down her cheek.

"It's not..." I look at her knowingly.

"H-How do you know?" she furrows her eyebrows.

"Because... In the dream I can't do this" I carefully wipe her tears away and kiss her passionately, showing her every bit of love I have. "at least not like that..." I smile at her lovingly.

"Even if this is a dream... I never want to wake up" she places her forehead against mine.

I place my hand on her cheek and caress it gently with the pad of my thumb," Me either..."

A/N: No proofread!... ever.

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