The Bully's Crush

By loveabby

115 5 3

Christian has been bully through high school by his ex-best friend Derek. Christian has been through everythi... More

Intro to characters

Chapter 1

40 1 0
By loveabby

A/N: So this chapter one of this book hopefully you'll enjoy it I've been thinking hard about how this book will go. Please can you comment on it. It'll mean the world to me if you did. This book will always be in Christian's POV if it isn't I'll put the person's name


"No more sleep time" I groan under my pillow

I roll over and over. Then I slam into a starfish, with my arms sprawled out.

I look up at the ceiling and just think. Cause in the morning I barely know what the fuck is going on.

As my memories slowly come back I remember that today is Monday. Finally the weekend is over. I know, I know why am I happy that the weekend is over.

Well, here is the thing school is actually a place I'm actually safe. I know most people dread it. But it's away from my dad so I'm good.

I get up from my bed and get the clothes I'm going to wear for school.

(But with black and white vans and a black beanie)

I grab my towel and boxers and jump into the shower. I wash my hair while I'm in here, since I'm wearing a beanie.

When I'm done I get out and dry myself.

Wow I'm nasty. I forgot to brush my teeth. So I brush my teeth, then leave the bathroom.

I put my clothes on and my shoes. I put my beanie on, grab my black vans backpack. I open my door a little to see if my dad was up. When the coast was clear I hurry out my room, then down the stairs.

When I get in the kitchen I make myself a bowl of cereal. Here's a secret about me. I make a mean bowl of cereal. Not like it hurts your feelings but it's really good. You know what I meant.

I look at the time and notice it's 8:40. CRAP. I grab my phone, backpack, and keys. I run out the door. I was supposed to leave 5 minutes ago. I run to my car and throw my bag in the passenger seat.

I pull out of the driveway and start my drive to school. I'm driving twice as fast. I hate being late I'm never late. FOR ANYTHING.

I get to school on time.


I grab my bag and get inside. I open the doors.

"Fucking shit! I don't need this." I mutter under my breath.

I start walking to my locker. I get a text from my dad.

Sperm donor - Faggot why didn't you make me breakfast. Since you didn't, don't be late or it'll make things worse.

Me - Sorry I got late to go to school I'm sorry.


Me - Okay

No response back. Fuck it. I start to walk again. But then I get pushed into the lockers.

"Yo! Cocksucker" the voice that I know so familiar.

"Derek not right now. You can bully me later okay." I tell him

"Don't fucking tell me what the fuck to do you fag." He says walking away

That's strange he just left I thought he would push me down and kick me in the gut. But not at all. Well okay.

I put my things in my locker. As I'm about to close my locker my phone vibrates. I pull it out. It was harmony.

Sister from dif Mr's - Where are you mister.

Me - I'm at my locker missy.

Sister - I'm on my way

Two minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around there's harmony.

"How's it going?" She asks putting an arm on my shoulder.

"It's going."

"Well I have news for you."

"Oh lord." I groan


"Nothing is it bad or good news?"

"It depends."


"On which partner you get."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Okay well I heard from Chris who heard from Steve who heard from-"

"Harm just tell me already."

"Okay okay. Well Ms. Baker is making us do a partner project."

"Okay can you tell me if its bad or good."

"Okay it's good if you get a partner that DOESN'T hate you. And it's bad if you get a partner that does hate you."

"Well then it's gonna be okay cause my class barely cares if I exist."

"Okay then hop–"


"I'll see you at lunch H"

"Bye bye C hopefully you don't get anyone bad."

I chuckled "Byee" I wave

I start walking to my first period class. Then it hits me I have Derek in Ms. Baker's class. But that's at 8th period. Well I go walk to my class and try not to think about 8th period.

*skip to lunch 7th period*

So 6 periods have pasted. Now it's lunch time. I feel better I get to see my best friends. As I'm walking to the cafe I feel an arm on my right shoulder.

"Hey Bimbo"

"Hey Dumbo"


"What you started it"

"You know what C these names your calling me are killing my hallway cred."

"What hallway cred" I laugh

"You know the cred I get from people"

"Just cause we're juniors doesn't mean we have hallway cred." I laugh

"Oh my lord you know what C!"

"Yes H!"

"I love you!"

"I love you too!"

She then gives me a big kiss on my cheek. I look at her and laugh.

We walk into the cafe. I see my amazing friends at our table. We walk over to them. When we sit they look at me.

"What?'' I ask

"Who's your partner?" Seth asked anxiously

"I don't know I haven't had her class yet." I answer

"Well hopefully you won't get...him." Cassidy says groaning the last word

"Harmony who did you get then?" I ask

"Well she was gonna give me my twin brother. But, then we were like no! Cause literally all the classes we have the teachers pair us up. Then she was like fine. So we didn't get paired up." She tells the story with out answering my question


"Yes C?"

"Answer the question Christian asked you!" Jayla said annoyingly

"Oh yeah umm... I got Heather." She looked at us

"Ooh!" We all said in unison

"Shut up she'll hear." She said blushing

Okay here's the thing Harmony has the BIGGEST crush on Heather. She always like "Heather is so pretty. Her beautiful blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. The way she... Blah blah blah" it's really cute cause she liked her since freshman year. She is always looking at her but the thing is Heather is with her bro's group. But she's nothing like them she's actually sweet. But she is ALWAYS looking at her like right now.

"Guys." I say motioning to H

I snap my fingers in front of her face. She gets out of her thought. And looks at us.

"Yeah?" She asks stupidly

"How's dreamland?" Seth asks

We all laugh while H blushes.


The bell rings signalling us to get to class.

The last class of the day thank god. As I get up we all say bye. They give me luck. So I laugh and we go separate ways. I have a love and hate relationship with the last class of the day. I love it cause I don't have to get home yet. I hate it cause Derek is in that class. But oh well. I get into class and the bell rings as I sit down.

Ms. Baker comes into the class a minute later.

"As you heard we are  doing a project. And yes I'm picking your partners." She said with a fake happy sound.

She then picked up a paper and read off two names.

"Oh and when I say your partners please go sit next to them." She added

"Tyler and Michael, Ashton and Amellie, Carolyn and Keith, Spencer and Sara, Adrian and Vivian, Leaf (my cousin made that name, don't judge) and Willow, Keaton and Alexandra, Ciara and Alex. Christian and Derek, Col—"

"What!" We said in unison

Everyone looked at us.

"Is there a problem boys?" Ms Baker asks

"Yes there is!" We say in unison again

"He's a gay boy. And I don't want to work with him." Derek says

"Hey! We don't use that profanity. And I put you two together cause you two don't get along." She adds

"Damn right we don't." I mutter

"Mr Williams that goes to you to." She says

"Sorry." I say

"Now please takes seat next to each other." She says

We both stay where we are and don't move. She then clears her throat. Which we hear but we don't move a muscle.

"Boys please have a seat next to each other and figure how you will do the project." She says

We grown and then he moves to the seat next to me. As he sits down he glares at me. And I roll my eyes. As I think I'm gonna get punch in the side. He just sits there.

"Anyways your not coming to my house queer." He's says

"And your not coming to mine." I say

"Then where are we gonna go?"

"The library."

"But that place is for nerds." He groans

"Then the park."

"Fine the library I don't what you to hit on me and no one notice."

"Oh my god. Why do you think I wanna hit on you." I say annoyed.

For reason it looked like a hint of sadness but was soon gone.

"Cause your a fag and you hit on every guy you get close to." He says easily

"Yeah like that's a fact."

"It is but oh well."

"Okay when do you wanna start it?"

"Umm how about after school this week. Since practice is cancelled." He says

"Okay thanks for that lovely information that I totally needed." I say sarcastically

"Your so welcome."

"Okay everyone the project is due in two months. So that means it's a massive part of your grade. So don't fuck it up." Ms Baker says

Yes she curses to us. Cause she thinks it's strange how the teachers can't curse in front of us. When we curse in front of them. So we are use to it.


We all get up from our chairs. And I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn and it's Derek.

"Yeah?" I asks

"Do you think we can start today?" He asks

"Um no I can't cause I gotta umm do something with my dad today. So–"

I get interrupted by my phone. I take it out.

Sperm Donor- Faggot get the hell home

Me- Okay

No reply back. So, I put it away.

"So when then?" Derek asks

"I don't know I gotta go." I say getting out of the classroom fast.

"Wait Christian!" Derek yells after I leave the room

Christian? He called me Christian for once. Like he never call me my actual name. Unlike Faggot, Fairy, cock sucker, queer, and queen. (a/n god I hate writing those words) the last annoys me the most.

I hurry to my car and starts it quickly. I get out of the parking lot and start driving down the street. I look at the clock. Shit. It's 3:20 I'm late. Great. I pull into my driveway. 3:30 I was supposed to be home by 3:25. What is he gonna do this time?

I walk in the house and he's standing there, in the hallway, looking at me.

"Sorry. There was traffic. I didn't mean to be late." I say trying to make him understand

"I don't care you were supposed to be here at 3:25 and it's 3:30. First you don't make me breakfast, then your late. I told you not to be cause it'll make it worse. Well now it's worse." He says slowly walking towards me

~Abuse warning~

Then he runs towards me. I try to run. But then he tries to choke me. But I break out of his grip and run up to my little sister's room. He chases after me and pushes me on the bed and hits me on my back. I can feel the pain rise once again. And he hits more and more. Until he gets tired. Then I lay there for a minute and I'm on the bridge of crying. I get up and try to walk to my room and he sees me and runs to my room. I try to keep the door close but he gets through. He comes in and kicks my side and kicks more and more. Then I get up try to call Harmony. She answers.

"H-Ha-rmony" I say not trying to be to loud.

"Christian did he hit once again?" She asks

"Y-Yeah" I say

"I really should call the police."

"No cause I won't be able to stay anywhere." I say

"You could stay here." She says

"No I c-"

"GAY ASS GET THE FUCK OFF THAT PHONE!" He yells towards my room

"I gotta go." I whisper to her

"Okay please be careful."

"I will try. Bye. Love you."

"Love you to Christian."

I hang up and try to go to sleep and try to forget what just happened.

I slowly go to sleep. And go to dreamland.

"Christian!" A voice yells in the distance

"Christian! Come over here! I wanna show you something!" The voice says again

I slowly find myself in the forest. The most beautiful flowers are around me. I walk down a path and I see a waterfall. I hear a noise that is so soothing but I can't even describe it. But it's really soothing. I turn around.

"Christian baby come here!" The voice goes again

I turn and look around and try to figure where the voice is coming again.

"Babe! I'm over here!" The voice once again goes.

I try to follow the voice. I figure out where the voice is coming from. I notice a guy in the water. Then he slowly turns and—

~End of dream~

I wake up. I don't know what just happened. I look around and I'm no longer in the forest. I'm in my room. I check my phone and it's 7:30. I wake up and he ready. I'm finished at 8. Good time. I go downstairs and make my dad some pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage. After I finish I put it in the microwave. Then I make my self some scrambled eggs and some bacon. I write a note.

Breakfast is in the microwave. I won't be home after school staying to do a project. I'll be home around 4:30-5:00.

I place it on the counter. But then think about the placing and then place it on the microwave with tape. Then I check the time 8:30. I go get my school stuff then my keys and leave the house.

I make it to school on time. I walk in and no one comes to me at all calling me names. That's new. I heard someone walking towards me then stops then walks away then walks back. Doing this three times more. So I turn around to see who it is.

It's Derek.

"Yes?" I ask

"Um I was wondering if we can do the project today after school." He says scratching the back of his head

"Um yeah where do you wanna go?" I ask

"The park like 20 minutes from here. You know away from everyone. Cause I don't wanna be seen with you by anyone from here." He says. Saying the last part with disgust

"Okay I guess. Plus you didn't have to say it like that." I say.

"Well oh well. I don't wanna be seen with a faggot that's all. Cause then peo–"

My phone dings notifying me a message.

Sperm donor-  Good faggot you did the right thing for once and fine about the project but you have to make the dinner.

Me- But I can't I have homework afterwards

Sperm donor- Fine this once.

Me- Thanks

No reply as always. I look up and he's still there. I put my phone away.

"Now didn't you want to always go to the library cause you think I might hit on you. Even though I won't." I said

"Well I change my mind god damn."

"Fine whatever we have to finish by 4:45 then cause I gotta get home okay."

"Why can't we go till 5?" He asks actually curious

"Cause I can't. I have to be home."

"Fine whatever."

He walks away. I end up walking to the class and the day begins. The day goes as normal. I end up not getting bullied at all. What a surprise. So the last class of the day goes fine. Derek ends up being a bit tolerable.


Derek tells me to meet him outside. So I go outside and wait by my car. He comes out and he looks for me. He finds me and his mouth drops. I look at him confused.

"That's your car?" He asks

"Yeah?" I say confused

"Its sick dude"


"Alright lets go." He says going to the passenger seat

"Oh your gonna go in my car what about yours?"

"Your car is way cooler."

"So just bring me back after."

"I don't know I might be late home."

"Oh well then we can take separate cars."

He goes to his car and I wait for him to pull out so I can follow him. We keep driving then I notice the park is like a forest almost. I feel weird remembering my dream. We park. Then we go to a bench and start our project.

*skip project work*

Okay well he's actually smart. He did most of the good ideas for the project.

"Okay here give me your phone." He says

I give him my phone unlocked. And I watch him going to the contacts and watch him put a number in. Then put Derek👊💪.  Then he texts himself so he can have my number.

"Okay now I text you the next time we can meet and all."

I nod and look at the time 4:20.

"Well we finished a bit early. What do you wanna do I guess?" I ask

"I don't know there's a pond around that tree. Come on." He says getting up

I get up and follow him. He's at the pond and he starts to take his shoes and socks off and puts his feet in the water.

"Come on it warm." He says

I do the same and walk slowly around.

We stay in the water for like 15 minutes. Then the last five we just talked and we found out we had a lot in common. I look at the time 4:40.

"Alright well gotta go." I say getting up

"Alright I'll text you later."

"Okay bye." I say walking out of the so familiar forest.

I go to my car and start driving home. I get there exactly 4:55. I open the door and  my sperm donor is in the living room.

"Hi Christian?"


"How was it?" He asked


"Okay well go on up and do your homework."

I go upstairs and start on my home work. My phone lights up.

Derek- Hey

Me- Hey

Derek- Wyd?

Me- Homework hbu?

Derek- Oh same

Me and Derek text and I do my homework and I help him with his homework a bit. We talk and laugh. Then I tell him I'm going to bed and then I go to sleep

Hey guys sorry for the massive wait. I've been very busy. Please can you do me a big favour and comment, vote, share, and follow me. I would very appreciate it a lot.  I love you all so much.


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