Intoxicated - A Lashton (5sos...

By fancying

431K 12.1K 6.4K

There was something about Luke, that made Ashton smile. But lately, Luke hasn't been smiling back. Luke is d... More

Chapter 1 - Scars
Chapter 2 - Are You Okay?
Chapter 3 - Enough
Chapter 5 - I Don't Want To Be Found
Chapter 6 - A World Alone
Chapter 7 - Stupid Thoughts
Chapter 8 - Secrets
Chapter 9 - Best Friends
Chapter 10 - Staying Up
Chapter 11 - Those Terrible Things Called 'Feelings'
Chapter 12 - Big Fucking Deal.
Chapter 13 - You Take The Pain Away
Chapter 14 - Mixed Signals
Chapter 15 - I Should Of Trusted You
Chapter 16 - Sick
Chapter 17 - Without You I'm A Lost Boy
Chapter 18 - Just Ask
Chapter 19 - Drowning
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Virginities and Vodka
Chapter 22 - Let's Talk About Sex
Chapter 23 - There's A First Time For Everything
Chapter 24 - Enough Talk About Blowjobs

Chapter 4 - Theory

19.1K 547 266
By fancying

this chapter is going to be dramatic (i hope, i haven't started writing hahahahaah). i'm sorry that i can't update too often. my plan is to write on days that i don't have homework and/or both days on the weekend. my goal is to update at least once a week, though :)

((((this is my worst chapter yet))))

(((((((((((would you even call ashton a blonde?))))))))))))


"Michael," Ashton laughed. "Put that back."

The two oldest members were out shopping for needed groceries. They had invited the other two boys to come, but Luke was sleeping, and Calum wanted to 'sort things out with Luke'.

Michael rolled his eyes, and put back the unnecessary food. After unwillingly buying some healthy food to accompany the junk food, the boys went to purchase the food.

After paying a total of around $100, they carried the food back in plastic bags. They decided to walk back, because it was only a 10 minute distance. About halfway through the walk, Ashton had had enough of the awkward silence.

"So Michael," Ashton asked, out of the blue. "Do you like anyone?"

The question wasn't unfamiliar between the four. They were all constantly bugging each other about liking girls and such.

"Uhh-" Michael hesitated for a moment. Did he like anyone? He never actually thought about it. There were celebrities, pretty girls and fans, but no one specific came to the bleach blonde's mind.

"No." He answered firmly.

Ashton cracked a smile. "You're so lying." He teased, as he rang the doorbell.

"No mate, I swear."


The blondes laughed together for a little bit, and an awkward silence returned. Ashton rang the doorbell again. "I think Luke should be up by now."

"I dunno, man, He can sleep for a pretty long time."

Ashton didn't answer, putting them into an awkward silence for a few moments.

"Where are they?" The 17 year old asked.

It was then, when they heard muffled yelling coming from behind the door. Ashton and Michael looked at each other in confusion.

Just then, the door opened. They noticed a red eyes Luke, who looked at them with a scared expression, before pushing past them.

"Luke?" Ashton called out. "Where are you going, Lukey?"

He ignored Ashton's calls, and rushed down the street. "Do we go after him?" Michael questioned.

Ashton hesitated before answering. It broke his heart to see Luke cry. As much as he wanted to run after Luke, his feet were firmly planted on the ground. "Let's ask Calum what happened, first. Just to be safe."

Michael nodded silently, and walked into the door left open by a saddened Luke. As soon as he got inside, he put the heavy bags on the counter and stretched out his fingers. Ashton followed his footsteps seconds later.

"What do we do now?" They asked at the same time.

"Ha jinx!" Ashton yelled. Michael just rolled his eyes. "You're so immature."

"But seriously. Where do we go from here?"

They stood in an uncomfortable silence for a while. "I guess one of us can talk to Calum, and the other can try to contact Luke." I nodded at Michael silently. I shifted around uncomfortably.

"I'll try to contact Luke because, um, you get along better with Calum." Ashton lied through his teeth. Really, he just wanted the chance to be Luke's hero. But it was true. Through Ashton's eyes, it seemed as though Calum hated him.

"Really? You and Calum are, like, the troublemakers. Luke's more serious, I guess. Kind of like me. Well, okay then. I'm gonna go ask Calum to see what's up." Michael left without a word.

I pulled out my phone and texted Luke a couple times. He usually answers right away, so he found it strange when he didn't get a reply.

luke, where did u go?

R u okay?

lukeyyy i miss i come back :(

Next, Ashton called Luke. He waited impatiently as the phone rang over and over. After calling a few times, Ashton gave up.

He was starting to get worried. How will he find Luke? He didn't want to ask for help, he wanted to be the one to find Luke. He couldn't explain why... He just felt as if he had to. Ashton tried to ignore the thought.

Why was he always jealous about things such as Cake? What about when Luke talked to girls? It made Ashton's blood boil.

Maybe it's because he's like my younger brother, Ashton thought. Maybe I'm just not ready for him to date anyone.

That didn't sound right, though. It was only things with Luke... even though he was older than the three other boys, he only was overprotective about Luke. He just wanted to know why.

All these thoughts were making Ashton stressed. He had another issue, too. Luke was currently missing, and he had no idea how to find him.

What was he to do now?


Michael sighed to himself before knocking on Calum's door. No one answered, so he just let himself in. Calum was sitting at his desk, hunched over. He was sitting so that his back was facing Michael.

"Calum?" Michael asked quietly. Calum turned around in his desk chair slowly. It was a scene, that seemed to be playing in slow motion. Michael examined Calum as best he could in the dimly lit room. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept in days. Which he knew wasn't true, considering all four of the boys loved sleep almost as much as food.

"You okay, mate?" Calum nodded silently, answering Michael's question.

"Okay, well me and Ashton were just wondering about Luke.. he left crying. Is he okay? What happened? I won't tell Ashton what happened, if you don't want me too."

Calum looked enraged as soon as Michael said Luke.

"Luke...that dick!" Calum shouted, one decibel away from screaming. He looked like he was ready to punch someone. "Don't talk about that fag! I never want to see him, let alone hear his name again!"

Michael was taken aback. He hadn't ever heard Calum call Luke a fag. I mean, sure they called each other names. It was usually something sillier, not 'fag'.

"Woah, Calum calm down! And please don't call your best friend a fag!"

"No thanks, I won't calm down! That gay tard isn't my best friend anymore, anyways!"

"Okay, what's going on? What about Cake?"

"I'll tell you what's going on! Luke's a faggot! That's all I have to say." Calum got up, froze for a second, and stormed out of his room, leaving Michael alone on his bed. Michael ran his hand through his platinum hair. Leave it to me to fuck up, he thought to himself. What had he said wrong?

Michael got up off of Calum's bed and left the room. Did Calum actually mean what he said, was he being serious when he said that Luke was a faggot? Was Luke... gay? Michael shook his head. No, Luke wasn't gay. At least, he though he wasn't.

It would explain a lot, though. Maybe Luke had just come to the conclusion that he was gay, and that could explain him being so independent lately. That would explain them skipping shopping to 'sort things out'. Maybe Luke had just came out to Calum, and he didn't support Luke. That would explain Luke almost crying, and Calum being mad at Luke. Not to mention Calum calling Luke a faggot...

This couldn't be the answer, Michael tried to tell himself. But the situation seemed to accurate to be false.

But for some strange reason, Michael didn't dare doubt his theory.


sorry for the short chapter :(

do you think michael's theory is right? well of course you know bc this story is kinda about luke being gay. but was his theory right?? idk man you tell me.

agh i feel bad for making calum so mean. there will be an explanation, later on in the story :3

i'm also trying to make michael as cute as possible. as of now, ashton's confused and clueless, luke is depressed, calum is a dick, and michael is cute.

i tried my best to plan out the first ten chapter of this story. i would share it with you because you could know what i plan on writing ((and it also looks pretty classy lol)). but i don't want to tell you (yes, you reading this right now) what is going to happen in the next chapters. sorry! nothing personal only one person knows how it's going to go. i just don't wanna spoil it!

xxx sorry for being annoying with these long ass pointless author notes

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