An Identity (Completed)

By Imaginary1Love

13.3K 463 159

"Darcy! Listen to me. You have to help him okay? If you don't, he might just leave you forever!" Darcy Austin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Seven

507 32 15
By Imaginary1Love

It's been a week since my classes have started, and I must say UCL is pretty impressive. Not to forget UCL's ineffable infrastructure. The university was more like a maze. I hardly remember in which room my classes are held! Heck, I don't even remember where my locker is.
Even after the tour, Abela had given me on my first day in UCL, I still don't remember!

After I had told Abela that I was not jet lagged, she had taken me for a tour around the campus. The university was massive. The classrooms were like the ones they show in films. The ones with a projector board, and seats which were in the form of rows, attached to one another (I'm pretty disappointed with the joined seat system, 'cause even if you want to sit alone; you can't!). There was this area known as the 'learning space' where there were chairs around a circular table, and a few tables and chairs near a massive glass wall from which you could see the entire university. Also, there were these sofas which were in the form of stairs. The learning space was an amazing area, if students wanted to have group discussions.

Then Abela took me to the most sacred place ever. It's considered sacred only for the people like Abela and me.

The library.

The library a.k.a my place of worship was ineffable and almost chimerical.
It had two floors, I repeat two floors and both of them had tall bookshelves. There was not even one bookshelf which had an empty space. It was just loaded with books. There were many rows provided as a sitting arrangement on the first floor of the library, and on the second floor there were only a few seats; usually people sat down on the floor instead of sitting on those seats.

This is my abditory.

After visiting my native place, Abela took me to the UCL sports ground. The sports ground was MASSIVE. By massive I mean, it covered nearly 100 acres!

I'm already in love with this university.

After the long tour of the university, Abela took me to this small restaurant, where we had our meal. All this while, it was just Abela and me. Tadeas was accompanying Joshwa, who didn't even to step out of his room.

He really has some very deep hatred towards Regeal. Doesn't he?

On the first day of classes, I struggled to find my class. At first I entered the wrong class and made a complete fool of myself. Then I found Abela, and that's when I finally found my class. The first class of the day was English and we began with the literature part. Abela and I were practically jumping up and down our seats when the teacher announced that we will be beginning with 'The Tempest' by William Shakespeare. I had already read the book so it was more than just exciting to be reading it all over again.

It had just been a week since I joined the university, and we are already given assignments.
In total there are four assignments to be completed.

The first assignment is of Maths, also known as 'Mental Harassment'. Turns out that Joshwa is exceptionally good at Maths. However, Joshwa hasn't spoken to me ever since he found out that I am one of the Macaulays. I still don't know what's between Regeal and Joshwa, Abela said that Joshwa had some sort of personal grudge against Regeal.

But then why is he pissed at me?

I remove all those thoughts from my head, as soon as they enter; it's a waste of time.

Moving on, our second assignment is of English in which we have to write about the message that Shakespeare wants to put forward with his stories. This assignment is the best one as compared to the others.

The third assignment is of Chemistry. I'm pretty good at it actually. I won't call it simple because it isn't, but as compared to Maths, I'm freaking awesome at this.

The last assignment is of history in which we have to just read through the information of 'World War II' on the Internet, so that we can understand what the teacher is trying to explain.

At the moment I am working on the History assignment. I have written down the key points in a notebook, so that I can go through them before the History class.

Luckily, I am already done with my Chemistry assignment and I must say it was really easy.

It is a Friday afternoon around two o'clock, our classes are over and done for the day. Everyone's planning their weekends, while I'm here, in my dorm room, all alone, doing my homework.

How nice!

After two hours, I had successfully finished my history assignment. I had noted down three pages of important notes, and I'm pretty proud of myself. I mean at least I will understand what the teacher is trying to explain, instead of wanting to defenestrate my history book.

Now, I'm bored.

I walked out of my dorm room and knocked on Abela's door.

No answer.

I knocked again.

No answer.

When I was about to knock for the third time, I felt someones hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to find Tadeas smiling at me.

"Tadeas. Hey" I smiled.

"Hi" He said.

"Abela is in my room, she's helping me pack my bag" He said.

"Going somewhere?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. In fact Abela is accompanying me" He said and gestured towards his room.

"Really? 'Cause she didn't mention anything about it" I said.

"It is what you call a last minute plan" He smiled sheepishly.

"In the afternoon, Abela asked me if I was planning to pay a visit to my house. I was planning to do so, and since her house is near mine, she decided to accompany me" He said, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"Oh" Was all I could say.

They are going home.

Home. A place where there is happiness, a sense of comfort and tranquility. They don't know how lucky they are to actually have a place called 'home'. Where they have a family...

I on the other hand is suffering from hiraeth...

"She's not that busy, if you want to meet her" He said and I nodded in acknowledgement.

We walked towards his room, and there I saw Abela stuffing Tadeas's stuff in his bag

I chuckled.

That was a sight to see. She was literally struggling with it.

"Tadi, did you really have to buy so much stuff from Amsterdam?" She huffed and looked up.

"DARCY!" She squealed.

"Hey Abela" I chortled.

"Help me!" She said, stretching her hands forward.

I walked over to where she was seated and helped her zip up Tadeas's bag.

"There you go" I said, patting the bag.

"Thank you" She exhaled.

"You know this imbecile has stuffed up so much in this bag that I'm afraid it might detonate" She glared at Tadeas and I laughed.

"Stop wasting time with your foolish talks" Tadeas said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah" Abela said and stood up.

Tadeas carried the bags and we all walked out of the room.

"Don't miss me a lot" Abela smirked.

"I'll try" I said, wiping a fake tear.

"Come here" She said and spread out her arms.

I walked ahead and hugged her.

"Awe don't cry, I'll be back soon" She said and patted the back of my head.

I was trying so hard to control my laughter, but I couldn't.

I burst out laughing and so did Abela.

Tadeas was looking at us like we had grown two heads.

We laughed even harder at the look on his face.

"Are you two done?" Tadeas asked. Apparently, he wasn't amused.

"Oh come on" Abela groaned.

Tadeas still had the same look on his face.

"Okay fine. Bye Darcy" She said, waving her hand frantically.

Tadeas caught her by his free hand and dragged her.

She kept waving at me like a lunatic till she had finally left the dormitory.

I walked back to my room, still giggling at the thought of my crazy friend.

It's only been a week since we know each other and she already treats me like a sister.

I sat down on my bed, and began musing about my first opinion about Abela. I had thought her to be a quiet girl...and look how she's turned out.

Maybe you should not judge a book by it's cover.

The thought rung in my head. Joshwa had told me that, and look now he's the one who's doing so. He is thinks I am one of those show-offs, who flaunt about their rich background.

To prevent further deep thoughts, I pick up my laptop which was lying on the study table and make myself comfortable on the bed.

When my laptop comes on, I stare at my wallpaper for about five minutes. My wallpaper was of my father and me. We had clicked this photo at a carnival photo booth and my father had scanned it so that it would never get lost. Whatever is stored on this laptop, is saved by my father. In fact this is my father's laptop. He had bought it as soon as it had arrived in stores. Everything that he ever wanted to preserve, is on this. This is the only thing that keeps me some what connected to father.

I don't know which button on the keyboard got pressed by my hand, but because of that I found something. The disc inserter opened up to reveal an Elvis Presley music CD.

He loved Elvis Presley...
This was his favorite album...

I was so stunned that I kept staring at the CD.
I remember my father listening to this album every evening. He loved Elvis Presley with all his heart and so did I. His songs give some sort of tranquility which will make you forget every problem in your life.

Ever since my father left me, I have been searching for this album. I thought maybe he took it with him...

But he didn't. He left it. He left a part of himself; for me.

After all these years, I wonder if it still works.
I push the inserter back in and then a 'loading' sign pops up on my screen.

Please work.

After a minute or so, 'In The Ghetto' starts playing.

I place my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming.
Before I know it, tears begin to stream down my face. This is the song which always got me, it was and will always be my favorite song. It holds so many of emotions.
However right now all I can think about is my father and how he always sung along to this song.

I cried my heart out. All those emotions that I had bottled up from so many years. The wall that I had managed to build up had suddenly fallen down. I lay down in my bed and cried while listening to the song again and again.

I'm going to let it all out now.

Just then I heard a knock on my door.

I jumped out of my bed and the first thing I did was pause the song and then I rushed to the washroom and washed my face repeatedly until there was no trace of my meltdown. I fixed my attire and then walked towards the door.

I opened the door to face someone who I least expected to see.

"Hey. Can we talk?" Joshwa asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

//Chapter Seven was certainly eventful...phew. YAS finally Joshwa is going to talk to Darcy...Yay?Yay. Sooo there are many readers who are wondering who I picture Joshwa as...Well, you see the problem is that I am confused myself, I mean I usually picture Joshwa as Niall Horan but there are a few changes in his appearance.. So I need your feedback. Who do you picture Joshwa as? Francisco Lachowski, Colten Haynes or Niall Horan? Let me know in the comments. So yeah, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, if you did make sure you vote for it :)//

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