I'm Back to Fight

By AlanaTheLlama

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‘Years of torment made me who I am. A fighter, reckless and out for blood. Blood in my case is a ruined reput... More

I'm Back to Fight
Chapter 2 - the reunion
Chapter 3 - Pete is enlightened
Chapter 4 - The reaction
Chapter 5 - School
Chapter 6 - Robbers, Cops and one BIG shock!
Chapter 7 - making amends
Chapter 8 - Lunch
Chapter 9- Vampires, tattoos and a bit too much food
Chapter 10 - Meeting the Gang
Chapter 11 - knowing the gang
Chapter 12 - Sexist Sequin Boy

Chapter 1- Welcome Home

1.9K 78 4
By AlanaTheLlama

Annie’s POV

“Baby, please, don’t leave me. We are meant to be together, can’t You see it? I love you” Mark pleaded.

“No, I need to leave. It’s not you it’s me”, and queue fake tear. Gold star performance Annie

“Baby, don’t cry. How is it you. Tell me please, how can I help” He cried

And to think he was a player two weeks ago.

New record. Mental happy dance!

“I need some time to think, please just leave me alone for a while Mark”

“For you’ll I’ll wait forever” he mumbled as I walked out of his door.

I arrived at my apartment where Danielle was waiting, with her bags packed, “hey, you get him for me?” she questioned.

“Yeah, got him kneeling, begging and crying. Just how I like it”

Danielle went out with Mark and he broke her heart like the player he was. I decided to be the best friend and break his heart for her, which she happily complied with.

Both me and Danielle have fallen for the players once upon a time, so that’s why we’ve made the rule: don’t ever fall for a player, EVER AGAIN!

Instead of physically hurting them which I wouldn’t mind we mentally break down their walls and leave them heartbroken like they’ve left all those other girls.

“You ready?” asked Danielle

“Yes, and are you sure you want to come with me?”

“YES! For the hundredth time, I am not letting you leave me in America while you’re down in Australia for your senior year! I will help in bringing those bitches down that bullied you whether you want my help or not”

“Thank you for this”

“What are best friends for?” Danielle questioned

We left my apartment that I sold to one of my fellow gang members, Scars and Razor. Contradict each other huh; well they are siblings by blood.

Our gang was the most feared gang in the northern hemisphere and I was the gang leader. We didn’t sell drugs or illegal things, we just fought like hell. We didn’t kill unless necessary, but we knew how to pack a punch.

I was the strongest female people knew. I was the best fighter in America and I knew how to work guns and throwing knives, if someone came at me with a knife I could grab the blade and manage to knock them out in a matter of seconds.  I wasn’t signed, because I always turned the people down, but I could kick all of their signed professional fighters’ asses. I preferred street fights and I was happy with the income of money while I went to school.

Aah school: I was at the top off the school taking some grade 12 classes but still had some of my previous year 11 AP/ extension classes. I was the badass that all the guys wanted and tried to hook up with, but they were merely players in my eyes and I DO NOT DATE PLAYERS.

With this in thought I strutted into the terminal and eventually sat down at my seat on the plane.

I picked up my book, A picture of Dorian gray (A/N: my dad gave me this book to read, this weekend) and picked up where I left off..

By the time I had gone through; a picture of Dorian gray, To kill a mockingbird and Dirt music, some classics that I enjoy reading (A/N: I haven’t read any of them but I have them) it was time to land in Australia.

I walked out the plane with Danielle in tow, and made my way to the bag place.

I saw a muscular teenage guy, taking off with Danielle and my bags so I ran up to him shouting at him to stop. The guy was looking around frantically for someone but before he could turn around I had flipped him and had his chest under my foot. His chestnut hair fell into his blue eyes, Peter

“Peter? Wow you’ve changed” I stood staring at my older brother, 18 years old now and he still manages to get all of the women of all ages staring at him.

“Annie?” he looked bewildered, “You’ve changed so much. Look at you. You’re so strong, you flipped me, how?”

I lifted my shirt and showed off my abs, “I’m just amazingly strong” I jokingly boasted. And I flexed in my arm. He poked my stomach and I stifled a giggle and grabbed his wrist pushed it away, while doing so he caught a glimpse of my tattooed wrist.

He narrowed his eyed at my wrist, “why do you have a tattoo? And especially one the words ‘Nightmare’ and ‘nightmare mafia’. Annie that’s a really dangerous gang and nightmare is one of the most feared gang leaders, and that is saying something because she’s a girl and you’ve heard of how bad gender discrimination is.

“I’ll explain later, but for now meet my friend Danielle” I turned around and saw Danielle staring at our interaction.

My brother grabbed Danielle’s hand a kissed the back of it. I saw her smile cheekily and I mouthed ‘don’t you dare’ to her.  She waved me of meaning that she wouldn’t … for now at least… gross my best friend and brother, that’s if she is going to do the thing I think she’ll do; over the top flirting.

“Okay” I split them up, “let’s go home, I want to see Mum and Dad and of course Lucas!” I squealed.

My brother chuckled at me, “its good you’re home”

“I’m happy to be home”

I entered the front of the house and dropped my bags. I heard shuffling in the living room and I walked over there. I turned the light on and almost had a heart attack. There stood my parents, Lucas and a group of people in the back, yelling, “Welcome home Annie!”

I stood in shock, and so did everyone else, “Sorry, you must be Danielle, we were going to surprise Annie. QUICK EVERYONE GET BACK INTO PLACE!” My mother screamed.

“Mum? It’s me Annie” I heard gasps all round. I got all teary and ran to my parents.

“Baby, look at you. All grown up and beautiful” my mother cooed while dad kept grumbling about how he’ll have to ‘keep all the boys away’.  I sniffled and thanked mum and turned to dad, “I don’t think you’ll have a problem with that, I can do it myself”

“How?” he tilted his head to the side

“SHE FLIPPED ME DAD, FLIPPED ME!” yelled peter from across the room, giving me the start of a headache.

I growled, “I’ll do it again if you don’t shut your face up”

Danielle started giggling, “She’s always like this when she’s mad”

“My sister’s home! Why shouldn’t I yell?” he started to scream out loud

I ran up to him and flipped him again, “You’re loud and giving me a headache”

I stood up straight and rubbed my head, turning to face my welcome home committee.  They all had extremely shocked faces on, then my dad started to cry, “MY baby is growing up. I’m so proud of you. Go fight those boys off for me”

“Daaaaaad” I whined. It hasn’t been 20 minutes yet and I’m already harassed about my love life.

“ANNNNNIIIIIEEEEE!” I cringed from the pitch and volume of the voice. But immediately smiled when my little brother Lucas came barreling towards me.

“Lil Lucas!” I screamed just enthusiastically, ignoring my throbbing headache.

“How come Lucas doesn’t get flipped and I do?” grumbled peter

Haha it’s good to be home.

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Hi everbody.

i would just like to dedicate this chapter to the author of one of my all time favourite books on Wattpad, I Sold Myself to the devil for vinyls...pitiful i know. 

I took me a week to read it the first time because i was on holidays and my little brother kept irritating me by saying, "Seriously alana, stop reading. Why do you read so much. We are on holidays" Mind you it's raining "You should do something" And im like what is there to do?"

Anyway the second time it took me one and a half days anyway i love this book 

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