
By slythindor_heir

1.6K 37 18

Its seventh year at Hogwarts. Everyone expects a peaceful year, but that's not in the cards for two certain s... More

The incident
Hearing voices
Forever and Always


383 9 6
By slythindor_heir

Hermione's POV

We approached the door and quite frankly I was scared. This isn't normal. We shouldn't be able to hear each other's thoughts in our own heads. And I have to admit, it is very...intimidating yet interesting? Is that possible? I'm not sure but I don't have time to think about it before Draco opened the door, revealing the office that hasn't really changed since Dumbledore's death, the only change being an old female sitting behind the desk instead of a wise old man with half-moon spectacles.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy, Hermione. How may I be of assistance?" Headmistress McGonagall asked.

'Want me to ask her or do you?' Draco asked in our 'link' you could call it.

'I'll do it'  I replied.

"Headmistress, we have a slight...issue." I said in a very wary voice.

"Is that so?" She said.

"Yes. Very much so." Draco replied for me, taking the words right out my mouth.

"Do tell then." McGonagall said.

'Do I start from the hospital wing or the cut or dream?' I asked Draco in our link.

'The cut, start from the beginning, it would make more sense. Maybe she knows something.' He replied.

"I believe you know about my true heritage, headmistress?"

"Yes. Yes, I do dear." She replied kinder than I'd ever heard her speak.

"Good so because I was so tired I asked him for permission to skip Potions. He agreed. So I went to an abandoned charms classroom and decided to sleep there. Draco entered and soon I fell asleep. When I woke up I remembered Harry slipped me a note that I couldn't open so I went to the desk, grabbed a very small dagger to try to open it. A crash that Draco made startled me, so I flew around but the knife shot out my hand and cut Draco. I rushed over to him and the way he was holding the knife and the way I was standing collided and I got cut too. Then a few seconds later this bright white light flashed from the knife and both of our blood connected. Then I wrapped the knife up in a cloth and went to class. Snape was worried about me, as always. He sent me to the hospital wing. Then Madame Pomfrey told us she couldn't heal either of our wounds like it was being held open by something. She gave us a potion then we both fell asleep. But this is the odd part, professor. We both dreamt that night, about the same dream. Then we both started hearing voices, I heard a verse from Romeo and Juliet and Draco heard me ranting about my dad. That happened in Transfiguration. We have no idea why this is happening, I have a good feeling it's related to the dream. Has this ever happened before?" I finished telling the headmistress, who looked like she had seen a ghost.

"I'd advise you both to sit down and I will excuse you both from classes for the rest of the day." We both nodded simultaneously and took a seat in front of the desk. "Okay children, I am going to tell you about a legend from two of the founders of Hogwarts. Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw. These two were always fighting when they were younger. Salazar always tried to get Rowena into the dark arts, but Rowena was too clever for him and didn't fall for his schemes. As they got older that hatred slowly blossomed intonlove. They were head over heels for one another. So they worked together on a project. A single treasured item from both families combined to make a bond for life. Salazar took his fathers dagger and Rowena took her mothers prized Sapphire necklace and together they combined it into a dagger with a sapphire handle. It is told that whatever two people gets cut by the dagger will live out their days in bliss with one another, just like Slytherin and Ravenclaw." By the time she had stopped to see if we had understood but neither of us did so she continued. "It is also said that when cut you and your companion get cut a bond is made therefor connecting the two souls, mind and heart. Hence why you can read each other's minds, it's because they think as one. They also say that if they are away from one another it would cause the bodies serious pain and heartache. But I don't think that this is possible, in both your cases, because it can only happen if you both are in the creators bloodline. I know there's a possibility that Mr. Malfoy may be in Slytherin's bloodline since he is in Slytherin House but, my dear Hermione, you are in Gryffindor. And your father was a Slytherin, so say Mr. Malfoy is descended from Salazar Slytherin, that means you would have to be descended from Rowena Ravenclaw. Do you have any family that might've been related to Ravenclaw in any way?"

I look over to Draco whom of which looks terribly confused because McGonagall basically spilled the beans on my true heritage. I consider people who could be in Ravenclaw but I know the Prince's (my dads mothers surname) were all in Slytherin. All my aunties, uncles and that leaves only one more person. My mother. My dad and I never really talk about my mum. She died when I was 6 months old so I never knew her, but I know she was very intelligent and a highly likeable person. Is there a possibility she was a descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw?

"I'd need to speak to my father because all of his family were from Slytherin, but there may be a chance that my mum was in Ravenclaw?" I say to the Headmistress as politely as possible. I also know that there will be a lot of explaining to do to Draco later on.

"Yes dear. I don't recall your dad ever speaking of her?" She questions.

"No he wouldn't have. She died when I was just half a year old, he was devastated and he doesn't tend to show his emotions that much" I reply trying not to think about my dads only weakness besides Lily Evans and I.

"Ask him soon dear because as of today I hereby change your timetable, Hermione."

"I don't understand, headmistress?" I said really confused.

"You are now going to be sharing a timetable with Draco, you picked the same subjects anyway they were just placed at different times."

"No Professor you don't need to do that." I exclaimed.

"But I do, Hermione. You should be given your new timetable over the weekend so you have got 2 more days with Gryffindor, I would advise you to enjoy it."

I just nod my head, not wanting to argue with my headteacher and mutter 'it's really not necessary though.'

"Right, you two have the remainder of the day off to think things through and maybe read up about this sticky situation in the library. But I must head back to my next class." She said standing up and walking from behind the desk.

It was now Draco's turn to talk throughout this entire meeting. "But how does us having the same dream tie into this?" He was loud but his voice sounded hoarse and scratchy.

"Madame Pomfrey gave you a mixture of sleeping drought and Potion of Erised. It is like the Mirror of Erised but in potion form and it exposes what your heart truly desires within a dream. It seems you both desire the same thing." She stated before leaving the room, heading off to her next lesson of the day.

...5 minutes later...

"What the hell? Your mother might've been in Ravenclaw house and your father was a Slytherin? What in Salazar's name was she talking about, Granger?" Draco asked, confusion lacing every word.

"Out of that entire speech about the dream, our possible predicament and me joining up with Slytherin House for classes, the first thing you ask me about is my parents?" I say with a disbelieving tone.

"Yes, because that's the least complicating thing going on right now so just answer the question." He replied forcefully.

"It's a long story..." I state.

"We're excused from classes so I have all day. Take your time, Granger. If that's even your name..." He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes

"Ok so basically when I was younger my dad gave me to muggles to protect me from the dark arts. So from the ages 4 to 11 I lived with Mr and Mrs. Granger. My memories were altered so I would forget about my father until I was of age. As soon as I got my Hogwarts letter something clicked in my head, almost like I knew that the people raising me weren't my birth parents. As soon as I saw my father again I remembered who he was. He was teaching and it took all my self control to stay seated through the the class."

"Well then, who is your father?"

"Severus Snape." I answered. His eyes bulged almost popping out his head.

"WHAT?! You were serious when you said in your head he was your dad?"

"Yes. I was. You mustn't tell anyone about me, Potter and Weasley don't even know."

"Potter? Weasley?" He asked confusedly.

"Yeah, we'll Potters mum hurt my dad and Weasley just annoys me." I shrugged. Then all of a sudden Draco burst out laughing. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him rolling about the floor like a lunatic. "What?"

"I never imagined Hermione Granger well...Snape saying such a thing about the boy-who-just-won't-die and the Weasel King."  I couldn't help but smirk at his statement.

"I guess it's a bit funny."

"Whew. But anyway what about your mother, where does she fit in to all this?" He asked curiously.

"Oh, she died when I was 6 months old." I replied like it was nothing, I mean I'd only known her for six months of my entire life. Draco stopped in his tracks and looked at me very seriously.

"I'm sorry."

" too." But it's no secret that I would love to have her here, she was my mum after all.


After that Draco and I walked to our own common rooms to do our own thing. I just spent the almost the whole day reading one of my all time favourite books. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett but I must admit, I was trying my hardest to distract myself from thinking about classes with Slytherin. By lunch I had got to the part where she finally found the key to the secret garden, with the help of a Robin of course. But I had to put it down when my stomach made a loud rumbling sound. I walked to the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor Table. Harry and Ron aren't here yet so I just let my thoughts wander.

I wonder what they'll be like. The Slytherin's. I mean... Draco seems cool with me, especially since he knows the real me. But I don't want to have to tell them that I'm the daughter of their potions master to get them to like me. And the Potion of Erised? What the hell is that supposed to mean? That I want to be married to Draco and have a child with him. A beautiful child I might add. Well Cassiopeia clearly doesn't take after her mother. She had his hair and eyes, although she had a few freckles on her nose like I have. I'm glad she didn't look like me. Her hair would be huge and she would have teeth like a rabbit. She looked like a tiny Goddess. Just like him.

I didn't realise through the this entire time I had been smiling like a lunatic. Until a voice awoke me from my trance making me jump a foot in the air.

Well I'm glad you think she looked beautiful, like me, but can you please stop smiling. People are starting to stare. He asked kindly. I started blushing madly only adding to my weird behaviour this lunchtime.

You weren't supposed to be listening. There is a thing called personal space you know.

If you wanted your personal space you shouldn't have cut me with that damn dagger.

Anyway I want to ask you something. Can you ask your friends what they think of me.


Because I'll be in classes with them for the rest of the year and in case you didn't notice it's only October 3rd.

Fine I'll ask them but I don't understand why you want them to like you? I mean we're Slytherin's and in case you didn't notice you're a Gryffindor...? He said emphasising the words 'you' and 'Gryffindor'.

I'm not wanting to be stuck in classes for a whole year with people who despise me, Draco. 

Draco? Since when have you called me Draco?

Well I thought I should because of the situation we are in.

Well okay then Hermione. Do you think we should talk about what we are going to do? I mean there's no way out of it.

I guess we should, but not here. Meet me tonight at 11pm in the Room of Requirement.

Ok see you then.

See you there. And remember to ask your friends what they think of me!

I will. Adios Granger.

I'm not a Granger. I'm a Snape. Did you listen to anything I told you earlier?! And what happened to 'Hermione'?!

Yes I listened, but you'll always be 'Granger' to me. Until you become...never mind.

Then the connection was cut off abruptly but I found myself smiling again. But the smile was wiped off my face when two seconds later Harry and Ron plonked down on the bench in front of me, and Ron's rants began.

"Hermione Granger! You need to stop cutting lessons and not tell us where you are! What if something happened?! Where in Merlin's beard were you all morning?" And so the questions began.

Draco's POV

I cut off the connection as soon as I told Hermione 'until you become' because in all honesty, I was going to say 'until you become a Malfoy' what the hell has this dream done to me.

Hermione Granger
Hermione Snape

Hermione Malfoy...

I know which one I'd prefer. One that is the most difficult. The most adventurous. The hardest, but yet the best.

NO! DRACO STOP STOP STOP RIGHT THERE. NUH UH NO YOU DONT. YOU CANT THINK THINGS LIKE THAT. WHAT IN HELL... my mind was screaming at me. My heart was palpitating as fast as a rabbits when I realised exactly what I'd just thought. This can't be happening. No. I couldn't think that. Not already it's not even been a week!! But I was. I was thinking about Hermione Malfoy. My wife. The mother of my child. The Hermione Malfoy that was in the dream. The one I loved in the dream. But that's all it was, just a dream. Why can't I bring myself to feel happy about that? Why do I feel...disappointed?

Hermione's POV

The rest of the day flew by. Nothing much happened. But I did have this tingling feeling in my stomach and it wouldn't go away. It was starting to get quite annoying. As told to by McGonagall both Draco and I spent the entire day off school and in our separate common rooms. I finished 'The Secret Garden' around 9pm. And now I'm getting ready to go to the ROR (room of requirement) to meet Draco. I took Harry's invisibility cloak when he was in class because getting detention from Filch was the last thing I needed. I put the cloak on and make my way out my dormitory and common room. I sprint through the halls because it's 10:54 pm and if I walk I would be very late. I reach the entrance and walk in front of it muttering.

'I want to find Draco Malfoy'. The tingling intensified as I did so.

And the door reveals itself. I grab the door handle and push it open. There is a window now casting masses of light into the room, but I stay in the shadows. I want to see him before he sees me. There, I find a tall silhouette, leaning against the bookshelf. Using one hand to keep him up. In the moonlight his silvery blonde hair is even more noticeable and so are his already defined features. He is unbelievably handsome. He makes the Gods jealous, that's for sure. I take off Harry's cloak and it seems he notices movement so I step out of the shadows.

"Hermione." He breathes like its a relief to see me. And just like that, the tingling is gone.

"Draco." I reply.

"Here, take a seat." He motions to a comfy looking sofa that I hadn't noticed before. In fact I hadn't noticed anything in the room besides him. I walk over to the sofa and take a seat whilst inspecting the room. There is two large bookcases on either side of the huge window. An oak table with a few snacks and drinks and obviously the sofa. It's quite plain, but cozy. I like it.

"So, where do we begin?" Draco asks.

"I honestly have no idea. Wait. Did you ask the Slytherin's what they think of me?"

"Yeah I did. Blaise Zabini said he thinks you're cool and he doesn't have a problem with you. Daphne Greengrass is the same. Theodore Nott said he likes you too. But Pansy and Goyle beg to differ." He said

"Well that's fine then, at least a few people will like me." I say.

"Yeah," Draco says. "Um, Granger?"


"Are we like friends now or...?" He asks gingerly.

"I guess so.. I mean considering the predicament we have ourselves in, being friends would be helpful."

"But I still don't properly understand what this means, like we both had the same dream, were probably descendants from two of the founders and now we're what, soulmates or something?" He said sounding as confused as I am.

"I couldn't tell you anything. All I know is the things books tell me and I doubt there's any books in the library on this subject. So we just have to find out as we go on...and we have to do it together." I said slowly looking straight into his eyes.

"I am if you are." He said

"Me too." We stare into each other's eyes for what feels like forever but I'm not complaining.

After a while I unwillingly tear my eyes away from his stare and look at my watch. It's 11:30! Have we been looking at each other for that long?! I jump up from my comfy position on the couch very quickly, startling Draco.

"Oh my god look at the time, we better head off. It's nearly midnight!"

"I don't think it's wise to let you leave so late. If Filch catches you, I don't even know what punishment you would get." He says as he gets up too.

"Malfoy, I can handle myself, and what if Filch catches you?" I gesture to him.

"It's not me I'm worried about, Granger." His hand moves over to my face but he hesitates half-way there and pulls it back to his side.

"Me either and I've got the invisibility cloak, it's not like he'll catch me."

"You know there are spells that can reveal the cloak now." He states matter-of-factly.

"What? Really!"

"Yes so my mind is made up. You're staying here." He says with a smirk.

Fine," I say because clearly I'm not winning this one.

"With me."

"What.." Did he just say what I think he did?

"You heard me, I'm not leaving here at this time of night for Filch to find me and in the end I get a detention."

"Okay well where will you sleep?"

"We will both sleep on the sofa." He says in a playful duh tone.

"How? There won't be enough room..."

"We'll make it bigger? Come on Granger, keep up." He jokes

"Fine, hurry up then. I'm tired and we have classes tomorrow."

Draco pulls out his wand and casts a growing charm on the sofa, making it as big as a double bed. He also conjures up a thick duvet and a few pillows. I take off my jumper and lay it on the floor. I climb across the sofa and grab one of the pillows and lay down. It's actually really cold tonight so I pull the covers up to my neck, not that it helps much. I feel a dip in the place next to me notifying my Draco has just lay down. I can't help my body from shaking and I have to bite down on my lip to prevent my teeth from chattering.

"Are you cold?" Draco's husky voice asks.

"N-no. I'm f-fine." I lie through my chattering teeth.

"Hermione, stop lying. I can see you shaking."

"Ma-maybe just a l-little."

"Come here." Draco says as he takes off my covers, exposing me to the cold. But before I can tell him off, he wraps an arm around my small waist and pulls me close to his bare chest. He is roasting! He quickly pulls the covers over me and I lay my head on his chest, craving more heat from his toned body. I don't even care what we are doing right now, all I want is to heat up. I rest one of my arms on his chest and wrap one of my legs around his waist. Again, I only want his body heat. But I can't say that I don't feel safe in his tight grasp. I don't know how it's possible but I snuggle closer to him.

"Sleep love." He says tiredly.

"Good night Draco." I say just as sleepy when my body turns back to its normal temperature.

"Night 'Mione" He yawns and is out like a light, I follow soon after.


A/N Thank you for reading part 3 of Bonded! We forgot to say that all the characters, places, classes (ect) belong to the wonderful J.K. Rowling the only thing that is ours is the plot. We update every Saturday so stay with us and we should be back soon,
Forever and always,
C.A.M+C.N.M xoxo

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