Wrong Place βœ”

By MatshidisoBella

528K 24.9K 2.4K

What happens when the mafia boss, Miguel Lobos's assistant overhears a conversation that puts a target on her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48/ The Epilogue

Chapter 10

11.4K 558 38
By MatshidisoBella

Miguel Lobos

I just couldn't believe I had to come back to this annoying, sickening place again. This club revolted me in so many ways I couldn't explain. It was filled with women who would kill to be somewhere else, where they lived life to the fullest and just not be tied up and f*cked. But some women loved being here, they have no families whatsoever and they love the attention they get from the disgusting old men that frequent the club and the young ones that like sex period.

I was looking for one man that has to help me with this whole Carter issue and he requested I come over here, because let's face it, I'm the one that is asking for his help. And ain't nobody know Carter than his twin brother, Kane. They hated each other so much, it's not even surprising any more.

We passed by the stripping side of the bar, and as always it was packed. Men and their fetish. Bugs me!

I knew this place like the back of my hand, much to my distaste. I hated what Kane did with these helpless girls. But it was none of my business.

We passed by the sex room, and I just averted my eyes from the scene that took place in there. Kane had this whole girls operation on a crazy level. He had guards everywhere around the club to take care of the girls and to make sure when they leave, they come back to make him more money.

"Don't wander off Kimberley." I spoke out loud to Kimberley who was trailing behind Nick and I. We skipped two doors and opened the third one on the left side. We walked in the room, supplied our access cards once more and the guard opened the door inside there which lead to Kane's office.

"Miguel and Nicholai." Kane, greeted us as soon we stepped in his office. He was clad in a purple suit, a cream hat and had a cigar in between his fingers. As always there was a half naked girl on his lap, biting on his ears. Arg!

"It's Nicholas Kane, Nicholas!" Nicholas grinned at Kane. They always did this.

"Same thing kitten." Kane laughed it off.

I starred at the girl on his lap, giving her a cold stare. Kane sensed my expression and told the girl to get out.

"Sit, yes?" We sat down and started talking business.

"What did that motherf*cker do now?" Kane stood up from his chair, for an old man, he sure still fit as hell. He poured us scotch on the rocks and placed them on the table before us.

"Something that's going to fuck him up big time! But for now he wants my assistant dead or alive and mostly alive in his hands. And I'd rather die before that happens. I want to eliminate his powerful men until he is left all alone and with less protection." I explained the situation without letting out my leverage over to Kane. I don't want people to have the same leverage I have over Carter, they might just worsen things for me and put Kimberly in more danger.

"Well, Miguel.." Kane smiled, my name rolling off his Italian tongue smoothly. "It's going to cost you." He fell back on his chair. Taking sips of his drink.

"So I take it you are going to help me?" I smirked at him. He knew money wasn't a problem to me. He just liked acting like an asshole.

"Very well. I give you my word." We shook hands. And he suggested we stay for lunch, and as much as I hated this place, the chef here cooked some delicious meals, I wasn't going to say no.

The whole time we were here, Nicholas was on his phone, probably keeping in touch with the new drug deal we had to see through.

Kane had his chef come in and take our orders and we started reminiscing about old times, when we were new to the game.

"Merda!" Kane yelled looking at his laptop screen.

"What now?" Nicholas asked.

"One of the girls is giving Zack a hard time and he has his gun out." He rubbed his temple.

This is just one of those things I didn't want to involve myself in. I just rolled my eyes and focused on my drink.

Nicholas with his nosy ass stood up and went to see what riled Kane up.

"Wait! Wait! Click on that video,I want to see the girl." I heard Nicholas say. Since when was he interested in such things? I thought we were both disgusted by this kind of act.

"Oh Nicholai, don't tell me you want to have a private show with her, clearly she is new and not trained!" Kane whined but nonetheless clicked on the video for Nicholas.

I watched them as they were busy and in a matter of seconds, I saw a million of emotions pass through Nicholas's eyes. What's wrong with him?

"Shit! Shit!" He rubbed his nose. And with that I decided to go see what was wrong with these two gentlemen.

I literally felt my heart stop beating. All blood was drained from my body. My body went numb, my mouth went dry and I just stared at the screen with no words coming out of my mouth.

"Zack don't kill the girl, just take her to the truck to leave those other wh*res!" That sentence brought me back to my senses and I looked at the screen again.

Kimberly! I could see tears strumming down her face, her body trembling. She was scared.

"Kane! Tell that man to get his fucking gun out of her face NOW!" I was boiling, from being pale, to being red in matter of seconds.

"Miguel, you don't tell me how to run my business now. New girls bring big money in heh? " He chuckled and I went in his face, grabbed him by his collars, looking straight into his black, cold, evil eyes.

"I said. tell.your.fucken.goon.to.get.that.gun.out.of.her.face, and release her immediately!" I hissed.

Kane looked terrified for a second.

"Kane you better do that man, right now! RIGHT NOW!!" Nicholas shouted and I knew it was over. Kane was terrified of the both of us. After what we did to Snakes, people started to fear us, especially those who feared Snakes.

"Fine!" He picked up his phone and called his goon back and by that time I rushed to the room I knew she was in.

I rushed up the stairs and opened the room and there was no one else in there.

"Que demonios??!"  What the hell. 

"Kane I'm going to kill you!" I took out my phone and dialed Nick's number.

"Where are you?" Nick answered.

"In the room, she isn't here Nick! She is not here!" I screamed.

"¿Dónde diablos están?" Nicholas growled.

Where the hell are they?

"I don't know. Kane mentioned trucks, maybe that fool is dragging her to one of the trucks." I suggested.

"He isn't here, I'm in the parking lot."

Oh Kane! Oh Kane! You Better realize what you have done!

"Miguel!" Speak of the devil. I spun around, facing Kane.

"You bastard!" I connected my fist with his jaw and he stumbled back.

"I understand, but that fool defied me. He wanted her for himself, he literally shot the camera's down." He raised his hands up in surrender.

"What? Then where the hell is he?" I asked. I was nearly out of breath. I don't even want to think of what was going on wherever they were.

"His car is on the road probably to his place. Take this phone, it's tracking him." He gave me a little phone.

"Let me tell you one thing, if this is one of your wild goose chase, I will come back and I will kill you and everyone else in this goddamn club! Mark those goddamn words!"

I called Nicholas and we met in the parking lot.

We drove, following the tracker that was tracking the bloody bastard's car.

Oh God, if he dare do something stupid, it's over for him! For his sake, I hope he isn't being stupid.

"How did we leave her Nick? How the fuck did we carry on with a meeting about protecting her, but yet we left her in that godforsaken place alone?" I was asking Nick, but mostly I was asking myself. How the fuck did I let this happen?

"I don't know man, I don't know!" Nicholas was just freaking out as well.

"Sh*t! We are losing them." Nicholas complained.

"We can't lose them, we can't lose them. Shit!" I pressed on the gas pedal and the car moved forward, picking up speed.

Soon enough we arrived to some strange neighborhood with few houses around. The houses were big and the bastard was in one of these houses.

I cut off the engine in front of one of the houses.

"What now?" Nicholas asked, rubbing his nose out of habit. He was ticked off, worried just like I was.

"Call for back up. We don't know what we are dealing with." I told him, I don't even know what the hell I was saying, all I could think about was what was going on with Kim.

"I say we go house to house and find the bastard." Nicholas spoke up once again.

"Look, we lost the tracker right between these six houses, so we need more people to search each and everyone of these houses. Chances are he knows we are after him by now and he won't try anything until he is sure we gone." I tried to give a logical explanation of the situation. Yes we can go through every house with guns blazing, but what happens when we enter the wrong house and he escapes? We can't have that.

"Alright, be back." Nicholas went outside and made a call to one of our men.

Shortly he came back, I was still in the car fidgeting with my fingers.

"I asked the boys to come with extra cars. We are almost out of gas with this one. They flying over, so they should be here in thirty minutes or so." Nicholas slid his ass in the backseat of the car.

"You care about her don't you?" I asked, more like blurted out. I could see this was weighing down on him. It stirred an emotion in me that I refused to acknowledge.

He heaved a sigh, without looking up and said "Yeah, she is like my baby sister you know? She gets me, she is not judgmental and she is real. I don't want no motherf*cker putting their damned hands on her. I want to protect her, but I failed her."

"I failed her too." I sighed. Damn it!

My head was filled with all kind of nonsense. I didn't want to think of how dangerous the situation might be.

"Do you trust Kane, Miguel?" Nicholas asked, his voice strained.

"At this point? No. I did trust him but now I don't. Not any more..." I am going to kill that bastard after finding Kimberley.

Twenty minutes passed and there was helicopters and a jet in the sky about to land at some deserted area.

My men jumped out of the helicopters and soon enough cars were being driven out of the jet coming to us. The neighborhood didn't have any things, just houses.

"Boss!" Jack one of the leaders stepped out of a Ferrari, guns blazing. Mind you it was right in the afternoon, the sun was also blazing hot. It was crazy.

"Look, I might sound crazy but I think Kane took the girl with his other girls. This was just a wild goose chase. You need to drive back to the club and open all those trucks, we will stay here and find the damn bastard. You can take the other helicopter with the boys in case Kane has already transported the girls." Jack spoke sense, so much fucking sense in his deep, scary Spanish coated voice.

"Damn it!" I kicked one of the car tires and leaned over the car. "How did I not see that coming?"

"We need to go now Lobos!" Nicholas stepped in the other car that came with one of the boys. And I took Jack's Ferrari.

The helicopter Zack assigned to us was already ahead of us in the direction of the club.
We arrived in less than no time and when I stepped out Nicholas was already there, looking at the direction of the parking lot.

"The trucks are not here Lobos." He rubbed his nose. "THE FUCKING TRUCKS ARE NOT HERE!" He yelled.

He grabbed one of the guards by his collars slightly lifting him off the ground. "Where is that bald headed idiot you call boss?"

"He. Just. Left." The guard choked on his words.

"Well too bad you going to pay for his mistakes." Shortly after those words, there was a muffled bang, followed by a heavy thud.

Nicholas dropped the man dead. He was on a rage but so was I.

I opened the door and walked inside the club towards Kane's office.

"Mr Lobos, Mr Kane is not available. He just drove out." One of the guard at the office door informed me.

"Where is he?" I asked with clenched teeth.

"He didn't say." I could tell he knew more than what he was letting on so I did what I had to do. I threw punches to his already damaged face till I saw red, with him on the floor.

"Who did he leave with, and where did he say he was going? And please, be warned, I won't go easy on you if you think you are going to lie to my fucking face." I spat in his face, kneeling in front of his body which was gracefully on the ground.

"He said something about his brother owing him something big and that he has a gift for him. He left with some girl I've never seen before." He gave me all what I needed.

"Let me spare your life Charlie." I smirked at him and stopped pressing on his wounds with my fingers. He had a bullet wound on his sheen and I took that to my pleasure. The fucker was about to lie to my face again, I didn't want to take chances.

I called Nicholas and he picked up on an instant.

"You got something?" He asked.

"We need to find Kane. He has her and he is taking her to Carter." Told him and soon I heard him yell orders to the boys.

I quickly slipped out of the club to my car and joined the team outside.

"Boss Jack called, the guy doesn't have the girl. He says Kane told him to hide the girl before he left. Something about the girl being his surprise gift." One of the guys informed me, ticking me off than I already was.

"Take this, we will try to locate his car. Apparently he left in his black Porsche, shouldn't be hard to find knowing his routes." He gave us earpieces. "We will be able to communicate."

We connected the pieces and each of us left separately.

Nicholas and I knew where to search first. His father's warehouse, which is an hour away from here. Which means we are an hour away but Kane is there or five minutes away from reaching his destination. If he went straight to Carter's, he is probably still on his way.

Jack and the rest of the boys were searching driving around, flying around trying to locate the bastard.

We arrived to the warehouse and Nicholas punched in the security code.

"Brothers, to what do we owe this lovely visit to?" Thomas welcomed us at the door.

"Where is Kane?" I asked, piercing my eyes into his.

"Not here." I did a double take at him and I knew he wouldn't lie to me. He likes pulling Nicholas's leg sometimes, but with me there is a line, a very thin line that he knows never to cross.

Before I could say anything further, Zack spoke through the ear pieces.

"Boss, we found them. We have them back at the main house." I let the breath I've been holding the whole day out. Whew!

"We coming." Nicholas replied, with Thomas looking lost as hell.

"Can I come?" He questioned. He always liked to hang with us, although he is a fucking backstabber that we will never, ever trust!

Nicholas pivoted on his heel and looked at Thomas as if he grew a third head and said "And why would we let you come with us? Tired of being dad's lackey already? Shame. Big brother doesn't have time to babysit lately okay?" He patted Thomas's shoulder, wearing a smirk on his face before he strode out of the warehouse, with me following behind, not without taking a look at Thomas's torn expression.

I almost, almost felt for the kid, but naah such a snitch! He is better off where he is at right now. Enoch is a tough man to work with, work for and live with. He must be regretting doing us dirty back in the days.

We drove to one of my houses where I keep my men and some products, where I actually do my illegal activities.

We arrived thirty minutes later and all I wanted was to see Kimberly, hug her tight and tell her that I was sorry.

The guards at the door opened the door for us after that they quickly went to check our cars.

I walked in the huge ass mansion and looked for Zack.

"Boss, the girl is in your room, I didn't know where else to take care..." he trailed off, scratching his neck lazily. He knew how I loathed people who went into my room.

"It's fine" I nodded, and we did a little handshake as a means of showing gratitude. Nicholas remained behind and said he wants to attend Kane. I nodded and walked up the flight of stairs, taking two at a time.

I placed my hand on the door knob, breathed in and out before swinging it open.

"Kim..." I walked towards the bed, where she lay...silently crying. My heart clenched up at the sight.

"Please leave..." she whispered. A soft whisper escaping her lips.

Her big eyes were so small, they were puffy, her nose red, and her cheeks flushed. She was shaking.

"Kim, I'm sor-"

"You are sorry, sorry...sorry." she cut me off, her voice was coarse but I could still detect the sarcasm lacing her words.

"You left me, left me in a place I don't know and you... you left me!" She rose from the sleeping position and looked at me, her eyes were sooo small, she has been crying for a pretty long time I take. She must have been scared. I remember when Linda was scared like that...

No, no, no I don't want to think about Linda now. No Miguel!

"I shouldn't have. I am sorry Kimmy..." Kimmy? Where the hell does that come from now?

"Get out!" She turned back to the bed and hugged one of the pillows to her chest.

I was defeated, I was dejected. So long she was okay.

I walked to my closet and pulled out a soft blanket and placed it over her small body and walked out.

I bumped into one of the maids.

"Please bring Advil and a jug of water to my room and place them by the table, and also prepare a light meal for the guest sleeping in there." I ordered her and she nodded and walked to the kitchen as I walked to the basement.

I found Nicholas sitting on a chair far from where Kane was held. I thought he would have killed him by now. I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"He is all yours." He answered my silent question and I grinned.

"Miguel, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stab you in the back." Kane spoke up, he was held by strong chains. His hands were chained at the top of his head, while his legs were chained to the steel wall behind him.

"But you did anyway Kane." I smiled at him. My smile was nothing sincere.

"Please, I'll do any-"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled, cutting him off.

"Just shut up and enjoy this." I took off my shirt, wore black leather gloves and opened the tray of my special weapons that was sitting in the middle of the room. I pulled out a taser and grinned wickedly at a terrified Kane. The fear in his eyes fueled the rage brewing inside of me. One could say I fed off fear. The monster in me, fed off fear. I walked up to him, taking slow strides.

"Let the fun begin..."



I try to write long chapters to make up for the slow updates, please do leave comments on what you think will happen next, if Kim was right to kick Lobos out. And why did Kane kidnap Kim in the first place? What was he going to gain by that? Thoughts about Thomas? Linda?

Do keep in touch :)

Don't forget to vote please ☺

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