Five nights at team crafted's...

By walkedintoatree

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Ross, Barney, Max, and Jin all went to an amusement park with their friends also known as team crafted when t... More

The job
The first night
Going back
Quick note!
The second night
What's up with Ross?
Hey guys: quick note
Im back!!
The third night
Fake or real?
The fourth night

The fifth night

424 22 34
By walkedintoatree

  Max's POV

  I woke up to my alarm going off. I turned off the alarm and got ready for 'work'. After I was done I grabbed my duffle bag and went out to the kitchen. I saw the real objects in the table. I guess Ross put them here? I thought. So I grabbed 2 of the real objects and put them in my duffle bag.

  I heard some doors open and close. I saw Barney, Jin, and Ross come over to me. "Oh you put them on the table." Ross said. "I thought you put them on the table." I said. "No, Jin did you put them on the table?" Ross asked. Jin shook his head. "No I didn't. Barney?" Jin asked.

  "Nope's." Barney said. "Ok then who did?" I asked. They all shrugged. I turned to look at the objects. I saw a small note. I picked it up and read it.
             This is the real last time.
                 Good luck tonight.
  What the heck is this? I looked up to see Barney, Jin, and Ross grabbing two of the objects each. Ross came over to me. I still had the note in my hands. "What's that?" Ross whispered to me. I don't know why he whispered but ok. I handed the note to him without saying anything.

He took it and read it. His eyes widened a little. "Where did you get this?" He whispered to me. "I found it on the table next to the objects." I whispered as I pointed to the table. He nodded. "Why?" I asked.

He looked at the clock. Then he looked back to me. "I don't think it's the best time to tell you right now." Ross said pointing to the clock. I looked at the clock, 11:45 am. "Alright guys time to go to the car." I said as I started pushing them out the door. Literally pushing them.

  We got out to the car and I pushed them in the car. I got in and looked at them. They had those faces that say 'WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!' "Can I ask WHY YOU DID THAT?!" Ross half yells.

"Look at the time." I said. "I don'ts haves a watch." Barney said. "Me neither." Jin adds. We all look over to Ross. He was going through his duffle bag and then he pulled out a clock. An actually clock. A clock that is supposed to be on a wall of a house.

"Ross, What, the heck." I said. "What? Don't you guys bring clocks everywhere you go?" He asked. "Yes Ross everyone brings a clock with them everywhere they go." Jin said. "No Ross people don't do that." I said.

"Well... I'm a Ross." He said. We all looked at him. "Sure." Jin said slowly. I turned the car on and started to drive.  We where almost to the park. "What's happens if we don'ts get them free?" Barney asked. "What, Barney we will free them." Jin said.

  I saw Barney nod from the mirror. I hope your right Jin. I thought. We finally arrived at the park. I parked close to the gates but not to close, just in case we need to get to the car quickly.

I got out of the car and looked around. I didn't see Jeff's car, but last time we didn't see it, he was here. Once everyone else was out of the car I locked it. We all looked at each other and nodded. We approached the gate and I saw that it was locked with at least 5 different locks.

"Geez this guy doesn't want us freeing our friends." Jin said. I pulled out the gate key Jeff had given me. "Ya but the thing is he's very very stupid." I said as I showed them the gate key I had. "1 problem there's 5 different locks." Jin said. "Thanks captain obvious." I said jokey.

  "I can help with that." Ross said. I looked to him. He went into his duffle bag and pulled out a paper clip. "Alright then." I said and turned to the gate. I unlocked the one lock that the key could unlock. Then Ross used the paper clips to open the other 4.

  Before I opened the door I looked around to all my friends not knowing if this would be the last time me seeing them. Heck Jeff could have something set up to kill all of us. But I nodded to them and they nodded back. I pushed open the giant gate and we walked into the park.

  "Ok to the office." Ross said then ran ahead a little. We all ran up to him. "We have to stick together." I reminded everyone. The all nodded as we ran to the office. As soon as we got to the office Ross went over to the monitors.

And as usual Ross went through all of them in the blink of an eye. How he dose it I don't know. "Ok so they are kind of near the middle, but there's something I noticed that's a little bit bad." Ross said.

"What is it?" I asked slowly. "We are already down to 75% power." Ross said. "What's?!! No's you's went throughs those things ins the blinks of an eyes!" Barney half yelled.

"I don't know." Ross said. "It doesn't matter. We need to get them and set them free then this whole thing is over." In said. We all looked at him. We all nodded and left the office.

  We were walking down the hall. I was listening for any rustling around. "I need to find Sky." Ross whispered. We all looked at him. Right we never got Sky's object. I thought.

"We can get him when we get all of them in one place." I said. Ross nodded. We kept walking until we got to the middle. But there was one problem.

Not all of them were here. Sky was missing. "Where's Sky?" Jin asked. "I don't know." I said. I looked to the animatronics and saw that they were all jumping up and down waving their arms in the air and, pointing behind us?

So I turned around and saw Jeff through an iron dagger at us. "GET DOWN!!" I yelled to my friends. They reacted quickly and ducked. I ducked as well. The dagger flew over us and landed 2 blocks away from us.

  We all got up slowly and looked to Jeff. He started walking closer to us. "Well, well, well, looks like they help too. What. A. Surprise." Jeff said sounding annoyed.

Jeff looked to Barney and looked a little shocked. "You were stabbed with a diamond sword, you should be dead!" Jeff yelled at Barney. "How are you alive?!" Jeff yelled.

  "Reasons." I said. He gave me a death glare. I saw Ross go into his duffle bag. Jeez Ross what else do you have in that thing?! The Empire State Building?! I thought.

  But he pulled out a diamond sword. Ok since when did Ross have a diamond sword? Cause I don't remember him saying anything about a diamond sword!

  I stayed silent though. To make sure that he could keep it hidden, and not let Jeff know that he has it. Jeff was coming closer. Step by step.

  He then ran at us with no warning. I closed my eyes and ducked waiting for it to come. But it never came. I opened one eye then the other. I saw that an animatronic had stopped Jeff.

  The animatronic was Jason. I hear metal against concrete coming up behind me. I look to see which animatronic it was. It was Ian. But he had cake. He too the cake and through it at Jeff.

  It hit him right in the face. We couldn't help ourselves but chuckle a little. "Ok we should go while we still have the chance." Jin whispered. We nodded and ran to the gift shop.

  We hid in the back room. "Ok since when did you have a diamond sword?" I asked Ross out of breath. Ross looked at me. "Uh..... Since when did you get so suspicions?" Ross asked. "sigh. I girly it after we figured out that they were killed. I thought that if something like that ever happened to us then we could at least defend ourselves." Ross said.

  "And I'm not saying that they didn't do anything. Because they did do something." Ross said. I nodded. "Looks like it's goings to comes in use." Barney said.

  We all nodded. "Ok so we need to distract Jeff while we free them." Jin said. "How are we going to do that detective?" Ross said. "We still don't have Sky's." I added on.

  Jin sighed. "There is a secret room we can get the animatronics into to free them." Jin said. "Ands how dos you knows that?" Barney asked. "Uh well, I kind of sort of, hacked into the system and I found a secret room." Jin said as he rubbed that back of his neck.

  We all stared at him. "But it is locked." Jin added on. "Is that what the last code could be for?" I ask. "It might be." Jin said. "Ok so do you know where it is?" Ross asked. Jin nodded.

  "So how are we going to do this?" I asked. "Get all animatronics, find Sky, go to secret room, free them?" Ross asked giving a plan. We all nodded.

  "Ross time!" Ross whispered. "Oook." Jin said. Ross gave a derpy smile. "Ok other than that, does anyone have anything we could distract Jeff with?" I ask. They all go through their duffle bags. "Nope." Jin said. "My diamond sword." Ross said hugging it not allowing us to take it.

And we aren't going to its are only protection. "Nopes." Barney said. "And I don't have anything." I said. "Well this is a gift shop maybe there's something in here?" Jin said. We all nodded and went out to look at the items.

I couldn't find anything useful. The only things I saw was replicas of the 8 objects. "Any luck?" Jin asked. I shine my head. He nodded. "Hey guys!" Ross half yells while running at us. Be stopes I front of me and Jin.

Barney came up behind Ross. "I found smoke bombs." Ross said. "What. Are you serious?" Jin asked. Ross nodded and showed us the smoke bombs. "Useful but what kind of a gift shop sells smoke bombs?!" I half yelled.

"Oh I didn't find them on a shelf." Ross said. Thens weres did you finds them?" Barney asks. "In a safe." Ross said. "It was open." Ross added. "Well at least it's useful." Jin said. We nodded.

We all started for the door of the gift shop and went to find Jeff and the animatronics. We were almost to the centre when u heard metal against concrete. I looked to where it was coming from.

I saw Jeff with his diamond sword chasing what looked to be Quentin. I saw that his sword had a wire on it. A wire from a machine. An animatronic. No, no. He couldn't kill them twice. Can he? I thought.

I hope it's not what I think it is. "Ok here take 5 smoke bombs each. We're going to have to go quick." Ross whispered breaking me from my thoughts. He handed everyone 5 smoke bombs.

"We need to get the animatronics as we run by them. If Jeff comes near throw a smoke bomb." I explained. They all nodded. "Then come follow me and we can go to the secret room." Jin added. We all nodded and went for it.

I saw Quentin still being chased by Jeff. They were getting closer. I covered my mouth because the smoke would make me cough. I took one of the smoke bombs and as Quentin was 4 blocks in front of me I through the smoke bomb.

A cloud of smoke came and I heard Jeff coughing. "Come on." I said to Quentin. And we ran out of the smoke leaving Jeff. "We need to find the others." I said to him as we ran. He gave a gesture to follow him. I did.

We went to the centre where the rest of the animatronics were. Jin, Barney, and Ross where there as well. We slowed down to walking and went over I them. "Ok we have everyone." Jin said.

"We still don't have Sky." Ross said. "We don't know where he is." Jin said. All the animatronics looked at each other. "Do you guys know where he is?" I asked them. They all nodded. "Guys they know where Sky is!" I half yelled excitedly.

"Ok then let's go get him." Ross said. We started to walk when I saw Jeff running at us. "Guys. Jeff's coming." I said. Then the animatronics took the lead and ran. We followed.

As we ran I noticed that Jason had a hole in his back. It had some wires coming out of the hole too. Jeff had stabbed Jason in the back. He seemed to be doing fine though.

And Jeff was gadding on us. But Ross took out a smoke bomb and through it at him. A big cloud of smoke went up and I heard the sound of a distant cough as we ran.

The animatronics turned left and we followed. They stopped in front of a wall. We looked at them in confusion. "It's the secret room." Jin said. I quickly went through my duffle bag looking for the code.


I was startled when I heard the bang. It came from the secret room. I kept looking for the code though not caring if the thing on the other side was dangerous. I finally found it and gave it to Ross.

He found a number pad and put the code in. The door opened going up. And Sky came out of the room. He got up and looked at us. He then started pointing behind us freaking out.

I got out a smoke bomb and we all turned around. And it was Jeff. I through he smoke bomb at him and he was stopped. But the cloud was bigger since Ross had thrown one as well.

So we were all coughing. We couldn't see much. Then I felt metal grab my arm. I was them pulled into a room. I heard metal against metal and then a metal door closing.

After I had stopped coughing I looked up to see that I was in the secret room. I looked around and saw my friends just getting over their coughing as well. The animatronics where all standing there watching us carefully.

I looked at the door it was closed. We are safe in here for now. I went over to my friends. They looked at me and nodded. I nodded as well. We all went through our duffle bags and took out the objects.

  We all went over to the animatronics. As we all walked to them I heard pounding on the metal door. It was Jeff trying to get in. But it was locked from the inside, he's not getting in.

  I looked at my friends. They all nodded. This is it. Tia is the time to free our friends once and for all.

  Barney went up to Jason and gave him his helmet. Jason looked at it, and if he could I bet you he would be smiling. Then Barney went over to Quentin and gave him his tie.

  Jin then gave Ty his headphones. And gave Ian his sunglasses. I went up to Seto and gave him his white headband. Then I went over to Jerome and gave him his diamond axe he called Betty.

  Then Ross went over to Mitch and gave him his dog tags. Then he went over to Sky and held out both of the objects one in each hand. The one in his right hand started to glow. He gave Sky the one in his right hand and tossed the other one.

   They all looked at us. All of the objects started to glow in their metal hands. This is the time right here right now. They will be free.

  They all looked at us. We all nodded to them. And with that one by one they put their objects on. There was a bright blue light and the sound of metal falling onto the ground.

The light was really bright so we had to shield our eyes. When the light dimmed we saw the metal body's on the ground. And above each one was a blue orb. The orbs then floated down to our height.

  Each one of the blue orbs started to take the form of their body's. Now all they were was blue almost transparent body's of them selfs before they died. But at the appropriate age. So our age.

  "Thank you guys." They all said.

  "You have freed us."

  It was kind of hard to tell who was talking. But I am assuming that Seto said we freed them. "Are you ghosts?" Ross said his voice cracky. They shake their heads.

  "We are souls." It sounded like Sky said that. Then some black must came. And teleportation sounds. I looked to the black mist. It cleared and revealed a black shadow ghost and a blue shadow ghost.

  We backed up not knowing what to expect. Our friends just stayed there. "Don't be afraid we won't hurt you." The blue shadow ghost said. "I am Aqua and this is Shadow." The blue shadow ghost introduced.

  "You have broken the curse, and now they are free." Shadow said. "So their dead? And we won't see them again?" Ross said. Aqua shook his head. "Let's just say that the objects give them their life back." Aqua said.

  Our eyes widen. I was so happy when I heard that. We get our friends back. And then the blue transparent souls turned to real people. Ross then ran at them, we all did the same and we had a group hug.

  And they were here it wasn't a dream, they weren't ghosts, but people, real people, people who are our friends, friends that we have back. Then I heard the metal door open. I looked over to the door and saw Jeff. 

  "No! NO! You guys can't be free!!" Jeff yelled then charged at us with his diamond sword in hand. Was this going to be it? Right after we got our friends back?

  But then a white magic went around his neck and pinned him to the wall. We all released from the group hug and looked at him. I looked at everyone even the shadow ghosts but no one was doing it.

  Then Herobrine came out of no where. He had his hand in a fist with white magic like smoke around his fist. Jeff's eyes widened. Herobrine then put a force field around him so he couldn't move.

  And then the force field turned into bedrock with one piece of glass. It was like a prison. Herobrine then came over to us.

  Herobrine nodded to us. We nodded back. He then walked over to Sky. And he gave Sky his sunglasses. Sky took them and put them on. Yep I knew it. Herobrines son. I mean c'mon it kind of obvious.

  I heard glass break and looked over to Jeff. "You can't keep me hear I will find a at out!" Jeff yelled through the hole. "Go ahead and try." Sky said. "It's bedrock!" Herobrine added.

  "Hey guys look what time it is." Ross said as he pulled out the clock out of his duffle bag. It was 6:00 am. "It's quitting time." I said. They all nodded.

  Then we were outside. How did we get out here? I thought. I looked over to Herobrine and Sky. Yep teleportation. Then we were home outside in the drive way. The car was there too. GIVE US A WARNING! I yelled in my head.

  But it didn't matter we had our friends back. And that's all that really matters right now. Because friend are friends no matter what they look like or act like, if they are your friends it will be that way until the end.


Alright guys that's actually the end of the book. I am doing a epilogue though.

But ya that's the end. I hope you liked it.

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