Back in town

By Dove_hart

148K 2.6K 446

Allison was bullied, she looked ugly. She was a loner. Her brother didn't talk to her at school. She had no f... More

chapter 1 (edited)
Chapter 2 (edited)
chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
Chapter 5 (edited)
Chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 9 (edited)
Chapter 10 (edited)
Chapter 11 edited
Chapter 12 edited
Chapter 13 edited
Chapter 14 edited
chapter 15 edited
Chapter 16 edited
Chapter 17 edited
Chapter 19 edited
Chapter 20 edited
chapter 21 edited
Epilouge edited
authors note
Shout out
Hey guys

Chapter 18 edited

1.5K 41 5
By Dove_hart

Hello fellow readers I'm back and better then ever..... And I have and update...... *screaming, cheering and clapping in the background. But I need ideas, comments and votes. I also wanted to thank everyone who is supporting me (thanks Paps😋) we reached 2k reads thank you for those who have stuck with me and read through all the craziness.... I very much appreciate every one of yalls Patients it means more then you know to me so thank you I'll let you continue now 😜
we headed to the table with our number on it. we put all our things under the table because anything left alone will be taken. I took a seat and drank the drink I brought with me. I know your probably like why didn't you just drink the punch there. I would but its probably spiked. anyway, when I sat down a slow song came on. " would you like to dance ma' lady " Cole asked in a posh accent. "why yes kind sir" I said smiling. we walked hand in hand to the dance floor. he spun me around and then he pulled me close as I looped my arms around his neck. while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I looked into his eyes and his bore into mine. the sparkle is still there. its been there since day one and hopefully will be there till the day we die. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and started to day dream.

"lunch is ready guys "  I shouted through the door walking into the sitting room to where Cole is. "hey babe" Cole said "hi mummy" celeb said "MUMMY"  Vicky said . the twins came running to me and  my swollen tummy. that's  right I was  pregnant.  Cole came and gave me hug. "how's my girls" he asked "she's good but you don't know if its a girl or a boy " I complied . " I have a feeling " he answered . " how was your day Mr. henry" I asked "better now that I'm with you Mrs. henry" . that's right we got married .wait  I just day dreaming of me and Cole getting married? I can now see my self spending the rest of my life with Cole.

Allison, alli, ALLISON" I was being shaken "huh w..what's wrong" I asked confused. '' nothing the song ended and I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes are you all right" he asked. his voice laced with concern. "yeah.. yeah sorry just spaced out that's all" I smiled. "ok lets go find your brother the dance is nearly over" he continued. "really? that went pretty fast don't ya think" I asked looking around for our table. "yeah it did didn't it"  he said spotting Adam. we walked over to him " hey big bro" I said "o. hey soph what's up" he asked. " first the sky and second can we leave the dance is nearly over" we asked. " ye sure we can leave as long as I get the last dance please" he begged as a slow song came on. " ye sure" he pulled me to the dance floor

. " so how's life lil' sis" he questioned. "life's going good. but there's a situation " I stated. " what's the problem soph?" he queried." I can see myself spending the rest of life with Cole and soon getting married. but with collage coming up what's the chance of me and Cole and me getting in the same collage? huh and what if he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with me? what then he's like my other half. what am  I going to do then ?" I ranted. "well you should talk to him about the collage and for the marriage. you should just wait until graduation and see what happens and if it becomes unbearable talk to him. let him know how you feel and what not " he says in a gentle loving voice. " ok, thanks bro. how', life on the other end" I enquired. " well pretty good. I'm trying to think of a way to ask Lisa to be my girlfriend. I really think she's the one you know the one I'm willing to change my player ways for. I'm planning on asking her out on a date tomorrow morning. then tomorrow night I will take her to the lake in forest. we will have a picnic and when the time is I the right place I will ask her. do you think she'll say yes?" he asked with hope twinkling in his eyes and his smile reaching his eyes and ears. " I think she will but I must warn you. I am your sister and all but Lisa is my sister, best friend and life companion. you hurt her I will torture you in so many ways that haven't been invented yet understand?" I quizzed. he looked like he had a zebra strip in his pants. yes I just quoted Adam Sandler. get over it. " I swear I wouldn't hurt her if my life depended on it. you have word. if I have your blessing" he challenged. "you've got yourself a deal mate" I answered. bringing him in for a hug. when we pulled apart, the song was over. we walked over to Cole.

After everyone was gathered we headed out.  we got in the limo. " guys I'm hungry" Lisa whined. "yeah me to" I agreed. "okay lets stop at mc Donald's then" Matt suggested. courses of I'm good, yes and heck yeah's went around. it was settled then next stop mc Donald's

hope that was good I did it a bit longer then normal because I haven't updated In a while. once again I wanted to say thank you and keep it up. I love writing this book for you guys but I need feedback to k now how you like the book what to do next and so on. I couldn't have done this with out my readers and my dad and cousin. I'm so grateful for your support in the making of this book hope you liked it once again

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