Wanted➣ Lauren/You Fanfiction

By stories_5H

380K 16.7K 11.3K

"You can't control who you fall in love with." or; in which Lauren Jauregui meets someone that makes her feel... More

|1| I Wanna Make You Feel Wanted
|2| We Can Work From Home
|3| Feeling Stressed...Out
|4| Go Love Yourself
|5| My Heart Breaks a Little When I Hear Your Name
|6| Sometimes Quiet is Violent
|7| I'm Just a Sad Song
|8| I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
|9| You've Got A Friend In Me
|10| Count On Me
|11| 7 Years
|12| The Girl's a Work of Art
|13| stars
|14| My First Kiss Went a Little Like This...
|15| Everything Means Nothing...If I Ain't Got You
|17| You're Pretty Fucking Dope
|18| No Lyrics
|19| How To Save A Life
|20| I'll Keep You Safe
|21| Beautiful Escape
|22| Figure My Heart Out
|23| Just The Way You Are
|24| This is Logic
|25| Please Don't Hate Me
|26| Please Don't Go
|27| "Even Though I Know You'll Never Be Mine."
|28| "Tell Her You Love Her Too."
Epilogue: Falling in Love With You [Part 1]
Epilogue: Squeeze [Part 2]
Epilogue: Rest of My Life [Part 3]
The Playlist

|16| Junto a Mi

11.3K 510 373
By stories_5H

Friday afternoon, Y/N is half asleep in her Literature class. She has her head rested on her hand, leaning against her desk and fighting the sleep. And to anyone seeing her right now, she is really losing the fight. The more she rests her head on her hand, the more she finds herself falling asleep. Her elbow is sliding on her desk, causing her to lose the fight of sleep and close her eyes.


Y/N jumps, taking a deep breath and acting like she wasn't just asleep. She looks around the classroom, finding that many students were staring at her. She felt her cheeks heat up, before she heard her teacher's voice again.

"What is the American Dream?" He asked her, leaning against his desk with his arms crossed. Y/N rubs her eyes, holding back a yawn as she thinks of an answer. She doesn't remember the teacher saying anything about the American Dream, oh shit, is there a test over this?"It's simple, Y/N." He added.

She cleared her throat, scratched the back of her neck before finally answering,"Happiness." She guessed.


She mentally groaned, Mr. Gibson is literally the only teacher who asks simple questions and expects you to answer with an essay. She sighed, sitting up straight and looked at the book she did not realize was on her desk. She remembers reading the book, rather the play, in her junior year of high school. Death of a Saleman. She hummed to herself, remembering a lot more than she thought she would.

"Married, a nice house, nice car...children, maybe even a dog." Y/N explained, she continued when she saw her teacher ready to interrupt."But the American Dream isn't just about that, it is also about having the perfect marriage, perfect children, the perfect car and when they do get their house it's easy to pay." She furrowed her eyebrows."The American Dream is about having everything easy. When in reality, nothing in America is easy."

"Whys that?" Mr. Gibson asked.

"Because taxes, that's for one." Y/N said bluntly, earning a few laughs around the classroom."And people are being told that their dream isn't going to happen. So they don't bothering hoping on their dream and give up, leaving them to not even try. And with marriage, people are getting divorced so that marks off that part of the 'American Dream'. And houses are expensive, children are too and dogs...they poop everywhere, so not a lot of people want them." Y/N shrugged.

"Last question for you, Miss Y/LN."

Why me?, Y/N groaned quietly.

"Why do people get defensive?" He asked, in the same position as before but he reached for the play after he asked. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, looking down at the cover of the book before looking back at her teacher.

"Because they know they're guilty."

He threw the book back on his desk with a satisfied grin."Everybody thank Y/N, she is the reason why you all can leave early."

"We have another hour of class." Another student said shocked, he stood up quickly and left the classroom. Everyone shrugged, turning to Y/N and giving her a thankful nod. She watched everyone leave, confusion on her face when the last person left the classroom. She met her teacher's gaze before standing up and going up to him.

"Why did you do that?" Y/N asked, crossing her arms across her chest when she did.

"I've read some of the work you turned into your journalism class." He smiled, putting some paperwork into his bag. Y/N quirked her eyebrow."You're writing is excellent."

"Wow, really?" Y/N asked him, his nod for a response made her hum."That's a first."

"You dating anyone?"

"Woah, sir, I'm–"

"I'm asking because you wrote in your portfolio about how your life has change in the last three months." He stated, chuckling when he saw the confusion still in her face."And the photos you turned in, they were excellent...of the dog, the girl and a rooftop view of a sunset." He sighed happily, he nodded at her before throwing his backpack over his shoulder."Who's the girl?"

"Dash is a boy. And he's very nice–"

"Y/N, you know who I am speaking about."

Chuckling nervously, Y/N scratched the back of her neck,"A friend. We met a little over four months ago."

"You seem a lot more happier since." He patted her shoulder, she stared blankly at his desk as she listened to him."Don't stop being happy. Because to me, it looks like you're living the American Dream." He smiled brightly, chuckling once again before finally walking out his classroom.

She looked around the classroom, blinking repeatedly to see if this was a dream. She pinched her arm, flinching when it hurt her more than she thought. She sighed quietly, finally exiting the classroom and pulling her phone out when she heard it ring. She smiled at the caller ID before answering.


"No this is Patrick."

"I hate you."

Y/N laughed,"What's up? Something wrong?"

"No. Just wanted to make sure you have your stuff packed. You told me to remind you, remember?"

"I didn't forget. I have everything packed and I'm heading back to the apartment now to grab my things."

"Okay. Good." Y/N chuckled when she heard Lauren sigh in relief."Alright, so Keana said she was fine with taking care of Dash–"

"Woah, Keana, as in your friend Keana?"

"No, Keana, the stranger Keana." Lauren responded sarcastically, Y/N laughed rolling her eyes as she got into her car."Yes Keana my friend, duh. Why?"

"Nothing. She's..." Y/N turned her car on."she's cute." She admitted. She stopped Lauren from talking."Another question; why are all your friends hot? Like, that is not fair."

"Y/N, go to the apartment now or you're going to be late." Lauren snapped, making Y/N furrow her eyebrows.

"Okay, no need to get snappy." Y/N muttered.

"Sorry. Um," Lauren cleared her throat, thinking of a way to get out of the subject."I'll call you later. I'll be there to pick you up."

"Alright. See ya later." Y/N said happily, which made Lauren smile, shaking her head at the girl before saying one last bye then hanging up. Lauren huffed at herself, laying back on her bed in the hotel room she was staying in and looked up at the ceiling. Why did it bother her so much that Y/N called Keana cute? She rubbed her eyes tiredly, deciding to take a nap instead of thinking about what happened.


That was probably the longest six hour flight she's ever been on in her entire life. She yawned tiredly, covering her mouth as she looked around the airport. She shook her head, getting rid of her sleep and searching for Lauren."Next time I'll get a flight the day before." She muttered.

"Miss." Y/N turned around with her eyebrows furrowed, she smiled when she saw the man."Lauren is in the car. We didn't think many harmonizers would be here."

"Those little suckers." Y/N chuckled, glancing at the group Big Rob pointed at shortly. She nodded at him then followed him to where the car was, he took her bag and put it the trunk when they reached the car. She looked back, feeling people staring at her, and she was right when she saw a few harmonizers pointing their phone cameras at her. She raised her eyebrow, but before she could do anything else she felt someone pull her into the car. She groaned, sitting up in her seat before looking at the person who pulled her in.

"I don't like you."

"Aw, Lauren, I missed you too." Y/N responded laughing quietly.

"Lexa died."

"Damn, how the hell did you catch up so quickly?"

"Doesn't matter, I'm not watching anymore." Lauren huffed, crossing her arms and sitting back in her seat. Y/N pursed her lips, stifling her laughter as she scoffed closer to Lauren. Lauren shook her head,"No. Leave me alone. I don't wanna talk to you."

"Octavia is alive though."


"I like her. She's cool, and cute." Lauren snapped her neck, glaring at Y/N making the girl scoot away from her."And she has green eyes so..."

"I have green eyes." Lauren commented, muttering which made Y/N laugh.

"Then I guess I'm a sucker for green eyes." Y/N shrugged, a smile on her lips when Lauren looked at her. She opened her arms up, earning an eye roll from Lauren before she hugged her.

"I know it's only been five days," Lauren mumbled making Y/N smile at how cute she sounded."but I missed you."

"I missed you, too, Lauren."


"Oh," Y/N said nodding to herself, locking her phone before meeting Lauren's eyes."He just sent me the address."

"He as in who?" Lauren asked curiously.

"Eddie. He's my sister's boyfriend." Y/N answered.

Lauren nodded, taking in the information."Okay, you ready?" Lauren asked, noticing how Y/N kept twisting the bracelet around her wrist. Which reminds her, she needs to ask Y/N where she got the bracelet.

"I can't really back out from this, can I?" Y/N asked, chuckling to hide her nervousness.

Lauren half smiled, walking up to Y/N as she shook her head."No. But I'm here, I'll be there with you. If you wanna leave early, let me know and we will." Lauren told her quietly, getting a sigh in relief from Y/N when she did."Will there be good music, just asking?"

Y/N chuckled."I know the DJ, it's actually Eddie, he's good."

"Then promise me you will dance with me?"

"I will. I promise." Y/N smiled.

"Alright. Let's go then." Lauren exclaimed excitedly.


"I change my mind, I don't wanna do this."

Lauren looked back at Y/N, sighing quietly before she walked up to her and grabbed her hand. Y/N stared at the building nervously, swallowing the lump in her throat as she did. Lauren intertwined their fingers, squeezing her hand to get her to look away from the building. And Y/N did, she looked at Lauren's green eyes and somehow completely forgot where they were for a minute.

"Remember, I'm here. You're not alone." Lauren whispered, tugging gently on the girl's hand before nodding toward the building."Whenever you're ready. I'll follow."

Taking a deep breath in, Y/N looked back at the building before preparing herself mentally. The worse that could happen is her mom and dad telling her to leave. Maybe even her sister will too. She gulped again, but pushed away her fear and started walking towards the entrance, with Lauren never letting go of her hand.

When they walked in, Lauren noticed the several tables filled with many people already. She isn't surprised though, the party started an hour ago. She looked over at the DJ booth that was right in the middle of the room but towards the back. She saw a dark man, tall but not too tall with his head shaved. And she heard him speak, she was caught by surprise; he was speaking Spanish.

"You speak Spanish?" Lauren leaned over to whisper, while Y/N was still looking around.

Y/N looked at her confusedly, nodding anyway."Yeah. Well, I understand it more than speak it." Lauren nodded, going back to looking around again but was pulled away from that when she heard a voice.


Okay, neither one of them expected it. Either way, Y/N let go of Lauren's hand and kneeled down to be eye level with her nephew."Devin. Oh my god, you're so tall, dude." Y/N laughed quietly, staring at the boy since he hadn't said anything else but her name."Devin–"

The little boy surprised the young girl by hugging her neck, Y/N chuckled quietly, feeling tears brimming her eyes as she hugged her nephew, that she never got to say bye to. Lauren smiled watching the two, then glanced around when she felt like someone was watching her. She saw Y/N stand up with Devin still in her arms, then look at the same direction as her.

"Hey, Daphne." Y/N said simply.

"Where have you been?" Daphne asked, truly wondering where her little cousin was. Y/N pulled away from the hug they shared, looking at her cousin sadly. She remembers that her family pushed her away when she had Devin, and married his father, but in the end got a divorce because she wasn't happy.

"I'll explain later. Um, this is Lauren," Lauren waved, smiling at Devin then at Daphne."Lauren, this is my cousin, Daphne."

"Nice to meet you." Daphne said honestly."Put him down. He's a big boy now and he shouldn't be carried anymore."

"But Y/N–"

"Devin." Y/N gulped, knowing that look of Daphne's, because she's been on the receiving end when she was little. She set Devin on the floor, patting the kid's head.

"Can I sit with her then?" Devin asked his mom, grabbing Y/N's hand making Lauren mentally 'aw'.

"If it's fine with you, Y/N."

"It's great, actually." Y/N smiled down at the boy, who grinned at her childishly. She laughed, shaking her head before hearing a familiar voice.

"Y/N." This time, Lauren could guess who it was. There was now a group coming over to where the two stood, with Devin now. Lauren could see Y/N growing even more nervous the closer her mother with the group of people behind her got closer. She reached for Y/N's free hand, intertwining their fingers and squeezing her hand softly telling her she was still here.

The glance that Y/N's mother did at their hands didn't go unnoticed by Y/N. Y/N took a deep breath, preparing herself for yelling, but instead was faced with her mother with a wide smile.

"Hey, Mom."

Y/N hesitantly let go of Lauren's hand when her mom pulled her in for a hug. This was the first time ever Y/N has seen her mother and is being hugged so tightly that her breath is being taken away. Lauren stepped back, glancing at Devin when she saw him staring at her then back at Y/N and her mom.

"Mom, I can't breathe." Y/N chuckled, tapping her mom's back gently. And Lauren noticed how Y/N's mother reluctantly let her go, also noticed the tears in her eyes that she was trying to hold in. Eventually, Lauren locked eyes with Y/N's mother noticing the similarities they have, and they have a lot.

"And who is this?"

Lauren must have been staring at Y/N's mom that she didn't even notice that Y/N and the rest of her family had already hugged and said hi to her. They all had tears in their eyes, it was obvious that they missed her.

"Oh, um," Y/N gestured Lauren to come closer, which she did."This is Lauren."

"No way." Y/N looked at where the voice came from, she smiled at her sister which she reciprocated before walking up to her and Lauren."From Fifth Harmony?" Her sister asked, Lauren nodded feeling heat in her cheeks because everyone was now looking at her. Y/N raised her eyebrow at her sister, what was she going to say?"My sister obsessed over you when she was in high school."

Y/N's eyes widen, shaking her heard frantically at her sister and her "shut up" look as she did. But Y/N's sister didn't seem to get the point, and simply continued telling Lauren almost everything about her high school experience of being a harmonizer.

"Yeah. That was you. I mean she loved all the girls," Y/N face palmed, hiding her face with her hand."But she had you, like, everywhere. She would quote you, whenever green eyes were mentioned she would mention you...oh and her lock screen–"

"Okay!" Y/N interrupted, her cheeks red as she put her hand over her sister's mouth. Lauren crossed her arms, an amused smile on her lips as she waited for Y/N to think of a way to get out of this. Y/N chuckled nervously, looking into Lauren's green eyes before looking at her family."When does my big bro get here?" She looked away from Lauren, keeping her hand over her sister's mouth for precaution.

But her sister pushed her hand away, telling her,"Dad is bringing him." She pulled her phone out, finding that she had text messages."Any minute now, actually." She said, and when she did everyone scattered and began to hide. The lights shut off, the music shut off and everyone quiet down.

"What was that about your lock screen?" Lauren quirked her eyebrow, looking at Y/N with the amused smile still on her lips. Y/N groaned, pulling Lauren with her to hide.

Only two minutes later, the lights turned on and everyone shouted "surprise" louder than Lauren and Y/N expected. Y/N forgot how loud her family could be, and Lauren just wasn't used to a group of people being that loud.

"Hey, Lauren," Y/N said suddenly, making Lauren look at her questionably. Y/N smiled,"I think I got it from here." Lauren smiled, gently pushing Y/N forward to go be with her brother. And Lauren can now say she's seen Y/N cry because she was happy...and Lauren was satisfied for that.


Lauren was sitting next to Y/N. But she felt like she was sitting next to someone other than Y/N. She looked around, nodding her head to the rhythm of the song that was currently playing. Y/N was right, the DJ was good, and she does know her because she's seen her talking to the DJ several times tonight.

"So..." Miguel, Y/N's brother, moved closer to her little sister and whispered,"Lauren?"

Y/N glanced at the girl, smiling before nodding at her brother."Yeah. We met four months ago, in the beginning of March."

"Are you two..." Miguel gestured between the two, with a smirk which made Y/N roll her eyes.


"Mom and Jenny think so."

"They are always quick to assume." Y/N muttered."Speaking of Mom, where's Dad?"

"Talking with his friends." Miguel shrugged, nodding over to the corner of the place. Y/N turned her head, scoffing which caught her brother's attention.

"Dad always had more friends than us, didn't he?" She chuckled, making Miguel nod before taking a sip of his drink. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows when a specific song came on, she looked at the DJ booth and found Eddie smiling, gesturing her to dance. Y/N smiled, sending him a thumbs up before standing up, leaving her brother, to stand in front of Lauren.

Lauren looked at her confusedly,"What?"

"We're dancing. Come on." Y/N extended her hand, causing Lauren to smile before taking it and allowing Y/N to help her up. They walked to the middle of the empty dance floor, they glanced around the room when they saw all eyes were on them before facing each other.

When the night, has come and the land is dark
Y la luna es la luz que brilla ante mi;
Miedo no, no tendre;, oh I won't, no me asustare
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

"Do they always stare?" Lauren mumbled, allowing Y/N to lead as they started dancing. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, looking at the green eyed girl questionably."They've been staring at me since we got here." Lauren said, looking around before meeting Y/N's eyes.

And darling, darling stand by me oh stand by me
Oh stand, junto a mi, junto a mi;
Y aunque las montanas o el cielo caiga

"I don't see why not." Y/N shrugged, confusing Lauren even more. Y/N chuckled,"You are the most beautiful girl in the room," Lauren felt her cheeks heat up, looking down at her feet as they continued dancing but still listening."I don't blame them for staring."

No voy a preocuparme porque se
Que tu estas, junto a mi
No llorare , no llorare oh, I won't shed a tear
Porque se, que tu estas junto a mi
And darling, darling stand by me oh stand by me
Oh stand, stand by me, stand by me

"You spoke with the DJ," Lauren looked at Y/N again after a minute, the younger girl nodded as a response."Why?"

And darling, darling stand by me oh stand by me
Oh stand, junto a mi;, junto a mi;
And darling, darling stand by me oh stand by me
Oh stand, junto a mi;, junto a mi;

"I thought the song would have been more obvious." Y/N laughed shortly."I wanted to dance this song with you, duh."

"So are you..." Lauren paused for a second, trying to figure out how else to put this. But when she could think of another way, she sighed and finished,"...are you dedicated this song to me?"

Once the song was over, Y/N laughed again, confusing Lauren, while she shaking her head. Y/N stopped laughing,"No. I'm not." Lauren frowned, making Y/N lift her head up by placing her fingers under her chin."I just wanted to let you know how everything has changed since you've been...standing by me," Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, but nodded."Yeah."


"Well, you speak and understand Spanish," Y/N said, which made Lauren nod."so, don't judge me on how I speak it..." Y/N pointed a stern finger at the older girl, who nodded with a smile."No llorare, I won't shed a tear, porque se, que tu estas junto a mi." Y/N said slowly, with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration which Lauren found really adorable.

"No I won't shed a tear, just as long as you stand by me..." Y/N sighed in relief, nodding as she looked at Lauren."You said it correctly, good job." Lauren laughed, earning a gentle punch on her shoulder before Y/N guided them back to the table they were seated in.

"Lauren," Y/N called out, making the green eyed girl turn in her seat to look at her. Y/N smiled, her smile bringing a smile on Lauren's lips."junto a mi."

Lauren nodded,"stand by me." Lauren grabbed her hand, intertwining their hands before adding,"Always beside you."


This is a side note for myself, once this story is over I need to rewrite it and add a few things...
Anyway, hope you like this chapter...I was suppose to update this yesterday but I was kind of busy with la familia. I am also catching up with writing, so I can update at least everyday now since I have finally started my summer break.
I am warning you guys now, you're going on a roller coaster for the next few chapters


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