Wanted➣ Lauren/You Fanfiction

By stories_5H

382K 16.7K 11.3K

"You can't control who you fall in love with." or; in which Lauren Jauregui meets someone that makes her feel... More

|1| I Wanna Make You Feel Wanted
|2| We Can Work From Home
|3| Feeling Stressed...Out
|4| Go Love Yourself
|5| My Heart Breaks a Little When I Hear Your Name
|6| Sometimes Quiet is Violent
|7| I'm Just a Sad Song
|8| I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
|9| You've Got A Friend In Me
|10| Count On Me
|11| 7 Years
|12| The Girl's a Work of Art
|13| stars
|14| My First Kiss Went a Little Like This...
|16| Junto a Mi
|17| You're Pretty Fucking Dope
|18| No Lyrics
|19| How To Save A Life
|20| I'll Keep You Safe
|21| Beautiful Escape
|22| Figure My Heart Out
|23| Just The Way You Are
|24| This is Logic
|25| Please Don't Hate Me
|26| Please Don't Go
|27| "Even Though I Know You'll Never Be Mine."
|28| "Tell Her You Love Her Too."
Epilogue: Falling in Love With You [Part 1]
Epilogue: Squeeze [Part 2]
Epilogue: Rest of My Life [Part 3]
The Playlist

|15| Everything Means Nothing...If I Ain't Got You

10.6K 470 276
By stories_5H

With a new leash, and a vest, Y/N walked out of PetSmart smiling, because Dash had no fleas and no chip, which clarified he didn't belong to anyone. If he did, they didn't put a chip to track where he was in case he got lost. Anyway, Y/N debated whether they should neuter the dog but she decided that that was a decision to make with Lauren when she gets back. She tugged gently on the dog's leash, pulling him away from a dog that was way larger than him and walked out of the store.

Once she carefully set Dash inside the car, in his cage that she had to buy, she got into the driver's seat and turned the car on. It's June and she wouldn't be surprised if they said that California was in a drought. She wiped the little sweat on her forehead, switching gears before hearing her phone ring. She furrowed her eyebrows, Lauren just texted her saying she was going to take a nap, so she pulled her phone out and found someone unexpected to text her.


"Your brother graduated college. We are having a surprise party and we know how much you mean to him...I'm sure he would love to see you, two surprises is better than one."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, thinking of a way to respond to this. She hasn't seen, nor spoken to anyone in her family in months. Well, Eddie isn't apart of their family yet since he hasn't really proposed to her sister but he was considered family before he even dated her sister. Which reminds her, her parents haven't sent any kind of money for the past four months and she's a little behind on the rent. On the bright side, she's going to be able to see her brother...if she decides to go. She isn't sure, because going would mean finally seeing her family after a year of not seeing them since her coming out.

Oh wow, now she's nervous and doesn't even want to go. But her brother...

"I'll let you know"

"It's this Saturday by the way"

She sighed, she figured there would be some sort of catch when it came to this invite. Saturday is when she has to turn in her portfolio, how is she going to do? Am I even going to go?, Y/N shoved her phone in her pocket and began to make her way back to her apartment.


"Alright, 2.0," Dash looked around the hallway, sniffing each door they passed by. Y/N took her keys out, gently tugging on Dash's leash when he stayed sniffing a door."I just have to–" she stopped, furrowing her eyebrows at the letter taped on her door. She grabbed, opening it quickly and her heart dropped when she saw in bold red letters...


Apparently she's not a little behind on her rent. She hadn't paid her rent since December, and she remembers that was the last time her parents sent her some money. She read the letter, sighing quietly once she was done. She crumpled it up angrily, smiling down at Dash when she saw him staring up at her curiously. She unlocked her door, going in and hurriedly packing some clothes in her backpack. She grabbed her computer, because she has to google some spark notes on a book she's suppose to read. The paper is actually due on Friday, perfect.

Once she gathered all of the important things she needed, she threw her backpack over her shoulder and kept her grip on her computer tight; she does not have money to buy another if it falls and breaks. She whistled, catching Dash's attention and gestured him to follow her. To her surprise, he followed her and walked with her to the door. She locked her door, rushed down the stairs and waved at the man behind the desk. He was staring at her, which made her stop and sigh.

"I'll get the money," She told him, he stayed quiet looking at her."just give me time."

"You have money for a dog but not for rent." He pointed at Dash, she gulped patting her leg and Dash understood and walked close to her."You have a day."

"A day? Dude, that's...24 hours." Y/N looked at him incredulously.

"I know. You have 24 hours."

"But I–" Dash barking stopped her, she glared at the dog making him whimper and stop his barking. She sighed guiltily, adjusting her backpack on her shoulder before nodding at the man."I'll try." The man only huffed, letting Y/N leave silently. She placed Dash back into his cage, getting in the car herself tiredly. She sighed quietly, staring at the steering wheel for a minute thinking of a way she could get the money. She turned the car on, remembering she had some research to do on a paper she had to do.


Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, looking around the apartment before huffing. She left the puppy alone for one minute and he's gone, where the hell did he go? She lifted her foot up, like he could possibly be under her foot, before hearing a bark. She groaned quietly,"2.0, where are you?" She called out, looking under the table as she held the dog's plate in her hand securely.

She heard a small bark, which led her to follow the sound before meeting with a closed door. She scratched the back of her head, chuckling when she realized she closed the door on the dog, leaving him in the kitchen closet. She opened it, letting the dog out, she laughed shortly,"My bad, homie. Come on, I got your food." She nodded, making the dog follow her into the bathroom where his stuff was set up. She set the plate beside his water bowl, nodding satisfyingly before leaving him alone to eat.

She grabbed her computer, sitting on Lauren's bed then looking around the room. She scrunched her nose up, shrugging before sitting back on the bed to begin looking for spark notes.

After an hour of looking, she actually found nothing. That's when she decided on clearing the search bar, looking up the book instead of spark notes. She made sure to put 'free' in the search bar, she will not buy a book online just for one little report. She picked her head after hearing a sound, she furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Dash at the end of the bed, when did he get here? She waved it off, getting ready to click a link that said provided a free download to the book she needed. But as the mouse hovered over the link, a FaceTime call popped up.

She completely forgot about the book after accepting the call, and her smile widen when she saw a tired looking Lauren on the screen. She chuckled when she saw the green eyed girl yawn, covering her mouth respectfully."Hey." Lauren waved tiredly.

"'Sup." Y/N nodded, her response causing Lauren to giggle."Did you just wake up?"

The green eyed girl nodded,"Yeah. I forgot there is different time zones." She rubbed her eyes, most likely not realizing her mistake.

"Are." Y/N corrected, Lauren's confusion causing her to laugh."You said 'is' when it's 'are'." She explained, only confusing Lauren even more.

"It's 'is'."

"Shall I mention the AwesomenessTV episode where you, Normani and Camila fought over this but it was...'I like it when my clothes is big on me.'?" Y/N retorted, chuckling when she heard Lauren huff.

"I'm tired. Give me a break."

"Yes. I am so sorry, grammar queen." Y/N said, bowing at the girl. Lauren laughed quietly, shaking her head before noticing the background.

"You're in my apartment?"

Y/N looked around shortly,"Huh." She hummed, looking back at a Lauren."I guess I am." Lauren gave her her 'really?' look, which led to Y/N sighing."Yeah. Uh, I came across a problem, but I will fix it." She said determinedly, furrowing her eyebrows as she quietly added,"I hope."

"What happened?"

"Well, 2.0 has no fleas," Lauren called out Y/N's name, in hope it would make her stop talking about the dog."oh, and no chip so he's basically ours now. And...do you want him neutered, that's a big thing we need to think of. Because that's basically saying we want his manhood taken away from him–"

"Y/N." Lauren said more sternly, stopping Y/N's talking. Y/N looked at her innocently, which only led Lauren to worry even more."What happened with you? I don't have a problem with you staying at my apartment but you said you came across something."

Y/N heard the worry in Lauren's tone, she sighed quietly knowing she couldn't keep this a secret from Lauren for long. So she reached into her backpack, unfolded the paper before showing Lauren."I saw it when I was picking my stuff up this afternoon." Y/N informed her, not meeting the green eyed girl's gaze.

"Your parents haven't sent you money?" Lauren asked, catching Y/N by surprise.

"No. The last time they have was–"

"Move in." Lauren interrupted her, earning a raised eyebrow from the younger girl."Move into my apartment. Yeah. That way you save money, you're closer to me and Dash..."

"2.0." Y/N muttered.

"...it would be so much easier." Lauren finished.

"That's nice, really it is, Lauren. But–"

"Or live on the streets, it's fine by me whichever you chose." Lauren crossed her arms, shrugging like she didn't care. Y/N chuckled at her, smiling amusedly at how Lauren tried to act like she didn't care at all. She saw Lauren meet her eyes, the swirls of green could be seen in the little light she had wherever she was.

She sighed quietly,"Alright. Fine."

"Really?" Lauren asked excitedly, to which Y/N nodded in response."Awesome! Now I have a roommate!" She exclaimed cutely.

"Another thing," Y/N spoke up, interrupting Lauren's little celebration."I was invited to my brother's graduation party." Y/N said, faking her excitement making Lauren frown.

"You don't want to go?" Lauren questioned confusedly."I thought you said you missed your brother?"

"I do. But party for my brother's accomplishment means my whole entire family is going to be there." Y/N said nervously, playing the bracelet on her left wrist. Lauren noticed, knowing that she did this when she was nervous.

"When is it?"

"Saturday." Y/N huffed, groaning loudly because she remembered her report."I hate college."

"It sounds really fun to me." Lauren said smiling, making Y/N look at her weirdly. Lauren shook her head,"Stop looking at me like that."

"You're weird, you nerd."

Lauren flipped her hair,"I'm the nerd who is willing to go with you to the party this Saturday." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows."I'll go with you."

"Yeah....No. My family is..." Y/N paused to think of a better word than 'crazy'. When she came out blank, she shrugged,"they're crazy."

"We all have a little crazy." Lauren shrugged simply."I really don't mind going, it'll be fun too. It's a win-win."


"Win for me because I'll be going to a party with the company of you. And a win for you because you won't be alone," Lauren smiled, it being contagious and forming one on Y/N's lips."I'll be with you. I'll always be with you."

"You really wanna go?" Y/N asked her, which Lauren responded with a nod. Y/N sighed, thinking of any possible way to get out of this. Again, she came out blank. She groaned quietly, covering her eyes with her hand when she saw Lauren smirk."Fine. I'll go." Once again, Lauren cheered only making Y/N drop her hand and watch Lauren do a little dance. She laughed quietly, shaking her head amusedly at the green eyed girl. She was so busy taking in the girl's simple yet beautiful appearance that she didn't notice when Lauren stopped dancing.

"Hey." Lauren snapped her finger in front of the camera. Y/N cleared her throat, shaking her head to get out of her daze."You okay? You zoned out or something."

"Oh, yeah...I was just thinking about my report."

"Ooo," Lauren said excitedly, Y/N laughing when she did."on what?"

"A book full of poems," Y/N said reading it off the paper she received that had all the information. She nodded contently, dropping the paper back on her backpack."I am so failing."

"It says 'a book full of poems'?" Lauren asked, the younger girl hummed in response."Go to my bookshelf."

"No thanks."

"Y/N." Lauren tilted her head to the side, looking at the younger girl with a stern look.

"Lauren." Y/N copied her.

"Go to my bookshelf."

"I would, but that involves me getting up."

"If you don't get up, you'll fail." Lauren countered.

Y/N squinted her eyes, looking at the bookshelf that is across the room. She huffed,"You make a valid argument." Flipping her hair, Lauren smiled when Y/N got up.

"Okay, there should be a book filled with poems by Oscar Wilde."

"From Vine. That dude is awesome." Y/N chuckled, skimming through the titles on the edge of the books. Lauren rolled her eyes, knowing, at least hoping, Y/N was joking."I can't find it." Y/N admitted, taking each book out one by one to read the title this time."Why do you have so many books, anyway? Reading is for suckers."

"Then I'm a sucker."

"I thought you were gay."


"I'm kidding." Y/N laughed, mentally cheering when she found the book. She pulled it out, threw herself on the bed, in front of her computer, and showed Lauren the book. She noticed Lauren's glare, making her sigh and drop the book."It was a joke,...hehe, ahaha. Laugh."

"I never told you, did I?" Lauren sighed out.


"I'm not gay."

"That's okay." Y/N scratched the back of her head confusedly. Was I dreaming when I met her at the coffee shop? Did I make the whole conversation up about her and Camila?

"I'm bi." Oh, that makes much more sense.

"Can I ask you a question?" Lauren nodded."What was wrong with you when you dated Bread?


Y/N's eyes widen,"Brad. I said Brad." She said quickly. I've read too many fanfictions.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Lauren answered Y/N's question."I don't know. I guess I was confused."

"'Cause I found a girl..."

"Shut up. I hate that song." Lauren covered her ears, pouting a little which made Y/N change the subject.

"I'm a curious person..."

"I know." Lauren mumbled.

"What happened to Luis?" She asked, Lauren smiled at her curious expression.

"We just didn't click anymore." Lauren shrugged.

"Okay. No more questions." Y/N raised her hands up, surrendering."I have to get my report done."

"You do that." Lauren giggled, grateful that Y/N was a curious person but not to the point to interrogate. She frowned remembering that Y/N hadn't said any lyrics to her. Actually, she doesn't remember if she said anything to her before leaving?

Y/N picked her head up when the silence was becoming unbearable. She smiled at Lauren's concentration face, the green eyed sometimes makes faces when she concentrates and Y/N finds it really cute because sometimes Lauren doesn't even realize it. She marked her place in the book, admiring Lauren's face for a minute before remembering some lyrics. But she needs to get the girl to sing first...

"Some people live for the fortune, some people live just for the fame..." Y/N said instead of sang, catching Lauren's attention. Lauren furrowed her eyebrows, a smile on her lips though."Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game...Come on, you know the lyrics." Y/N smiled, seeing Lauren take a deep breath.

"Some people think
That the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
That life's a bore
So full of the superficial..."

Y/N saw the way Lauren got so passionate when she sang, her eyes closed and the way she moved her hand along to the soft rhythm of the song.

"Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you, baby
If I ain't got you, baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah..."

"I always knew you were the best, the coolest girl I know..." Y/N stopped her, even though she really wanted to hear Lauren sing the rest. Lauren looked at her questionably, not knowing they were lyrics."...So prettier than all the rest, the star of my show."

"Wait are you..."

Y/N laughed, nodding making Lauren purse her lips."You're who I'm thinking of, and girl you ain't my runner up. And no matter what, you're always number one." Lauren smiled, and Y/N couldn't seem to stop there."My prize possession, one and only. Adore you, girl I want you. The one I can't live without, that's you. You're my special little lady...The one that makes me crazy..." Lauren rolled her eyes at how Y/N emphasized that part, but laughed at the face Y/N made."Of all the girls I've ever known. It's you. My favorite girl."

Lauren huffed, she hated that Y/N always seemed to think of lyrics quicker than her. Y/N went back to reading her book satisfied, she glanced at Lauren and noticed the smirk on the green eyed girl's lips.

"What?" Y/N chuckled asking.

"Everything means nothing, if I ain't got you."

And when Lauren saw the smile on Y/N's lips widen, she knew won this round.


I have been trying to publish this since last night but I apparently need to be connected to wifi to do that(I've been living on my cell data for the past few days) I'm currently in the library not just for the wifi but also to study for finals. Anyway, there will possibly be more updates during the week now since my last week of school is this week...so yay!

- these next chapters will be very eventful😉
-I'm also working on making a playlist for this book, that should be done soon(and it will be going in order of the chapters, along with future chapters so you can see the direction the story is going)

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