Wanted➣ Lauren/You Fanfiction

By stories_5H

380K 16.7K 11.3K

"You can't control who you fall in love with." or; in which Lauren Jauregui meets someone that makes her feel... More

|1| I Wanna Make You Feel Wanted
|2| We Can Work From Home
|3| Feeling Stressed...Out
|4| Go Love Yourself
|5| My Heart Breaks a Little When I Hear Your Name
|6| Sometimes Quiet is Violent
|7| I'm Just a Sad Song
|8| I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
|9| You've Got A Friend In Me
|10| Count On Me
|11| 7 Years
|13| stars
|14| My First Kiss Went a Little Like This...
|15| Everything Means Nothing...If I Ain't Got You
|16| Junto a Mi
|17| You're Pretty Fucking Dope
|18| No Lyrics
|19| How To Save A Life
|20| I'll Keep You Safe
|21| Beautiful Escape
|22| Figure My Heart Out
|23| Just The Way You Are
|24| This is Logic
|25| Please Don't Hate Me
|26| Please Don't Go
|27| "Even Though I Know You'll Never Be Mine."
|28| "Tell Her You Love Her Too."
Epilogue: Falling in Love With You [Part 1]
Epilogue: Squeeze [Part 2]
Epilogue: Rest of My Life [Part 3]
The Playlist

|12| The Girl's a Work of Art

11.8K 543 375
By stories_5H

Two reasons why I have updated:
-because I'm having a good day,(so far)
-and actually: cause at this time today, my mom was yelling at my dad to get me out of her...🎈yeah, it's my birthday and I don't like making a big deal about it so instead of receiving a gift...I'm giving you guys a gift by this giving you this update...And I appreciate all of you who really like this story, I honestly didn't think people would like it. Thank you, and thanks for reading this if you did, lol.
To conclude, I should really tell you guys this more often too, I love you!

Oh, and enjoy the next couple of chapters of fluff☺️...it won't last long😏

Why am I awake?, it was the first thought Y/N had as she laid in bed. Her second thought was, who's bed am I in? Now, as she looks around, she wonders who is in her arms right now. She looks down, finding a sleeping Lauren, she also looks very comfortable. Y/N sighs, remembering why she's awake this early.

I have class.

She groans quietly, releasing a quiet sigh as she stares up at the ceiling. Memories of what happened last night starts running through her mind, and now she feels...naked. Of course not literally naked but emotionally naked. Y/N has never told anyone about her past, not only because she didn't have anyone to tell, but because she always told herself to keep personal things private. Always.

She notices the small shadow of light under the curtain by Lauren's window. She raises her eyebrows when she realizes that the sun is just now rising. It couldn't be past seven, but she still wants to get up and go to class. Go anywhere actually, anything to not have the conversation with Lauren about last night.

She glanced down, a smile playing on her lips when she heard Lauren mumble something in her sleep. She shook her head, sitting up slowly as she began pulling Lauren off her. She stopped when she heard Lauren's soft snores stop, then nodded to herself when she heard her snores once again. She lifted Lauren's arm off of her stomach, carefully setting it on the bed so she could get up.

And once she was out of bed, she quietly cheered before turning around and looking at Lauren. Realizing that looking at Lauren while she sleeps was creepy, she shook her head at herself and started looking for her clothes. She sighed in relief when she noticed they were stacked neatly on the dresser near the door, she quietly walked towards it. While she reached for it, she heard Lauren's snores stop once again...then they picked up once again, she snorted which made Y/N turn around and make sure she wasn't choking. She chuckled quietly, seeing Lauren sprawled out on the bed; her arms stretched out, her hands keeping a tight grip on the pillow.

"She gets comfortable real quick." Y/N mumbled to herself, grabbing her clothes and opening the bedroom door. Once she was out of Lauren's room, she debated if she should shut the door completely or leave it opened. She really hates that she's having a mental debate about this right now; as she sneaks out. She groaned quietly to herself, leaving the door open then heading to the front door. She takes her phone out, reading the time...7:17 am.

She grabs her backpack from the ground, throwing it over her shoulder as she rushes to the door. But then she stops abruptly, she pats her legs trying to feel for her keys then remembers she's wearing Lauren's clothes. So where the hell are her keys then?

"Fuck." She muttered, turning away from the door and inhaling a deep breath."It's in her room." She mumbles, mentally punching herself for doing a bad job of sneaking out."I think." She quirks an eyebrow at her thoughts, she huffs at herself before starting to make her way back to Lauren's room. When reaches Lauren's room, she takes a deep breath, preparing herself for the sneaking back in part.

Because sneaking back in is harder than sneaking out, right? Y/N stops, thinking about that question before realizing she's wasting time just of thinking of it. She pushes the door gently, eyes widening and stepping back out of the room when she saw Lauren. Well, duh, it's Lauren's room. But now, Lauren was awake, sitting up on her bed as she played with something in her hand.

"Good morning." She heard Lauren's quiet voice. She sighed quietly, walking back into the room with a guilty expression on her face. Lauren looked up, looking through her eyelashes at the younger girl."You said something last night about adding some more things to the sticky note."

Y/N knew where this was going, so she stepped in further into the room and shut the door behind her.

"No running." Lauren finally stopped playing with whatever she had in her hand. Y/N's eyes landed on her keys when Lauren lifted her hand up, showing the keys off to her."You were looking for this, weren't you?" She asked Y/N, who nodded answering Lauren's question."So you could leave; run."

"I, uh..." Y/N cleared her throat, catching her keys when Lauren threw it at her. She sighed when she saw Lauren lay back down on her bed, lifting the blankets over her head."Good morning...?" She tried.

Lauren turned her head,"Seriously?"

"Lauren, I'm sorry. But I have class."

"And you made a promise." Lauren sat up again, looking at Y/N seriously.

Y/N searched in her mind for something to say in response. But nothing came, she couldn't think of anything to say to that. She knew leaving was basically breaking the promise. Y/N wouldn't be able to live with herself if she knew she broke a promise. So she threw her backpack on the floor, set her clothes down on the dresser and walked towards the foot of the bed.

While she did, Lauren watched as she did all that. She saw when Y/N crawled back into the bed, then bring the blanket up to cover her up and then saw Y/N gesture for her to join her. She wasn't sure what it was, maybe it was her body telling her she had to pee or it was butterflies in her stomach. Whatever it was, she ignored it and joined Y/N, cuddling up to her quickly.

And just like that, in each other's embrace, they fell back asleep.


Lauren was the first to wake up this time, at exactly 11:56 am. She took a deep breath, snuggling her head more into the crook of Y/N's neck. She kept her grip on Y/N's shirt, closing her eyes tightly; preparing herself for the brightness her eyes are going to have to adjust to. She opened her eyes, squinting at first before finally adjusting her eyes to the light the sun was bringing into her room. She didn't feel like getting up yet, so she stayed in the same position until she heard a small snore escape Y/N's lips. She sat up, smiling as she looked down at the younger girl.

A smile graced her lips when a song came to mind when she looked at Y/N's sleeping figure. She pushed a strand of hair out of the girl's face,"The girl's a work of art and I can't help but stare." She whispered, sighing quietly before laying back down. Her smile dropped when she felt Y/N move, turning to lay on her right side, facing the window. Then the younger girl moved again, turning to lay on her left side. Lauren groaned, having to move a little to let the girl move.

But Lauren saw Y/N's hand searching for something. She curiously watched her hand, moving around the bed like she was searching for her phone. She furrowed her eyebrows, thinking of what she could be looking for. Lauren stretched her arm out, opening her hand near the area Y/N's hand was roaming. And her smile was back when she saw Y/N's hand instantly lock with hers, gripping Lauren's hand before sighing in relief. The younger girl is just as attached to Lauren as Lauren is to her.

Lauren squeezed her hand softly, laying down on her right side to face the younger girl."Hey." Lauren whispered, squeezing the girl's hand again."Wake up."

"Five more minutes." Y/N muttered, using her other hand to cover her ear. Lauren laughed softly, using her free hand to move the strands of hair out of Y/N's face.

"Fine. You get more than five minutes. I have to shower, I'll wake you up when I'm out." Lauren loosen her grip on Y/N's hand, but felt Y/N's grip on her hand tighten. She furrowed her eyebrows,"Y/N, let go of my hand."

"No." Y/N shook her head, taking a deep breath before mumbling,"Don't go. Let's cuddle."

Lauren giggled,"I can't. I want to, but I can't." She sighed."I have rehearsals in an hour."

"Right..." Y/N sat up, shaking her head to get rid of her sleep."You head out for tour tomorrow." She met Lauren's eyes, the green eyed girl nodded guiltily. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed her expression, then loosen her grip on Lauren's hand."Fine. I know you, you don't want to be late."

"I'm sorry." Lauren breathed out, causing Y/N's eyebrows to furrow."For last night and now."

"I don't want to talk about last night, Lauren." Lauren frowned when she felt Y/N let her entire hand go."Just go take a shower, quick. So we can get something to eat. And think of an excuse." Lauren raised her eyebrow curiously."I need some sort of excuse to use tomorrow to give my teacher." The younger girl shrugged.

Lauren laughed at that,"Fine. I'll be quick."


"Maybe I can say I had diarrhea."

Lauren stopped eating her fries to look at the girl, she had an amused smile on her lips as she kept looking at the girl. They went to McDonald's, per Lauren's request, and now sat in Y/N's car; eating their food. Lauren got a burger with large fries, which made Y/N remember how much Lauren loves McDonald's fries, and Y/N got large fries with twenty piece chicken nuggets. They were hungry.

"Ooh, I know!" Y/N exclaimed, turning her head to meet Lauren's eyes."I can say I got my period, he won't even question it because then it will be awkward! It's genius!"

"It's stupid." Lauren retorted, making Y/N frown. She huffed, pouting as she stuffed fries in her mouth."Why would you stay home because of your period?"

"Cramps, duh."

"You can't have that bad of cramps?" Lauren quirked her eyebrow at the girl. Y/N shrugged, eating fries quietly before finally speaking up.

"How do you not like chocolate?" Lauren's amused smile never left her lips as she heard Y/N rant about the wonders of chocolate."It's delicious, tasty, sweet and it's like the best comfort food ever! Your tastebuds must be, like,...stupid." Y/n concluded.

"How can my tastebuds be stupid?" Lauren asked chuckling, her eyebrow raised curiously before stuffing a fry in her mouth.

"Chocolate is good." Y/n responded."But don't eat it while you're on your period," Y/N scrunched her nose, cutely; Lauren thought."gives you more cramps, with more pain." Y/N groaned quietly.

"Maybe that's why I don't like it." Lauren shrugged, dipping a fry in ketchup.

"Really? I just assumed you were just a natural cramping person." Lauren punched her arm, earning a low groan from the girl. She playfully glared at the girl, making her giggle before dipping her fry in ketchup."I'm kidding. But you know," Y/n laughed quietly."before I joined the fandom I thought you were the rude one."

"Everyone thinks that." Lauren mumbled.

"Then I found out you're just a cute badass." Y/N said innocently, laughing a little.

Lauren huffed,"I'm not a cute badass." She argued, shaking her head."I'm just a badass."

"You wanna go get a kid's meal?"

"Oh! Yeah!" Lauren exclaimed, bouncing up and down in her seat adorably. Y/N smirked, still looking at Lauren, and Lauren, being the slow one in the conversation right now, furrowed her eyebrows at the girl."What?"

"Cute badass." Y/N chuckled, popping another fry in her mouth. Lauren opened her mouth to argue, but instantly shut it when she realized she didn't have anything to say as a response.

Lauren stuck her tongue out, rolling her eyes before taking a bite of her burger.


"...She ain't perfect but she's worth it
Every breath I breathe for the life of me
And I know I might not deserve it
But she loves me and it's simply amazing.,"

"What song is this?" Y/N asked, pointing shortly at the radio before placing her hand back on the steering wheel.

"Trey Songz, Simply Amazing." Lauren answered, skimming through the songs on her playlist. She looked up, squinting her eyes when the sun hit her face, looking around the outside to see if they were close to the dance studio. When she realized they were most likely ten minutes away, she went back to looking through her playlist.

"I like it."

Lauren smiled,"Good."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, chuckling confusedly."Good? What do you mean by 'good'?"

"Because I quoted it earlier." Lauren admitted quietly, feeling the car come to a slow stop. She felt eyes on her, so she met the eyes that were looking at her, and she saw the smile on younger girl's lips."When you were asleep, if you were wondering."

"That's not creepy at all." Y/N said sarcastically, turning back to the road to start drive again. She felt Lauren's eyes on her, and she did everything in her power to not meet Lauren's eyes because if she did, they would crash.

"You're just mad I beat you to quoting a song before you today." Lauren smirked, turning the volume up so Y/N couldn't argue.

As the song continued playing, Y/N remembered hearing this song before now. She's surprised that she forgot about this song, she remembers her sister constantly having this song on replay after her break up with her first boyfriend. Long story short, her sister got dumped over text message, and now she doesn't trust anyone with the name Willy. So far, like her sister's ex-boyfriend, every Willy she has come across is an asshole.

She shook her thoughts away, putting the volume down so Lauren could hear her say it, she met Lauren's confused gaze,"There is nothing in this world that can keep me away from you. And there's nobody who could ever compare to you..."

Lauren's confused expression dropped, a smile now on her lips as she giggled quietly,"I thought you didn't know the song?" She questioned, still somewhat confused.

Y/N shrugged,"I remembered. My sister used to sing it a lot. How could I forgot her annoying, cracking voice singing along to it everyday?" She laughed, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Lauren noticed how the younger girl's mood changed when she mentioned her sister, and how her knuckles are now turning white from her grip on the steering wheel. So she reached over to grab the girl's right hand, which made Y/N look at her confused before turning back to the road. She instantly relaxed though, and when Lauren squeezed her hand after intertwining their fingers she felt...safe.


"Hey, Y/N." She picked her head up, furrowing her eyebrows when she saw Ally looking at her. She scratched the back of her neck nervously, wondering where Lauren was right now. But before she could start looking around for Lauren, Ally reached her."The girls and I are going on tour tomorrow..."

"Yeah, uh, Lauren told me." Why do I have to be awkward?, Y/N thought to herself.

"I figured," Ally giggled."But Lauren declined on having dinner together tonight...my guess is because she wanted to hang out with you."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll talk to her, that way you guys can–"

"No. I was actually planning on inviting you." Ally interrupted quickly, wiping her forehead when she felt sweat. Y/n raised her eyebrows curiously, is she actually getting invited to something? That's a first."So would you like to join us?"

"Uh," Y/N scratched the back of her neck, thinking of what she was actually planning for Lauren later on tonight. It was genius and she had came up with just now, right before Ally asked her to dinner with them."If it's not to much, can you do something for me?"

"Okay..." Ally said curiously, moving closer to Y/N when she was asked to. And Y/N informed her on everything she was planning to do for Lauren, and Ally being Ally, agreed on helping distract the green eyed girl while she worked on it.

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