Supernatural: Lauren Johnson

By JamieRock

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When Sam and Dean Winchester have a mysterious encounter with a girl who knows so much more about them than t... More

Author's words
Chapter One: Sam? Bobby? Where the hell are you?
Chapter Two: Lauren
Chapter Three: The hunt for Sam the call from Bobby.
Chapter Four: Sammy?!
Chapter Six: Secrets only bring pain
Chapter Seven: Don't bring my dad into this.

Chapter Five: Bobby's here, no need to panic.

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By JamieRock

Chapter five: Bobby's here, no need to worry.

When Sam and Dean returned to their motel in Texas, it was coming up to the evening. The sun was setting, sending a radiant red into the sky, appeasing all those who laid their eyes upon it. The wind was brisk and chilly, cold enough to send shivers down your spine.

Dean and Sam arrived at their motel. The journey had been full of stories, Sam explaining what had happened to him, and Dean explaining the day he'd had, and all about Lauren. Now he needed answers and golly, was he determined to get them.

Dean slid elegantly out of the impala, whilst Sam looked more beastly. They strode towards the motel, feeling awesome (which seemed to occur a lot). Dean slid his hand into his pocket and fumbled around for his motel keys. Once he had clutched them in his fingers, he unlocked the door. It was Sam who did the honours of opening the door. The door swung open to reveal an empty room. Lauren was gone.

"It's impossible!" Dean said, determined to convince Sam that his knots were tied well enough to hold a small female in place. But Sam wasn't listening, he was making his was over to the chair where Lauren was sitting when Dean left. The ropes, he examined the ropes.

"Dean!" Sam called, gesturing for Dean to come over. He did exactly that and also immediately picked up what Sam had. The ropes. They hadn't been cut. The knots hadn't even been untied. Lauren had vanished from the exact spot she was sat in.

"Bobby warned me not to trust her." Dean exclaimed, pacing up and down. The creaking floorboards were beginning to get to Sam. He couldn't stand the noise.

"Will you sit down?!" he blurted out. Dean scowled at Sam, but did as he said anyway. He perched himself on his bed and turned to face Sam. They sat in silence until they were startled by a knock at the door. Sam walked towards the door. He put his deep brown eye to the peephole in the door and he was relieved when he saw Bobby. He grabbed the rusty door handle and swung the door open.

"Took you long enough ya Idjit." Bobby cursed as he strode into the motel room.

"Bobby," Dean said rising from the bed and making his way calmly to the window. He peered out of it, sighing as if he was signalling he was confused.

"Why did you tell me not to trust her, and more to the point, how did you know she was here?" Dean questioned, a million thoughts shooting through his mind. His eyes were focused on the golden sun set, but he couldn't seem to take in a single surrounding. There was something about Lauren that intrigued him. They way she made her presence known and her absence felt. She was quite something.

"That doesn't matter right now Dean, what's more important is that we find her and we kill her."

"Kill her?" Sam interrupted. "So far she's done nothing wrong. We can't kill an innocent girl purely on a hunch that you have. If she's such 'bad news' then why did she tell Dean where to find me, why didn't she just let the demons keep me?"

"SAM!" Bobby growled. "This girl is more trouble than she's worth, trust me! Your father-"

"Don't. Don't bring our father into this." Sam snapped.

By this time, Dean was getting incredibly impatient.

"Shut up! Both of you." he screamed kicking the wall in frustration. Dean would normally trust Bobby with pretty much everything, but this? It was ludicrous.

"Bobby. We're not going to kill her, and that's all there is to it!" Dean grumbled turning to face the two men.

"Suit yourself." Bobby replied, storming out of the door, slamming it viciously.

"What's his problem?" joked Dean, but rather than laugh along, Sam sighed and turned away from Dean.

Dean didn't really mind, he was too focused on finding away to find Lauren again. But how?

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