A dart to your heart!

By KiZuTsu

1.1K 49 17

What if Kirisaki Daichi's captain Hanamiya Makoto was actually inlove with the phantom player of Seirin? Then... More

A dart to your heart!

1.1K 49 17
By KiZuTsu

This story was originally posted in fanfiction as a part of a story called "Kuroko Shipping Wars" made by different authors collaborating in making a story about Kuroko Tetsuya being shipped with other males but always ending up with him and Akashi or their shipping is mainly called AkaKuro. I (Shizuka Yuki) was part of the collab and mine was the 9th chapter which is this. Anyways hope you guys enjoy and if you're interested for more then please read in fanfiction.net.


Love at first sight:

· Love established when two people first see one another.

· an immediate, strong attraction for someone you just met

Hanamiya Makoto never believed in Love at first sight, EVER. That is until one individual named Kuroko Tetsuya came into his life. He had first fallen for the phantom when he and his team we're observing the match between Seirin and Shūtoku High. His angelic face was just too hard to resist, his hair and eyes we're just like the embodiment of the sky itself and those lips...those sinful lips were just so---

With a sigh, Hanamiya forcibly cut himself away from his thought before it got too........deep.

He didn't have much time and he needed to finish his new fanfic for HanaKuro fic. Yes, he's an author in Fan fiction---a closet one at that--- and yes he wrote fics for his own pairing with Kuroko.

"Ma-Makoto....ahn! ~" Tetsuya mewled in pleasure when he thrust inside him, burying himself deep inside of the boy's passage.

He smirked. "Master, Tetsuya, call me Master and I might just let you come~"He purred on the bluenette's ear, greatly enjoying the sight of the normally stoic and formal boy in a mess, lost in the haze of pleasure. The bluenette wore a sexy French maid outfit---or what was left of it--- and a ribbon tied at the base of his member preventing him from his own release.

Tetsuya moaned loudly as Hanamiya continued to tease him, relentlessly roaming his hands all over the boy's flushed body and thrusting inside him ever so slow...

"Ma-Master..." Tetsuya whimpered "P-please....—"



Hanamiya logged in his account a few days after he published his new fanfic. He expected reviews from his readers complimenting him on his new story or supporting HanaKuro




What the....

His brows furrowed

[Click] [Click]



"It's gone!!" He screamed in shock.

[There are currently no stories published for your account.]

No. No. No. No! This can't be right! Where were the stories he fucking PUBLISHED!?

His blood boiled in rage, anger clearly seething out of him, but he forced himself to calm down. He exhaled, resisting the urge to just break his laptop into smithereens. He tried to piece the puzzle together, wondering why the hell his stories disappeared! And a few moments later, a passing thought caught his attention.

Hanamiya barely remembered one of his reader's review about the alarming number of fan fictions disappearing and that he should be careful...Maybe his account been hacked? Well...that was one of the most plausible answers for this kind of situation. If he DID get hacked, then whoever that Hacker was must have been really good.... Well, with skills or not, the hacker would DIE the moment Hanamiya found him/her.

Hanamiya shook his head and sighed, leaning back in his chair. This was NOT the time for him to just idle around, waiting for the answers about what happened to his stories to just pop into his mind. Fan fiction was the only way he could let out his desires for the bluenette and Hell NO was he going to give it up just because of some puny little Hacker...

He needed to make new HanaKuro fics...NOW.

But first...he needed to create a new account and probably use a different name as well...


[Scroll Down] [Select All] [Delete]

Heterochromatic eyes of red and gold stared---glared--- at the poor laptop's screen. A frown marred Akashi Seijuro's face.

"Tch." The fan fictions about my Tetsuya being paired to another are increasing....again.

[Click] [Select all] [Delete]

He watched in satisfaction as the fics got deleted, slowly, one by one; its very existence being erased...

[Scroll down]

Akashi stopped, staring at one certain fic. His eyes narrowed and he scowled.

[His and only his by: BadBoy2CutePhantom]

"P-please stop...agh..." Tetsuya whimpered to Hanamiya with a pleading gaze, squirming at the numerous binds strapped on his body.

Hanamiya smirked. "You say stop but you're body's not telling the same thing Tetsuya~" He purred---

Akashi slammed the laptop close, a vein throbbing on his temples.

That Imbecile! Had he not deleted his stories already? And he still had the gall to write that!?

Moments later after glaring at the fic, Akashi's scowl disappeared and was replaced with a malicious smirk.

It seemed like Hanamiya Makoto was more stubborn than he thought... very well then. If that was what he wanted to do then----


Hanamiya grinned like a madman whilst staring at his phone. Why? Well, he just got a new picture of one cute bluenette from a certain....source of his....

He shook his head and sighed. As much as he wanted to stare at the cute bluenette's picture for the whole day, he couldn't. He still had his fan fiction to check. He opened his account, went to his story, not bothering to read it, and went directly to the reviews with a grin...but it soon turned into a frown.

[I AM D BOSS 27: I had a major nosebleed.... *gets tissues and wipes blood* your AKAKURO story is awesome!]


Hanamiya scrolled down, reading another review, confused. The last time he checked he was sure that it was clearly HanaKuro and besides he would never, NEVER write a story for another pairing other than him and Kuroko's.

[D BOSS'S RIGHT-HAND MAN 59: That was hot...I must say out of all AKAKURO stories I've read, this is one of the hottest...]

What the hell were they talking---writing/typing--- about!?

He scrolled down again.

[27'S SWORDSMAN BESTFRIEND 80: Akashi is really rough on Kuroko. Haha! He's like whoosh~ then swish~ also like BOOM!]

Huh? Hanamiya sweat dropped at whoever this reader was and the review. Anyway, back to the matter.

[Scroll down]

AkaKuro. AkaKuro. AkaKuro---that damn accursed word appeared over and over again in all the reviews he read.

Hanamiya finally reached the end of the reviews, anger coursing through his veins now...

[Red Emperor 415: AkaKuro will always be the best Hanamiya Makoto. Continue your insolence and there will be 'more' dire consequences. Oh and go back and read your story, I took my time to read and edit it. Aren't I generous?]

His eyes widened. He hurriedly went back to his story, hoping that what he just read wasn't true—

­­­­­­­­­­­"You're mine." Akashi growled nipping Tetsuya's porcelain like skin, marking him as his and only his.

Tetsuya moaned "S-Sei~" Akashi smirked and pulled Tetsuya in for a rough kiss, both battled for dominance but as expected, Akashi had won. Tetsuya collapsed on the bed panting; his face flushed a pretty shade of red.


Hanamiya grabbed his laptop furiously and threw it away; the laptop crashed on the wall, completely breaking it. A dark menacing aura surrounded him, his eyes covered by his dead black hair. He looked down at the floor.

It made sense now...how his account was easily hacked.

He chuckled lowly, his shoulders shaking until it finally turned into a full blown laughter filled with malice. He laughed and laughed until it finally died down, his head now raised up with a sinister smirk on his face.

"Akashi Seijuro eh~....haha...how interesting..."


Meanwhile...while the two (Akashi Seijuro and Hanamiya Makoto) were wishing for the other to suffer by their hands. Our cute sky blue haired phantom player was peacefully drinking his beloved milkshake with Nigou on his lap sleeping without a care. Suddenly a cold feeling brushed on Tetsuya's skin, making him shudder. He inwardly sighed and looked up at the sky from the window.

"I wonder who Sei's next victim is."


A few days later after what happened to him, Hanamiya had yet again made another account with a different name as Hana-chan Good Girl. Yes, he registered as a girl and changed his writing style as well as his laptop just in case. He'd go that far just to keep his fan fiction and his love for the bluenette. He was sure Akashi wouldn't find his account---

Hanamiya turned on his new laptop with a happy grin, intending to check his fan fiction. His laptop only lighted for a few seconds before it turned black and slowly words appeared like it was typed in red letters. Hanamiya didn't know why but he could hear the snipping of scissors.

[I warned you Hanamiya Makoto. No matter how much you hide, change your name, way of writing or laptop, you will never be able to escape me.]

Hanamiya shivered at the sudden coldness in the room, clearly feeling the killing intent from the words. Many questions were in his head but he chose to stay quiet and calm; he shook his head sighing. 'I need another new laptop,' he thought and just as he was about to close his laptop, the typing continued. The words sealing his fate like the last snip of scissors that echoed in his mind.

[The next time I see you, I won't be so gracious.]


Hanamiya had to give up fan fiction....for now. But that didn't mean he was going to stop loving the bluenette. No~ He was far from giving up. Hell NO was he going to give up just because of some Shorty Redhead...

Ah...speaking of Tetsuya. He hadn't seen the phantom for a while now. He wanted to see the bluenette but he didn't know where he was because as of what he had researched---through stalking every weekend-- Kuroko seemed to disappear somewhere he didn't know. He tried to follow him closely but he lost him near the train station. Damn his misdirection.

So when he spotted the bluenette on that fateful Saturday, his mood brightened and a smile, yes a smile not a smirk, showed upon his face as he saw the petite male's back, calmly and expertly weaving through the crowd, unnoticed.

Hanamiya walked at a faster pace, quickly catching up with the bluenette.

"Tet-Kuroko," He called out, almost slipping up and calling the phantom by his given name, but held back.

Hearing his name, Kuroko turned to Hanamiya with slight surprise.

"Oh. Hanamiya-senpai...Good afternoon." He greeted with a slight nod and was about to leave when Hanamiya, seeing him leave, instinctively grabbed him by his arm stopping him from leaving. Kuroko turned to him, their eyes meeting.

"What is it senpai?"

Hanamiya grinned "Come with me."

Kuroko shook his head "I'm sorry senpai. I can't."

Hanamiya panicked, a frown etched his face. He quickly thought of a way to make Kuroko stay till an idea came into his mind.

"There's a shop here that opened recently. I heard that they sell the best vanilla milkshakes." Kuroko, who was about to use misdirection to leave, froze on his spot as his mind thought over Hanamiya's words.

From what he tasted, nothing could beat Maji Burger's Vanilla milkshakes—

As if answering what was on his mind, Hanamiya spoke, "It's said that it's even better than Maji's." Upon hearing this, Kuroko tugged on Hanamiya's shirt and looked up at him, prompting him to hurry with his big sparkly eyes. Giddiness clearly showed from his normal stoic look.

Hanamiya merely chuckled at his antics. A minute ago and he was hell bent on leaving but at the mention of Vanilla milkshakes, his decision did a 180 ° flip and now, he was asking Hanamiya to walk faster.

He chuckled again when he heard Kuroko who was now far ahead of him say,

"Hurry up senpai."


"M-May I ask what your order is S-Sir?" asked the waitress to Hanamiya, obviously scared and hadn't noticed Kuroko at all.

"Coffee for me and whatever he wants," He said pointing at Kuroko, who the girl finally noticed was there.

The waitress shrieked, jumping away and clutching at her heart.

"H-How long have you been there sir!?" asked the girl in shock.

Kuroko inwardly chuckled at her expression, finding it very funny...ahh...this wasn't good...it seemed Kuroko had been influenced by Akashi in being a sadist....after many times that he----never mind.

"I've been here since the beginning, and I'd like a vanilla milkshake," said Kuroko, his face betraying no emotion.

"Y-Your orders will soon be served s-sirs." The waitress left shakily, still shocked.

Hanamiya let out a chuckle when the waitress finally left, obviously amused at the poor waitress's shocked reaction.

He looked around the shop and saw a few dart boards lined next to the bar counter. Seeing it, Hanamiya smirked; this was the perfect time to show his skills to his beloved.


"You're good, senpai." Kuroko complimented monotonously. He watched Hanamiya throw another dart, landing near the center bull joining the other darts that we're already there.

Hanamiya grinned. "Want to try?" He asked

Kuroko shook his head. "I don't know how."

"Its fine~" Hanamiya grabbed Kuroko's hand and made him stand up. "Come on."

"No really senpai I don-" Hanamiya cut him off by giving him a dart.

"Just give it a try." Kuroko stared at him for a few seconds, hoping for him to change his mind and sighed after a few seconds, seeing as Hanamiya wouldn't ever change his mind. "Fine."

Kuroko stepped in front of the dartboard and got into the basic dart throwing position that he knew. He threw the dart with minimal force and hoped that it would at least hit somewhere on the dart board.

Both watched as the dart glided in the air till it hit...the wall.




".....I'll teach you." Hanamiya walked behind Kuroko and grabbed his hand gently, inwardly swooning at how soft Kuroko's hands were. "Well then... first the objective of your grip should be to keep the end of the dart pointing up in each throwing stage." Kuroko nodded, following Hanamiya's instruction.

"Next, your grip should be stable and firm; you should not put tension on the muscles of your fingers. To keep your touch, grasp the dart just tight enough so it will not slide and so you can maintain control when speeding up for the throw. The most common error is gripping the dart too firmly rather than too loosely." Kuroko nodded again and loosened his grip.

"Now try it." Kuroko threw the dart and watched it hit the triple ring. A small smile appeared on his normally stoic face, looking at the dart with an accomplished look. Hanamiya chuckled, a pink hue on his cheeks seeing Kuroko with a smile---albeit small--- on his face because of his achievement. 'He's so cute~' Hanamiya cooed in his mind

'I never thought that Hanamiya-senpai is a good teacher,' Kuroko thought, thinking back to how smoothly and expertly Hanamiya taught him.

"Hanamiya-senpai," he called to the taller teen. "Thank you very much for teaching me."

Hanamiya grinned. "Hn, why don't you try it again?" Kuroko nodded and got another dart. The dead black haired teen, who was still behind the bluenette, was about to hook an arm around the shorter teen's waist.


"What the fuck!?" Hanamiya stared in both shock and fear at the scissors now lodged at the dartboard, perfectly hitting the center bull.

"*clap**clap**clap* you have great reflexes Hanamiya Makoto." Hanamiya turned to the source and saw one Akashi Seijuro clapping at him with a smirk on his face, which clearly stated doom to him.

"Sei!" Kuroko said surprised and happily went near Akashi.

"Tetsuya~" Akashi purred and wrapped an arm around the waist of his lover. He pulled him close to him and nuzzled Tetsuya on the crook of his neck, smelling the familiar sweet scent of Vanilla. He whispered something in Kuroko's ear, and then let him go. With a nod towards Akashi and a glance towards Hanamiya Kuroko left to go somewhere, leaving both Akashi and him alone.

Hanamiya, who was momentarily forgotten, didn't take long to piece the puzzle. Just based on Akashi and Kuroko's action was already a dead giveaway. He was still frozen in shock at the newly discovered revelation.

"Hanamiya Makoto..." said Akashi in an eerie voice.

Hanamiya finally snapped out of his shock and glared at the redhead.

"Akashi Seijuro." He gritted out. If it was either fear or anger, Akashi didn't know nor did he care.

Akashi smirked stalking towards the taller teen whilst taking out a scissors from his pockets. As the red head forwarded, the other teen slowly and cautiously stepped backwards till his back hit the wall. He gulped, now scared at the malicious aura that the redhead was giving off.

The terrifying blazing red hair, glowing heterochromatic eyes, the snipping of scissors that echoed loudly in the empty café (The people had long since evacuated the area) and the words he spoke with a smirk like a devil's whisper that assured his impending doom were his last memories of that day before the rest had blurred out and he had succumbed to darkness; the red devil's words reverberated in his mind like a never ending nightmare....

"I told you, the next time I see you I won't be so.... gracious."


Outside the café, spine chilling screams begging for mercy and asking for help were heard but all of it was ignored by the passersby having read the sign on the door in bright red letters.

[Movie Filming ongoing]


And Done!~ So what do you guys think? Please leave a comment/review~

-----Shizuka Yuki

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