The Ring

By AuqaHeartz

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For Adelaide (Addie) Bell, life couldn't get any worse. Her entire house burned to the ground with everything... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20 (Part 2)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 38 (Part 2)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Here's what's been going on!
Chapter 41
July 2015
August 2020

Chapter 35

168 7 4
By AuqaHeartz

                                                          Jaz's P.O.V.

        No pulse?! No! No that's not possible!

                                                                   Zee's P.O.V.

    No! Not Addie! No, she's safe! She has to be!

                                                                         Peter's P.O.V.

    "NO!" I shout and begin banging on the ground below me. Jaz and Zee join me and sure enough, beneath where we were hitting was definetely hollow. After a few more punches, the door doesn't budge.

    "This isn't working!" I cry out desperately. Jaz suddenly stand up and takes out the sword I had given him. He puts the tip to the floor, and finds the space between the door and the floor. He sticks the sword in the space and tries to pry it open. Zee and I draw our swords, doing the same. 

    We all scream her name, over and over again. After another two minutes, the door still hasn't budged, and I start to cry, not caring that I'm in front of them. But when I look over ot see if they noticed, I see tears streaming down both of their faces.

    Tink suddenly flies out of the room, but I don't take the time to yell after her.

                                                                          Tink's P.O.V.

     There has to be some way!

    Without telling the guys I fly back out to the main deck. If there was one person that knew everything, if not more about this ship, it was Smee.

    I see his cowering form hiding behind a stack of crates and dash over to him. I stand on the other side of the one next to his head and take a deep breath. I force my tears to stop and I immitate Hook's voice as Peter had taught me to.

    "Smee! I need the key to the trap door! I need the girl!" I order, hoping there was some sort of key.

    "Y-y-yes Captain!" Is all I hear as he holds his hand up over the crates, a necklace with some sort of charm dangling from it. I don't question it, I just snatch it and fly back to the guys.

    "Try this!" I say holding it in front of them. "I pretended to be Hook and asked Smee for the key. This is what he gave me!"

                                                 Zee's P.O.V.

    "Give that to me!" i yell taking it from her. "Look everywhere for some sort of keyhole!"

    Peter instantly drops to his knees, sliding his hands over the ground.

    Jaz takes the far wall, running his hands all over it.

    The only thing left is the wall closest to me. I begin to frantically run my hands over it when I feel a small hole. I don't even think, I just shove the charm into the wall and something clicks.

                                                    Peter's P.O.V.


We all freeze and stare at the trap door.

                                                                          Addie's P.O.V.

I wake up in my bed. Not my bed back home with Grams, not Peter's bed, but MY bed. My bed that has burned along with the rest of my house. I know it's my bed, because the strong scent of lavendar hits me. 

I had taken a bottle of my mother's lavendar perfume when I was little, wanting to play with it. I planned on admiring the beautiful crystal bottle, maybe spraying a bit on myself, and putting it back before she noticed. It didn't go as planned. I had gotten carried away with spraying myself with the rich, wonderous scent, that I didn't notice the top of the bottle had become loose. Before I knew it, the bottle slipped from my hands and landed on my bed, quickly draining itself and drenching coforter. I was grounded for a week because of that. But the lavendar lingered until the day it burned.

I sit up quickly and look around. My blue and green walls, all of my band posters and awards. My dresser full of picture frames containing images of close friends and family. Everything was there, exactly as I had left it.  My eyes quickly dart to the far corner of my room, and I gasp. 

"Bee!" I scramble out of bed and rush across my wooden floor to where my cat was sleeping. She was curled up in her normal spot, on top of my trophey case. I scoop her up in my arms and bury my face in her fur. She meows in protest, grumpy that I woke her up. I hold her until she begins to squirm.

"Whatever Bee." I say setting her down, smiling from ear to ear. The smell hits me then. Mom's cooking. I take a deep breath. 

"Vegetable soup?" I whisper in disbelief. I turn on my heels to run out my door when I catch my reflection in my full length mirror nailed to the back of my door. I looked fine. In fact, better than I have in months. My skin was naturally tanned, my cheeks were rosy, my hair was actually smooth, and I seemed to be in perfect health. I was wearing my dad's old college hoodie, which I had claimed as my own, my basketball shorts, and of course, my mother's ring.

I gasp as everything comes back to me. I had been kidnapped by Hook, and was currently dying below the decks of the Jolly Rodger. 

"Unless I'm already..." My eyes go wide as I swing my door open. I run through the hall and down the stairs. I stop on the last one, breathing hard. I press my back against the wall and grip my chest over my heart, squeezing my eyes shut. 

Just around the corner I couold hear my parents laughing, talking, and for a second, kissing. The television set on top of the fridge was on the local news channel, as it always was, and the sizzling I heard told me dad was making hamburgers to go with the soup. can't be... that would mean I was...

Taking a deep breath, I force myself to open my eyes and peek around the corner. My eyes landed on my parents, happy and healthy. The seem to notice me right away, because both of their heads snap in my direction. Their eyes meet mine and I suddnely forget how to talk. I stumble down the final stair and stand in the doorway to the kitchen, gaping at them.

My dad is the first one to react. He slowly walks over to me and gently puts his arms around me. He holds me there for a few seconds before crushing me in a bear hug, rocking me back and forth. My mother cries out and runs over to us, wrapping her arms around me as well. 

The tears come immediately. For all of us. We all slowly sink to the floor, clinging to each other as we sob uncontroably. They both kiss my head repeatedly, occassionally kissing each other, and I just sit there numb, not believing what's happening, where I am, and whose arm's I'm in.

After what seems like hours they finally loosen their arms just enough to let me breathe. I stare at the both of them, my eyes stinging from crying so hard, shaking my head. My mother notices I'm still in shock and unable to speak and she smiles weakly. She brushes my hair away from my face and kissing my forehead gently.

"You've become such a beautiful young lady, Adelaide." She whispers.

"How?" I ask weakly, hugging her as hard as I can. "The house, Bee, YOU GUYS!?"

My father puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a light squeeze. "Addie... you're dead." He says softly.

Everything starts to go in slow motion then. I pull away from my mother and look deep into her eyes, searching for any sign that this isn't real, that I'm only dreaming. But all I find is the look people get when they have to tell someone they love a devastating truth.

I turn myself so that I'm facing my dad, and find the same look in his eyes. "Dad?" I whisper, my voice cracking. 

He just opens his arms, and I waste no time in crashing into them. I bury my face in his chest and sob dryly, my body unable to produce any more tears. 

He gently runs his fingers through my hair while my mom rubs my back. 

As I calm down, my mind begins to race. I can't be dead! I had my whole life to live! Grams need me, I wanted to drive, graduate highschool, I wanted to see Peter again! 

But then the thought creeps up on me. Maybe this isn't such a bad thing. Maybe this is where I'm meat to be. Grams is getting older, I could help her adjust once her time came. Everything seems exactly the same as it was before the fire. I'm with my parents again.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through my legs. I glance down and notice they slowly begin to become darker than the rest of my body, and seem to be turn a sickly green-grey color. My parents notice too, and look at each other. At first they seem sad, but then they both look down at me, smiling softly.

"Guys, what's going on?" I ask terrified as the pain begins to travel up my body. My back feels as if it's gone up in flames and I cry out, colapsing between my parents. They both lean over me, worry etched on their faces.

My arms jerk and completely on their own bend behind me, as if I were handcuffed. I look up at them with fear in my eyes. "I thought there was no pain in heaven..." I whimper  as my wrists begin to cramp up. 

I can tell they're both biting back tears. "Honey, it's not your time." My mother says softly, rubbing my cheeks gently as large gashes appear on both. 

"Ow! Mom...that hurts."

She instantly snaps her hands away and bites her lip.

"What do you mean it's not my time?" I ask looking at my dad.

"Exactly that, baby girl. You're not meant to be here yet, you still have a life ahead of you back on Earth, and Neverland." He says with a sad smile.

My eyes go wide. I open my mouth to say something, but end up screaming as it feels like someone takes a hammer to the back of my head. My parents sit there, helplessly watching me. I try to focus on them, but a wave of dizziness crashes into me. I blink hard and am able to push the dizziness aside.

"No! I want to stay with you guys. I don't need to drive, I don't need to get married, I just want to stay here!" I begin to cry softly. But then I look at them confused. "You know about Neverland?" 

They both nod. "Addie we've been watching over you since the day of the fire. You've never EVER been alone. We're so proud of you baby." My mother begins to cry softly. 

"You tell that Peter...that I'M watching him too. ALWAYS." My father says with a look that says 'stay the hell away from my daughter, Pan.'

"Daaaaaad!" I groan, but I smile brightly despite my pain. I never had the chance to bring home a boy for dad to threaten before they died, and I never thought I'd get that chance to experience the anger and embarrassment that came with him never believing anyone was good enough for me. But it just happened.

"I mean it too." He says bending down to gently kiss my forehead. I wince a little as I become completely aware of all my injuries again. My mother fights back her tears as she kisses me too. The look on their faces break my heart. I know they want nothing more than to take my pain away from me, but we all know there's nothing they can do. 

The realization suddenly washes over me, and I find myself calm once more. Everything was going to be ok. I know they that they're truly watching over me, and this time, I get to say goodbye.

"I love you guys." I manage to croak out as my throat becomes completely dry and hoarse once more.

"We love you too." They say in unison.

"Bye." I whisper as they disapear into a bright white light.

Pounding wakes me up. And screaming. Someone's screaming my name. But it all stops at once and I hear nothing. Light suddenly fills the room as the trap door flies open. I squint my eyes in the bright light and leave them closed. Too tired, too weak to force them open again. I lay completely still as a faint sound falls on my ears. I try to focus on it, knowing in my gut it was important, but I couldn't quite grasp it.

                                                          Peter's P.O.V.

I swear I almost pass out once we get the door open. not because of the putrid smell rising up for the hole, but from the sight of a chained, unmoving, face down Addie. I dive down to her, Tink beside me and instantly fall to my knees next to her. I hover my hands over  her, too afraid to touch her for fear of bringing her more pain.

I cry out in relief when I realize she's breathing, but barely. I lean over her and hold my face close to hers. My breath catches. I barely recognize her. One eye is swollen shut, both cheeks are cut and clearly infected, and her face is covered in god knows what. 

"Addie?" I say softly, my voice cracking. "Can you hear me?" I wait a few seconds, no response. "Addie?" I try again, a little louder.

                                                                           Addie's P.O.V.

"Addie? Can you hear me? Addie?" The voice was almost clear now, and getting louder. 

       That voice... I KNOW that voice.

      "Addie please, wake up. You have to wake up." The boy is crying now. Yes, it was a boy. Why did he seem so familiar?

"Tink! Why isn't she waking up?!" The voice cries out.

           Tink? Tink... PETER!

My one eye flies open and adjust on the figure hovering above me. I open my mouth to tell him I'm awake, that I'm here, but only a quiet whimper comes out. His head snaps back to me and his eyes go wider than I've ever seen them. 

He found me. He's really here!

I stare up at him, focusing on his beautiful blue eyes, trying to stay awake. 

"Addie!" He cries, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me to his chest.

The pain is the worst I've felt yet and I somehow manage to scream bloddy murder.

                                              Peter's P.O.V.

A small whimper makes me instantly turn my head.

Her eyes are open! THEY'RE OPEN!

"Addie!" Without thinking, I take her in my arms and crush her to me. I don't know what I had expected, maybe a laugh, or a sigh of relief, but I definetely did not expect the almost inhuman scream that came from Addie's lips.

My first instinct is to drop her, but I realize at the last second how terrible that would be. I take a deep breath and slowly lay her back down on her stomach. 

                                                                   Addie's P.O.V.

"I'm getting you out of here." He whispers strongly close to my ear. I lay there, unable to move or speak, but for the first time since Hook captured me, my heart soars. Having Peter there, and knowing what my parents had said about how I still had my life ahead of me, I  knew I was going to be ok. I was going to survive this against all odds. 

"I can get these damn chains off!" He growls, trying not to jerk me around too much as he tries to cut through them with his dagger. 

                                                           Tinker Bell's P.O.V.

"I have an idea!" I shriek, snapping my fingers. I fly to Addie's hands and land on the cuffs. 

I hope this works!

I crawl inside the small keyhole and am happy to realize that I've seen this exact kind of lock before. In two seconds flat, I have one cuff unlocked. As soon as I crawl out, Peter gently slides it off of Addie's hand, tossing it aside. I quickly get the other one unlocked, freeing Addie.

                                                            Addie's P.O.V.

While my arms, wrists, and hands were still completely numb, I could tell right away something changed. They seem to be lighter. They drop limpy at my sides and I realize that the handcuffs were off. 

I'm free!

"This is going to hurt, Adds..." Peter says sadly as I feel his arms slide under me. I bite the inside of my cheek to the point where I taste blood, and am successful in not crying out in pain, not wanting to worry Peter more. After a few painful seconds I'm in Peter's arms, bridal style, and flying out of the cell.

                                                               Peter's P.O.V.

I watch her face as I slowly lift her up. It scrunches up in pure agony, and I can tell she's doing all she can not to scream. And I feel guilty, knowing she's doing it for me. I want to soar out of there at the speed of light, but realize I have to be gentle. So I fly somewhat at my normal speed out of her mini prison.

Once we're out I really see her injuries for the first time and my breath catches. Her clothes are torn, she's covered in dried blood, puss, fiecies, and is soaking wet. She's bruised all over, and the color of her skin was way off. Aside from the colorful bruises, she was pale, yet had a greenish tint to her skin. She shivers uncontroably in my arms and I look to Jaz and Zee, helpless.

Jaz's P.O.V.

"Addie!" The scream escapes my lips before I can stop it. I slowly look her from head to toe, and feel sick. She's so beat up, and clearly barely hanging on. 

Zee's P.O.V.

"Oh Addie..." I whisper as Peter brings her out of the hole. My heart sinks as I take in her condition, and for a second I can't breathe. I notice her shaking like a leaf in Peter's arms and instantly take off my shirt, draping it over her. Jaz nods and quickly does the same. Just as I hoped, the shirts were warm enough from our body heat, and it seemed to calm Addie down a bit. Her one eye was swollen shut, but the other suddenly flutters open and she stares at me, holding my gaze, and gives me the weakest smile in existance. It breaks my heart even more. 

I walk over to them and lean over her carefully. I go to touch her face, but stop myself, not seeing an uninjured patch of skin anywhere. So instead, I play with a small strand of her loose hair.

"You don't always have to be so strong, Addie." I whisper, tearing up again. 

Her smile fades and looks up at me with the most anguish filled eyes I've ever seen, silently admitting that at that moment, she felt anything but strong.

Peter's P.O.V.

I watch Zee and he looks down at Addie, whispering to her. He plays with her hair, and for a moment, I feel firey jealousy burning deep inside me. But I let it go, knowing there's nothing going on between the two. Addie was mine, and Zee's heart belonged to Almas.

I begin to walk toward the stairs to the main deck, Jaz in front of me and Zee behind. Addie groans and whimpers in pain over and over again.  "Just hold on." I repeat softly.

                   Addie's P.O.V.

I notice I was already breathing easier now that I wasn't in that cell. I could literally feel the fresh air purifying my airways with every breath I took. Zee and Jaz had drapped their shirts over me, and they were so warm. I tried not to focus on the fact that Peter's arm was directly on the gash in my back, causing it to burn.

As we begin to slowly climb the stairs to the main deck, I lick my lips. I close my eyes, and focus on finding my voice. 

Anything, say anything!

"I love you." My voice is shaky, dry, and barely above a whisper, but I know he heard it. He looks down at me shocked, and I see his eyes fill with tears.

"I love you too, Addie. Hold on, please." He pleads with me as he picks up his pace a little.

Jaz's P.O.V.

I reach the main deck first. To my satisfaction and great relief, it seems we have won. For every remaining crew member, three of my warriors stood strongly around them. All of the pirates, including Hook, were tied up. 

I look over my shoulder and reach out to Peter. Placing my arm around him, I help him climb the last few steps, and I notice Zee's hands are also on Peter's back, supporting him. I knew he wasn't tired, he wasn't struggling under Addie's weight. He was weak and struggling because of his worry. Peter nods at us in thanks, but then he steps behind me. "Don't let the Boys see her." He says worried. I nod as a booming voice slides through the air.

"YOU LITTLE BASTARDS!" Hook shouts at us from across the deck.

Peter's P.O.V.

Addie's body jerks with fear as she hear's Hooks voice, and my grip tightens protectively around her. She gasps in pain, tenses up, and then goes limp. I mentally kick myself as loosen my grip again as I glare at Hook. I wanted nothing more than to fly over there and slit his throat. 

No! Wrap the thickest rope I can find around his neck until he stopped breathing. Bring him back to the village and burn him in the grand fire pit. No--!

My own thoughts scared me as I pictures countless ways I could torture and kill Hook for what he's done to Addie. I take one step towards him when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

Addie's P.O.V.

I feel the warm sea breeze rush over me, and the sun warms my face. I feel my lips twitch in my failed attempt to smile. But Hook's cry of furry shatters my happiness and I feel myself jerk, terrified.

Peter's arms crush me closer to him, and I gasp once again. The pain is so intense this time, and immediately I feel myself slipping.

I can't take this anymore.

Even my voice in my head sounds weak. I try to hear what's going on around me, but all I can hear is a dull humming. Spots dance across my vision once more as my entire body goes numb, and I pass out.

Zee's P.O.V.

I see Peter begin to move toward Hook and quickly grab him, holding him back firmly. He looks up at me, looking more infuriated than I've ever seen him before, yet more deathly afraid than I think he's ever been. Even with Wendy.

"Peter, Addie needs to get to Nosh." I say softly. "You killing Hook will only use up of what little time she has left."

Jaz's P.O.V.

As Zee releases Peter, I nod in agreement to what he said. "We'll take care of him as soon as the two of you are out of sight. James Hook DOES die today Peter. But right now, Addie needs you to get her to Nosh." I say, wincing as Addie groans in pain once more.

Peter's P.O.V.

I hate to admit, but I was upset that it wouldn't be me killing Hook. I'm about to protest, to tell them that I'd hand Addie to one of them and do it quickly. But Addie's groans make me realize how sefish I'm being. I look over at Hooks once more, and stare into his souless eyes. I spit in his direction and turn away.

"Please hurry guys." I say quietly, preparing to take off. 


Everything moves in slow motion. I recognize the sound of Hook's pistol firing immediately and my blood runs cold. I turn in his direction slowly, I can faintly hear the yelling and screaming coming from the Boys, the warriors and the crew. I pull Addie closer to me as I see Hook standing up straight, his evil smirk plastered to his face, and his gun pointing directly at Addie and me. 

I see the bullet. The small silver bullet coming at us at the speed of a snail. I begin to turn once again, shielding Addie and exposing myself to my certain death. I hear the sound of someone rushing in front of me, jumping. Then a deep groan.

                                                                   Hook's P.O.V.

NO! No! Pan is NOT getting away with her! The little bitch is dying one way or another, and Pan's next.

I easily slip my hands out of the ropes binding me and quickly jump to my feet. before anyone can react I draw my pistol, aim straight for the girl's head, and fire a single shot. Watching with a chuckle building in my throat as the bullet flies toward Mary....or Addie as Pan had called her. None the less, the girl was about to die.

But just before the bullet can hit her, one of those damn Indians jumps in front of Pan and the girl.

Zee's P.O.V.

"NO!" I don't even think. I just leap. The bullet slices through my skin, and burries itself deep into my left shoulder. I hear myself groan, then grunt as I fall to the ground.

There's a loud ringing in my ears, and for a few seconds I can't hear anything. But as I skid across the floor and end up on my back, the grueling pain in my shoulder pulls me back to reality. Everyone's screaming, most of them screaming my name. 

I lay there stunned, staring up at Peter and Jaz's horrified faces. Jaz rushes over and kneels beside me. "You're going to be ok, Zee. You're going to be fine." His voice cracks as he presses his bare hand against my shoulder in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

I can feel the lead of the bullet quickly finding its way into my veins, pumping through my body. As I slowly loose consciousness, I feel peaceful. I know right away I will never regret my decision, whether I live or die. I had saved Peter and Addie. That's all that matters.

Jaz's P.O.V.

I see Zee leap a second too late. I reach out for him, but miss his arm. The bullet hits him and he falls to the ground.

"Zee!" I go to his side, putting pressure on his wound with my hands as he passes out. "You're going to be ok, Zee. You're going to be fine." I try as hard as I can not to cry as I scream at Hook in my Native tongue.

Peter's P.O.V.

The bullet never hit's me, or Addie. The grunting I heard came from Zee as he crashes to the floor, his shoulder heavily bleeding where the bullet has penetrated him.

"Zee!" Before I can move, Jaz is at his side.


I look away from the two of them and back in hook's direction, expecting to see another bulet flying toward us. But instead I look just in time to see Hook's body crash to the floor. He had been shot in the back of the head.

The ship goes dead silent as everyone's eyes search for the gunman. But I see nobody holding a gun beside Hook's lifeless body.

"Tink!?" The Boys scream shocked, looking up. Everyone's eyes snap in that direction, and I'm sure nobody believes what they're seeing. Another one of Hook's pistols, floating in mid-air due to the large amount of fairy dust surrounding it. A shaking Tinker Bell, tiny hands still on the trigger, covered in gun powder.

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