The Titan's Allegory

By CharlesSalazar

104 8 0

A young adolescent named Conrad is the first child in many years to be born into free hands with a gift like... More


chapter 1

29 4 0
By CharlesSalazar

 'Twas A beautiful morning as I awoke with a malicious sneer along my face. "Today it begins!" I shouted.  A few moments of silence pass before a burst of chilled air crosses my face. I smirk in disgust. "I Hate the cold too friend." My eyes perk up in amazement and a sudden wave of joy and relief envelope my body.  "COLONEL!" I yell, "you're alive!" "Yes my friend I'am alive and well," said the colonel, "But please call me by my first name." "Fine" I muttered in a sassy tone, "but colonel rolls off the far more smoothly than Quintin." Quintin let out a long sigh quickly followed by a long hardy laugh and with a bewildered look upon his face he began to speak in a soft, raspy voice, " Conrad we need to talk."

  Quintin swiftly grappled my shoulder and calmly walked me outside my tent to the rest of our humble little encampment set right outside the great walled city of Adell. "Our first target" he said in an excited tone. I responded in shock, "YOU'RE KIDDING ME RIGHT? I mean we wont take any of the surrounding villages first?"  Quintin responded in a fast and sarcastic manner, "Are you foolish?  Why would place our camp this close to the city if we were going to attack the small fries first. Besides we don't really have the man power to support such an operation this is a now or never kind of move." "ARE YOU MAD?"  I shouted in response, "Conrad we've only defended up until this point in this war besides we need this kind of victory under our belt and you need to be apart of it, for a variety of reasons of course. If we win we'll likely be able to use the surrounding area as our base and the village's to supply our army with food and possibly even troops." 

 "IF?" I say. "you are mad! Our troops barely number in the thousands and we only have enough food and resources to last for another week or so. Look Quintin there is no way we can participate in a full scale siege."  "Who said we were?"  Responded Quintin, "I said now or never." Quintin began to run towards the middle of the camp and yelled in a joyous and optimistic tone, "Adell will fall on the morrow." And in unison ever soldier in the camp let out a short and jovial cry of approval.  

 "This can't be" I whisper to my self. I barely know how to use my own powers, let alone use them against another man. And what if an enlightened one is present? I'd surely die... Then again conventional weaponry are rather tricky to stop using the gift, and we have many men that specialize in said field. Heck even I have a blade on hand. I pause for a moment and reach for Gemini and draw it from my scabbard. It is a rather short sword for its weight; naturally it was made with a distal taper, however, close to the end of the sword stretching about eight inches the sword becomes serrated. After the serrated region the sword becomes more regular in design and transitions in to a razor sharp edge meant for slicing through flesh, and the sword comes to a sharpened tip at the end. "I love it!" I say as I sheath Gemini.

  "Love What?" I shudder at the sound of such a graceful and feminine voice. "This can't be," I say out loud, "you shouldn't be here. " 

"Honey I wouldn't miss this for the world!" The woman said with a smirk upon her face.  

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