Can You Feel My Heart(Oli Syk...

By KrissyKittyBonez

40.5K 673 97

Sierra finally gets a job working with her best friend Krissy. She becomes a photographer for the Vans Warped... More

Can You Feel My Heart(Oli Sykes FanFic)
The Comedown
Can You Help Me Understand?
It Never Ends
What If The Worse Has Yet To Come?
What A Fucking Night
What's So Bad About Looking Now?
Bad Timing
I'm So Sorry
Hospital Run
I Promise To Make Things Right
Do You Forgive Me?
What A Way To End The Day(The End)

Is It For The Better?

1.3K 28 1
By KrissyKittyBonez

*Sierra's P.O.V*

It's been three days since I got out fo the hospital. I was on the bus with Krissy and Danny making me food..they never leave me alone now cause they wanna make sure I eat everythign and I'm drinking more than just monster. I have a feeling Krissy doesn't even sleep now, jsut to make sure I'm in bed sleeping. I feel terrible but she knows how I get when I'm stressed..worried..I sighed laying down on the couch. 

"Have you heard from Alex?" I looked up to Krissy handing me a plate of food. I sighed alittle before shaking my head, I haven't seen Alex since the day at the hospital. I took a bite of my food and got up getting a bottle of water to drink. 

"Have you seen Oliver today? Or not yet?" Danny asked sipping some kind of soda. 

"Not yet..not til later when he goes on stage." Once I finished eating I went for a walk with Ben and Sam to look around our new spot.

*Alex's P.O.V*

I was pacing back and forth in my tour bus. I haven't spoken to Sierra in a few days..I didn't know how well she was doing or if she might be doing worse. I dunno! I ws mental freaking out. Well, it was noticeable to the rest of the band but oh well.

"Just go over to the bus dude!" Jack yelled throwing a towel at me. He's right..i should stop being a chicken and just go over. 

"Okay..I'll go over now!" I turned around and took in a deep breath finally stepping off the bus and headed straight for Sierra's. I looked around alittle and sighed alittl as I saw Oliver up ahead by AA's bus. 

"H-hey!" I yelled to him as I walked closer. I was terrified right now. I never really sat down and talked ot him about the night I walked in. And I never talked ot him even at the hospital. Yea I only went for that one day..but still. Oliver turned around and waved towards me. 

"How have you been holding up?" I looked at Oliver and sighed alittle and shugged my shulders.

"Could be better..haven't been in the right mind set for a few days." He nodded his head and rubbed the back of his neck. "Is Sierra here?" I finally asked. 

"Alex??" I looked up seeing Krissy standing in the door frame. "Where have you been the pass few days!?" She said raising her voice alittle. Krissy has tried mulitply times to contact me, or jsut have me over so we could all talk. But I always ignored everyone besides my band mates. I sighed heavily and rubbed my face.

"I'm sorry..I was going through some shit ya know?" I said trying to look behind her without Oliver noticing.

"You seem really eager to talk to Sierra. What do you even wanna tlak to her for?" Oliver said sounding alittle annoyed. Was he really sounding like that? I have every right to talk to her just like everyone else. 

"Just need to speak wiht her about some important stuff." I looked back at Krissy who only turned alittle to look back inside.

"Sierra!" I felt Oliver starring me down; if anythign Krissy or Sierra told him about how I felt and I'm more than sure he knew about me and sierra from the beginning. I rubbed my face alittle hearing foot steps wlaking towards the door; finally Sierra was by Krissy who looked at me like I was standing there covered in blood. I rubbed the back of my neck alittle and before I could speak I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me into the bus, with Oli falling over me onto the couch.

"You guy's are going to talk everything out. And I'll be outside the bus with a few people in the mean time!" Krissy slamed the door to the bus and I started freaking out. I looked from Oliver to Sierra, they were just as shocked as I was.

"Well. How about Alex jsut says sorry to you and we can get out." Oliver said sounding aggrevatied. I looked over at him and sat up more.

"What? What do I have to apologize for? I've talked ot Sierra before, I've said my sorry's before. Now for this I understand but ya know you should cut me some fucking slack. Me and Sierra had a thing going on and I had ot leave for a fucking week. And I get these set of pictures of you two holding hands, or cuddling. I come back to you two fucking! What was I suppose to do? Let it go? No! I fell hard for Sierra and your here like you own her!" I yelled out at him. I was fed up with all the bullshit going on. I was done letting Oliver push me around.

He sat up looking at me in the eyes. He was beyond pissed by now.

"You think your the only one who went through some bullshit? Really? I had to see you ask Sierra out, and then kiss her. I had no fucking clue at the time if she even said yes. When I fucking wanted to be with her, she ran off from me cause she thought I would be better off with Josh! I went through enough too, and now I have her. She and I were doing perfectly fine until you came back early. We had everythign planne dout to talk to you. But you just had to find her before anyone." 

Oli and I were bickering back and forth. Not letting Sierra even get word out.  We were getting louder and loduer by the second, til we were just screaming at eachother. I wanted to tlak but I never excepted it to turn around like this.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" We turned towards Sierra alittle shocked at the sudeen words from her. "You know what? I'm fucking done with both of you! I'm sick of this stupid constint fighting that goes on! And the fucking worry of being around both fo you at the same time! I can't take it." She opened the door and slamed it leaving me and Oliver there in the bus. Fuck; why did this have to happen now??

*Sierra's P.O.V*

It was one in the morning and I was out partying with Ben and James. I needed a good night out and this was just perfect. Lot's of drinking, and lot's of funny moments with these two! Luckily Ben knew the guy working here so we were getting all our stuff for free. 

"So, tell me again what happened?" James asked setting down a shot glass, we basiclly had a pile of shot glasses on the table by now. 

"I was jsut..done with Oliver and Alex's bullshit! So, I told them exactly tht and just walked out the bus." I took another shot that was put infront of me. James nodded alittle and ordered himself a beer.

"So, are you and Oliver seprated for the time? Like a break up or what?" Ben finally asked after finishing up his shot glass pyrimid. 

"I mean, I told them I was done..but I didn't tell Oliver we are broken up. I jsut dont wanna see him for sometme. Or see Alex." I said sitting there for a moment. It sounded like a break up..but I didn't mean it like it. After another few hours it was heading for five. Good thign we had days off to sleep in and deal with our hang overs! We started walking back to their bus, they got into their bunks and I decided to jsut sleep on the couch. 

"Sierra..wake up. Did you forget you have a job to do?" I groaned rolling over and lifting the blanket up over my head. "Ugh Sierra!" I sat up at the sudeen yell out of Krissy mouth. I had the worse headache in the world right now. 

"Can't I call in sick? I am in no mood to do this." I groaned falling back onto the couch. Krissy had her arms crossed and starring down at me. 

"No! You did that last time. Now get up, take a shower. and be ready soon! All you have to do is one band today and that's All Time Low's!" I groaned even louder. I didn't wanna be near that band right now. I finally got up and grabed some clothes and got into the shower. Once I was finished I came out and saw Krissy playing with her camera.

" you think we could switch bands today? You do All Time Low and I'll do whatever one you have to do?" Krissy gave me a questionable look, but I stood there looking inocent as I could.

"What if Alex or someone come's up asking about you?" She finally spoke putting the camera bag over her shoulder and grabbing her coffe.

"He should know whats going on." I grabbed my bag and stepped out only to groan again at how bright it was out here. "What band am I doing?" I asked turning back around.

"Crown The Empire, they are down the left. Good luck!" With that Krissy was off towards All Time Lows. I sighed alittle walking towards Crown The Empires.

It was pretty lonely, either everyone was on stage or they were busy with interviews or whatever. Oli would always come hang otu with me though, even if there was an interview. I sighed heavily pulling out my camera. This was going to be harder than I thought. But I got to remind's for the better....right?

Sorry for taking so long for a new chapter, I've had bad writer's block and plus today I started school! Sorry for this being a short chapter too; hopefully the next one will be longer! But hope you guys enjoy!


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