See Them Again (Hogwarts Reun...

By Umbra_Ignis98

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Hermione Granger is invited back to a 15 year reunion at Hogwarts. She hasn't seen her friends since she left... More

He Knows
The Train
The Portrait
The Viaduct Courtyard
The Reunion
My Family

The Letter

58.3K 1K 1.8K
By Umbra_Ignis98

I own nothing! J.K.Rowling owns everything!


Hermione sat on the sofa reading her favourite book, Hogwarts: A History. She must have read it over a thousand times but each time she learnt something new. The book had a way of adding information or making information more obvious when needed. She sighed, remembering the Great Hall and the wonder she had felt when she looked at the bewitched ceiling as she was about to get sorted into her house.

She missed Harry and Ron, she hadn't seen them since she'd finished her 7th year. They had all gone back to Hogwarts to finish their education, Hermione of course had passed all of her N.E.W.Ts with flying colours and perfect grades. She and Ron had been dating throughout the year, but they decided to put their relationship on hold while Hermione went to Australia, straight from Hogwarts, to try and find her parents, and restore their memories. She hadn't come back.

Hermione had returned to England, having lived in Australia for 6 months. But she had never returned to Ron's arms, or the circle of friends she had once had. She had been unsuccessful in Australia and she hadn't been ready to face her friends or the Wizarding World, with its constant pestering of "How does it feel to be a war hero?" and "Can you tell us what you ate for breakfast?". There was only so much she could take as she spiralled into a parentless depression. She had stayed away from the Wizarding World, and decided to start over. In the beginning, it had been hard to get a job as she didn't have muggle qualifications, and had ended up as a seamstress for a local school. After another 6 months, people had realised she had a knack for designing and she decided to start a fashion design company: J.G. It was now one of the most popular boutiques and companies in the UK, doing everything from bridal wear to casual clothes. It was through her company that she became closer with her husband.


Hermione was standing with her back to the windows, measuring tape draped over her shoulders, her mouth screwed to the side of her face. She wasn't entirely sure that the dress hung well on the model, who she had just got to twirl for her.

"No... It's too poofy around the hips. Take it off please, I need to fix this." The model went into the changing rooms to reemerge with the dress. "Thank you!" Hermione looked at her design, she had been approached and asked to do her first bridal line, this was her first attempt at that sort of dress. The main body of the dress was a sweetheart neckline strapless, made out of a creamy-white satin. It had french lace elbow-length sleeves that came together at the top of the heart, the lace material overlapping the satin until just below the bust. Small, simple gold and champaign coloured flowers were embroidered into the satin from the bottom up, becoming more and more sparse the further up they went. The dress was supposed to hug the curves of a woman, a small train gathering at the back of the dress, and a slit down from the side of one of the knees down.

She heard the door open and close in the front shop, signalling that a customer had entered. "Hello? Anybody here?" A male voice called out.

"In the back! I'll be with you in a minute!" Hermione called out. She made sure that the models had left the workshop, got out her wand and made the dress less poofy. She pocketed her wand, and walked through the door behind the till. She realised she probably should have made herself more presentable as her hair was twisted into a messy bun on the top of her head with two pencils poking out of it, but she didn't really care. "How can I help you?" She looked at the silhouette of the man leaning against the counter.

The man looked at the woman who had just emerged from the door, she looked very familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "I've come here with a business proposition. Am I right in assuming that I am talking to the owner of J.G?" Hermione nodded. "My company has been looking to... expand its investments, not just to stay... cooped up in its own little world."

Hermione thought about the stranger's strange choice of words. "You mean you want to invest with Muggles?" The stranger seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes, I would like to invest in a Muggle company, hopefully building more ties between the Wizarding and the Muggle world. I have some papers drawn out for you to take a look at?"

"Would you like to step into my office? It might be more comfortable than just standing around." She led him past through the workshop, he stopped to admire the dress she'd been working on. He whistled.

"That's a nice piece of work. The bride who gets to wear that is going to look gorgeous and be extremely lucky." Hermione smiled.

"Thank you, it's my first attempt at a wedding dress."

The stranger laughed, as they continued into her office. "You remind me of someone I knew at school. Always succeeded on the first try, or would practice and revise until the outcome was perfect."

"Would you like a drink? I keep some butterbeers in the fridge." She opened the mini-fridge in the corner of her room, he nodded.

"Thank you." He looked around and saw some photos, one immediately stood out. It was of three children, by the looks of it they were in the first year at Hogwarts, all of them Gryffindors. Two boys and one girl. The boy on the left had raven hair, green eyes and a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. The boy on the right had red hair, lots of freckles and a goofy grin. The girl in the middle had very bushy hair, inquisitive shining eyes and two quite large front teeth. "GRANGER?"


Hermione laughed at the memory of the shock on her future husbands face. It had been 14 years since that incident.

"Mummy!" Hermione's second oldest daughter, Melania, ran into the sitting room. She was the spitting image of her mother, except her brown hair was more tame than Hermione's had been at that age and she had the perfect Colgate smile compared to her mother's previously beaver teeth.

"Yes Mel?" Hermione set her book down.

"An owl came with your name on it. It looks important." Mel held out her hand, Hermione took it and gasped when she saw the Hogwarts seal. She was expecting that her eldests would get one soon, but not until the beginning of the summer holidays.

"Thank you Mel. Mummy would like to read this in private, please. Could you check up on Nikki? I'm sure if she's causing any trouble you and Markos can deal with it." Mel grinned and left the room to find her younger sister. "Thank you!" Hermione called after he daughter. She stared at the letter in her hand for a minute and then opened it.

Dear Miss Hermione Granger,

In celebration with the 15th anniversary of the graduation of the War Years, we have decided to hold a reunion to honour the war heroes, such as yourself, and to reconnect with old peers. The reunion will be held on the 7th of September, one week after term starts.

Please bring your loved ones with you, children and partners are invited.

We look forward to seeing you again,

Neville Longbottom

Headmaster of Hogwarts and Herbology Professor

P.S. It would be great to see you again Hermione, please do come.

"So Neville's headmaster?" Hermione chuckled to herself. She got up and followed the noise of protests to the dining room to find Nikki throwing a fit, Evangeline was trying to calm her down and talk sense into her, whilst Mel was holding her down, calling for her partner in crime. "What's going on here?" Hermione crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, knowing full well what was going on.

Nikki stopped shouting, crossed her arms and glared at her mother. "I don't want to do my homework. It's boring and not useful. I'll never have to use it once I go to Hogwarts."

"Look, munchkin, I know you don't want to do your homework, but we live in a world surrounded by Muggles. In order to interact with those around you, you will actually need to know the basics of primary school." Hermione turned to Mel, the person she came to find. "Did your father receive one of these letters?" Mel nodded and handed it to her.

"Mummy, I really don't want to do my homework! Don't make me do it! It's really stu-"

They all heard a pop, Hermione smiled as she felt strong arms envelope her. "Evening, Love." Hermione's husband kissed her cheek.

"Hello Darling, how was work?"

"Long, tiring, would be so much more fun if you were there." Hermione was spun round into a deep kiss.

"Ew! Get a room." Hermione's eldest, and Evangeline's twin sat himself on the table, ruffling up his youngest sister's hair. "Honestly, it's as if you're still teenagers. It's disgusting."

"We'll see what you have to say when you're older, young man. Now, what seems to be the problem here, girls?" Hermione's husband picked up Nikki and set her on his shoulders.

"Mummy, Eva and Mel were trying to get me do my homework. But I think it's stupid and I shouldn't have to learn about anything Muggle."

"Selene Nikoleta Malfoy!" Draco Malfoy scolded his daughter, quickly setting her down on the ground so she could look into his stormy eyes. "I never want to hear you say that anything Muggle is stupid, ever."

"But Daddy-"

"No." Draco ran a hand through his hair, his voice became softer and more patient. "Nikki, you still have to have a basic understanding of the world in order to get into Hogwarts. You do want that don't you?" Nikki nodded. "And you remember that Mummy works in the Muggle world sometimes? Even though she had been to Hogwarts?" Nikki nodded again. "Do you still think that learning about Muggle stuff is stupid?" Nikki shook her head. Draco kissed his daughter's head. "Good, I don't want to have this conversation again. We've had it twice this month already." Hermione smiled, if people could see Draco now they'd believe that the previously incredibly blood prejudiced pure-blood was under the Imperius curse.

"Yes Daddy." Nikki sat down and started working. Hermione smiled, Nikki was definitely a Daddy's girl, he seemed to be able to get through to her better. Selene Nikoleta Malfoy was Draco and Hermione's youngest child, she had Draco's hair and Hermione's eyes, and was most definitely the baby of the family, despite now being 6.

Draco turned to Mel and Markos (who had just walked in). "Hello Monsters." He grinned at them, they grinned mischievously back. "On the topic of homework, have you done any of yours?"

"Nope." Markos said smugly.

"Why not?" Hermione crossed her arms. She looked at her 9 year old twins, both of them the spitting image of Hermione, and both of them could have given Fred and George a run for their money.

"Because it blew up." Mel stated.

Draco groaned. "Melania Flora Malfoy and Markos Loki Malfoy, would you please like to explain to your mother and me how your homework blew up this time?"

"We were testing some new inventions." They answered in unison.

"While I'm at it, and using full names, is there a problem with either of your homework, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy and Evangeline Narcissa Malfoy?" He turned to his 11 year old doppelgängers.

"Sorry to disappoint, Dad, but we finished it about an hour ago." Scorpius bit into a green apple. "I expect we'll get the highest marks for it."

"Oh thank goodness. Two kids we didn't mess up with!" Draco exclaimed, causing Hermione to laugh and the other children to frown at their father. "Any news 'Mione?"

"A letter came from Hogwarts," Hermione handed him the letters, "I have a feeling it's identical to mine, so it's probably inviting you to a school reunion."

"Nope, it's not identical." Draco frowned. "Longbottom didn't write me a P.S."


Hope you like it! Vote and Comment if you did!! :)

Also please tell me if there are any grammar mistakes!!!

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