The Lunatic Fringe and The Se...

By amandavloger

4.9K 201 49

This is a Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins (aka The Shield.) fanfic. Yes the wrestlers. It's abo... More

Getting A Job Interview
Job Interview
Tension Of The New Job
New Day?
A Part Of The Show?
Getting Into A Fight With The Champ
Camera To Diva
Debut 'Dating' The Champion
My Seth and Colby Romance
Dating The Champion
Number 1 Contender
Jon and Joe
Heel To Face
The Shield 2.0
Kitten and Puppy
"What have I done?" "You messed up..."
Diva Revolution and Kitten Thoughts
The New Diva Champion
Dean Ambrose Titty Master


138 7 1
By amandavloger

- Quick AN. This is close to the end of this fanfic. I might have a sequel depending if you guys want one or not. I have ideas for a sequel but I don't know if anyone will actually read it or not. There's only one chapter after this one. SO one that note. Have fun reading.

Holding me close to him the crowbar still on my back as my bat holds him against me as well. Hearing his heartbeat pounding on the walls of his chest trying to break through. Moving his arm slightly on my lower back only to pull me even closer. If there was a gap before there's definitely not one now. 

Feeling his warmth on me not one of us moving at all as if we are frozen in time somehow. We don't want to go anywhere. So we don't.

We just stand there hugging one another.

I can stay like this forever. I wonder if he could as well.

"Nice show out there." Roman saying making me jump a bit gripping the bat. Dean not letting go of me though as he chuckles. "What show?" Asking Roman with a serious voice as if we didn't do anything unusual. 

Roman looking us up and down before looking at me with seriousness washing over his face. "Babygirl, I need your help." "Okay." Letting go of Dean as Dean sighs lightly in my ear while I move away from him. "Come back soon, I need to talk to you about something." Dean whispering into my ear in a soft fragile voice. 

Why is he acting so fragile? Is he okay? Should I go with Roman?

Nodding to Dean before handing him the bat as Dean smirks taking it from me. Looking at Roman as he motions me over. "Come on. I need you for the interview. Remember?" "Oh yeah, sorry Roman." Laughing a bit as I follow him through the hallways away from Dean. 

With each step away from Dean though I feel a small since of dread take over me as I wonder what it is that he wants to talk to me about. 

I'll just get this interview with Roman done and then I'll go back to Dean to see what it is that he wants. I mean he sounded so serious but I need to do my job. 

... I just hope he understands that ...

But he sounded like he could break any second. I'll just have to hurry the interview then.

With my mind set on this I look over at Roman as we casually walk to the very back where we do our interviews. "So how was your match?" Asking Roman as he was up against Rusev tonight. "It went well, I won. It was a little weird without you guys though. I'm not used to being alone when I go out anymore." Laughing near the end of it making me giggle along with him. "Yeah it is a bit weird without you as well. We're like the three musketeers." Laughing at my stupid joke with him.

Hitting the back where the door is to go in for our interview. "Who's interviewing us anyways?" Asking him as he shrugs. "I think it's Tom." "Oh, really? I've never had Tom interview me before." Stating simply. "Yeah but you're a big star now so you get interviewed with Tom like we do now." Saying to me nonchalantly. 

With that though I can feel myself getting nervous. "Hey, don't worry Tom is easy to talk to." Roman saying down to me seeing the nervousness all over my face. Roman can see through me to well. I guess that's why he's like a dad to me.

"Plus I'm there to do most of the talking." Roman saying. "You good?" Asking me as I release a breathe I didn't realize I was holding in. "Yeah. Let's do this." Saying over to him before opening the door.

Tom sitting there in the chair stretching his long limbs out as we walk in. Casually looking over to us smiling before getting up. Walking over to us making me notice how tall Tom actually is. He's almost as tall as Roman. Holy shit, how did I not notice how tall he is before? He looks so short compared to every wrestler in the interviews but here he is being super tall. 

Tom standing in front of me with a nice gray suit on as he smiles at me. "Hello Rynn, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Sticking his hand out to me for me to shake. Taking his hand in mine while we shake hands. "Hey Tom, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. I never realized how tall you were before." Chuckling a bit with him laughing a bit. "Yeah they make me bend down a lot in the interviews so the wrestlers look more intimidating." Admitting to me as I nod understanding him. "That makes a lot of sense actually." 

"Oh let me take you to your seat." Tom saying taking me over to the chairs. "This one is for you." Tom motioning to a red chair beside a bigger red chair. Looking over at Roman as I sit down and pat his seat. Roman shaking his head a bit at me giving me a look like 'I know that's my chair, woman'. Walking over to me and Tom sitting beside me as Tom takes his place in his chair across from us.

"Okay, do you need to read over your lines again?" Tom asking us as we shake our heads at the same time. 

I remember my lines. Besides I basically got to make up my own lines anyways so it won't be to hard to just remember anyways.

"Amazing. Let's get started then. Phil?" Tom calling out to Phil as he peaks his head out from behind the camera and waves to me. Waving back to him shooting him a smile before putting on a serious face and looking at Tom. "Are we good Phil?" Tom asking him as Phil gives him a thumbs up. "3, 2, 1." Phil shooting his fingers up showing us he's recording while we look at Tom to start.

"Hello I'm Tom Phillips and I'm joined with my guests Roman Reigns and Rynn Blackwood." Tom saying straight to the camera before looking over at us with a smile plastered on his face. "So you've been walking out with Dean Ambrose a lot lately. Do you think that's a bit odd since you've confessed that Roman Reigns is your favorite wrestler?" Tom asking me with Phil pointing the camera at me while I shake my head. "No, not really. You see as Roman Reigns is still my favorite wrestler he's not Dean Ambrose. They aren't the same people. I love Roman as  a brother but I love Dean as my boyfriend. So no I don't think it's odd." Telling him with Tom nodding.

"Roman how did you feel when she became a wrestler? This was after she confessed her feeling right?" Roman nods a bit. "Well I don't really know what you're getting at with feelings but I didn't really know she was a wrestler. I mean I knew she was trying out but I didn't know she was debuting until she did debut. So for me I was a bit surprised but I was also happy for her because you could tell that she loved being in this business. My feelings on that hasn't changed at all. I'm still very happy for her." Roman saying to Tom as Tom simply nods. 

"So for something every fan wants to know, is The Shield actually a thing that is coming back with Rynn replacing Seth or was that just a tease to mess with Seth?" Tom asking as I stare at Roman for him to answer. "The Shield is back and Seth isn't being replaced though. Seth stabbed me in the back and Dean in the back. He turned on his brothers and left. So he's not being replaced but Rynn is taking an open slot. We don't need Seth to be a tag team. Besides The Shield is better with Rynn on our side. You've seen what she can do." Roman growling a bit every time he says Seth's name. While I nod simply to everything Roman is saying in the background. 

"Wow, well you heard that. Right from Roman's mouth. The Shield is back and Rynn is now a part of it. So Roman, Rynn, is there anything you plan to do with your positions?" Tom asking. Roman motioning for me to go forth. "I plan to take the woman's championship belt and wear it around my waist. No one deserves that title more then I do. But I don't plan to stop there. I also plan to go after the tag team championship titles with my teammates Roman and Dean." Saying to him as if it was simple enough. Staring at Tom as Tom nods. "I plan to take what is rightfully mine and that is the World Heavyweight Championship belt. That is mine and I plan to get it back! SO Seth better watch his back because there is a huge target on it." Roman growling while glaring at Tom. 

Tom clearing his throat a bit before nodding. "Alright well that's all I have to ask for this interview. Thank you for coming out and taking time out of your schedule to do this interview with me." Tom telling us as we all stand up. Shaking Tom's hand once more waiting for Roman to do the same. After he shakes Tom's hand as well we pretend to walk out of the room. Phil turning off the camera as he smiles at us.

"That was perfect." Phil saying to us. "Awesome. I missed you Phil." Screeching a bit before running to Phil and hugging him. Phil catching me as we hug. Letting each other go as he smiles at me. "So how's the boyfriend?" Asking him seeing Phil blush. "He's good and he's coming out to the next show. He's actually a big fan of yours." Phil saying. "So I was wondering if you could meet him. It would mean a lot to Dan." "Yeah, of course, anything for you Phil." Smiling at him with Phil hugging me once more. "Thank you so much! But hey I hate to ask a favor and leave but I have to go give out towels." Phil sighing. "It's okay I understand. Busy, busy, busy. I'll see you later. Text me." Saying to him as he nods walking out the room.

Turning around seeing Roman waiting for me by the door. "Ready?" "Yeah, let me change into comfier clothes before we head out." Saying to him as he nods. "I'll go start the car. It's cold out there so I'm going to put the heater on. We have a long drive tonight. Can you tell Jon we're ready to leave?" "Yeah, sure. Meet you in the car." Joe walking away as I go down a different hallway back towards the locker rooms.

I need to get to Jon fast. He says needs to talk to me and I want to know what he has to talk to me about. He sounded so fragile when I left so it has to be important. I hope it's nothing bad. I didn't want to make him wait long.

The thought of him needing me while sounding so fragile making me stop walking and going into a whole full blown sprint down the hallways. 

I need to get to him before something happens, just in case. 

Rushing past everyone to get to the locker rooms. Thanking myself for working on cardio to be able to run so much now when I need it the most. Getting to the locker room hallways letting myself fall from a run to a light jog. Jogging lightly towards his locker room knowing that's where we always meet. There isn't a use for my locker room anymore since I always just end up changing in Dean's locker room anyways. Rushing to the door seeing it in sight letting myself walk towards it.

Breathing in and out slowly trying to relax myself before I walk in. Getting myself to settle down even for just a bit before I open the door. Opening the door seeing Dean standing there staring down at his hands. His back slightly turned to me as I close the door lightly not wanting to bother him. Resting my back on the door watching him as Dean nods to himself before exhaling a deep breathe. 

I should make myself present.

"I got this." Whispering to himself.

"Jon?" Calling out to him seeing him jump a bit at my sudden voice. Closing his hands turning around with his hands behind his back.

What's in his hands?

"Hey." Saying lightly towards me.

He's acting very strange. Well strange for him at least. He really isn't okay. I should have came sooner and never talked to Phil. Jon needs me.

"Hi." Saying lightly back to him as Jon looks away from me. 

Why isn't he looking at me?

"Can we talk about this morning?" Jon asking me.

He wants to talk about this morning? What does that mean? Does he regret it?

Gulping a lump of spit in my throat as my eyes go wide in fear for a second before trying to tell myself to just relax. I need to relax because I know he can see right through me. Looking up at him seeing him glancing at me before looking back at the ground away from me.

"S-sure." Stuttering out. Jon glancing to the bench in his locker room for me to sit down. Going over to sit down watching him as he keeps his hands behind his back. Watching him carefully seeing one of his hands going into his pocket. Pretending not watch him as one of his hands runs through his hair and the other stays in his back pocket.

Why is he being so serious? It's scaring me. He's never this serious. I'm not used to something like this. 

"I-I-" Jon starting before looking away from me again just standing in front of me. Letting my hands grip onto the cold bench in fear. Gripping it tightly knowing my knuckles are probably turning a bright white. "-I don't regret it." Jon saying making my shoulders loosen a bit. My whole body staying tense a bit still waiting for him to continue.

Shielding myself for him to throw me away or say something terrible. Getting my defenses up around him. This has to be bad if he's being so serious with me.

Sighing a bit as he stops talking waiting for me to reply. Barely glancing at him with my emerald green eyes trying to find his crystal blue ones. "I don't regret it either." Saying back to him seeing him glance at me. Checking my eyes to make sure I'm not lying before putting his hand down into his other pocket.

His stance with both of his hands in his back pockets as if defending himself as well. Did he expect me to reject him? Why would I reject someone like him? He must be crazy if he thinks I would ever reject him.

"I want to ask you something serious." Jon saying his eyes on mine with mine connecting his. "Ask away." Both of us still in our defensive stances. 

"Do you still love Colby?" Asking me making me grit my teeth as he glances away from me every so often. "No, I don't. Why would you even bring him up? What does he have to do with anything Jon?" Defending myself as my tone darkens a bit at the name of Colby. Getting a bit ticked off just by his name as Jon nods. "Good."

Good? What the hell does that mean? I don't understand Jon.

"I have another question for you." "Okay?" This time instead of just standing there with his hands in his pockets he walks closer to me. A few feet away from me as he bends down to make make eye contact with me. His crystal blue eyes staring into my emerald green ones as we both relax a bit. Our eyes connected not wanting to look away from one another. 

"Do you love me?" What? Did he just asked if I loved him? Did he seriously just ask that.

"Yes." Saying simply while cocking my head at him. "Of course I love you Jon. Isn't that obvious by now?" Asking him with a serious look before seeing him smile at me. "I'm glad you said that. Because-" Suddenly being lifted off of the bench with his strong muscular arms around me. My chest on his but my feet not touching the ground as he keeps me lifted off of the ground like I'm a feather. Smiling down at me before spinning me around a bit and setting me on the ground. Holding me close still with his nose on mine our faces touching one another. Our lips only centimeters away from each other. "-I love you." 

Surprising me with his words as my heart leaps out of my chest with a huge smile on my face. The blush on my face deepening making me look like a smiling tomato. "Y-you do?" Stuttering to him as I smile even bigger. "Yes." Before he could say anymore I press my lips on his. Kissing him deeply feeling him smile against me. Our lips against one another pushing on one another. Chuckling against me lightly before pulling back. "Kitten." Purring to me as smiles. 

"Yes?" Asking him as he nestles his face into my neck a bit. "Will you be my kitten?" Purring to me cutely. "Yes." 

Smiling to him as we hold each other.

"Finally!" Both of us turning around seeing Lana smiling at us before walking away. 

Staring at one another smiling at each other blushing a bit. "Come on Jon, Joe is waiting for us in the car." "Don't you want to change first?" Asking me making me look down seeing myself in my gear. "Yeah, I'll meet you in the car." "I can wait right here." Smirking at me turning back to his usual self.

Pervert. But he's my pervert.

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