Under the Moon | Seth Clearwa...

By arisafari151

21.9K 790 155

Alorah hasn't experienced much of life until she moves to La Push where she meets Seth Clearwater. The most c... More



4.7K 143 26
By arisafari151

Disclaimer: Every now and then I go back through and edit a chapter, so some things might sound a little confusing so bear with me as I haven't edited every chapter yet. Also I started this in first person but changed it to third person so there might be some mistakes there too. Thanks for reading!


"Wow, it's a great house for the price." Ana Miller said as her family entered the third bedroom.

"I like it." Alorah exclaimed, already deciding the room they had entered was going to be hers.

"Lor's right, this house is better than the others." Max piped in, Alorah looked over at him. A smile on his face as he looked over the entire room.

"Alright, we'll take it!" Her mom called out in joy.

Alorah grinned, glad her mom had decided on this one. It wasn't big or anything, quite small actually but it was perfect for the three of them.

She let her mom walk out of the room with the tribal council member so they could discuss everything else. She looked over at Max, "dibs on this one."

"What!" He cried out, "that's not fair Lor!"

"I called dibs first, it perfectly fair." She teased. The teenage boy rolled his soft brown eyes at her, the exact same pair Alorah had.

"You suck." He muttered in his breath as he walked out of the room.

She laughed to herself, walking towards the window, not that there was much of a view. Tall pine trees spread out in front of her. It was nothing new compared to where they used to live on the reservation, just like La Push the Maka Reservation was next to the ocean surrounded by forests.

The room was a good size, it could easily fit a bed and dresser. Luckily they got out all their stuff from Rob's house before he could be let out of jail, they had finally convinced their mother to leave him.

Alorah knew seeing Rob hit them was the last straw for her mom.

Thankfully, she was now filing for divorce and had a protective order against Rob. They had packed up and moved to La Push.

Her great aunt Rose lived on the reservation and told them about some houses renting on the small reservation.

The next day they came down and met Emily Young who introduced them to the tribe council members who let them live on the reservation due to their mother being half Quileute on her father's side.

Now here they were getting to start over. Alorah looked back out the window, feeling a sense of relief. They were finally free from Rob, and they were starting a new life away from the Makah reservation and everything that reminded them of Rob and all the negativity in their lives.

Grandma begged them not to leave the reservation, telling them "this is the land of your people. Your blood is here."

But at this point, they just wanted to get away, even if it meant leaving behind their family closest family. Besides, at least down here, they had aunt Rose.

"It's official, we live here now!"

She turned around where Max stood in the doorway, a grin on his face. She smiled as Max run towards his older sister and pulled her into a tight hug. She laughed as he picked her off the ground.

He was only 15 but already almost a whole foot taller than his 17-year-old sister.

He set her down, their mom stood still, watching her children while tears rimmed her dark eyes.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Alorah asked, concerned as she walked towards her.

She smiled, "nothing, I'm just relieved and happy." She wiped her tears, Alorah smiled. Pulling her into a hug, grabbing onto Max and pulling him as well.

- - -

"Are you excited to start school?" Ana asked Max as they entered the kitchen for dinner. A few days had passed since they moved in and were finally getting accommodated.

Alorah took a seat, luckily the home was already furnished with the most necessary items. It was one less thing to worry about when they had packed their things.

"Not really," Max answered, already shoving half the plate down his throat.

Alorah didn't have to worry about that, she had skipped a grade and had already graduated a year early. She still remembers all the nights she'd stay up studying to ace her tests and get ahead. By the time she entered her sophomore year, she was determined to get out as soon as possible and that's just what she did.

Alorah was the introverted type, she believed it had something to do with the fact she and her little brother were always sheltered. Max was the only one who had friends as children. Alorah always found it difficult to make friends. The other girls would always include her but she never formed close bonds with any of them. She was always too busy taking care of Max while her mom worked and when her mom married Rob she was busy worrying about her.

They ate in silence, she watched Max scarf down his second plate of food. "You animal. You do realize there are two other people living in this house who need to eat." She pointed out.

"Oh stop it! Leave him alone. He needs to eat, he's a growing boy." Her mom reached over to rub his back.

It disgusted her sometimes, the way she would baby him. Her brother was a teenager now, not some little boy who needed 24/7 love and attention.

"Anyways," She looked up at her mom, "there's an opening position at the diner for a manager, and I think I'm going to apply for it."

"Mom! That's great!" She exclaimed.

She knew she had been looking for a job before they even arrived in La Push.

Her mother didn't need to stress so much about finding a new job. Alorah knew when her father died he left behind a decent amount of money for them to survive on. But, she was obsessed with saving it all in case of emergencies and college.

Alorah had also managed to get a job at the small souvenir/convenience shop on first beach. It pays minimum wage, and the lady she works with Tiffany was pretty nice, and all she had to do was some stocking and working the register.

"I'm just afraid they won't hire me."

She rolled her eyes, "mom, you have great work experience and everyone loves you!" She complimented, trying to make her feel better.

"Oh Lora, look at me! I look like a sack of potatoes, they probably want someone younger."

She groaned.

"Mom, you're beautiful." Max cut in for his older sister, she softly smiled at him.

She looked more closely at her aging mother, she definitely did not look like a sack of potatoes. But, it was obvious she was tired. She still remembered the days she wore makeup every day, looking so alive and full of youth. Her hair used to be so long, thick, and straight. Her eyes were so bright with the golden eye shadow she loved to wear, and her lips were always covered in red lipstick. Now her hair was cropped shorter with strands of grey, and she wore no make-up. They had Rob to blame for that. Her mother was at her happiest when her dad was alive.

They were all at their happiest when he was alive.

Alorah loved her father more than anything, she grew up his princess. Jeff Miller adored his daughter and watching the beautiful girl she was turning into. If any two people were more in love it was Ana and Jeff Miller. They had met when they were sixteen and Jeff was working on his father's fishing boat. Alorah remembered how he always called it love at first sight, the moment he laid eyes on the tan-skinned native girl, he knew he was going to marry her. And that's exactly what he did when they turned eighteen, having Alorah only a year later. Ana's family would always tease her for marrying a white man, but she was madly in love, nothing was going to stop her from being happy. And when he died, they were all left heartbroken.

Alorah let go of those thoughts as an idea popped into her head.

"A makeover."


"A makeover! That's what you need!" She grinned at her mom.

"You think so?" She questioned

"Of course! We'll trim it a little bit more, maybe dye it, we'll do your makeup, you'll look great mom!"

She smiled, "alright."

Alorah laughed, she was happy things were starting to look up.


The next day Alorah got up early to help her mother get ready before her interview.

"Are you sure about the hair color?" Her mom questioned, looking in the mirror and running her hand down the length of her dark brown hair. "It's not like we're dying it blond, were just covering the gray hairs," Alorah said, finally taking a chunk of her mothers hair and running the creamy dye through it.

"You'll look hot." She joked.

She giggled, smiling at her through the mirror.

She felt a light warm glow through her, she knew her mom really loved them when she smiled like that. It made her happy just to hear her laugh, and the light in her eyes was slowly starting to come back.

By the time they were done with her hair and applied some light makeup, Alorah was impressed at how beautiful and confident her mom looked. She seemed to beam through the whole house.

Alorah flashbacked to her childhood, watching the way her mom would dance throughout the whole house, making sure her children danced with her as she passed them.

Alorah smiled, it was moments like these that she wished her dad was there to see them.

"You look, beautiful mom. You're definitely getting this job." She giggled.


Alorah looked in the mirror, applying a light amount of chapstick.

Today was her first day on the job and she wanted to look her best. She managed to apply some mascara without making it look like a total mess. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and walked over towards her closet.

There was no uniform she needed to wear, Tiffany had told her she could wear anything, but to opt for something comfortable. So she changed into her jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. She put on her shoes, grabbing her bag, and walking out into the living room.

Her mom had already left, she did end up getting the job no surprise there.

Max sat at the dining table, eating some cereal. "Okay Max, I'll be home around seven, mom left you some dinner in the fridge. Don't even think about going out, and don't answer the door to anybody." Alorah warned her little brother, opening the front door. "Mom already taught me about stranger danger." He replied, she rolled her eyes. "I'll see you later, I love you." She said, "love you!" He called out.

She closed the door behind her, walking over towards her bike.

Alorah knew it was a bit lame, having a bike when she was 17 and perfectly capable of driving. But, she doesn't want to waste any money on a new car right now and her mom drove the only one they have.

The ride towards first beach wasn't long, the ocean appeared in front of her suddenly feeling shivers creep up and down her spine. Just the thought of entering the water made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She lost her dad to the ocean, ever since then she never had the guts to go back in. She was capable of standing at the water's edge but the thought of going in no longer appealed to her.

She leaned her bike against the side of the store, making sure to lock it against a pipe.

She made her way inside the empty store, "Alorah!" Tiffany smiled as she spotted her new worker from the cash register.

"Hey Tiffany." Alorah greeted.

"I have your store apron right here." She handed over a red apron, she tied it around her waist, "so, where do I start?" She questioned, a smile on her face as she realized she was actually quite happy with the fact that she was able to work and keep herself distracted.


Alorah heard the little bell ring, signaling that someone had just entered.

Their fifth customer in the past six hours. The shop didn't get many customers that was made clear after six hours. She had spent most of the day organizing items she had organized earlier. She got to work the cash register once with their second customer, and as lame as it sounded, it was the most fun she had all day.

At that moment she realized just how much of a loser she was, shaking her head at herself before looking up at the door.

Tiffany was in the back so she made her way to the cash register.

"Welcome in!"

The first thing she noticed was how buff the two men who entered were. She could only see the back of their heads, they were tall, to say the least. Definitely taller than six feet.

One of them turned around, a look of surprise on his face as he noticed her at the cash register. She smiled, trying to be polite, he smiled back. "Where's the lady who works here?" He asked, Alorah looked towards the back door. "She's in the back, I'll get her for you." She offered, beginning to make her way out from behind the register.

"No worries. It's fine, I'll just go back there myself, she's my mom."

It finally clicked in her head, he was Embry, Tiffany's son. She was shocked at how much older he looked, Tiffany said he was nineteen but he looked at least twenty three.

"Oh, you're Embry." She said, he nodded, holding out his hand for her to shake. She reached forward and shook it, "Nice to meet you..."

"Alorah." She finished for him.

She let go of his hand, looking up at the other man. Well, boy must be more accurate if he was a friend of Embrys.

Alorah felt her stomach drop, realizing how good-looking he was. His shiny hair messily combed to the side, his t-shirt hugging his muscular figure. She felt her face start to flush as he stared directly at her, time seemed to stop for a second as his dark eyes connected with hers

She looked away, feeling her cheeks burn. Instead, she turned her attention back towards the cash register, just looking down at the colorful buttons.

She could sense him continuing to watch her. The heat of his stare burning down on the top of her head, "I've never seen you around." She looked back up, realizing he was talking to her. This time, it was just the two of them. Embry must have gone in the back.

She struggled to find the right words to say,"I just moved here."

"You moved to La Push?" He asked surprised as if it was so shocking someone would actually move to the small reservation. She nodded, "we heard of a house down here that was available, so we came." She said, starting to loosen up not realizing how tense her body was. She began to feel more comfortable, her body beginning to relax, as he smiled.

He had a beautiful smile, his teeth bright and perfectly aligned. It made his cheeks more prominent, his chiseled face making him look older than he probably was.

She felt a slight flutter in her stomach, giving her the overwhelming urge to smile and possibly throw up at the same time from how nervous he made her.

She had to admit, he was better looking than any other boy she'd met before. One and off the reservation. None of them had ever made her feel this way.

"Where'd you move here from?" He asked, taking a step closer towards her. "From up North, the Makah reservation." She answered, he seemed surprised at that as well. "Really? Are you Makah?" He asked. "On my moms side."

Embry came out from the back, Tiffany following behind him. "I'll see you tonight." She said, stepping next to Alorah. He made his way towards the exit, the boy didn't move. She made eye contact with him again, getting that overwhelming urge to smile again.

"Seth. Let's go." Embry called after him.

So his name was Seth.

"It was nice meeting you." Seth said, "you too." She replied. She watched as he walked out, walking further and further away, her eyes catching every single movement in his body. From the way he swung his arms to how he scratched the back of his head until he turned and she lost him.

"Why don't you head home." Tiffany said, I looked at her.

"Are you sure?" She asked, she nodded, a smile on her face. "We never get any customers around this time anyway."

"Alright then," Alorah took off the store apron and shoved it under the counter. "I'll see you tomorrow." She said, grabbing her bag and throwing it over her shoulder. "Bye." She called out before she walked out into the dark November night.

She quickly unlocked her bike and took off riding home. As she biked in the dark she couldn't help but get a feeling as if something wasn't right. She felt something was right behind her. Maybe she was just being paranoid from riding her bike in the dark. Besides she was only three minutes away from home, so she peddled faster.

Then, out of now where, a very strong gust of freezing wind whipped across her body.

She saw was a dark shadow in front of her before she crashed into it. Her bike falling over, taking her along with it. She cried out in pain as her elbow and knees crashed into the hard pavement.

She felt a cold pair of hands lift her up and off her feet, a cruel voice interrupting the silence of the air.

"You shouldn't be out so late."

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