A Thugs Weakness

By ObeyAiyanaForever

63 2 0

"Please don't kill me" Tyson is the powerful drug lord in Chicago. He's ruthless and cold-hearted he kills an... More

Murder City

62 2 0
By ObeyAiyanaForever

Tyson (Picture Above)

"Man shut yo pussy ass up bruh should've paid your dues"

I shot the junkie 2 times in the head to make sure his ass was dead.Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Tyson Mylek Johnson. I'm in the drug game and I have no intentions of leaving. I don't have time for love because truthfully I don't even know what it is. I've never been shown love and honestly I don't know if I'll ever experience it. The only person I really love is my sister,Joy. The way I see it I'm either gonna get gunned down or locked up.

My mom died while giving birth to me, and as for my dad I don't know where that nigga is and could give 2 fucks about him. I have one sister who married my best friend Deandre who is also in the game. She's pregnant with my niece or nephew and had a 1 year old nephew named Kyson.I treat him as if he's my own.

Deandre started calling interrupting my train of thoughts and shit, "Nigga what?" I spoke into the phone.

"Bro we got another job. Be at the trap house in 10."

I fucking hate when niggas think they can tell me what the fuck to do and when to do it. Just for that I'ma get there late. I got dressed and pulled up to Wendy's.

"Hi how may I take your order?"

"Lemme get a number 2 with a large fry."

" That'll be 9.82 sir."

I pulled up to the window and it was this fine ass girl with sparkly blue eyes. I winked at her and when I looked at my receipt I saw her number on it. Females are thirsty as fuck sometimes. I pulled up to the trap house and dapped the security at the door, I walked into the office late as fuck.

"Nigga I told you to be here 20 min ago!" Deandre said tryna be all big and bold.

"Okay nigga the fuck, you ain't my daddy take that shit somewhere else bro." He rolled his eyes acting like a bitch. Once we got through with the meeting I drove to my sister house to go pick up my nigga Tyson because they wanted 'alone time'

I met Deandre there and we went into the house. "Sister!" I yelled dragging the last part. She ran down the stairs and hugged me. She's all I've had my whole life and I love her to death. Kyson wobbled himself over to me cooing. I picked his fat self up and kissed him all over and he giggled. Joy gave me his stuff and practically pushed me out the door this niggas really horny as fuck.

I put him in his car seat and made sure he was buckled in. We got to my house and he was out I swear all he do is sleep. I laid him down in my bed and covered him up with a blanket. Soon enough I went to sleep myself.


I had just woke up from the longest nap of my life, I checked my phone and I had 56 messages. All from my best friend Joy. Basically telling me to wake my ass up but I am NOT a morning person. I decided to surprise her pregnant ass and go get something for my future niece and see what Kyson is doing.

I took a shower and just threw on a sundress and let my hair do its thing. I pulled up to Babies' R us and got a bunch of pink onesies, Joy says she doesn't want to know the sex of the baby but we all know it is gonna be a baby girl.

I pulled up to Joy and Deandres house unlocking the door with my house key. I heard a bunch of screaming upstairs and mentally shook my head. Joy ass knows she shouldn't be having sex when she's 9 months pregnant.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some chips and went upstairs looking for my baby Kyson. He must've been at daycare or something because I didn't see him. I turned the tv on and started watching Spongebob laughing at all the dumb things they were doing. Deandre rushed down the stairs with a gun in his hand and I choked on the chips I was eating.

"ALAJAE YOU CAN'T BE DOING THIS SHIT BRO!" He yelled I laughed at his mad ass. "You big mad or lil mad?" I smirked. Joy wobbled downstairs laughing as she hugged me.

"Best Friend I missed you!" I screamed with my overexcited ass as Deandre went up the stairs acting like a lil bitch.

I blew him a kiss, I pulled out the bag from behind the couch containing all the stuff I got for the baby. Her hormonal ass started to tear up I laughed at her and kissed her cheeks. "Thank you my little mermaid." She's called me that since we met in college for a reason that will never be known.

The door opened again with some Caramel guy holding a sleeping Kyson. He was.. words could not explain. Deandre came downstairs and dapped him. Well since he knows Deandre I'm guessing he's in the game and I promised myself that I would never be involved in this.

"Alajae this is my bighead ass brother I always talk about." I smiled at him and he winked at me.

"Wassup Ma."

When he said that I swear I was ready to punch his sexy ass in the Jaw, "I am not your mother. My name Is Alajae" he put his hands up in surrender and smiled. "My bad sweetheart." He said sitting down next to me obviously trying to get the cookie.

I rolled my eyes and went to go play with my baby Kyson.


As ma walked away I licked my lips she was sexy as hell, ass was fat too and with that sundress she had me wanting her more than ever. I'm gonna make it my mission to fuck lil shawty.

"Ty." Joy said breathing hard as hell. I looked over at her and she done pissed herself I laughed hard as hell.

"You peed yourself!" I laughed, she looked at me like I just killed her puppy.



Authors Note:

Just something to kick off the story.

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