Animals {Frerard}

By jxminie_pxbo

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**HONOR AWARDS 1ST PLACE FANFICTION** Frank's life changed forever when he was 22 years old. And it will neve... More

One: Murder In The Dark
Two: The Hot Guy In The Drugstore
Three: My Mom's A Fangirl
Four: Socially Awkward Idiot
Five: Fashion advice from Gerard Way
Six: Self-Esteem Issues
Seven: Does This Even Count As A Chapter Lmao
Eight: They Called Him America's Ripper
Nine: Meet Ray
Ten: Not Everything
Eleven: Art Is What Escapes When A Heart Is Broken
Twelve: Damsel In Distress
Thirteen: The Lion's Den
Fourteen: More Beautiful Than Anything
Fifteen: I'm Dangerous
Sixteen: Gerard Way; Behind The Scenes
Seventeen: Meeting a guy called Pete Wentz
Eighteen: Interregation
Nineteen: Done
Twenty One: How To Dress Like A Tree
Chapter 22: Shockwave
Chapter 23: It's The Type Of Dream That Gets You Put In An Asylum
Chapter 24: Everyone's Favourite Scene
Chapter 25: I Become A Secret Agent
Chapter 26: Please
27: Leaving
28: 1 Week Without Gerard
29: It Was A Cold Day
Chapter 30: Funerals Aren't For The Living Or The Dead
31: Kitchen Knife
Chapter 32: We All Become Exactly What We Hate
Chapter 33: Breaking the forth wall because I just watched deadpool lol
34: National Hero
35: Fairytail
36: The birthday boy
Chapter 37: End of the line.
Show me your stories

Twenty: Mikey Gets A Message From His Ex

481 26 10
By jxminie_pxbo

Gee's story is interrupted by the sound of the front door swinging open. We exchange meaningful glances with each other, only keeping eye contact for less than a second to communicate.

"Hey Mikey, want some coffee?" Gerard yells in the direction of the noise.

Mikey's head appears around the corner. Lets just say his hair isn't the neatest thing I've ever seen, even worse than I remember. And is that mud or eyeshadow he's wearing? I can't tell. He nods in regard to the coffee, as I predicted.

"I'll get it!" I assure Gerard. Mikey seats in my place on the sofa as I stand and walk into the kitchen. He stretches his legs out, and leans on the armrest, totally unaware of the conversation we're about to have.

"Can I have a cup too?" Gerard requests politely. "In a fun mug please." Despite not understanding what he means by "a fun mug", I nod gently.

Upon entering the kitchen, I put the kettle on and open up the cupboard. Then I realise what gee meant by a fun mug.

On one side of the shelf are neat rows of plain white mugs with black rims and handles. They're all completely identical. On the other side, is a haphazard rainbow of mugs. Some have cartoons on, others adorable little drawings or photography. Many are chipped or faded but none are boring or plain.

Assuming the boring mugs are Mikey's, I pick up one of them and two others. The ones I choose for me and Gee are galaxy print, one is laced with blue, the other tinged pink.

I pour the coffee and take the mugs into the lounge, Mikey's first.

"Thanks," Mikey mumbles, as I hand him the hot drink.

Gerard nods approvingly as I bring our cups in. "Galaxy is my aesthetic," He informs me seriously. Nodding sombrely, I pretend I know what he's talking about.

We sit in silence, sipping our instant coffee in comradeship for a few moments, united by our love for caffeine.

I feel like I have friends for maybe the first time in my life. It's a nice feeling. The expensive coffee probably helps too, it's the opposite to the cheap swill I usually drink.

Mikey finishes first, taking only minutes to gulp down his entire cup. He places it to one side, on the table.

"So," He begins. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Gerard asks, the picture of innocence. His eyes look big and shiny. The act doesn't fool Mikey for a second and he shakes his head in denial.

"C'mon, I know you're up to something," He looks at his brother. "Normally you'd go straight up to your room when I arrive."

"Well," I start, about to explain what we're up to, when Mikey interrupts rudely.

"Was I talking to you?"

Almost as soon as the words leave Mikey's mouth, Gerard starts talking back. Within seconds I feel like I'm in the middle of Antarctica, the temperature of the room has dropped so much.

"Just shut up for once Mikey." Gerard defends me chivalrously. Chivalry isn't dead. "If you had actually bothered to listen, Frank was about to explain something to you, dickhead." He almost spits the last word.

For a second, I think Mikey will make a stand, but after a few seconds of me holding my breath he submits. A low sigh is his only sign of unhappiness, Except for the quiet anger concealed in his eyes.

For a second I have a flashback to yesterday when I came here. Gerard won that conflict too; it seems he always does. Mikey, who seems so intimidating, always listens to Gerard.

"Whatever," Mikey mumbles, defeated.

"We have a message from Pete."

That catches the younger Way's attention and he looks up, startled. His eyes flicker like a sparrow's wings from me to Gerard.

"You still talk to Pete?" It's a question, but the monotone that Mikey always seems to talk in makes it sound like a statement.

"Not really," Gerard admits, blushing slightly at the thought. The red flush stands out on his pale, translucent cheeks. "But Frank knows him from school."

"So what did he say?" Mikey asks slowly, a slight note of interest creeping into his tone.

"He wants to meet you for dinner tonight," I chirp, careful not to say anything that would upset Mikey's fragile nerves. Mikey gets upset anyway of course.

"Nuh, uh," He shakes his head violently, disgustedly. "He cheated on me! With my brother!"

He has a point.

Gerard's face has gone dark, like a storm, clouds darkening his hazel eyes. Guilt blocks his throat and he doesn't speak. I know what he's thinking. That he's the worst brother in the world. That Mikey will never forgive him. And for a second, I think that too.

"Yes,"I say finally, unable to deny that fact. "But doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?" I don't know whether I'm talking about Pete or Gerard, but surely both of them deserve a second shot. Everyone makes mistakes. Mine are burnt into my brain. Not saving the girl who was murdered, that's at the top of my list.

"I can't get back together with Pete. Every time I look at him, I see my brother's filthy hands all over him."

The hate in his voice is bright red. He never forgave Gee. He blames him for everything, even the events that were nothing to do with him. Gerard can't do any hating right in Mikey's eyes.

Gerard looks ashen, as if he's about to throw up.

"But don't you want some closure?" I insist. "Don't you want an explanation, a reason?" I can't give up now. Gerard needs this. He needs to feel like he has a family. I don't know where his parents are. Mikey's all he's got. His only family member hates him.

I try to image my Mum hating me. I can't. She's always been by my side through everything. I may find her annoying, but at the end of the day, she's done so much for me. I'd do anything for her.

Gerard doesn't have that. He doesn't have a real family. No one stays at his side. His parents are distracted and his brother hates him.

That's why we need to do this. Because if we fix Pete and Mikey then maybe the rift between Gerard and Mikey will heal. Maybe Gerard will have a family again.

"Fine," Mikey agrees to my intense surprise. My mouth hangs open awkwardly, like a car door. I can't hold back the shocked gasp that escapes from between my lips. "I want to know why he did it." He glares at Gerard and I. "But I am not going back out with him!"

I ignore Mikey's warning. I'm sure that when he talks to Pete, he'll fall in love with him again, and he'll forgive him. I can just tell.

Gerard has been particularly quiet for the last few minutes. Now he looks approving of the way I handled his brother. I rush of happiness flows through me. I just want Gee to be okay. I'm not stupid enough to believe that he would ever love me.

I describe the place and time where he should meet Pete to Mikey. It only takes a couple of seconds, and he nods as soon as I've done, so I know he understands. "Don't worry about going on your own, I'll come with you."

Mikey rolls his eyes at that but agrees nonetheless.

Then Gerard and I make our excuses and escape upstairs to celebrate. Mikey follows us, intending to take a shower. We part at the landing, and I follow Gerard into his room.

"I can't believe we did it!" I exclaim, jumping onto the bed next to Gerard. I sit on the coal black duvet, crossing my legs carefully. Gerard swings his back and forth over the side of the bed.

"This was a stupid idea," Is Gerard's unexpected response.

"But it's working!" I argue convincingly. Everything is going to plan. Why is Gerard upset all of a sudden?

"They hate each other! There's no way they'll get back together. And anyway, we can't even go and watch, like we planned to." His low smooth voice breaks in anguish. What he's saying makes no sense.

"Why not?"

His eyes are large and luminous when he looks at me again. "I sound like a lunatic. But I have to paint my graffiti. I can't miss a night. I can't."

I understand.

Four years ago, back when I was still in high school, I would wake up every morning and pick up my guitar. I couldn't not do it. I remember once I went on holiday and forgot to bring it. I was lost without it.

"I get it ,Gee," I say sympathetically, and I almost tell him my story. But I don't. I can't tell anyone. I don't trust anyone. Not even Gerard.

Then an idea pops into my head. "You don't have to come! I'll do it! I don't mind, I'll just walk there with Mikey then hide in a bush or something." I'm speaking quickly, words shooting out of my mouth like it's a machine gun.

"Are you sure?"

I nod vigorously. "Of course. I still owe you, after you carried me here and let me stay the night. Then we'll be even."

Gerard thinks for a second, mulling the thought over in his mind. After his careful deliberation, he agrees reluctantly. "Fine, but don't let them see you."

I smile, thinking about what it was like to have no friends in high school, no one who talked to me. "Don't worry, I'm good at not being noticed."

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