Faking It In Style

By _cousinsunite1

293 5 7


Faking It In Style
Chapter 2 Autumn - Mr Recording Guy
Chapter 3 - Rose-Anne - The Boy Who Stole Sammy
Chapter 4
Chaper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

14 0 0
By _cousinsunite1

A/N Hey you! I'm not going through this again. So it's Heather again. Yeah I know, it's been ages. So let's get to the point. READ!!!


Chapter 6

I went up to Gelare Café where my friends were for Beth's brithday. I don't have really good friends, but I have friends. I tried calling Louis but it went straight to voice mail. Damn him. He's probably gotten too famous for me. Oh, well at least I'm not going to see him there.

*sad face*

Oh well, at least I'm not going to see him again. I went in and none of them were smiling. They looked so bored. I went up and sat beside Georgia. She's the nicest one of the group that were there. She smiled at me.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"I don't know. Thank god you're here, you're the most entertaining."

"ARE YOU SAYING I'M WEIRD?!" I shouted. She laughed and shook her head.

"No! You're just so much fun."

"Well, your life just got better." I said flinging my hands in the air and hitting myself in the head. She laughed which made me laugh which made everyone look at us and laugh at us laughing hysterically. The waiter came and stood there waiting for us to calm down and notice him. We stopped laughing and ordered still giggling. I order a 'Chocolate Chip Chocolate Chunk frozen yogurt' and went back to giggling.

The waiter took everyone's orders and left. As soon as he left I got a phone call. It was from an un-known number. I got up and answered it thinking it was Louis.

"Louis? Is that you?" I asked.

"No, this is Simon Cowell." Oops! Embarrassing! Wait, did he just say Simon Cowell.

"Wait, your Simon Cowell? As in Little Mix's manager and Cher Lloyd? Wow! Why are you calling ME?" I asked.

"So many questions. Right, so, yes, yes, yes and because Louis said he knew you. You're Rose-Anne Barrit aren't you?" He said.

"Yep! That's me. And I don't want to have anything to do with him. That little Twit never answers my calls!" I said.

"Well I'm afraid you will have to be in the same house with him. But you don't have to-"

"Wow wow wow, slow down there. Same house? Why?"

"Well, you will have to date one of the boys."

"Who are 'The boys'?"

"One Direction of course. Any way. Can you come over to Syco now?"

"As in right now? I'm in the middle of a milk shake drinking session here. It's my favourite part of the week." I told him.

"Well then get it to go." He said.

"FINE!" I shouted. I hung up and sat down again and waited for the drinks to come. When they came I asked the waiter to have mine to go. Then I told Georgia where I was going. She screamed for a bit, told me to get her something signed and gave me her number just in case. I went up to the counter, waited again for my drink and got in my car. Yes that's right. I have a car. You may think I sound like a teenager but I'm actually twenty! Shocker! I drove off in my vroom vroom vehicle listening to Demi Lovato's album 'Demi'. Original name Demi. I got there safely and parked my car. I didn't drink any of my milk shake so I still had a full paper cup of chocolately goodness. I walked in and saw a door that said 'Simon Cowell' on it. I walked in and saw three other girls in there. I was under the impression I was late.

Simon introduced me to one 'the boys' and Spencer, Autumn and Brienie. I sat down beside Autumn and smiled at her. She didn't smile back, bummer. Simon told us about his publicity idea.

"Rose-Anne you're with Niall" I don't even get a say! That's mean! Ah well, at least he's Irish... I don't see how that makes a difference.

"Spencer you can be with Zayn, Autumn you and Liam will be a couple and Brienie you'll be with Harry, is that okay?"

If you ask me, that is pretty good coupling. What I mean is that they look good together. Harry got up and said:

"Well hi there girlfriend." I laughed and noticed movement in the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw that Niall was gone. I felt a tight squeeze just above my hip, AKA a taze. I pulled my arms in, screamed and squirmed around on the sofa bumping into Autumn in several different places and eventually falling off the couch. I looked behind me and saw Niall laughing.

"Oi" I shouted getting up and chasing him.

"Ok, I've got my whole wardrobe and my whole bathroom. Anything else?" I asked Georgia. We've become quit good friends.

"No, I don't think so. Let me think... oh, Dr.Pepper and Maoms." She said. I ran down stairs and got a bottle of Dr.Pepper and a bag of Maoms.

"Right, I think that's it." She said.

I got into my car and left the door open.

"Text me when you get there."

"Obvs." I said. I closed the door and opened the window. I started it and waved.

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