Hatake Kakashi X OC

بواسطة SakuraAce13

366K 7.4K 1.3K

Story of Sarutobi Michiko (OC) and the love of her life Hatake Kakashi... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Side Story 1
Chapter 24
Side Story 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Side Story 3 (Part 1)
Side Story 3 (Part 2)
Chapter 27
Side Story 4 (Part 1)
Side Story 4 (Part 2)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Side Story 5 (Part 1)
Side Story 5 (Part 2)
Side Story 5 (Part 3)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Side Story 6 (Part 1)
Side Story 6 (Part 2)
Side Story 6 (Part 3)
Side Story 6 (Part 4)
Side Story 6 (Special)
Christmas Special
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Side Story 7
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Final)

Chapter 46

1.8K 33 3
بواسطة SakuraAce13

Naruto called out Chishima's name and took out the shurikens for him.

"Hang on." Naruto told Chishima as Michiko came over. She asked Naruto to support Chishima as she took a kunai and slit his clothes to reveal the wounds on his back. Michiko quickly used her chakra to heal the wounds.

"Are you okay?" Chishima asked. "I'm glad."

Toki screamed Chishima's name once again.

"Toki-sama... I missed the days when we played together with Sagi-sama here." Chishima started reminiscing. "Back then, the Country of Bird was calm, kind and warm. Please change the Country of Bird back to the way it was then with your power, Toki-sama."

Michiko did not really want to interrupt him even though he was being a little too dramatic. Luckily the wound was not too deep and it does not require a lot of chakra to heal it. Michiko sighed and shook her head, which caused Naruto and Toki to think that Chishima is not going to make it.

"Naruto-san, please rescue Toki-sama... my friend..." Chishima extends his hand to Naruto, which he grabs it.

"Yeah, the Konoha ninja will complete anything they are asked to do."

"It's a promise. Must protect Toki-sama... At least Toki-sama..." Chishima tightened his grip.

"Nii-chan, you love her?"

"The ramen... was delicious."

"I will treat you again." Naruto smiled, eyes filling with tears.

"Thank you. Naruto...-san" Chishima gradually closes his eyes.

Wait a minute! The wounds inflicted by Houki were not fatal, so why is he... being so dramatic...? Michiko stared at Chishima, as she sweatdropped at the sight, thinking it is better not to stop him...

Naruto called Chishima, but getting no response from him. Toki could not believe that Chishima was gone, or so she thought.

Houki laughed as he silently watched them. "It just means that he was only a useful pawn in the end."

Naruto gently put Chishima down as he growled. "Shut up. He loved the Country of Bird very much. Very, very much. Don't talk ill about Chishima-san who tried to protect it with his life."

Eh? No Naruto, Chishima is still alive, really. He probably just passed out due to fatigue. Michiko was dying to tell them the truth but it was not a good time to do so.

Naruto wiped his tears as he gritted his teeth. "I will never forgive you!"

Houki laughed boisterously. "Forgive me? What can you do? Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Release: Giant Waterfall Technique)!"  Water was extended over a large scale, surges and rises up to several dozens of metres high. Then it streams down to the ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall. Michiko brought Chishima to a safe place where Houki could not see them while Naruto was drowned by the gigantic waterfall.

After making sure Chishima is safe, Michiko dive into the water to search for Naruto.

Houki took a sword and pointed at Toki. "Unfortunately, I can't let you take revenge. As an act of mercy before you die, I will send you to where your father and brother are."

"I don't mind. Kill me."

"Oh? You give up easily."

"Everyone is dead. I am the only one left." Toki shivered. "Now that I can't even have revenge, I have no reason to live."

"You are a brave girl. Fine, I will grant that wish now. Die!" Houki used the tip of the sword to lift up Toki's chin as she teared.

Michiko was swimming around under the water to find Naruto when she finally saw him not far away. Michiko hurried to where he was and realised he was actually conscious. Michiko pointed upwards and Naruto nodded, and the both of them went up. A strong ripple was created when Naruto jumped out of the water and punched right into Houki's face. Michiko immediately went to where Toki was and untied her. Houki had retreated to the shore.

"Naruto," Toki smiled and looked at Naruto after thanking Michiko for untying her.

"I saw your brother in my dream just now."

"You met my brother?"

"Sagi-oniichan didn't want you to avenge him. He wanted to entrust this country to you."


"For Chishima-oniichan's sake too, you ought to make this a nice country. That's why, live, Nee-chan."


"Actually..." Michiko interrupted the two. She then whispered to Toki telling her that actually Chishima is still alive. Toki was elated to hear that as she teared.

"It makes no difference, since you guys are going to die here." Houki muttered. He threw several shurikens at Naruto but he deflected them all. Naruto jumped out of the boat and prepared to fight Houki.

"Hey, Houki. You want this country, right?"


"But those with filthy souls or souls driven by revenge cannot rule this country. The reason why this country was really nice is because Chishima-san, Sagi-oniichan and Nee-chan's hearts were connected. Even if you get promoted using vile tricks, you can't get the people's heart."

"Shut up, brat!"

"Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

"Konoha brat, I will let you meet the ones that have died first." Houki used the same jutsu as Naruto.

"It won't be that easy." The Narutos said in unison.

"Oh? In that case, find the real one!"

"Why... you!"

"Here I go!"

Both sides charged towards one another but the clones of Houki were merely images, and after kicking several of them, Naruto could not find the real one. Just then, Naruto realised that the surface of the water underneath him was bubbling and a few Houkis rose from the water and kicked the Kage Bunshin of Naruto. He managed to punch the real Naruto, or so he thought.

"Naruto, hang on!" Toki yelled. Michiko could lend a helping hand to Naruto but she knew he could defeat Houki, and she should stay by Toki's side in case Houki decided to attack Toki again.

"To use Kage Bunshin and for the real one to come out... I had thought you'd be more fun, but as I first thought, you're only at a low level." The real Houki emerged when the images of Houki disappeared. "Those without power... die!" He walked towards Naruto.

"Don't underestimate me, the fight starts now!" The Kage Bunshin that got punched by Houki disappeared, and the others began attacking Houki.

"How insolent!"

One of them managed to kick Houki up high, and Naruto uses Uzumaki Naruto combo, giving him the final blow.

"Hehehe, I did it!" Naruto grinned. Michiko smiled as she looked at Naruto. The boat suddenly moves as Toki tried to row back to the shore. When they got to the shore, Toki ran to where Chishima was. Michiko followed after her.

"Chishima!" Toki grabbed Chishima as she cried. "Don't leave me... alone."

The surrounding brightens up as the sun rises. Naruto has secured the unconscious Houki with ropes and pulled him up to the shore.

"Open your eyes." Toki called out as her tears fell onto Chishima's face. "Please."

Chishima groaned as he cringed before opening his eyes again. "Toki... sama..."

Toki was overjoyed and she hugged Chishima real tight. She was more than glad that he is alive.


"Isn't that nice?" Naruto wiped his tears away as he smile.

"Heh... Naruto are you crying?" Michiko teased as she stood beside him.

"No, I am not!" Naruto tried to deny but failed as his expression states otherwise.

"Thank you, Naruto-san. And thank you, Michiko-san." Chishima looked at the two, with the both of them returning the smile.

"I just fulfilled my mission." Naruto then turned to Houki. "More importantly... Be sure you make him pay for his crimes."

"Hai." Toki nodded.

"I'm sure Sagi-oniichan would be happy, too."

"You said that you met Sagi, my brother."

"Yeah, in my dream. But even if it was a dream, it doesn't change the fact of what I was asked to do."

"What did he say?"

"Un, he told me to make your time tick once again."

"My time?" Toki asked as she fished out the pocket watch.

"He wants you to forget about revenge and live for the future."

Toki was surprised that the pocket watch that has stopped ticking started moving once again.

"Ne Naruto... So that means you saw Sagi's ghost, right?" Michiko whispered to Naruto.

Naruto froze on the spot when he heard what Michiko said. Michiko cannot help but giggled at his reaction.

"Hey!" Kakashi called out.

"Naruto! Michiko-san!" Ten Ten waved.

"Kakashi-sensei! Neji! Ten Ten!" Naruto temporarily forgot about what Michiko said as he smiled at the three.

The incident is finally over with Houki arrested and Toki is able to leave the hatred behind and move on.


"Darn. If our client, Mousou, is captured... we can't get out bonus pay." Naruto whined.

"Give up already," said Neji.


"It looks like the Watari Ninjas will be punished severely." Ten Ten smiled.

"Yes, Toki-san will finally be freed from the spell of revenge." Kakashi added.

Just then, the beating of the drums started.

"It's starting," Naruto was getting excited. Toki, along with Koumei by her side, has appeared.

"Woah, she's..." Kakashi's eyes widened as he blushed when he saw Toki. Michiko, who has been silent all this while, did not miss this action of Kakashi's. She can feel herself getting irritated and annoyed already.

Toki sat down in seiza style before beginning her speech. "I must apologize for the fact that I have deceived everyone and took the position of Daimyo by assuming my brother's name. Normally, I should hand over the position of Daimyo to someone else. However, if you permit me, I would like to work as the Daimyo of the Country of Bird. For my deceased father, Oowashi... my deceased brother, Sagi... and my best friend who loves this country from the bottom of his heart, Chishima. I would like to play a part in the rebuilding of this country for as long as I live."

"She looks quite good in that position." Kakashi commented. Even though he meant nothing else, the already pissed off Michiko was glaring at him, which he of course did not notice.

"Toki-sama is wonderful." Ten Ten cheered.

"As you command, Toki-sama. Everyone feels the same," said Koumei.

The subordinates of Daimyo all bowed in agreement.

"Thank you, Koumei and everyone for accepting me as Daimyo. Also, to the shounen ninja who taught me what is it I that I must use my life for."

Naruto blushed when he heard Toki praising him.

Soon, it was time for them to leave. Toki and Chishima were at the gate of the Country of Bird, sending them off.

"Please be careful on your journey," said Chishima.

"Farewell." Kakashi nodded.

"Chishima-oniichan, take care of Toki-oneechan, alright?" Naruto smiled.

"Thank you, Naruto-san."

"Everyone, please come visit sometime soon." Toki said.

"Yeah, next time I'd like to come here without a mission."

"Goodbye." Ten Ten waved. Michiko simply smiled and waved a little before turning around to leave.

"Goodbye, stay well." Chishima waved as Naruto bid him goodbye as well.

They were already halfway on the cliff, staring at the Country of Bird from bird-eye's view.

"Toki-oneechan is very kind and very beautiful." Naruto commented. Michiko agreed with what Naruto said, and this just reminds her of how her lover was ogling at other women and blushed, which makes her blood boil.

"I'm sure the Country of Bird will be a nice country like it used to be." Kakashi nodded.

"By the way Naruto, did you really see Sagi-sama's ghost?" Ten Ten asked.

"You've got to be kidding me. There's no way ghosts exist. That was a dream."

"No, we can't write it off as a dream." Neji folded his arms.

"What are you saying?"

"Do you remember the cursed Samurai we cornered first?"

"Eh? Yeah."

"Yeah, it was empty inside." Ten Ten recalled.

"There was a trick behind that too, wasn't there? Like thread or wire."

"No. I'm sure I saw it with my Byakugan."

"Now that I think of it, you said back then that you didn't sense the presence of any living thing." Ten Ten said.

"Yeah," Neji nodded. "I didn't sense even the slightest presence from that cursed Samurai."

"Basically, it was a ghost." Michiko, who has not said a single thing, finally opened her mouth.

Naruto began freaking out. "Eh?! So it was a real ghost?!"

"Calm down, Naruto," said Kakashi.

"It's a lie! It's not real! Tell me it's a lie!"

(To be continued...)

A/N: Double & final update before I go on a break!

Sadly, you'll only get to see what happened between the two in the next chapter I guess.

After the next story ends, it'll be Naruto going on a journey with Jiraiya & we're finally at Naruto Shippuden!

Please look forward to it. =D

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