Haunted (Previously She's Gon...

By Mystical_Unicorn

132 5 0

Annabelle is mourning her sister's murder, and her family finally starting to get over it after a year of suf... More

1 - Reunion
2 - Hospital
3 - Night Out
4 - Back to School

5 - Smells Like Teen Spirit

9 1 0
By Mystical_Unicorn

*Photo is Micah*

No matter how hard I stared at the Statistics problems on the page ahead of me, my mind remained on the fact that Kayla hadn't answered the 3 texts I'd sent.. Not to mention the 12 calls. The guilt was tearing away at me, and Grant wouldn't even acknowledge my presence. I didn't know what to do, and being away from Nathan was truly sending everything crashing down.

... Maybe I just needed Nathan back. Yeah, he'd fix this for me.

And, as if my pleas were heard, a rock flew up at my window and clattered against the hard glass. I jumped in fright, bu quickly scrambled to my feet and ran to the window. I looked through the glass, and saw him standing there. His hands were stuffed into his pockets and hair disheveled as he looked up at me, and I could see Lance and Micah with those same girls at the fringes of the forest in my backyard.

I cracked open the window, completely oblivious to the fact that I was wearing yoga shorts and a form-fitting tank top, and rested my palms on the framing as I smiled down at him.

"Come down, we're busting you out," Nathan called, and a chewed on my lower lip as my stomach flopped in nervousness over the thought of sneaking out. It was 10 o'clock and I knew my brothers were asleep, but I'd never done anything like it before.

Either way, I wanted to see Nathan and I didn't want him to have come here for nothing.

"I'll be right down!" I replied, pushing off the windowsill to shut it and grabbing the pair of shoes upon departure.

I was extremely careful, shutting off the lights to my room and leaving a note that said I wanted to walk to school the next morning... Just in case, really. I didn't know how long I'd be out. I walked as gently as possible, and knew I was basically home free when I'd made my way down the stairs.

I burst out the door, and Nathan caught my by surprise by tossing me onto his shoulder, his hands gripping the bared skin just under my bum. I giggled, just beginning to get my high off the drug that was him.

He carried me on his own, and I pressed my palms against the small of his back so I could talk to Lance, who had that same black-haired bimbo under his arm from today. I was surprised that girl wasn't extremely possessive of him, since he was always seeming to flirt with everyone else.

"Looking good, Bellie," Lance murmured playfully, and winked. Despite myself beginning to expect as much, I still found the slightest blush tinging my cheeks.

"A shame she's mine, huh Lance?" Nathan replied, playfully squeezing at my legs. I squeaked in surprise at that, liking the thought of being seen as his. My hands balled into fists, taking bits of Nathan's shirt with them and my fingertips grazed over his beautifully warm skin. He'd let me put on his jacket, since my arms had gotten goosebumps.

Lance smiled and laughed, but continued to look at me as if I were some sort of prey. I shrugged it off, lifting myself up so I could try and stand again. Nathan picked up on that and let me, but it didn't stop him from wrapping an arm around me and pressing me into his side. I quickly reacted, wrapping my arms around his waist and lapping up the warmth that seemed to radiate off of him.

We came to a clearing with a raging bonfire smack-dab in the middle, and there was a man that looked to be the 20-year-old version of Micah. The man smiled, taking a long drag of his cigarette before standing up.

"There's my little brother," he mused, his dark gaze flickering to me. I could've sworn I saw a swipe of recognition on his features, but I chose not to mind it. Micah smiled, embracing his older brother before taking a seat next to him.

"Sid," Nathan addressed in recognition, his head boing the slightest bit in what appeared to be respect. I unwound Nathan's arm, taking his hand in mine and allowing him to lead us to a spot.

Nathan plopped me down on his lap, wrapping his arms firmly around my stomach as everyone else got situated. After staring at Micah's older brother for what seemed like hours (though I was positive it was solely a few minutes), I could finally recognize him.

Obsidian LaBeau used to be best friends with Jared. They practically grew up together, and then they fell apart when my parents left. Jared used to be horribly rebellious, taking what he wanted and sneaking out left and right. Then mom and dad bailed to scour the world, and Jared gave it all up to take care of us. There was some sort of drama between them afterwards, and they'd been bitter ever since.

Was that why grant was so hateful towards Micah?

"Ever drank before, Annie?" Nathan inquired, obviously seeing as I did when I watched Obsidian take a cooler out from behind the log he was seated on. I shook my head, wondering if he was aware of just how innocent I was when it came to this.

I never found alcohol or drugs appealing, really. College seemed to be my main focus these days.

The silence in the clearing that awaited my answer seemed to be taken as a no, and Obsidian chuckled.

"That's about to change," Micah muttered, handing Nathan two bottles, "Drink up, Bellie."

Obsidian scoffed then, "You Cranes always had a knack for pretty names."

Nathan set the bottles down in front of us, then quickly had me spin around so I was facing him, my legs wrapped around his torso to keep me from falling. Nathan kept one hand at the small of my back for support, and used the other to grab a bottle.

My lips pursed in anticipation of the taste, just hoping it would be good and I wouldn't throw up all over the boy I liked. I watched as the cap came off with a hiss, and took the bottle from him so he could open his own. I waited on him, licking my lips as preparation before we clanked our bottles together.

I put the rim to my lips, and tipped the bottom up to take in as much as possible.

The taste was wretched, yet it had this oddly sweet taste to it that had me taking a second sip... And another, and another, and another...

"Slow down, Annie," Nathan smiled, taking the bottle from me and setting it down. I felt my cheeks flush, and smiled with embarassment.

"Sorry," I murmured.

Nathan smiled with me, and brushed the rogue strand of hair from my face to gently tuck them behind me ear. His skin ran over mine so gently, which was a major contrast from his rugged appearance. I loved the way he was careful, and I set my hands atop the thin fabric of his t-shirt.

Suddenly, there she was in all her raging glory. Leila Crane, maliciously looking at Nathan. I panicked, my spine going rigid and eyes slamming shut.

She's not real, she's not real, she's not real.

"Annie, you okay?" Nathan gently shook me,

I didn't want to lose Nathan because of my hallucinations, so I quickly excused myself and rushed into the forest. I had to get everything straight, because my own mind was going to slaughter any chance I had with Nathan.

Leila turned back to normal, her appearance radiating beauty under the soft moonlight. I looked at her, feeling the tears breaking past any resistance I once had.

"Why do you come back now when I needed you a year ago?" My voice was weak, broken-- as if I was still trying to work through the hole my sister's demise had cast me into.

Leila's expression was soft, her hand reaching out to try and touch me... Thing is, it only went right through me. Either way, couldn't help but overthink it. Police had found Leila's body, they'd helped us put her to rest...

But they never found out who her murderer was...

That's it! I thought, her murder has to be solved. She has to tell someone what happened. Leila needed me now more than ever, and she deserved to have her words heard.

It was my job, and I wouldn't rest until I figured out who killed her.

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