Clean Reads For You! [ROMANCE]

By Clean_Reads4U

849 9 7

Welcome to the third book in the Clean Reads For You! categorial section on...*drumroll*.. ROMANCE! Every ch... More

Clean Reads For You! {recommendation page}

849 9 7
By Clean_Reads4U

Welcome to the third book in the Clean Reads For You! categorial series!  :)

Every chapter will have a clean book rated by one of our trusted readers who have followed the system of rating guideline. The following will be rated on violence, language/profanity, sexual content, and theme. If you'd like to take a look at the rating system, you can click on the external link, which will take you the the specified page.

If you'd like to recommend a book, feel free to post on our message board or in the comments, or by pm. Also, please spread the awesome news *nudge nudge* about our project! :D We really want this to work...

Also, if you wanna check out our little story, click the external link :3

Now, enough of the gibberjash bibbertiplop; time for some clean romance books!


P.S. Well...right after you start recommending :D



1: No violence

2: Minor violence, such as someone being punched or kicked, though no serious harm done

3: Violence done to defeat/kill someone, such as a battle of some kind. However, there is not any blood/gore shown

4: Violence with some blood and gore

5: Violence with blood and gore described in detail


1: No offensive language

2: Some crude though not profane language

3: Occasional minor profanity

4: Regular minor profanity and/or occasional strong profanity

5: Regular strong profanity


1: No sexual content at all

2: Brief kissing

3: Making out

4: Physical contact beyond making out

5: Full sexual contact

THEME: (1-4)

1: Clear Christian themes (with obvious names--God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, etc.)

2: Otherwise positive themes

3: Neutral themes

4: Negative/non-Christian themes

It all looks fun and cool (and it is!), but we need some serious help! If we really want to accomplish the goal of displaying clean books, we'll need readers to do them. I can't really read book recommendations because I'll be busy managing this account and the discussion (and my life. lol xD). So, we need someone we can trust to follow the rating system properly. It's real simple, just read the book, rate, and send me a message! But as a TR you have to be dedicated to read for us (and help us in any way you can if necessary). If you think you can do this, please please please don't hesitate to fill out this form:


-AGE- (optional):





As in right now, we will only accept 5 trustworthy people. If we need more help, we will notify you. When you're done, send the filled form to us via pm, and we'll see from there :D Thank you very much and spread the word!

P.S. We will NOT accept recommendations for same-sex, student/teacher, brother/sister, or any other unnatural relationship books. It's gross and extremely disgusting and gut-wrenching. Sorry for the inconvenience, but that's how we roll. We're very serious about that.

P.P.S As I have stated above, you may self-advertise, but your book has to be at least 5+ chapters and 3+ pages if incomplete.


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