Girl Meets Collection of Stor...

By bmwmeetsgmw

81.1K 1.6K 301

A collection of Girl Meets World Stories and the lives of Riley and Maya. More

Amy's Boy
Maya's Boy
Marry Me
I Do
His Moment
Second Date
Full Circle
Prom Date
One Dance
Feel Better
A Promise
Perfect Gift
Be Mine
Baby Hunter
Best Friend
The Dress
Amy's Gift


2.3K 45 37
By bmwmeetsgmw

The Matthews' family home in Philadelphia was filled with just that—family. Amy and Alan were celebrating more than 50 years of marriage surrounded by their children, including Shawn, whom they had always considered a son, grandchildren, and even a great grandchild. The house where they raised their 4 children was bustling with more love and family than they could have ever imagined.

Lucas had just finished veterinary school was officially Dr. Friar. Auggie and Ava had graduated from high school and were planning on attending Pennbrook just like Cory and Topanga, as well as Shawn and Eric. Riley and Lucas' daughter, Joey, and, Josh and Maya's daughter, Katie, were both 2 years old giving Shawn and Katy's 5 year old son, John, a run for his money.

The living room had been turned into a dining room with one very large table in the middle. Topanga, Katy, Riley, and, Maya prepared a feast that, as usual, was quickly devoured, to Topanga's disdain.

"This took days to prepare and you animals ate it in 5 minutes," Topanga scowled half seriously, folding her arms across her chest and the other ladies followed suit. Their husbands couldn't help but chuckle which quickly dissipated the tension.

Alan stood from his seat, taping his glass to get everyone's attention. The chatter around the table quieted and they all turned their attention to him as he cleared his throat.

"We have an announcement for all of you," Alan began as he looked down at Amy and took her hand.

"You're pregnant!" Eric blurted out to the surprise of no one at that table.

"No, Eric, that's not it," Alan responded laughing at his oldest son's familiar behavior, "We have had so many happy years together in his house, but we have decided that it's time to sell it."

"What? How can you do this?" Cory shrieked at the idea of his parent's selling his childhood home, "Topanga, tell them they can't do this."

"It's too late Cory," Amy laughed as she stood up next to Alan, "We are listing it tomorrow." As the announcement settled over the whole table, Eric, Morgan, and Josh all voiced their disappointment in the house not being theirs anymore.

Once everything calmed down, Lucas and Riley had an announcement of their own to share with their family. Lucas stood up and cleared his throat once again quieting the table as well.

"Riley and I have some news too," Lucas said timidly fighting back all sorts of emotions, "My grandfather's house was left to me when he died. I wasn't ready for it at the time, so my uncle has been overseeing it. Now that I am finished with school and ready to start my practice, Riley and I have decided to move into his house with Joey. I loved growing up on that farm. It's very special for me to give that to my daughter. We will miss you all so much!"

"When are you guys moving?" Topanga asked bitter sweetly, not ready to say good bye to her baby.

"By the end of the summer," Riley added, Lucas putting his arm around her as she rose to her feet, "We are going to spend as much time as we can with everyone before we go and we hope you all will come and visit. It's such a beautiful place.

"Since this is probably the last time everyone will be in this house," Shawn began, changing the subject, "We should take a family picture. Can everyone stick around for a while?" Everyone happily agreed, loving the idea.

"Thank you Shawn," Amy said softly as she went over and hugged him, "That is such a lovely idea. I know I'll treasure it."

"You're very welcome," Shawn responded, hugging her back, "I can never repay you both for all you have done for me, but this can be my anniversary gift to you.

While the kitchen was being cleaned up and the table moved out of the way to make room for the picture, Josh and Maya sat down on the stairs watching Katie run around play with Joey and John.

"I would have loved to grow up in a house like this," Maya sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder, "I hope one day we can get a house like this for Katie. She'd love it."

"We could always buy this house," Josh suggested nonchalantly, waiting for a reaction from Maya, "We should buy this house. Keep it in the family."

"Don't tease me Josh," Maya retorted, not appreciating the joke, "I was being serious."

"So am I, Maya," Josh turned to face her, lifting her chin so she was looking at him, "I would love to live in this house with you and Katie, and have more kids here with you."

"Are you sure we can do it?" Maya asked hopefully, lacing her fingers between his, "Can we afford this?"

"I've already been saving for a down payment for a hypothetical future house," Josh admitted, holding her hands between his, "I think we can do it. Plus my parents will probably give us a good deal."

"Now that Riley is moving, the timing feels right," Maya added a smile forming on her face, "Let's do it."

"Let's do it," Josh agreed, "But we should keep this to ourselves until everything is final." Maya nodded in agreement, leaving a kiss on his lips before they two stood and went over to sit by Riley and Lucas to watch their kids play together.

"Do John and Joey remind you of anyone," Josh teased as the little girl chased John around the room.

"Oh my goodness," Maya laughed to herself, "They are just like us. I used to chase you all the time. He's even three years older than her."

"Uh oh," Lucas groaned remembering how that when, "Well, she's not dating one until she's thirty."

"That's funny, Maya," Riley interjected, "Because between her brown braids and his sandy blonde hair he get from Katy, they were making me think of us." Riley rested her head on Lucas' shoulder.

As the two couples sat together watching the kids, Katie walked up to Josh and curled up her daddy's lap, which he eagerly welcomed.

"Are you sure we got the right kids?" Lucas added with a chuckle, "Ours is so much like Maya and yours is much more Riley."

"I'd agree with you," Josh laughed a little himself, before looking down at the little girl in his arms, "But this one is the spitting image of her mama and so is yours."

"Time for the picture everyone," Katy announced leading everyone to the space in front of the fireplace. She and Shawn put two chairs down, one for Amy and one for Alan and arranged the group around them. Eric, Cory, Morgan, and Josh stood behind their parents with their respective spouses with a spot for Katy and Shawn next to Josh and Maya.

Auggie and Ava stood next to Amy in front of Eric and Riley and Lucas on the other side. Lastly Katy put Joey on Amy's lap and Katie on Alan's, tucking John standing between their chairs. Katy ran to her spot as Shawn quickly set the timer before joining her.

"Say Family," Shawn directed which the whole group echoed right as the flash went off.


Weeks later, Topanga's Café was filled with friends and family gathered to say goodbye to Riley and Lucas, who were just days away from moving from New York City to Texas. It was hard for Riley to think that she was saying goodbye to Maya and Josh, as well as Farkle and Smackle. She and Lucas were both excited to be living near Zay and Vanessa since they would be so far from everyone else.

The six close friends, going all the way back to middle school, gathered in a circle in their usual seats. The group had now grown to eight with Josh and Vanessa, not counting their children. Cory, Topanga, Shawn, Katy, Stuart, and Jennifer watched proudly from across the room.

As excited as everyone was, particularly the young parents, it wasn't so easy for their parents, particularly Topanga. It was hard for her to see both of her babies leaving New York. Auggie would be going back to Philadelphia and Riley was about to move halfway across the country.

The last two years for Farkle and Smackle had been a whirlwind. They had gotten married and now were parents of a sweet little boy they named Galileo Stuart Minkus, Leo for short, who had recently turned one. He was a great mix of his parents with Smackle's dark hair and Farkle's goofy grin.

Zay and Vanessa had finally got married 7 months before, just after Christmas, joining the rest of their friends in wedded bliss. So much wedded bliss, in fact, that they were a matter of months from welcoming a child of their own.

"So when are you guys going to tell us what you are having?" Maya tried to coax information out of the still-somewhat-newlyweds, "This is probably the last time most of us will see you before you have the baby.

"What do you think, Ness? Should we tell them?" Zay probed his wife, really wanting to tell them.

"I think now is the perfect time," Vanessa agreed taking Zay's hand with one hand and placing the other on her prominent belly, "We...are having...a boy!"

"Yay!! Congratulations!!" echoed out from all of the friends before Riley piped up, "What will you name him?"

"Isaiah Hank Babineaux Jr," Vanessa responded as Zay smiled proudly, "Zay is going to be a wonderful father."

"That he is," Riley agreed wholeheartedly with Vanessa as the rest of them nodded along.

"Are any of you considering having more kids in the near future?" Zay asked the other couples as their toddlers played together.

"We would really like to give Leo a little brother or sister," Smackle answered his question as she and Farkle looked at each other.

"Cassiopeia Isadora Minkus," Farkle stated matter-of-factly, expecting his friends to dislike it, "If we have a daughter, maybe we could name her that."

"That's a beautiful name, Farkle," Riley complimented the idea sweetly, "You could call her Cassie. It's perfect!"

"It fits you guys to a tee," Maya eagerly agreed with Riley, "I hope when you have more kids you have a girl so you can name her that."

"Well, more kids will have to wait a little while," Smackle responded hesitantly, "We have an announcement of our own."

"You do?" Lucas asked curious as to what it was, "What is it?"

"I was offered a professorship at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences," Farkle answered as he held Smackle's hand, "We are moving to Boston in two weeks."

"Congratulations Farkle!! That's fantastic!!" Maya cheered as the whole group echoed their congratulations, "But I don't know how we'll break to Katie, though. She just loves Leo." They all watched as Maya and Josh's daughter doted over Leo as she always did. She was so protective over him.

"While we are talking about news, we have some too," Josh interjected gesturing between himself and Maya before getting the attention Cory, Topanga, Shawn and Katy, "Maya and I have given this a lot of thought and this seems like the right timing. We bought a house."

"What? Where are you moving to?" Riley asked becoming overwhelmed with all of the changing going on."

"Philadelphia," Maya answered trying to contain her excitement as her eyes locked on Josh's, both beaming.

"Philadelphia?" Cory questioned, his ears perking up at the mention of their hometown, "Where in Philadelphia?"

"Mom and Dad's house, actually," Josh answered proudly, knowing how thrilled Cory would be, "I loved growing up there, we both wanted that for Katie, and we would like to have more kids. We really wanted to keep the house in the family. The timing was perfect."

"I am so happy for you, Josh," Cory beamed proudly, "You two are the perfect people to live in that house and start a new Matthews' family legacy in it. Katie is so lucky to get to grow up there."

"Thank you, Cory," Josh responded as the two brothers embraced, "I'm going to miss living near you though. I've gotten so used to having my big brother around. I'll keep an eye on Auggie for you, just like you kept an eye on me."

"I appreciate that Josh, but you won't need to do that," Cory said confusing quite literally everyone in the room, "Tonight is a night of surprises and I happen to have one of my own."

"Cory Matthews, what did you do?" Topanga interrogated her husband not all that fond of her husband's surprises, "Don't make me have to kill you!"

"I know our kids' moving away has made you sad," Cory began as he took Topanga's hand with one hand and reached into his pocket with the other, "I bought you a present. Do you remember that house we looked when we first got married that we thought we could never afford?"

"The house with the nook?" Topanga questioned excitedly, completely overwhelmed, as she watched as Cory pulled a key from his pocket..

"Yes, with a nook. Well it went back on the market recently..." Cory responded as he knelt down on one knee and held the key up to her, "Topanga Matthews will you move back to Philadelphia and live in the nook house with me?"

"Yes, Cory Matthews, I will," Topanga exclaimed as she took the key and embraced him, "It's more than I could ever ask for!"

"You're not the only one moving back to Philly, little brother," Cory teased a very stunned Josh as everyone in the café was cheering before his eyes found Shawn.

"Congratulations Cor, it won't be the same in the city without you," Shawn embraced Cory as they had always done, "I'm going to miss you."

"You know Shawnie," Cory added slyly making Shawn a little nervous, "I found something else out when I was looking at the nook house that you might be interested in."

"Do I even want to know?" Shawn asked hesitantly, knowing how Cory could be, "What did you find out?"

"Feeny's house is for sale," Cory announced, thinking back on their beloved teacher who had passed away a number of years earlier, "You and Katy could be neighbors with Josh and Maya."

"Don't you think that is a bit much?" Shawn countered, quite skeptical of this idea, but he did like that idea.

"Ask them. Find out," Cory responded as he gestured to Katy to join them, "Katy, Shawn has something to tell you."

"What's going on, Shawn," Katy questioned innocently as he joined to two men.

"Mr. Feeny's house, the house next to the Matthew's house is for sale," Shawn began, clearing his throat, "Everyone else is leaving the city. How do you feel about moving in next to Josh and Maya?"

"You know I would love to be able to watch my baby girl raise her baby girl, but I don't know if she wants us THAT close," Katy responded reluctantly as Maya approached them, unaware of the conversation going on.

"Hey Mom, How are you doing?" Maya as she approached them, "Isn't tonight crazy with all of the news?"

"We might have some too," Katy responded, "Cory just told us the house next to your new one is for sale. We were talking about buying it, but we understand if you and Josh don't want your parents living next door."

"Are you kidding?!?!" Maya nearly shrieked with excitement, "I would love that! It would be great to have you close, especially for Katie. Plus she could play with John."

"I guess we are moving to Philadelphia too," Shawn said as the two lifelong friends embraced, both excited to move back to where it all began.


As the excitement of all of the announcements and surprises began to die down, the reality of the goodbyes began to set in, particularly for Riley and Maya but for their friends too. The eight were once again seated facing each other in their usual seats, as Joey and Katie slept on the window seat, Katie resting her head on Joey's shoulder.

"You know I just realized something," Riley piped up as they all somberly listened to her, watching as she fought back a few tears, "This is probably going to be the last time we are all going to be here together. This place where we solved problems and did our homework, celebrated big moments and made memories, and some of us even fell in love here." Riley smiled over at Lucas as she said the last part.

"I can't believe it," Maya choked back tears as she looked around at all her friends faces, "This has been our place for as long as I can remember."

"On top of that, it's not even going to be Topanga's anymore," Lucas pointed out another sad detail, "Since they are moving away, she'll be selling it."

"Someone else will buy it and put their name on it," Zay added forlornly, "It's not going be our place anymore."

"It's going to be so hard to say goodbye to all of you," Smackle finished softly as Leo slept in her lap, "I don't even like thinking about it."

"'Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting,' J. M. Barrie," Farkle interjected a little angrily, "No goodbyes. We can't say goodbye. I don't want to forget us. No saying goodbye."

"Okay, Farkle, we won't say goodbye," Riley agreed as she squeezed his hand, "But we have to say something."

"Good friends never say goodbye, they simply say 'see you soon'," Cory interrupted their sad conversation as he walked closer to them, "You eight are as good of friends as I have ever seen, and I know good friends." Cory put his arm around Shawn and Minkus shoulders as he spoke, "This isn't the end for you. You'll always be friends. So don't say goodbye. Say 'see you soon'."

They all stood and took turns hugging him appreciatively, grateful not only for this advice but for everything he had taught them over the years.


As the night drew to a close it became time for the friends to part ways. Zay and Vanessa were the first to leave at the request of the tired mother-to be. They had to be up early to return to Texas the next day.

"Are you ready to be back in Texas," Zay asked as shook hands and hugged Lucas before doing the same with Farkle and Josh.

"I never thought I could be happy anywhere else, but New York became home," Lucas sighed nostalgically as he thought about it, "But then I realized Riley was what made it home. I am looking forward to making Texas our new home."

"We're ready to help you get settled in when you move," Zay added as he waited as Vanessa embraced each of the girls," We'll see you soon."

The Babineaux's waved as they left the café and entered the Greenwich Village evening. Not long after Smackle expressed interest in leaving as well. She held a sleeping Leo in her arms as they bid their friends farewell for the night

"I can't believe we won't be living in the same city anymore, Farkle," Riley observed sadly, "You have always been there for me, and I can never thank you enough."

"You were my friend at my weirdest," Farkle responded sweetly, "Trust me, we are even."

"You are such a great dad, Farkle," Riley added, as she hugged him, "I hope you and Smarkle have more kids soon. I want you to have a little Cassiopeia."

"We'll get on that," Farkle chuckled at her suggestion, "I love you, Riley."

"I love you, too, Farkle," Riley smiled sweetly as she pull back from their embrace, "I'll see you both soon."

After Farkle and Lucas had shared a moment and Maya and Riley both hugged Smackle, the Minkuses, with Leo in their arms, left as well.

With the group reduced to four, Maya embraced Lucas and Josh and Riley did the same. When they separated Maya pulled Lucas to the side for a bit.

"Please don't keep her away long," Maya said timidly, like a little girl who's best friend is about to move away, "Either of them,"

"I won't, Maya," Lucas obliged, giving her one more hug, "I promise. You shouldn't stay away either. I know Riley would love a visit from you and Josh, and her cousin."

Josh and Lucas made small talk as Riley and Maya found their way to their favorite window seat at the front of the café.

"It's going to be so hard to leave you, Maya," Riley sighed as she rested her head on Maya's shoulder as she used to, mirroring their sleeping daughters, "I don't know what it's like not to be able to see you whenever I want."

"It's going to be hard to let you go, Riley," Maya agreed sadly as she grabbed Riley's hand, "I hope you can come back and visit for Christmas."

"Actually, I don't know if I will be able to travel then," Riley responded somewhat reluctantly.

"Riles, what are you talking about?" Maya questioned as she turned to face Riley, confused by Riley's statement.

"Peaches, you are gonna be a great aunt again," Riley admitted trying to contain her excitement, "I'm pregnant."

"Really, Honey?" Maya replied stunned by Riley's news, "There must be something in the water, because you're gonna have another cousin. I'm pregnant, too."

"You're kidding!" Riley exclaimed, more surprised than she should have been that they were pregnant at the same time again, "What are the odds?"

"I don't know," Maya exhaled, not wanting to release Riley's hand, before blurting out, "I hope we have boys."

"Me too," Riley agreed giddy at the idea of them having sons at the same time like their girls, "If we do you should name yours Gabriel. Its Josh's middle name and it's a great name,"

"Hmm I like that, Maybe Gabriel Alan Matthews?" Maya responded, thinking aloud.

"Grandpa would love that," Riley beamed proudly.

"You should name yours Matthew," Maya offered a suggestion of her own, "You may be Riley Friar but you'll always be a Matthews."

"That's a great idea," Riley agreed, "Matthew Joseph. I wish Pappy Joe was still going to be there when we get to Texas. It makes going bittersweet. Joey would have loved him."

"He would have loved her, too. You know that," Maya added putting her arm around Riley, "Raising her there will keep his memory alive."

"I love you Maya Matthews," Riley said trying not to cry as she held Maya close, "Always."

"I love you, too, Riley Friar," Maya echoed back as tears started to fil her eyes, "Forever"

The girls stood up and joined their husbands who were now holding their daughters. Riley laced her fingers with Lucas and Maya with Josh. Riley and Lucas paused and Josh and Maya headed through the door.

"See you soon," Maya said softly over her shoulder with a wave.

"See you soon," Riley and Lucas responded in unison, waving back before they looked at each other.

"So this is it, isn't it?" Riley exhaled as she looked around the now empty café, besides her parent's lingering in the back to close up.

"It's strange this won't be ours anymore," Lucas whispered, not wanting to wake Joey.

"My parents may not own it, but the memories will always be ours," Riley responded, "Yours, Mine, Maya's, Zay's, Farkle's, and Smackle's. It will always be ours."

"Ready?" Lucas asked as he held the door open.

"Yeah," Riley answered before taking it in one moment more and bidding the café and all of the memories a barely audible farewell,

"See you soon."

The End

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