Those Three Words {Niall Hora...

By cantfindagooduserlol

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"I love you," Niall said. "I've always loved you." And those three words is what changed my life entirely. - ... More

Those Three Words {Niall Horan FanFic}
Chapter One: Worst Day.
Chapter Two: Best Friend
Chapter Three: Memories.
Chapter four: Phone call
Chapter Five: Wanting to go
Chapter Six: Flight To London
Chapter Seven: LONDON :)
Chapter Eight: Fun
Chapter Nine: Shopping
Chapter Ten: Funeral
Chapter Eleven: Hospital
Chapter Twelve: Awake
Chapter Thirteen: Connection
Chapter Fourteen: Home
Chapter Fifteen: Feelings
Chapter Sixteen: Going On Tour
Chapter Seventeen: News
Chapter Eighteen: Surprise.
Authors Note: (NOT A CHAPTER)
Chapter Nineteen: Just Like Old Times
Chapter Twenty: Australia
Chapter Twenty-One: Waiting
Chaper Twenty Three: What To Do
Chapter Twenty-Four: Strong Love
Chapter Twenty-Five: Torn Apart
Chapter Twenty-Six: Lonely
Chapter Twenty-Seven: He's Alive?
Chapter Twenty Eight: Reunited
Chapter Twenty Nine: Faith
Chapter Thirty: Happy Ever After
'To Build Our Home'

Chapter Twenty-Two: Cry For Help

4K 121 12
By cantfindagooduserlol



I hear the sounds of seagulls and the ocean, waves forming and crashing down. The wind blows against my face and I can smell salt water. I feel rough sand rubbing into my skin and even in my mouth, not a very delightful taste at all.

I open my eyes slowly and have a look at my surroundings, I don't like what I see.
I shoot up and have a better look around, all I can see is trees, sand, rocks and the ocean, lots of the ocean. So blue and so big that it's almost scary because I'm so far away from everything.

I spit out some sand and brush the remaining of it off me as I stand up and look at the trees, it's almost like a jungle, just not very much of one. The wind blows hard against my arm and I feel the sharpest pain I've ever felt in my life.

"Fuck!" I curse because of the pain as I look down to see half of my arm cut open. Blood dripping and puss coming out from the glass that was stabbed into my skin.

I immediately know what I have to do, if I don't the pain will only get worse and it will get infected... I have to pull the glass out.

I scrunch my face up at just the thought of pulling it out, it will hurt like an absolute bitch! But it needs to be done..

"Be a man Niall" I say to myself, "grow some balls and be a man" that's exactly what Greg would say to me, and I know he's right. I take a deep breathe before I rip the glass out from my arm leaving me with pain that almost makes me wanna cry.

"FUCK!" I yell. "ARRGHHH!" tears start to fill my eyes but I blink them back, the worst part of it is over. "Men don't cry!" I think to myself, "everything's ok now, it's out of my skin" I go closer to the water and wash all the blood off quickly. I rip a bit of my sleeve off of my shirt and wrap it around my arm tightly to stop the bleeding and so it won't get infected from any dirt.

The pain is still pretty bad, but I can live with it. What's happened? Last thing I remember was Ashley and I on our plane to Australia, we were happy as ever and then the ride gets bumpy. I try to think harder of what happened afterwards....


I turn to Ashely as I hear her cry, she's so scared, I can't say that I'm not either. I may never see my beautiful Ash ever again, no don't think like that! Just the thought sends tears to my eyes and makes my heart ache.

"N-Niall, I can see the ocean, this is it for us" Ashely panics. Tears poring down.

"Shhhhh breathe Ash breathe, calm down" I rub her back.

"I'm sorry, I just- I'm scared that only one of us will survive and then we will never see each other again, that can't happen to us Niall!" She cries.

"Princess don't think like that, we BOTH will make it! But in case we don't I wanna tell you something" I look deeply in her eyes.


"I- I love you!" I stutter. The tears stop falling and she calms down a little.

She smiles, "I love you too!" She pulls me into a hug and kisses me passionately as it could be our last kiss.


My flashback moment ends and I cant remember anything else... She said she loved me! She said she loved me back! She said it, she said it, she said it! She actually does love me! Tears start coming back and I just let them fall because that was the best moment of my life!

Wait... Where is Ashley? I quickly look around, turning in circles looking in all directions to see if I could see her anywhere. But there's no one, I'm alone.

"ASHELY!" I scream. "ASHELY WHERE ARE YOU?!" I start to run I don't know where but I just need to run to search for her. I need to find her. She can't be dead. I can't never see her again. Not after she said she loved me.

I need to hear those three words from her more, I want to hear them coming from her for the rest of my life. I want to wake up to her beautiful face every morning, I want to cook her breakfast in bed, I want to snuggle up to her on the couch when were watching a scary movie so I know she feels safe in my arms, I want to feel her touch, I want to kiss her with her perfectly soft kissable lips, I want her. She's all I've ever wanted in a girl.

We still have so much to do in our life. We still have to get married, have kids, go to Paris and kiss on the Eiffel Tower, we still have the rest of our lives together. I want her in my future, Ive known her long enough that I know what she wants and I can give her everything, I will be the best boyfriend or husband to her forever because I love her with all my heart.

I run through the Forrest of trees, looking everywhere and anywhere to see if my Ashely is there. "ASSHLEEEYYYY!"
I scream out her name so loud, I HAVE to find her. I keep running until I reach the other side of the island, god it must be a small island if I just ran to the other side.

I look around to see the same view as I did before, more ocean, more sand, more rocks and the same Forrest of trees behind me. And there's still no sign of Ashely anywhere.

I curve my hands around my mouth and scream the loudest I've ever screamed before, "AASSSSSHHHLEEEEYYY!" It echoes around me, "ASHELY CAN YOU HEAR ME? ASHLEEEYYYY!"

I put my hands on my knees and try catch my breath, I'm puffing and panting and my eye sight is turning watery from the tears wanting to fall. She has to be here, if I don't find her or if I find her dead, I will break into a million pieces.

I stand back up straight and run my hands through my hair as I try to think of what I can do to find her. I look out at the ocean and breathe in the salty smell.

I turn around to see in the distance a female figure, an Ashley figure. Are my eyes deceiving me or is the love of my life standing over there?

I smile the biggest my mouth has ever smiled, "ASHELY!" I run the fastest my legs have ever ran before as I see Ashely runs towards me too.

We get closer and closer as I run my arse off until we finally hit bodies and hug the tightest we've ever hugged before. I spin her around in my arms, "Ashely, oh my gosh my beautiful Ashely, your ok!"

I put her down but we don't let go of each other, she buries her face in the crook of my neck and grabs onto my shirt, "I thought I lost you Niall, I thought I was never going to spend my life with you" she cries, her tears staining my shirt.

A tear steams down my face, "shhh it's ok now princess, your safe with me and I PROMISE ill never leave you, we pinky promised remember?"

She nods and holds me tighter, "I love you" she whispers, "so so much"

I smile to myself and pull out of our hug, I cup her face with my hands, "I love you too" I lean in and lock lips with her, our lips move perfectly together and it just feels so right, our lips are meant for each other.

She wraps her arms around my waist and closes all gaps between us, she starts licking my bottom lip with her tongue asking for entrance, I let her in and our tongues meet and do a little dance as our passionate kiss goes on, I never want this to end.

I move both my hands from her cheeks to her hands that were on my hips and I intwine my fingers on top of hers, we move our hands from my hips and just let our arms drop back down near our sides but we don't let go of our hold.

I squeeze her hands to let her know that we need to stop for air, she gets the message and we pull away. We're both huffing and puffing but we don't move or say anything, we just stare into each others eyes.

She begins to smirk and I raise an eyebrow at her, "what?"

"Who knew the Niall Horan was such a good kisser" she laughs.

"Excuse me?" I snort, "I've always been the charming Horan that had the perfect lips for kissing hot girls, you were a nerd and didnt have your first kiss till you were 18"

She gasps, "I was not a nerd!"

"Yes you were" I tease, "you wore glasses when you read books and you always was the first one to hand in your homework or answer a question, you hated getting into trouble and always focused on your work"

"I wanted good grades! At least I was smarted then you Horan!" She teases back, "that kinda changed when I turned 16 or 17 though"

I laugh, "I'm only joking babe, intelligence is sexy"

She laughs back and gives me a little wink, she looks down at my arm and her eyes widen, "oh my gosh Niall! What the hell happened to your arm?!"

I look down at it and see the ripped piece of my shirt has fallen off so my wound is exposed, "a bit of glass got into my skin"

"We need to fix that up, come with me" she grabs my hand and runs along with me behind her, she guides me into the Forrest and to a BIG tree.

She sits me down on a log, "watch and learn" she grabs a sharp stick and starts scrapping the bark off the tree and I begin to see red stuff running down, it looks like blood, she pulls a bit off and shows me, "see this red sap? It's perfect for healing wounds"

She wipes her fingers along the red sap and then rubs it into my wound, "ouch" I whisper as its now stinging.

"Sorry but it will help" she puts more on until my wound is covered in red sap, "you need some on that cut on your fore head too"

I bring my hand to my fore head and touch the cut, I didn't even know it was there... I watch her pretty face as she puts some red sap on my fore head too.

I smile as I watch her and she catches me staring, "what?" She chuckles.

"Your so smart, I never knew that the red sap of a tree could heal wounds" I admit, "I've got the smartest and most gorgeous girlfriend in the world"

She smiles, "thank you!" She wipes her hands on her shirt and then puts the bark with red sap on it in her pocket, "I will take this with us in case we need it again"

I nod before standing up, "you don't need it do you?"

"Nope I'm fine" she answers. She's only got scratches and bruises on her, good because she doesn't deserve any pain.

"What are we gonna do? It's getting close to sunset now and were stuck on this island" she pouts.

"We need to find food and fire to get us through the night and we will figure something out tomorrow" I reply.

"Well I know the perfect thing to catch some fish for supper" she claps, "I'll make a spear, so ill focus on getting us dinner, you can be in charge of making the fire and we can camp out on the beach"

I nod, "we need to stay close to each other because I'm NOT losing you again"

She pulls me into a hug, "I agree" I sniff in the scent of her shampoo smelled hair and then we pull out of our hug, I brush my thumb over her cheek, she has dirt stains on her face and clothes, the bottom of her shirt is ripped, her hair is in a messy plat and she has bruises and scracthes on her arms, a couple on her face and legs. 

"Are you sure your ok?" I question, "our plane crashed pretty bad" 

she nods, 'Im fine, now lets get to work before it gets dark" 

I give her a quick kiss before we both head in different directions, she heads to the water to fish while I go into the forrest to find some wood for fire. 

*2 hours later* 

its now pitch black dark, Ashely and I are sitting near the fire waiting for our fish to cook, Ash did a pretty good job catching 4 middle sized fish, the spear she made was so creative too! Clever girl, and she looked hot throwing the spear too, not that I was staring at her... that much..

I carefully got our fish off the stick above the fire and served 2 each for us, I made Ashley take the first bite to see if it was good enough... "Well how good did I cook it? Hmm?"

"Ive tasted worse" she laughs and I give her an evil stare.

I take a bite myself, "your taste buds must be strange because that fish actually tastes good" 

She laughs, "well done Horan" 

I smile and keep eating my fish that I cooked, im quite proud because normally I cant cook ANYTHING for shit.. apart from eggs on toast, cereal and noodles. Thats about it. 

We finish our dinner and lie down on a BIG leaf I found, I found 2 of them actually so we have one each, I dont know what the tree was called that I found it from but the leaves are HUGE! It fits my hole body on it, my feet are off at the end a bit but by lying on it, it will make our sleep more comforable then the sand. 

We move our leaves close together so we can cuddle up and stay near each other, cause if Im not near her, I would freak. "Ahhh how good is this, we have a full stomach, a bed, a fire and we can even stargaze" I sigh, "with both of our skills, well mainly your skills, we can survive out here until we get rescued" 

"If we get rescued" she shoots. "I agree with you Niall, this is good enough to survive on, but I dont want to be here forever.. I wanna see my family and friends again, and the boys too, we cant live out here and even if we could I dont WANT to live out here" 

I see a tear drop from her gorgeous green eye, "This never should of happened to us" she pouts, she covers her face with her hands and I hear her start to cry.

"Princess dont cry, please I hate to see you cry" I cuddle her and rub circles in her back, "Its gonna be ok, they will come looking for us soon and we will be safe in Australia with the boys, you will see your family and friends again I promise" 

she sniffles, "But what if they dont find us, we will be stuck out here forever" 

"No babe dont think like that, if they dont find us, we will build a raft or something to get us on the water and try to find help ourselves, just give it 2 or 3 days" I sit her up and put her on my lap, I wrap my arms around her from behind as she sits cutely on my legs, "I will be here with you all the time, were gonna get through this together"

she calms down and evetually stops crying, she turns her head a bit so she looks at me, "Thanks Ni, I hope your right"

I give her a reassuring smile, "I am right, its gonna be ok" I comb her fringe behind her ear with my fingers so its out of her face, "With your skills we will definitly be ok" I wink at her and she giggles. 

we lie back down and cuddle up together, we dont have anything but each other to keep us warm, which worries me a little because if it gets any colder, we will be in trouble.

Ashley curls up under my grip and burries her face in my chest, "Goodnight Niall, I love you" 

I kiss the top of her head, "I love you too, Goodnight Ash" 

Pretty much straight away I hear little snores coming from her, so I know shes now sound asleep. I hope soon we will be rescued because Ashley is right, I dont want to be stuck out here forever. Id assume that the crash would be on the news by now, I hope it has been anyway so they can come searching for us... 

I wish I was in my own comfy bed right now, with Ashley still by my side, and I wish I could call my mum... or the boys.... but I dont think thats gonna happen anytime soon. 

FAIRLY LONG CHAPTER- YAY! Well it felt like a long chapter.. :)

I really love Nashley <3

So chapter 22 is done.. I wil update chapter 23 as soon as I can! 

Hope your enjoying my story and please keep voting/commenting. 

Thanks guys, I love you all x

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