Real Ghost Stories

By MadeupMadi

3.7M 35.8K 6.6K

All stories are from YourGhostStories, or from a wattpad member. NOW COLLECTING IN STORIES! More

Real Ghost Stories
Whos calling?
Of Wee Ghosties And A Haunted School
Coffee Time
Coffee Time 2
Posession By Nightmare?
Black Figue Appears During Storms
Little Girl In The Basement: Part 1
Little Girl In The Basement: Part 2
Little Girl In The Basement: Part 3
Boy At The Cemetery
My Ouija Party
Ouija Board Warning
Of Ouija Boards On Terraces
An Abandoned Bungalow
Hearing Voices
A Shadow Near The Playground
Possession Of A Friend
The Farm Visiter
A Warning or A Threat
(2 stories because i love you)
The Winters Guest
Swamp Children
One More Room
The Wildflower Girl
The Back Room
Stacey Was Here
An Urgent Warning
Maddakotah12's Story
KatKitten123's story
PeaceloVedreams Story
BLiNDEDlight_'s story
hannapie5's story
ms_cookiemonster's Story
Idalats story
Lovebooks1013's Story
BlakeKinsey33's Story
xCherriesontopx's story
cherribear's story
MusicGeek2704's story
Sarah874's story
Help&Thank you
HaileyAquino's Story
ShaynonisShortxo story
The Apartment...
midnight_skie's Story
AlkiraTaylor's Story
CamiiCx3's Story
LouisLightsUpMyWorld's Story
LiveTheLife251's Story
AudreyPolaris's Story
paige070's Story
Rebecca_Robinson's Story
MeriahParks' Story
shineprincess' Story
teresaadorable's Story
Blaaah's Story
Santa2paws' Story
BriMason's Story
Sharing A Room With A Ghost?
The Vanishing Water And The Large Cat
Negative Energy Brings Negative Entities
The Unexpected Guest
Unseen Entity While Investigating A Crime Scene
Scady Figure In The Camp
Creepy Old House
Anonymous From Wattpad
DarkSideNinja22's Story

kaiyae1's Story

33.9K 255 42
By MadeupMadi

This is dedicated to kaiyae1 because this was posted on my wall and I don't know how to help so at the end can you give out some tips to help. :)

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One day I closed the door in the living room so my kitten wont come running outside. ( She was to little to go outside at her age.) When I got her litter box scooper I turned around and closed the door quickly behind me. Then I walked to the door where my kitten smudge was waiting it just opened. Now it was closed SHUT so I dont know how a little kitten about 2 months old can open a shut door. I was suprised as I thought it was her.

When I finished scooping her poop I did the same thing. Closed the door so smudge couldnt get out. opened the back door dropped her scooper and quickly shut the door behing me. One again I walked to the door smudge was siting behind and it opened! However I did not see smudge at the door. I stood still for about five minutes and then smudge came around the door. I realised that her tail was puffed up. I dont think cats can scare themselves right?

About 2 weeks later I was home alone and was watching smudge. She was just standing in the middle of the hallway staring at my parents room. Suddenly her tail puffed up and she jump and started running towards me screaming. I knew then and there that something was in my house and it spooked my kitten out of her fur.

The next day I went into the garage to get milk and smudge came with me. I turned around and she was shaking violently. I started getting dizzy and felt that someone was watching me. I got really scared and picked up my cat and ran to the kitchen.

I think there is something in my house. Please help!


Ok I'm going for a walk now so I am going to update (no promises) in the weekend with the ones in my inbox :) or after the walk<3

Love you x

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