Adopted by a Boy Band

By Miramc22

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Piper Rose is anything but ordinary. She's a witch who attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ev... More

Adopted by a Boy Band
Chapter 1: What I Call Home
Chapter 3: Worst Comes to Worst
Chapter 4: The Unnecessary Limousine

Chapter 2: The Boy Band Interviews Me

404 15 0
By Miramc22

      "Piper. Piper. Wake up. Wake up," Sophia says, poking my face. I smile and sit up in my bed. Daylight was streaming through the windows. It was eight in the morning. 

"Good morning, Sophie," I say. Sophie was a pet name for her, though I didn't call her that often. She smiled.

"Piper, you'll never believe who's here!" She said, whispering in awe. I looked around. The girls were all up early, and they all were chattering around, doing their hair and putting on their best clothes.

"Who's come to Adoption Day?" I ask her. Today was Sunday, when people were allowed to come. They were allowed to come all the time, but on Sunday, we had inspection and adoption.

"One Direction," Sophia said excitedly. One Direction? This was what everyone had gotten up so early and were buzzing about?

"One Direction is really here?" I ask. I am not a Directioner. I have much better things to do than listen to music. I could brew potions or practice spells. I get that all people don't get to do that. But I just don't like One Direction. A lot of people just say that they don't like it, but I am one of the only few that are bothered when their songs come on the radio.

"Yes! And they're going to adopt someone! Anywhere from the age of five to thirteen!" She says, bouncing with energy. One Direction was going to adopt someone. But not me. I was fourteen.

"But why are they adopting someone?" 

Harry's POV

       "Why are we adopting someone?" I ask, confused.

"Because, it's the good thing to do. Imagine that your parents were dead and you had to live in a smelly orphanage with other people?" Louis jokes. Liam scolded him.

"Louis. That's not even funny. That's a real scenerio and you shouldn't joke about that," He says. Niall sighs. 

"We're doing it because it's the right thing to do," Niall says. "We're giving someone the experience to live with us. It's any girl's dream."

"And we're doing this by becoming the legal guardian of someone?" I ask uncertainly.

"Yes, but they're not going to be too hard to take care of. I'm saying anywhere from five to thirteen. Teenager hormones are gross," Zayn says. We were in a waiting room, with antique couches and a wooden floor. There was an old woman named Emma who was very nice to us. She took care of all thirty kids there: fifteen girls and fifteen boys. We wanted to adopt a girl, as we had already viewed the boys, but none of them popped at us. Then the girls came downstairs. And I knew that she was our girl.

Piper's POV

       I had put on my gray Hogwarts hoodie, with the Hogwarts crest over the top. The gray matched my storm-gray eyes. My golden blonde hair fell just at my sides. I didn't bother to put any makeup of any sort on my very pale skin. I didn't have anything to worry about, One Direction wasn't looking for me. I had my wand hidden in my UGG boots, even though it was summer. I recognized the One Direction members so easily: Harry had the curly hair. Liam had the short hair. Niall had the blonde hair. Zayn had the huge hair. Louis had the brown hair. And I had a perfect memory. All was well. The plan was that we would each have time for an interview with One Direction, and then they would decide. Good for me, I was already out of the age zone. 

       I was waiting in the back of the room, waiting with Sophia. Her last name was Rosek, so she should go after I would be done. I shouldn't be worried. I wasn't going to get picked. The worst thing that was going to happen was Sophia going to be taken away from me. I had nothing to worry about. Why do i keep telling myself that? They weren't going to see me. It was all fine. Then why didn't it feel like that?

"Piper Rose," Miss Emma called. What? Did she just call my name? I get up and walk over to her.

"But Miss Emma, I'm over thirteen," I say. This is just a mistake, and not a huge one. As long as I wasn't going to see One Direction, I would be fine.

"Oh, no, Piper," Miss Emma says. "Everyone goes to see them. They're interviewing ages one to one hundred and one!" She says, laughing at her "joke." She stopped laughing and smiled at me. "Now go on, Piper. You'll be fine," she says, giving me a nudge towards the Interview room. I groaned, opened the door forcefully, marched in, and plopped myself into the chair. It was just an interview. They weren't going to adopt me. They wanted thirteen. I was fourteen.

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles," Harry said. 

"Yeah. I know who you are," I say a little too harshly. Harry's smile grew even wider.

"You must be a fan," he says.

"Quite the opposite, actually," I say.

"I love your accent. Where are you from?" The one with the short hair. What was his name? Ian... Iam... Liam.

"I'm from Florida," I say, shifting uncomfortably, thinking about my old life.

"So you're American," The brown hair one asks. Lewis? No. Louis. 

"Yes. I'm American. You're English. Niall is Irish. The point is made," I say. I hoped that I'd gotten that right. They all laughed. Probably not.

"Okay, so, Piper?" Niall asks me, though it is more of a question. "Do you go to school?" He asks. Hogwarts. He was asking about Hogwarts. I must have looked upset, because he then asked, "Are you okay? You seem flushed."

"I-I'm fine," I spit out. "Y-Yes. I go to school," I say nervously.

"Follow up question. Would you be attending the school if we were to adopt you?" Niall asks, eyeing me.

"Yes. People come from all over the world to go there!" I exclaim, then I realize that I've said too much. 

"Really? What school is it?" Liam asks. I swallow hard. "Is that the school logo on your shirt?" Liam asks, pointing to my hoodie.

"Uh, yeah," I say, staring down at it.

"That's a weird looking crest. How far is it?" Zayn asks. I hadn't heard him the whole time. He was the one with the huge hair.

"About..." I pause for a second."Seven hours."

"Seven hours?!" They all ask in unison.

"It's a boarding school!" I protest. They all calm down a bit.

"Oh," Harry says. "Thanks for your time, Piper," He says. I take my queue and leave. I quickly close the door behind me. It was fine. They weren't going to pick me.

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