Life's a Party

By mishica01

245 43 35

Roxanne parties a lot. She's the life of every party and is friends with everyone. Or is she? With her fami... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

69 10 8
By mishica01

Hi guys!
This is my first book ever. I had the idea locked away but I decided it was time to show it. It's a bit cliché, but I've added my own personal twists.
I hope you enjoy!
P.S. West Coast Harbour is a fictional place.


I climbed the pipe, carefully pulling myself up to the window and sitting on the sill, reveling in the darkness.

Muffled screams filled the night and I winced, silently apologizing to our neighbours, who bear this nonsense without a single complaint. My parents were at each other's throats again, screaming and yelling, blaming the other for every little thing.

I sighed and turned around to jump in, but my foot caught on the window sill and I stumbled, landing face first on the floor with a loud 'thud'.

The yelling abruptly stopped, and I heard the creak of the floorboards as my parents made their way to my room. Springing into action, I scrambled up and flew to my bed, shoes and all, yanking the covers over myself and burying my face in the pillow just as the door swung open and the light came on.

There were a few seconds of tense silence, but I was positive they could hear my heart pounding painfully in my chest. I heard a deep sigh, and then the lights went off and the door was gently shut. Phew! That was close!

I waited a few minutes and then slipped out of bed, feeling along the wall till I found the light switch and turned it on. Light flooded the room, revealing my older sister, Taylor, clutching her stomach and rolling around in her single bed, crying in silent laughter.

She turned to me, her humoured expression slowly morphing into one of curiosity and concern. "I'm fine. I drank only two glasses of vodka, I got dropped home and I'm not dead," I spoke fast, not giving her the chance to say anything. "I told you last time not to go to anymore of those parties," she said, "You promised me."

"I won't. I'm sorry. This was the last time. I told you, I don't like going to them anymore. It's just...I had to go to one last one," I told her, silently pleading with her to understand.

Tay simply shrugged and smiled at me, "Okay, I believe you." And that was that. "You should get some sleep though, don't want to be dozing off tomorrow when the 'rents are telling us about that 'important thing", she said, making quotation marks in the air with her fingers.

" Yeah," I snorted, "important thing."

Taylor laughed, loudly at first, then realizing it was the middle of the night, slapped a hand over her mouth, muffling her chuckles.

I quickly changed and bid her goodnight, getting comfy in my bed. My last thought before I fell asleep was that I might not have any real friends and my parents might be overbearing, but at least I had Taylor.

At least I had Taylor...

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