Ember and Lilia: A Pool of Fl...

By XinTan4

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Fear. Hatred. Sorrow. Those emotions were like a thousand splinters of glass piercing her heart, leaving behi... More

Chapter 1: Beyond the forest
Chapter 2: Midnight strucks
Chapter 3: The Schools
Chapter 4: Pathways,Divided
Chapter 5: Choosing your own Footsteps
Chapter 6: Settling down
Chapter 7: Schedule
Chapter 8: Friendship?
Chapter 9: The arena
Chapter 10: Placings
Chapter 11:Summoning and Familiars
Chapter 12 : Past and Present History
Chapter 13: Demon attacks
Chapter 14: Gone
Chapter 15: A walk
Chapter 16: The Forest
Chapter 17: Long,long ago
Chapter 18: Roaming
Chapter 19: Despair
Chapter 20: For all we know
Chapter 21: So it begins (Part 1)
Chapter 22: So it Begins (Part 2)
Chapter 23: False lies
Chapter 24: Dark Future
Chapter 25: The Key to her Heart
Chapter 26: The Price of the Sacrifice
Chapter 27: The Place of Destination
Chapter 29: The Starry Night Skies
Chapter 30: Fiery Retributions
Chapter 31: The Heart Does Not Lie
Prizes to be given!

Chapter 28: She who Sees

65 8 3
By XinTan4

Two step from Hell- Heart of Courage

A banner has been posted on Chapter 1, so if you're curious, go and see it! Thank you to Llyn for the lovely banner~

Dedicated to Erika for the sweet comments and support!


She has good friends.

She, or rather, Lilith, stared through Lilia's subconscious, seeing what she had saw, and feeling what she had felt. Thousands of emotions ran past its mind, but it swatted those unknown and strange feelings from its mind.

Lilith paced around her mind. Views and thoughts swept past it, as it let it carry it ashore.

Sadness and pain filled most of its thoughts, but yet somehow, Lilith felt a distant pulling like that of strings. It made it curious, so, letting its senses guiding it, Lilith followed it.

The pulling got stronger. It's sorrow and grief at their father's death had not gone yet, however fast demons can forget them, Lilith was not like its kin, its brethren.

Opening its eyes, it stared at Lilia's strange group of friends.

It could sense the distrust in the girl, Ember, at Lilith,for she knew that it was not Lilia, but Lilith who was inhabitating her mind. But of course, no one knew of the demon that walks in her mind, the shadow that blocks the light. But yet it only proved their strong bond of friendship. But yet it did not matter to it. Nothing really matters to Lilith anymore, except survival.

Lost little sheep. It mused. Let's see if they can run, or will they stand until the end.

The Lost Flames.

At the beginning, everything was peaceful. The Two Schools preserved their history and traditions, while the Flames watch over it. Like a mother tending to its sons, it guided them to their rightful path.

But yet, it was turn against its own, betrayed and mock.

That was what that it had gotten for helping them.

The generations of the children it has raised, turn against it.

So, with great hatred, it cursed them. Cursing that one day, they will be ruined, burned to ashes for what they had done to it.

This, was, and is, the true story of The Schools, darkened by sins, red, with blood.

But yet, somewhere inside it, the warm, gentle and caring fire still watched over them as they stumble and fall, away from it. For just like a mother cares for its child, so does it too, care for them.

For everyone had strayed their paths.

But only she who sees it all, wept.

She wept for The Schools, for she saw what was to come, has come, or had merely just been there. She was like the cornerstone of the building, supporting it from falling. But even so, without the Fire that burned brightly, she, too, could do little but nothing.

She was, is, the Past, Present and Future, but yet not so in that.

She saw the carnage that had already spread through the Schools: Students, Nevers and Evers fighting each other, blood and suffering spreading through the land. Little did they know, that the balance forged between the Schools was but a precious tender strand, easily able to snapped under pressure .

It was a tender shoot, just beginning to climb up.

And one, small, dispute, had crush it under our feet.

The Schools serves as a place of protection from they who destroys.

But now?

Now, it was merely a ruined building of a once magnificent place that had etched the course of history through Stone.

And so, she wept, and wept, and wept. She wept for what she could see but could not warned, and for what that will happen one day.

The Flames of Life.

Gone, vanished, disappeared.

Extinguished in a poof of smoke.

NOTE: Lilith is a demon, therefore, she is an 'it'. I hope none of you got confused :)

Thank you, once again, for reading! Who would have imagined that this book is now near chapter 30? Certainly not me.

I know that I have been writing slowly with even shorter chapters, and I'm sorry. Inspiration wasn't coming that much, unfortunately.

BUT, not to worry! For the next chapter, I've set my sights for at least 1000 words.

Thank you for reading, and please, comment something to tell me what you think about this chapter! Its probably not what you all were hoping for, but I felt the need to express a little about The Schools this time.

Chapter 29: The Starry Night Skies

Lilia will finally find where she must truly go, but with an omnious warning that warns her of the most terrible sight.

Killing of the innocents.

It has begun.

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