Saving My Bestfriend

By unkn0wnx3

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Hailie Adams left 3 years ago to travel around europe for a school photography program. When she left, she le... More

Chapter 1: Not what I expected.
Chapter 2: School filled with whispers
Chapter 3: Curiosity killed the Cat
Chapter 4: On a Mission
Chapter 5: Lets Make a Deal.
Chapter 6: The Masquerade
Chapter 7: Making Progress
Chapter 8: Just A Bad Day
Chapter 9: Uncontrollable Anger
Chapter 10: Identity is Revealed
Chapter 11: Frozen
Chapter 12: Staying Away
Chapter 13: A Night Out
Chapter 14: Thanksgiving Day
Chapter 15: A New Friend
Chapter 16: Round 1 & 2
Chapter 17: Letting Go
Chapter 18: Aiden vs. the Alter Ego (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Aiden vs the Alter Ego (Part 2)
Chapter 20: Changes
Chapter 21: Facing the Past
Chapter 23: Doubting the Facts
Chapter 24: Avoiding & Pretending
Chapter 25: Avoiding & Pretending (part 2)
Chapter 26: The Confusion Continues
Chapter 27: Piecing the Puzzle

Chapter 22: The Last Time

52.3K 1.4K 400
By unkn0wnx3

Hi guys this chapter is dedicated to @shalinivenkat who commented on chapter 18 with an amazing song that describes Aiden & Hailies situation in this current chapter. Its called the Last Time by taylor swift & Gary Lightbody. I named the chapter after the song & you'll see why once youre done reading. but you should definitely listen to it over therrre---->


“This dress is beautiful…” Ellie said as she opened the large box that was left on my bed as I looked in the mirror and let out a sigh.

“Hailie come on look at this!” she said as I turned around and she held the beautiful gown up against my body.

“Oh my God….it's beautiful.” I said as I looked in the mirror as Ellie held the dress up.

The dress was a beautiful light peach color, strapless dress with a design on the front with little shiny crystals (PICTURE ON SIDE)

“Your cousins such an idiot!” I said.

“How so?” she asked.

“This must have cost a fortune…” I said.

“Well he cares about you…” she said as she laid the dress down on the bed.

“I know…that kind of scares me.” I said as she looked at me puzzled.

“After everything I’ve been through I can’t help but be cautious when it comes to things like this…”

“Are you sure it has nothing to do about your feelings for Aiden?” Ellie asked and I turned to her puzzled.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You know what I mean. I know Dom's my cousin, but you're my best friend…and you could talk to me about this. It’s impossible to have such a great friendship with someone and not have a deeper connection with them…” She said.

“But its up to you to figure out what that connection is…” she continued and I nodded.

“But I see it too…you're a lot stronger than you were when I first met you…” she said and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Thanks Ellie.” I said.

“Listen you're going to look beautiful!” Ellie said and I smiled.

“Be ready to look absolutely gorgeous,” she said and I already knew that this was going to take a while.


When Ellie was finally done pinning and curling and plastering my face with makeup she let me turn to see my reflection in the mirror and for a second I was taken back.

I felt and looked beautiful...

My hair was pinned up with two curls hanging in the front. The makeup wasn’t too much; it was just perfect and natural looking.

“Wow…” I said as I looked in the mirror.

“I know you look amazing!” she said with a smile.

“And because of you…” I said.

“No, this is all you…but we might have a little problem.” She said as I looked at her puzzled.

She just turned my back towards the mirror and when I looked over my shoulder I saw the beautiful tattoo in the mirror…and then I realized what the problem was.

“Ugh Dom's not going to be happy…” I said.

“Maybe he’ll be so mesmerized by your beauty that he won’t even notice.” She said with a small smile, but I knew she was just trying to help.

“I guess that’s your queue….” She said once we heard the doorbell rang.

“I guess…” I said as I walked down the steps and let out a deep breath. I wasn’t sure this was a good idea, and I didn’t know why. I just didn’t have a good feeling about tonight.

But when I opened the door and saw Dom standing there looking at me I forgot about the feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“You look amazing….” He said as his eyes wandered up and down my body. Looking at me so intently, so warmly…in a way that he never did before…

“Thank you, and thank you for the dress…” I said with a smile.

“I knew it would look perfect on you….” He said.

“Wait…” he said as he looked at me focused and turned me around to look at my back. Stupid that I thought I could at least hide it for a bit.

“What’s this?” he asked as he traced the lines of my tattoo from my neck to my shoulder…

“Tattoo…” I said.

“I see that…when did you get it?” he asked in a strong tone.

“The other night. I know you're angry, but I thought that I deserved it after everything I went through and I don’t know I liked it…” I said as I watched his impassive reaction.

“I think it’s sexy…” he said after a few moments making me smile.

“Really?” I asked and he nodded.

“So are you ready?” he asked as he held out his arm for me to hold.

“Ready as I’ll ever be…” I said as I let out a deep breath and hooked my arm through his.

I guess it was now or never…


**Aiden’s POV**

As I stood by the bar watching the beautiful hall slowly fill up I couldn’t help but look at my watch every so often waiting for the night to end.

I watched Lexi flirting with the rich businessman on the other side of the room wearing her skimpy short red dress that made her stick out like a sore thumb.

This was one of few events that Mr. Marino made all the men dress up for, you wouldn’t even know the difference between the legal and illegal workers I thought to myself as I took a sip of gin that burned my throat in a warming way.

“Hey babe we should sit down…” Lexi said as she put her arms around my neck.

I wasn’t even paying attention to her as my eyes were glued to the large staircase watching more and more people straggling into the party.

“I’ll be right there…” I said as I let out a deep breath before Lexi stomped away angrily.

“Woah…” I heard the bartender say as he looked towards the steps. When I turned around and saw what he was staring at my breath caught in my throat for a second…

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Hailie Adams was walking down the large red-carpeted staircase, in a beautiful peach gown.

She looked...breath taking…and she didn’t even know it.

I could see her nervously bite her bottom lip and look around the hall as she walked down the steps…

Everything that happened in the past dissolved away as my eyes met hers, it was like nothing else mattered. Just looking at her made everything make sense

But as soon as Dom came to her side and walked down with her all of that quickly disappeared. The anger bubbled within me and I was furious as I watched him guide her to their table on the other side of the hall.

She had no idea who Dom really was and he was playing her and she didn’t even know it.

I had to think of some way to make her see that she didn’t belong here…with him. Dom didn’t deserve an amazing girl like her and I was going to prove that to her…


“Are you okay babe?” Lex asked me as I sat besides her staring intently as Hailie who was laughing and smiling across the room.

“Yeah…” I said with clenched teeth as I chugged down the rest of my gin…the only thing that was going to help me get through this night.  

“Hello everybody, I want to welcome you to the 30th annual Marino Construction fundraiser…” I heard Mr. Marino say as he stood on the stage grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

“I hold this fundraiser every year to help out the less unfortunate…build houses and schools for people all around the world.” He continued.

As Mr. Marino continued his speech my thoughts wandered to the fact that most the people here have no idea who Marino really is. They think he’s some charitable guy…but they don’t know him at all…

I watched Hailie get up and walk out towards the restroom…and I knew this was my only chance to talk to her…

Thankfully everyone’s eyes were on Mr. Marino so I was able to sneak out without anyone seeing…

I didn’t even think twice before I walked into the girl’s bathroom and saw Hailie standing in front of the mirror. Once I locked the door her head turned to me quickly and for a second she looked shocked but it faded quickly.

As I walked up to her slowly, my eyes never leaving hers…I forgot everything I came here to say. Everything I wanted to tell her, everything that I stood for…I forgot it all

Because the closer I got the more her beauty shined…getting me lost in it all.

“Hailie…” I said in a soft whisper as I stood beside her closely. The scent of roses and lavender filling my nose…

“Aiden?” she asked puzzled as I looked into her eyes.

As I stood there I couldn’t help but get consumed by this moment. Its been a while since I stopped thinking and just looked at Hailie…seen her for what she really is…a beautiful amazing girl who I was so lucky to have.

Before I even knew what I doing I lifted my hands and gently caressed her soft cheek with my knuckles.

Her eyes weren’t filled with anger, resentment, disappointment…they were just filled with warmth…

As she bit her bottom lip nervously she had no idea what it did to me, I couldn’t help but rub my thumb softly over her lip.

“Aiden….what’re you doing?” she asked in almost a whisper.

“I needed to talk to you…” I said and she looked at me with eyes telling me to continue, but I wasn’t sure that I could.

Every time I opened my mouth I would close it again, the words wouldn’t form in my mouth…because all I could think about was doing the one thing I’ve always wanted to do since I met her… kiss her soft pink lips…

“Are you drunk?” she asked put I just put my fingers to her lips making her stop talking.

“Uhm…I…came here to tell you something…” I began to say as I started to pull myself together.

“Dom isn’t who you think he is…he isn’t safe to be around…” I continued trying to get the words out. But as I looked at her I could tell she wasn’t surprised.

“Dom’s done a lot of bad things…you need to stay away from him…” I continued but she just looked down.

“Aiden…I know…I know everything about him…” she said and I looked at her puzzled.

“Everything about you…” she said and my heart almost stopped in my chest. I could feel my heart drop into the pit of my stomach.

What does that even mean? What is everything? I asked myself afraid to ask her.

I needed to stop this conversation from continuing on…I needed it to end….I need this to end….

I knew if I was going to do this I might as well do it now…there was nothing else for me to lose…

So before I even realized it I crashed my lips into hers and after a few moments I could feel the surprise fading away as my tongue traced the outline of her lips. As soon as she bit my bottom lip lightly I let out a soft moan and opened my mouth. Our tongues moved together as he hands traveled through my hair.

This moment was so much more than I imagined…it was perfect. As my lips were on hers I felt complete…I felt that everything was going to be alright if she was by my side...

I felt that I made a mistake…that I needed her…that I loved her.

But I knew I had to pull away…my thoughts, my emotions, were going to far…

When my lips left hers and the amazing blissful feeling drifted away I stood there in front of her, both breathing heavily.

“What’re you doing to me Hailie Adams?” I asked in almost a whisper as she stared at me so puzzled so lost…

“Just stay away from Dom….you have to…” I said as I tried to forget the tingling feeling that moved throughout my body, but she just shook her head...

“I cant Aiden…you don’t understand,” she continued and I could feel the anger surging within me…this couldn’t be happening…

“If you're willing to stay with him….then you must not know everything you think you do.” I said strongly as I took a step back.

This was wrong…I couldn’t be doing this, feeling this way…not anymore.

“Aiden wait…” I heard her shout but I just ignored it as I unlocked the door and left.

Just being in the same room with her affects me…I need to get air….I need to get a drink…


I spent the next half hour with a bottle of wine outside the hall drinking my sorrows away…trying to forget the most amazing feeling in the world…kissing Hailie.

That’s when I heard the back door open and I prepared myself for another argument when I saw a very angry looking Dom standing before me.

“Want a sip?” I asked as I held out the bottle to him but he didn’t look so amused.

“Why the hell are you continuing to mess with Hailie!” he asked strongly.

“Do you care? Do you not care? Make up your mind Aiden because you cant leave her crying after every conversation. If you cared about her at all you’d stay the hell away from her! Let her move on….” He yelled, but all I could think was that he had no idea how much I agreed with him…

“Look who’s talking? Mr. Big Bad Wolf does she know all your little dirty secrets? “ I slurred.

“That’s in the past and she knows all about it…” he said but I just let out a small laugh.

“Does she know that you went looking to gamble the other night…” I said but Dom just let out a sigh.

“You're such an asshole you don’t even realize that everything Hailie does, she does for you! I don’t know why she’s so stuck on you! You're a worthless piece of shit who doesn’t even care about her…” he yelled.

“You're right…”

“I don’t care. She’s just some pathetic little girl who can’t get over a schoolgirl crush. But you could have her, tell her our little make out session was fun…but it was a one time thing…” I said as looked at him with a smirk.

“Have fun with her Dom...” I said as I began to walk away but stopped as soon as I heard the door open once again…

**Hailie’s POV**

After Aiden left me I cried in the bathroom for what seemed like forever….but of course Dom came to the rescue.

As soon as he saw me crying he knew why…he didn’t even say a word before he angrily left the bathroom looking for Aiden.

I tried to stop him…but it was no use I didn’t even know where he was until I heard screaming coming from outside.

That’s when I heard it all…

How they both feel…and it killed me.

Dom knew how much I cared about Aiden, how I would do anything to fix things with him….

And I always thought he understood, I thought he was really helping me… but now I know it was all a lie.

Just as Aiden told Dom to have fun with me I opened the door and walked out into the dark cold night. I wanted to cry hysterically but for some reason, I couldn’t…and I wouldn’t…not again.

“Hailie…” Dom said as I stood there and let out a deep breath.

I couldn’t even look up at Aiden who I know was standing there staring at me just as Dom was.

“How much of that did you hear?” Dom asked.

“Enough to know that its time to go home…” I said.

“I’ll take you right now, but you have to believe me…” he began to say before I cut him off.

“My brother will pick me up…” I said impassively as I walked past Aiden and Dom to the front street.

“Hailie please…” Dom said but I just shook my head as I walked away because I couldn’t deal with this right now.


Thankfully Jay didn’t ask any questions on the way home but he did look over at me concerned every time we stopped at a red light.

“Hails…are you going to tell me what happened tonight?” he asked as I let out a deep breath once we parked in front of the house.

“I cant…not yet…” I said before I got out of the car.

When I walked up to my room I couldn’t help but feel totally drained, physically and emotionally. This whole time I was trying so hard to get the old Aiden back that everything was just passing me by…

Maybe it was time I let go…I thought to myself as I stared at the wall of pictures.

As I took one picture down of Aiden and I building a snowman I couldn’t help but feel angry…angry at everything that just happened.

How many times can one person hurt another? When was I going to learn?

It just wasn’t fair…I was there for him his whole life…he could have told me anything. I would have came back if he need me…

This wasn’t my fault!

How could he do this to me?

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got…I couldn’t help but begin to take down all the pictures of Aiden and I that were on my wall.

But it wasn’t helping…nothing was helping me fill this big empty hole in my chest…

I needed to know why.


So in my dress and heels I climbed down the tree in the dark night and walked to the bay where I found Aiden sitting on the sand watching the crashing of the waves.

“I hate you!” I screamed as I walked closer to him, tears finally falling down my face.

“Good…” he said without looking back at me.

“How could you do this to me Aiden?” I cried.

“You were my best friend…if you would have called me and told me you needed me I would have came!” I yelled as I stood beside him but he still wouldn’t look up at me.

“So I’m guessing you know about my dad…” he said impassively.

“Yeah I know…I told you I know everything. Now Aiden ask me why!” I yelled again in between tears as I watched Aiden let out a deep breath.

“Why?” he asked as he continued to stare at the ocean.

“Because I couldn’t just accept that you changed, I knew there was more to it. I needed to find a way to get you to realize that you weren’t this person you wanted people to think you were…” I said in a softer tone.

“I found Dom and he promised me that he would help me figure out what was going on with you…and he did…” I said.

“I know that your dad lost his job and started to drink and you were finding any way to help pay the bills…” I continued.

“Hailie…” he said but I ignored him.

“I went and did all of this for you. I thought maybe if you saw me acting like an idiot hanging out in the wrong places with the wrong people…maybe you’d care and see that you haven’t changed all that much.” I said.

“I tried everything but you don’t give a shit do you? Our friendship meant that little to you Aiden! How could you just not care anymore!” I screamed at him letting out every emotion that I ever held back.

After a few moments Aiden got up and he looked at me strongly with cold red bloodshot eyes.

“You know nothing!” he screamed at me.

“You need to leave Hailie….” He said in a calmer tone but I just shook my head.

“God Damnt Hailie, I wanted to call you I wanted to tell you everything but I couldn’t…things were to far gone by then. Every single day of m y life I regret the decisions I made. But only because they cause me to lose you!” he screamed.

“You didn’t lose me Aiden, you pushed me away…” I said as a watched a tear fall.

“Same thing Hailie, there’s so much more you don’t understand. I’ll never be able to live a normal life…be a normal teen. You cant be close to me without getting hurt…its impossible.” He said but I just shook my head.

“Those 3 years you were gone, were hard…but I survived. Those 3 years without you were the best thing for me but then you came back…” He said.

“Aiden…” I began to say but he just shook his head.

“You came back after I told myself that I accepted this life…and you made me question everything,” he said.

“I need to leave this town and you behind…it’s the only way you can live the life you deserve…at least Dom was right about that” he said.

“No you cant…I need you…” I continued.

“No you don’t…you don’t see it but you're so much stronger than you ever were Hailie..” he said.

“Everything I’m doing, I’m doing for you…I won’t hurt you anymore…” he said as he kissed me gently on the forehead and turned to leave.

“Aiden…” I called out and I watched him stop and turn towards me…

He was right I was stronger…and I will survive, but I needed to know why…

Why was he doing this to me…

“Just tell me why? Why are you leaving me? Why didn’t you call me and tell me everything? Why do you keep hurting me? And don’t give me some bullshit answer Aiden…” I said as tears fell down my face.

I watched him let out a deep breath.

“Because I love you…” he said and he turned and continued to walk away leaving me standing there cold and alone…


guys Iknow i finally updated & left you a crazy cliffhanger but dont give up on Hailie & Aiden yettt..

i want to say sorrry for not updating in so long but things have been very hectic lately trying to prepare for school & then dealing with my moms surgery that I really dont have the timeee. I'm hoping that things will change, but thank you all for being so understanding.

Again thank you  @shalinivenkat for commenting with an awesome song that fits this chapter perfectly. 

If you know of any songs that relates to the story or characters comment :D


Do you think Hailies really giving up? Is she going to stay angry at Dom? Is Aiden really leaving? let me know how you feel. 


PLEASE COMMENT, FAN, & VOTE- the more the faster the update:) 

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