Hopes, Dreams and Dust (Asrie...

By EmeraldLazers

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The events of the Underfell Alternate Universe, Asriel finds a human named Chara in the underground. Asriel h... More

Chapter 2 - Toriel
Chapter 3 - Chara
Chapter 4 - Asriel
Chapter 5 - Asgore
Chapter 6 - Chara
Chapter 7 - Asriel
Chapter 8 - Asgore
Chapter 9 - Gaster
Chapter 10 - Asriel
The Final Chapter

Chapter 1 - Asriel

4.1K 85 47
By EmeraldLazers

Asriel gripped the stone tightly. He wasn't prepared for this. How did this happen? Asriel stood behind an ancient pillar and watched the human in the center of the cave. The human lay unmoving on the cold, hard stone floor, illuminated by a dim light from the top of the high cavern.

Were they dead? The room was too dark to tell. Asriel would be able to see the human's soul if they were dead. Maybe, or maybe not; he wasn't clear on the details. Yet, something still needed to be done. Seven were needed...

Asriel unhooked the cylindrical container attached to the chain belt on his long black pants. It was made of glass with the lid and base made of some type of black metal. The container was standard issue to all monsters, and no bigger than a foot in length.

He put one hand on the top and bottom of the device. Both hands clamped down on the rim of the circular metal plates. Asriel twisted the plates and the device unlocked with a click. He just needed to go over, put the soul in the jar, and he would be done.

He started walking out from behind the pillar and toward the human, jar in hand. As he approached he started to notice more and more details. The human, albeit lying down, appeared to be as tall as Asriel; maybe a bit less, probably only a child.

Their hair was short and brown. Scrapes and bruises covered their creamy skin. They wore long, ripped brown pants and a tattered green and yellow shirt.

Asriel now stood over the human. They were not moving. Asriel turned his attention and fiddled with the jar, unsure as to how to proceed. He really should have paid attention more to inner-workings of souls. Then movement caught the corner of Asriel's eye.

The human was alive. They moved, rolling over to face Asriel. He instinctively raised his free hand, a small flame danced in his palm. The human, squinting through swollen red eyes, tried to look at the form now standing over them.

"Please... help..." The human rasped eventually. The royal scientist wasn't needed to see that the human was in no condition to defend them self. It was pathetic. Asriel stared blankly, genuinely not knowing how to react. Humans were supposed to be powerful, how did monsters loose to them in the first place? It didn't matter, the fact still remained that monsters were locked down in this godforsaken hole.

Humans are the enemy. They must be destroyed. Asriel focused and the small spark of a flame blossomed into a fireball larger the size of the human's puny head. The cave walls were bathed in orange. The human started to sweat; from either the heat of the fire, or the realization that their life was about to end, Asriel didn't know, or care.

"P-please don't..." The human whispered, "I... surrender." ...Surrender? Immediate submission. How weak could a person possibly be? Asriel dropped his hand, the magical flame petered out. Through yellow and red eyes, Asriel looked down at the pathetic human with a look of contempt. They weren't even worth the effort. Besides, they could be dealt with later.

"Fine." Asriel spat. He directed his focus to locking the container when the human spoke again.

"What's... your name? I'm Chara." They said in voice that sounded like a dying animal. They were probably the type that would pester Asriel all day. He gave them the gift of mercy and yet it was appetent they needed a lesson in discipline. Asriel clipped the jar onto his chain belt and knelt down beside the human- Chara... or something.

He grabbed their arm with one hand, and with the other hand over Chara's arm, he snapped his fingers. Sparks flew down and landed on exposed skin. Instantly Chara pulled back, sucked in air sharply, and gripped their reddened arm.

"Listen to me," said Asriel in a commanding voice, "If you must know, my name is Asriel Dreemurr. I'm not going to kill you, but I'm not being nice. Since you surrendered, I..." Asriel looked off, trying to find the right word, "...I own you now; you are my prisoner. Now don't talk unless I tell you to." The speech sounded serviceably intimidating, but then again, a flower could probably scare this sorry excuse for a human.

"I'm sorry," Chara said quivering, "I didn't-"Asriel leaned in closer and held his fingers as if he was going to snap them again. Whatever Chara was going to say was stopped. It appeared Chara wasn't too stupid.

Asriel took of his chain belt. Chara tensed up, eyes wide. What did they think he was going to do? He didn't wear the chain because he his pants were a size too big. He thought it made him look more powerful; in a hardened, no-nonsense sort of way. Yet he knew what would make him look even better.

Asriel tossed the container off to the side. He didn't need it anyway. He took the chain and wrapped it around Chara's neck. Not too tight. He didn't want to hurt the precious itty-bitty human. Chara knew better than to resist, in fact upon seeing the chain's use, the small human looked almost... relieved? Again, humans make absolutely no sense.

There was enough slack for Asriel to get a good grip on his new prisoner. He could see it now. He would be known as a monster so powerful that he owned his own human. Dad would be so proud... dad.

The sense of Accomplishment faded swiftly into concern. His grip on the chain tightened. His parents were going to be a problem.

"Come on." Asriel said pulling gently on the Chain. Chara struggled a bit but didn't get up.

"I said come on!" Asriel said, quickly loosing patience.

"Wait." Chara sputtered through audible breathing. "I... I can't move. It hurts." Asriel pinched the fur between his eyes and exhaled loudly.

"Fine," Said Asriel. He knelt down next to Chara and flung their nearest arm over his shoulder. With his left arm holding Chara's, and his right still holding the chain, he used his knees and bolted up.

His knees buckled, almost falling over. Dear god, humans are heavy. This whole thing was going to be a disaster. Was it too late to go back on the killing part?

Asriel, doing the work of what felt like four or five competent monsters all put together, dragged Chara out of the cave. The River Person would be arriving soon at the usual place. It was time to go home. At least it sucked more for Chara then it did for him... probably.


Asriel felt like all the air in the underground had left his mouth after he let go. Chara was finally in the boat. Asriel had his hands on his knees to prevent himself from falling over. He tried to catch his breath. Sweat bathed his coat of fur.

"Oh, hello," A familiar smooth and silky voice said, "It's nice to meet you." It was the River Person. It stood at the bow of the canoe-like boat. Its' entire form was that of a dark blue cloak. An opening in its' hood showed an unnatural void of darkness that seemed to stretch on into another world.

The sounds of gently flowing water echoed down the narrow corridor. The river was barely wider than the already small boat. One could even hardly call it a river. Asriel climbed into the boat.

Realizing he let go of the chain, he quickly fished around the wooden floor of the boat until he had it in his hands. Chara made no move to escape. Their injuries probably crippled them. They were not as paralyzed as Asriel after he carried them for what felt like eternity, that's for sure.

"Say, have we met before?" said the River Person. Out of all the strange monsters in the underground, this being was the most perplexing. Asriel saw them often, sometimes multiple times a day, yet the River Person never remembered him. Still, its' service was extremely useful.

"Just take me to the King's Castle." Asriel said through now steadied breathing. Without hesitation they boat started to move through the dark, watery corridor.

"Tra la la, we are off," Said the River Person. It would be a while before the trio reached his parent's home. Now it was time to think. How could Asriel keep Chara alive with the whole "humans are the enemy to monster kind and should be killed on site" thing?

Asriel concentrated. If he just showed up with a human, Chara was probably toast. Literally; his parents were the best at fire magic. What if he could hide them? He would have to sneak them through the entire castle, not being seen by a single guard. Then his parents would wonder why Asriel never let them into his room. Also, from every meal of ever day, he would be seen carrying an extra plate of food so Chara wouldn't starve. It would be seen a bit suspicious.

What else could he do? His mind drew a blank. He only had come up with only two options, both of them not great and- wait. Asriel felt a pressure; it pulled him out of his thoughts. Chara was leaning on his shoulder. Asriel quickly scrambled and forcefully pushed Chara away. They almost fell off the boat.

"What the hell do you think you're doing," Asriel growled, "I'm not your pillow!" His eyes drilled deep into Chara's. What were they thinking? Did they not know who he was? Well, actually, they probably didn't come to think of it. Humans are stupid.

"S... sorry." Chara whimpered, "I didn't..." they trailed off; head down, mouth shut.

"I am the prince of all monsters," Asriel began in a frustrated tone. "My parents are the king and queen. You know, the rulers of the race you people locked down here for all eternity. Don't test my patients human, I'm trying to think of plan to keep you from dying, okay?" He wanted to add in more about how lucky Chara was to be in his good graces, but he didn't bother.


Asriel and Chara were approaching the throne room and he had no plan whatsoever. Chara had regained the ability to walk without assistance at this point. However they were slow, even with Asriel's occasional tug on the chain. Their eyes were a lot less red and swollen, probably able to see a bit better. Guards turned to stare, but said or did nothing. They probably assumed Asriel knew what he was doing. Not so much as it turned out.

There was no hiding Chara now. All that was left was a face off. Head to head with the king of the Monster race. A battle of wills. The stakes were the life of a child. Some may even consider it a noble- Asriel almost ran into his father.

Asriel, through a daydream had entered the throne room. How long had he been walking? The moderately sized room was circular, with a domed roof. A bright chandelier lit the room. The stone gray walls had paintings with images of the Royal family's ancestors. The floor was tiled with checkered black and red squares. Two grandiose thrones sat at the back of the room, a dark passageway between them. In the center, standing right in front of Asriel, were his parents: Asgore and Toriel, the king and queen of all monsters.

Whatever they were talking about took a back seat as they turned to look at Asriel and his prisoner. Immediately upon seeing Chara, Asgore's expression turned to one of grave seriousness. He out stretched a hand to one side, a red trident blossomed into existence in a vortex of fire.

"Wait!" Asriel shouted, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice. He was not prepared for this in the slightest. "Listen to me!" Thankfully, Asgore halted. He held his fiery trident back behind his head, so close to throwing it straight for Chara's face.

"Father, I found this human on the brink of death. They surrendered to me. I am the keeper of their life and what happens to them is my choice! Do not kill them!" It was all Asriel could do to maintain the demanding tone. He was standing up to his father; technically committing an act of treason.

It was probably the most difficult thing Asriel ever had to do up to that point. His father's glare cut deep. Asriel barely managed to meet the intense gaze. His grip on the chain that was wrapped around his prisoner tightened. The room was completely silent; the only sound was Chara's shivering breathing. They too understood the situation it seemed.

The silence only served to make the stare down more unbearable. Out of the corner of Asriel's eye, he could see his mother's normally ever-present smile had also dissipated, adding another level of uneasiness to the situation. Asriel could not show submission, not now.

Asriel knew his father well. Any sign of weakness would be taken advantage of. If Asriel looked away, even for a second, Asgore would crush Chara in an instant. After all, they were a still the enemy.

The moment seemed to last forever until Chara broke the silence. "Asriel...I-" Asriel, without breaking eye contact, yanked hard on the chain around Chara's neck. They fell to the floor, gasping for air, but Asriel's foot slammed their head into the hard tiled floor. Chara's muffled wails of pain filled the silent void somewhat.

In this moment, Asriel showed his complete dominance over of his captive. Chara belonged to him and him alone. Nobody else could decide what Chara could and could not do. A wave of confidence enveloped Asriel as they stared back at their father with a smug display.

"Very well, Asriel," His father's deep voice bellowed, "The human may live. However, they are you're responsibility." There was a pause before Asgore added, "And do not forget the law of the land."

"I haven't forgotten," replied Asriel, "It's kill or be killed, right?"

Asgore nodded, then walked past Asriel, and moved through the main entrance of the throne room. Asriel felt much more relieved than he expected. He turned to look at his mother, Toriel. She was staring intently at Chara, who was still crying under Asriel's boot.

Toriel looked back at Asriel, the smile on her face returning. "I'm proud of you my child," She said.

"Thanks." Was all Asriel could respond with. Toriel turned and walked away to join Asgore. Asriel moved their foot from Chara's head. They could live for now, but ultimately; the decision was actually Asgore's. He was still objectively stronger than Asriel and that was a fact.

"Asriel?" Chara's weak voice said. As a response, Asriel stomped the ground once. Chara got the message.

"Come on," Asriel said, "Let's go." Asriel dragged Chara off to his room. The dungeons would be too much for the weakling. Asriel needed to find a proper kennel for Chara in time, until then they were to sleep on the floor, chained to a desk or something. the encounter had left Asriel drained. They had both survived and needed rest.

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