Enigma (Dipper x Reader)

By fxller

336K 9.9K 22.4K

Y/N L/N has lived in Gravity Falls her whole life. She thought she was the only one who knew about the strang... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19

Chapter 18

10.9K 329 589
By fxller

Hi guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in FOREVER, but I'm back now! Ever since Gravity Falls ended, I haven't had much motivation to write this book, however, a lot of you guys seem to like it, so I decided to return to writing! This is one of the last few chapters unfortunately, but as I promised, there will definitely be an upcoming sequel. Today's chapter takes place in Dipper and Mabel vs. The Future, so grab your tissues - it's gonna get emotional. 

I also noticed that you guys have been wanting some more Dipper x Reader fluff, and I know that there isn't really a lot of that in this book, since I've been focusing more on the readers relationship with the twins rather than fluff. I can guarantee that there will be a lot more fluffy moments in the sequel, so be sure to keep an eye out for that. Hope you guys enjoy!


Y/N's POV:

Ever since the nightmares from Bill, my dreams have been getting stranger and stranger. Despite my efforts to tell myself that everything will be okay and Bill couldn't actually achieve his apocalyptic visions, I still couldn't help but feel uneasy. Nobody knows about my dreams, not even Dipper. I figured that he's had enough trouble with Bill already, and I didn't want to freak him out any more. 

Speaking of Dipper, he and Mabel invited me over to the Shack for some "super secret business" which actually turned out to be them planning their 13th birthday, which would be arriving the upcoming week. I headed towards the Shack on my new skateboard, which Dipper asked Ford to build for me. The skateboard was f/c and worked a lot better than my old one, which was great since it would allow me to try out some new tricks. 

"Alright party planners," Mabel rounded us up around the table, with a model of the Mystery Shack beside her. "In one week we become teenagers and our summer vacation winds to an end, so we need to throw the greatest party of all time!" She cheered. 

"Not so fast, goofuses!" Stan interrupted our party planning as he entered the room. "After that zombie incident no one's throwing another party at my house!"

"But Grunkle Stan?! We need some roof to raise!" Mabel whined.

"Dudes!" Soos said. "You could rent out the Gravity Falls High School gym and have your party there!"

"Yeah!" I interfered. "That place is empty all summer long. It''d be perfect!"

"Alright! Too the highschool!" Mabel hollered. Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling from the basement.

"Dipper! My face is on fire!" We heard Ford shrieking from downstairs.

"Uh... I'll just be a sec!" Dipper smiled and quickly ran downstairs. 

"What was that all about?" I raised an eyebrow at Mabel. 

She shrugged. "I'll go check on him." A few minutes later she ran up the stairs.

"There you are!" I smiled. "Where's Dipper?"

"He's going on some sciency mission with Ford, so he won't be coming with us." Mabel replied.

"Of course he is. " I groaned.

"But it's okay! You get to hang out with me! Now, to the highschool!" She laughed and began to follow Soos out the door. I remained standing and Mabel paused. "Y/N? Aren't you coming?"

Before I could say anything, I felt a searing pain on my chest. I cried out in pain and fell to my knees, pulling my necklace off of me, and holding the pendant. The small gem on it was brightly glowing, and was so hot, I almost dropped it.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" Mabel exclaimed and rushed towards me. 

"I- I'm fine..." I held the necklace by its chain to avoid burning myself. The pendant began to levitate, and pull away from me, as if attracted by a magnet far away. "This... This is strange..." I began to get up, but almost fell over, since the pendant's force was so strong, like a big dog on a leash. I immediately felt the urge to follow it. 

Mabel seemed to be thinking the same thing as she watched. She sighed. "You should follow it."

"A-Are you sure?" 

She nodded and smiled. "Yeah. I'm sure it's important to you." She handed me a backpack. "There's a walkie-talkie in there so we can chat. Dipper has one too." She paused. "We can always hang out later anyways, right?" 

"Of course!"

"You should go on. I'll see you later, okay?" I gave her a quick hug before heading out. I glance back at Mabel for a few short seconds, which was just enough to see the slight pain among her face.


Dipper's POV:

I looked around the spaceship in awe. This was incredible! Who knew that there was an actual UFO under the town this whole time?! I can't wait to get back and tell Y/N and Mabel all about this. 

"The glue should be around here somewhere..." Ford mumbled. He sighed. "Dipper, let me ask you something. Have you thought much about your future?"

"No, not really," I responded. "I mean, beyond graduating high school with a high GPA so I can get accepted to a good technical college with a photography and media production minor to start my own ghost hunting show."

Ford chuckled. "It's like talking to a younger version of myself." He placed the flashlight on the floor and began shuffling through tiles to look for the glue. "If you're so sure with what you want in life, why wait? Why put up with the drudgery of school?"

I sighed and began to look for the adhesive. "Trust me, I'd love to fast forward the whole thing, but it's not like I have a choice."

"Dipper, I've been thinking... I'm getting too old to investigate Gravity Falls on my own. I need to train an apprentice to help me fight monsters, solve mysteries and protect this town. And I think I'd like to keep it in the family." 

I dropped the tile. "What are you saying?"

"I've read your additions to my journal and I'm impressed with your potential. What would you say to staying in Gravity Falls after the summer ends and becoming my apprentice?" He turned towards me and smiled.

"W-What about school?"

"Dipper, I have 12 PHDs. Your parents would be thrilled I'd give you such an advance education!"

"There's also Mabel..." I sighed. "She'll be all alone in California-"

"Mabel will be fine on her own!" Ford interfered. "Besides, you'll have Y/N here to keep you company!"

"Gosh... We've never really been apart before..."

"Dipper, can you honestly tell me you never felt like you were meant for something more?"

"I... I dunno. It sounds like a dream come true but, I'm not sure if I have what it takes. I've been tricked by Bill, I was wrong about the portal... Heck! I can't even operate this magnet gun right!" I pulled out the magnet gun and accidentally pulled the trigger. The gun attracted a tile, and in my attempt to pull it away, Ford gave me a look of surprise.

"Yes! Dipper, you found the adhesive!" He laughed. Suddenly, we heard a strange noise from the ship. Immediately, Ford pulled out his magnet gun.

"Uh... You said everything down here is dead right?" I whispered.

"Yes." He confirmed. "Unless somehow, we re-activated the security system?!" 


Mabel's POV:

I sat on the floor of the attic, flipping through my scrapbook. How could this be happening?! Candy and Grenda can't make it to my birthday, highschool is nothing like I've imagined and I've had no luck in contacting Dipper or Y/N! I heard Grunkle Stan opening the door and he let himself in. 

"Hey, everything alright?"

"I just can't believe the summer's almost over... And now that I know how awful highschool's gonna be, I'm in no hurry to start that trainwreck."

"Hey, nobody likes getting older," Grunkle Stan said and put an arm over my shoulder. "But just because you're growing up doesn't mean you have to... Grow up, y'know?"

"But I don't wanna say goodbye to Gravity Falls..."

"At least whatever happens over the summer, you'll still have your brother along with you through thick and thin. Not everyone can say that, y'know." He ruffled my hair before leaving.

I smiled. "Yeah! At least when I go home, I'll at least have Dipper." That's when I heard the static sounds coming from the walkie-talkie. It sounded like Dipper and Great Uncle Ford!

"Stay here with me Dipper. Become my apprentice." I heard Ford's voice. He sounded hurt! I hope everything's going okay with-

"I'll do it! I'm gonna stay!" Dipper spoke. What?! No, no, no, no, no, no! Dipper can't be staying here! He wouldn't leave me alone, would he?!

Would he?


Y/N's POV:

The necklace had lead me deep into the forest. I didn't know how much time has passed but it was beginning to get a little dark. I have tried to communicate with Dipper and Mabel via walkie-talkie, but I couldn't get a hold of them. I sighed and continued to walk. Suddenly, the light from the pendant dimmed out and fell. I groaned, and shook the necklace in an attempt to "awaken" it or something. Nothing happened.

"Are you kidding me?!" I yelled out in frustration. "This isn't funny Cipher!" I cursed under my breath. Suddenly, an image flickered before me. It was Bill, in his human form.

"You rang?" He grinned. I scowled and attempted to tackle him, only to phase through him and fall to the ground.


"I'm only a hologram, honey. I'm not actually here." Bill stated matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes.

"You have some serious explaining to do, Cipher." I spat.

"Yeesh, kid, no need to be so angry." He put his hands on his hips and narrowed his eyes. "But since, I am about to destroy the world, I guess it wouldn't hurt to spill some beans." 

He exhaled. "Look, Y/N, I'll admit... I've been messing with your dreams for a reason. I have something big planned and it will destroy Gravity Falls and the rest of the universe. However, the fate of that plan is up to ol' sixer and his little pinetree."

"Wait... You mean Dipper and Ford are a part of your big scheme?!"

"No." He responded and I felt a rush of relief. "They know what I'm planning and they're trying to prevent it. Dipper's been keeping this whole thing from you, but that mission he's on with Ford? The dumb kid's trying to save the world."

"Dipper's been keeping this from me? But... I trusted him! He... How could he not tell me about this?!"

Bill laughed coldly. "Look who's talking lightning bolt! If you trust him so much, then why haven't you told him about your strange dreams?!" I fell silent for a moment.

"Well, what matters is that he will succeed in preventing your big plan. Dipper will save the world!" I clenched my fists. Bill can't win this time.

"Oh, but I will, darling." He smirked. Mind-reading now, eh? "Your precious pinetree will fail. I'm counting on it. It should be happening any moment now, really. In fact, that's why I brought you here. Lightning bolt, I want to make a deal."

I rolled my eyes. "Pfft, of course."

Bill ignored me and continued. "You see, once I take over the world and destroy the Pines family, there won't be much left for you. I can grant you protection during my big plan. You won't have to play any part in this. I can give you anything you want. Please, Y/N," He held out his hand which became surrounded in blue flames. "Join me."


Dipper's POV:

As soon as I arrived back at the Shack, I ran up the stairs, to the attic. "Mabel!" I said excitedly, as I entered the room. "I just had the best day of my life! UFO's are real and there's one under the town and I saved Great Uncle Ford's life and - and..." That's when I noticed something wasn't right. Mabel was curled up in a ball on her bed, facing the wall. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Tell me it's not true, Dipper." She sounded hurt. "Tell me you were joking!" She turned around and held up the walkie-talkie. Oh no, had she heard everything?! "Ford's apprentice?! Seriously?"

"Look, I was thinking and this is a huge opportunity for me!"

Mabel covered her ears as tears formed in her eyes. "Well it's a horrible opportunity for me!" She hopped off the bed, reaching for her scrapbook. "I had the worst day of my life! When we turn 13, summer ends and I have to leave everything behind. You're the only person I could count on and now you're leaving me too?!"

I felt horrible. "Look, I've been thinking about it. I won't be gone forever, okay? I'll still visit you at home and we'll chat online, we'll make it work!"

"I don't want it to work. I just wish summer could last forever."

I neared her, cautiously. "But it can't, Mabel. Look, things aren't gonna stay frozen this way. It's part of growing up. Things change. Summer ends." 

She looked at me and frowned. Suddenly, she tore away from me, running from the attic.

"Mabel, wait! I didn't mean it like that!" I immediately began to run after her. "Mabel come back!" I stood there, pondering if I should go after her. She'll return, right? She'll come back and everything will be okay.

Everything is going to be okay.


Mabel's POV:

I ran as fast as I could to get away from there. I didn't want to see Dipper. I didn't even know where I was going, but I kept running through the forest, eventually stopping at a tree. How could he do this to me?! He's the only person who I could count on and now he's ditching me for his stupid nerd thing? I'll already have to leave Y/N and Candy and Grenda and Grunkle Stan. I can't leave Dipper here too!

"Maybe I should try contacting Y/N... She could cheer me up, right?" I thought out loud and began shuffling through my backpack only to find... "Nerd books?! Chewed up pens? Ugh, wrong backpack." I let out a sigh of defeat and pulled my sweater over my head. "I just wish summer could last forever."

Then, I heard a voice. "That might be possible."

I groaned. "Sweatertown is not accepting incoming calls right now."

"M-M-Mabel, it's me." The voice spoke again. 

I pulled my sweater down and looked around. "What? Who said that?" Suddenly, a figure emerged from the trees. 

"I-I can help!" He spoke. 

"The time travel guy?" I questioned. He looked slightly different. Something was very strange about him. "What are you doing here?"

"Y-You said you don't want summer to end, right?"

"Yeah... Why are you asking?" There was definitely something strange going on here. 

"Look, m-maybe it's against the rules, but, you once did a favour for me so I thought I could help you out. It's called a time bubble and it prevents time from going forward. Summer in Gravity Falls can last as long as you want it to!" He did sound... Convincing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I wiped away my tears.

"R-Really? But how does it work?" If what he's saying is true, I wouldn't ever have to leave!

"I just need you to get a little gizmo from your uncle." He projected an image of a strange object, from his watch. "It's something small, h-he won't even know it's missing." 

"Huh. Maybe Dipper has something like that in his nerd bag." I began to look through the bag to come across a strange looking object. It looked like a snowglobe, only with a small, little galaxy inside of it, instead of snow. I held it in front of the man. "Is this it?"

"Yes! That's it! Just hand it over and I'll do my thing! Unless you're ready to leave Gravity Falls."

"Just a little more summer..." I stared at the object, and then, carefully and slowly handed it towards him.


Y/N's POV:

"Hang on, Bill..." I said. I had to think this through. If he wasn't telling the truth, then he could be tricking me into something much worse. "If you're only a hologram, then where are you, really?"

"That's not important, kid! Time's running out. Just shake my hand, and I'll protect you." Bill seemed to become impatient.

"No! Not unless you tell me the truth. What exactly are you planning?! Where are you?!" 

"There isn't much time! Just shake my hand!" He was yelling now.

"Bill what are you planning?!"

"Y/N, I'm trying to protect you so just co-operate wi-"

"I wont do it!" I finally shouted, silencing the demon. "Whatever you're doing, whatever you're planning, if it means risking my life for the Pines family, then I will. I don't want your protection and I don't need anything from the likes of you!"

Bill looked angry and let his hand fall to his side. "Fine. You can die with the rest of them." His projected image began to flicker, almost like a broken TV. A grin spread across his face and he stared down at his hands.

"Yes! Yes! The time has come!" He began to laugh maniacally as I stood, watching him in disbelief. Dipper... Failed? 

"W-What's going on?!" I looked towards Bill, but he disappeared. "Bill?!" From somewhere in the distance, I could hear his laughter.


The sky turned blood red and ripped apart. I stood there in disbelief. This had to be a dream. This has to be a dream! I frantically looked around me, Bill's maniacal laughter filled the air. I wounded up so deep in the forest, I didn't even know where to look. I thought of Dipper and Mabel, praying that they were okay and safe. Tears formed at the thought of them getting hurt or ending up... Dead. I clenched my fists and took a deep breath before venturing back into the forest.

Oh please, oh please, let this be a dream.


That's all for today guys! I'll try and put up the next few chapters soon. But first, I just wanted to clear up some things:

1. Dipper doesn't know about Y/N's dreams/warnings from Bill as Y/N doesn't know anything about the rift.

2. Mabel doesn't know what Y/N's necklace means or is, but believes it's something important to her. Other than that, she doesn't care much for it.

3. Bill appeared as a hologram, since he was possessing Blendin Blandin (I think that's his name?), however, Bill only appeared as a hologram in Y/N's head so technically, Bill was never a hologram in the first place. He only appeared that way to Y/N to communicate with her.

4. Dipper is aware that he's been ignoring Y/N because of Ford, however, both of them understand and still care for eachother, despite everything.

And that's all! If you have any questions, feel free to DM me :) And remember...


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