Fearless In The Eyes Of A Bea...

By wwepurplevixen

169K 4.1K 1.1K

Brock Lesnar is the Beast Incarnate who hasn't been with anyone since his divorce three years ago and doesn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Q&A about Fearless Beasts!♥

Chapter 24

3K 73 14
By wwepurplevixen



"Still nothing?" Jon asked me and I shook my head as we stood backstage.

"So she just disappears for weeks doesn't let us know what the fuck is going on?"

I could see he was annoyed as he was meant to be focused on his match with Hunter but he was too concerned like I was.

I hated how she was the last time I saw her as I had known her ever since I began here years ago and I had never seen her so vulnerable before.

I had seen her cry once or twice when it came to the whole marriage thing but this was something else.

"Its okay..." I whispered into her ear as her sobs filled the small passage we were seated in.

She shook her head,"its not. I want him and he doesn't want me. I'm so stupid all of this was just fucking shit and.."

"Team Bella report to the Gorilla position!!!!"

She was in no state to head out .

"We have a segment with Brock, Nicole..."

Seriously out of all the things she could do on the show they did that..

"Is this because of him?" I heard Brie but Nikki didn't respond.

Instead she got up , wiped her cheeks and walked off leaving us and I sighed as I stood up.

"Is it?" She turned to face me.

I had never had a problem with Brie, its just that Jon and I were closer to Nikki and when push came to shove while all the divas saw Nikki as the wrong one whenever they fought we stuck by her.

Right or wrong..

"Look Brie I understand that you are concerned but its not my place to tell you anything about Nikki's life. If she wants to let you know, you will but right now I can't.."

I shrugged and walked off hoping Nikki would be okay in her segment.

She hadn't answered any of our calls or texts.

I am not sure what she had told Hunter for him to take her off all live events and televised shows for the past few weeks but then again he always had a soft spot for her.

Not in anything more than friends kind of way, as in the way he took Seth as a little brother. He cared about her , I doubt she realized but I had never seen AJ persuade him into giving her expensive suites and private jets...

"She just needs time I guess.." I answered my boyfriend as I remembered he had asked me a question.

"She didn't even talk to me before she left.. We were backstage and she was fucking gone. You know what she's doing you know?"

"What?" I turned to him.

"She's trying to push us away its obvious.."

"Why would she do that?"

"Cause she's hurt and.. Aaah " he smiled and I turned to see Brock walking over to us .

"Where is she?" He asked and he did not look happy.

"Where is who?" Dean raised his eyebrow as he walked closer to Brock.

"You know who..." he glanced between us.

"We don't know but she should be here tonight she is the champ." He looked down at me from Dean as I spoke.

"Why are you looking for her? You know I told her I supported this thing you had going on and we were going to tell you on Raw but of course due to circumstances she had to do it on her own and well according to my girlfriend over here you hurt her real bad and well I don't think I support this much..."

"Jon..." I cut him off only to be cut off by Brock.

Brock chuckled a bit, "look here, you messed up my fucking life the moment you decided to do that fucking plan and now we're here so the only one whose fault this is , is yours and hers . Not mine!"

"Then why the hell are you looking for her then?"

He didn't say anything and I don't think he knew why.

"Brock look ignore him, Nikki made a mistake yes but she regrets it. I'm not exactly sure what happened between you two over these couple of months but I hope you know it was never her intention to hurt you or destroy whatever was in the process of happening..."

He nodded but simply walked on.

"Thanks for shutting me up"

"You were making things worse, you know she wants him"

"But his Brock we'll have this again in the near future if they get together"

"Jon, you know how much crap people gave me when we started, so don't be one of them. She's going to need us."

"I know and she has us always whether she likes it or not.. he said I messed up his life. He cares about her doesn't he?" He smiled a bit.

"Seems he does..."


I was standing with my sister at the gorilla as she had picked me up from the airport before we got to the arena.

"So where were you ?"

"Nowhere... Let's just get this over and done with. I promised Hunter I would do this .."

She sighed as our music hit and we moved out onto the stage and I saw the familiar surprised look from Brock as well as Paul who stood on the apron.

I looked away from them and saw Bray glancing my way so I smiled at him and then walked to the announce table.

JBL: The Bellas joining us here, a pleasure as always ladies to have you with us.

Brie: thank you Cole, a pleasure to be here

I simply smiled as I slipped on my headset as Paul was speaking and I finally paid attention.

"... Fighting out of The Conquerors corner.. The Bray bashing, Harper smashing.. Mayor of Suplex City. The Beast.. The Conqueror .. Broooooock Leeeeeesnar..."

C: Nikki , do you think if you choose Brock.. Paul will introduce you?

N: well I happen to like the way Eden says my name... But I'm pretty sure Paul would make it interesting

Paul walked over and I realized he was joining us on commentary as I heard the bell ring.

P: what were you saying Miss Bella?

B: oh she just wanted to know when she chooses your Beast and she'd technically own you.. How would you introduce her

N:If I chose Brock ..

I added as I watched him spear Harper into the corner.I used to love watching him wrestle but I couldn't now.

I had no right to..

P: Well firstly nobody owns Paul Heyman or Brock Lesnar as a matter of fact ...

Paul was cut off as we saw that Brock was outside of the ring near the ramp and Luke Harper jumped out of the ring onto Brock taking him down.

My heart stopped briefly as Luke rolled him in and he was now suddenly in control as he punched Brock several times.

I heard Cole mumble something but I was focused on Brock waiting for him to fight back.

JBL: Cole I don't think anyone wants to listen to you while the Beast is being atta..

He was cut off as Paul screamed out as Brock had tried Suplex City but Harper reversed and pushed him into the corner head first.

He delivered several kicks to Brock but Brock kept standing up but as Brock got up I saw him running from the other end and I saw him deliver a close line .

He covered Brock but Brock kicked out . Harper then put him into a submission hold .

JBL: so far its just been Luke Harper

I rolled my eyes and took off my headset.

I knew Hunter would love this..

But I knew deep down that wasn't the reason I was doing it.

C: Nikki wha...

I walked over to the side of the ring where Brock was located.

"Come on Brock don't you want to win this match?" I cocked my eyebrow and I saw his eyes briefly fill with amusement before glancing next to me.

JBL: Cole you shouldn't be surprised part of a friendship..

P: there is no friendship

JBL: there might be and part of it is helping each other and right now that is what our divas champion is trying to do in her own way by getting him worked up.

I turned to find Bray.

C: Nikki needs to focus on Bray next to her there is no telling what he will do

I ignored him and saw Brock slowly getting up while still locked into the hold as I felt Bray pull my arm and turn me to face him.

"Bray what the hell are you doing?" I whispered so the crowd couldn't see.

I knew he wouldn't hurt me though.

"Helping you.." He said before turning his attention in Brock's direction.

"Nice little cheerleader you got here Brock!"

Brock glared at him and dropped down to his knees causing Harper's head to be pulled down and he crawled back between Harper's legs and immediately delivered a Suplex City as Bray and I stood in shock.

JBL: how good is Brock! My goodness! The power of being cheered on by a Bella gets to ya..

C: or maybe his acquaintance feeling kicked in as we saw Bray getting close to Nikki but look at him retreating as Brock glares at him

I walked back to the announce table and placed on my headset as he kicked Brock again.

JBL: Miss Bella will you be joining us later tonight in the Championship match with the Lunatic and HHH?

N: oh no... I'd rather not get involved with The Authority . We don't mix well

I watched on as Brock delivered another suplex and realized Paul had left commentary .

C: How strong is Brock?

JBL: Ridiculously strong.. I can see why having a Beast could be a benefit to Team Bella.

Having a Beast..

B: Yes it would be as well as a Lunatic. They are both very different from each other but they both get the job done either way and that's what my sister is looking for

Saved by my sister..

I took my headset off as I stood up with Brie doing the same this time.

I saw Brock deliver yet another suplex.

"You leaving us Team Bella?"

"Oh I think its pretty predictable now Cole" I smiled, I simply wanted to get out of the building away from everyone.

I walked past Paul and he smiled and looked like he wanted to say something.

"I'm sorry about Raw a couple weeks ago Miss Bella I wasn't thinking " He whispered into me as quickly as he could.

I was surprised but sighed as I saw Brock deliver an F5 to Luke while glancing at us and then at Bray.

"Don't worry Paul whatever it takes to get that promo!" I smiled brightly so that Hunter could spin it as Paul wanting me to be with his client.

As long as my boss was happy I would keep my title.

"You leaving again?" I nodded as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Nicole we need to talk.."

"Brie I haven't spoken to Ren or Dean why would I be speaking to you?" I snapped and she looked down.

I felt bad but I needed everyone to stop caring.

I picked up my bags and made my way to the exit.

I was staying in a hotel tonight and had called a cab. I saw Brock and Paul talking by the exit but simply walked on.



"Nicole!!" I felt my arm being tugged and he turned me to him.

"We need to talk.." His voice was low.

"About what Brock?" I asked as I glanced at Paul behind him which caused him to do the same and he moved us out of the arena into the parking lot.

"What happened out there you..."

"We're in a storyline together Brock , its part of the whole thing. I have to do that.."

I shrugged.

"No you don't..."

"Yes I do whatever gets the ratings going . I'm sorry if it seems like you were used but take it up with Hunter not me" he frowned.

"That's not what I was going to say.."

"It doesn't matter, you told me everything you thought of me and you were right Brock. I used you and I am proud I used the Beast. I'm glad it was just fucking and yes I would probably fuck Roman if he wasn't Dean's best friend because that's what you expect of me so it must be the type of person I am right?!"

His face was blank as I screamed into the darkness and I had silenced the Beast.

"Everyone in there is right I am a high maintenance bitch and you should start listening to them since I was capable of using you like you said."

I shrugged.

"You wondered where Fearless Nikki was? She's right here and she didn't get the Beast but that's not what she wanted remember ? she wanted to you to leave her alone and since you're not? I'm making it easier for both of us! Goodbye Brock"

I finally got into the cab which had pulled up beside us a couple seconds ago .

I glanced at my phone, messages and calls from Dean, Renee, even Brock for some reason and well my sister but I didn't bother looking at them since I left the arena that night.

I didn't want to hear what any of them had to say..

Pushing everyone away is what I do best and hopefully this time they would stay away.


Did you like Renee's brief POV??

Nikki cheering Brock on???

Paul apologising???

Nikki doing the silencing this time??

She's pushing everyone away yet again...

Will they stay away this time??

Will the Beast stay away??

Thank you for all the votes and comments on the previous chapter! So glad to see people so excited about this story <3

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