
By slythindor_heir

1.6K 37 18

Its seventh year at Hogwarts. Everyone expects a peaceful year, but that's not in the cards for two certain s... More

The incident
Forever and Always

Hearing voices

397 6 2
By slythindor_heir

Draco's POV

When I wake up I don't recognize my surroundings. I am lying in an uncomfortable bed and light is streaming through the blinds making me want to close my eyes again.

Yesterday's events came rushing back to my brain.

Granger. The classroom. The dagger. The mix of our blood. The blinding light. The dream.


What the hell? I was so sure she was real. It seemed real. My love for both of them, my wife and daughter, still overwhelmed me with how real it all seemed.

Then I remembered Granger seemed to know who Cassie was?


A dream is personal. Nobody else should know what you are dreaming about, but somehow Granger knew.

I push these thoughts to the back of my head as I hear Granger stirring in her sleep. It seems like she will wake up soon. I intend to find out what she dreamed about last night and how she knew who Cassiopeia was.

Her eyes fluttered open to the sound of Boy wonder and the weasel bursting through the doors to the hospital wing. They walked briskly towards her bedside, shooting daggers at me on the way there, then turning their heads towards their precious know-it-all and sat down on either side of her bed.

She seemed annoyed at the company, which amused me greatly. I also noticed her rolling her eyes, amusing me even more. I let out a snicker and I knew they heard me because Scarhead and the Weasel King both turned their heads toward me. I just looked away from the Golden Trio and looked out the window, trying desperately to rid my mind of yesterday's events.


Hermione's POV

I woke up to the sound of the Hospital Wing's doors flying open and crashing against the walls. And in walked Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley. I don't necessarily like them, but they have been there for me since year 1. My dad hates Potter, which is understandable, I mean Lily chose James Potter over my dad.

They make their way towards my bed, glaring at Draco on the way over here. I can't help but feel annoyed as they do so. Whether Draco knows it or not, I care for him.

When they reach my side they look over me for any damage. They notice my cut, still un-healed, and instantly look concerned.

"Mione, why hasn't Madam Pomfrey healed your cut? Are you in any pain? Can you touch it? Oh my Merlin, it's bleeding!" Harry asks me in a frantic voice.

I swear he is worse than my father. I roll my eyes but before I get to answer the boys, Draco lets out a snicker. Potter and Weasley turn around to face him and Draco just looks away from the Wonder-twins glare. I wonder what is so amusing. When they swivel their heads round to face me I begin to assure them that I am ok.

"I'm fine, Harry. Honestly. Only madam Pomfrey couldn't heal my wound. That's why it is still bleeding." I tell them both.

They both turned to each other and shared a look of pure confusion.

"She can't heal you?" Ron questioned.

"Not me or Malfoy. He got cut too." I reply.

"Why can't she heal you?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, I'm not a healer!" I reply back, irritation lacing every word.

Harry opened his mouth to speak but the sound of Madam Pomfrey coming in and putting a tray on the end of Draco and I's bed cut him off.

"Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Granger. You may both leave after taking these," Madam Pomfrey said gesturing to the lime green potions on the tray. "It should help with the pain."

Both Draco and I nodded, gulping down the thick potion before it could properly touch our tastebuds. I quickly placed the empty phial back down on the tray and hopped off of the bed and took my blouse from Madam Pomfrey.

Draco acted faster than me so he left the Hospital Wing before I had even got my blouse properly on.

When we reached the door my father came around the corner and looked relieved to see me. He stopped in front of us.

"Ms. Granger. It's good to see you on your feet again. I assume you okay to return to classes today?" He asked in a drawled tone but I knew it was all an act and he was genuinely curious.

"Thank you Professor. And yes I am well enough to return to classes today." I replied

"Good, we are expecting you to actually be in class today though." He said with a pointed look.

"Yes. I understand Professor."

With that he walked off although I knew him better than that, he would want to see me during lunch. I was not looking forward to that conversation.

I skid to a halt when suddenly I hear a males voice in my head. It sounded deep and husky...almost sexy and alluring.

'If I profane with my
unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.'


That's from Romeo and Juliet, I recognise it because it's my favourite play. A muggle play, I might add.

That was not my voice, nor Harry or Ron's. I recognise the voice, but I can't pinpoint who said it. I feel like I've known it forever.

That's when it clicks.

Draco Malfoy. 

I bet I just imagined it. Nothing to worry about. But I can't help but doubt myself. I mean, I've never heard Draco speak Shakespeare before so how could I fit his those words to his voice.

I am pulled out my thoughts as Potter snaps his fingers in front of my face. I guess I must've been standing there a long time because the look on both their faces shows they're thinking about taking me back to the Hospital Wing. I quickly give them a nod as in saying 'I'm fine' and walk on towards the common room without them.

We arrive in the common room and I see there's only 20 minutes until breakfast. I tell the boys I'll meet them down in the Great Hall because I really need a shower. I run up to the girls dormitories, grab my red and gold towels and make my way towards the showers. I feel the hot water massaging my stiff back muscles whilst I use my favourite Vanilla and Shea Butter shampoo and conditioner. I step out the shower to quickly dry and straighten my hair magically when I realise I only have 5 minutes until breakfast starts. I sprint out of the bathroom, throw on my school clothes and Gryffindor robes and rush through the common room and hallways only to arrive just as breakfast begins. I sigh in relief. I'm not late.

I walk to the Gryffindor table and take my seat next to Ginny. Harry sits across from me, Ron in front of Ginny. Ron already has his plate filled with food. Eugh. It's disgusting how he eats. A pig has more table manners than him. I grab a red apple because they're my favourite thing to eat for breakfast and start munching on it happily. Harry starts a conversation about Quiddich so I just zone out thinking about how on earth I heard Draco Malfoy reciting a paragraph from Romeo and Juliet in my head earlier that morning. I think about all the possibilities as to why this happened. Maybe it was just my imagination, maybe I wanted to tell him the truth about me and my heritage so badly I started thinking about his voice. But then I remember the strange encounter that happened in the Hospital Wing where we both had the same dream. Well at least I think that's what happened.

Is it possible that the dream and the voice I heard are connected?

No. No way. I mean it's not possible. Right?

I am so caught up in my thoughts I don't even realise that my eyes have fixed themselves upon the intense stare of grey eyes across the hall. Somehow, in between thinking about the dream and the voice, my eyes found their way to the Slytherin Table and focused themselves on Draco Malfoy. The man who hasn't escaped my thoughts for nearly an entire day. I can't seem to look away. I can't find it in myself to want to look away. I my eyes skim over his whole body. Merlin he is gorgeous. Out of his entire look; the strong build, chiselled jawline, high cheekbones, snowy colour of his skin, cheeky smirk, platinum blonde hair. His eyes are definitely the best. They are like a whirlpool. And you just got lost in them any time you looked at them long enough. I am still astounded by his God-like beauty. No wonder all the girls fall at his feet, too bad it's mainly Parkinson and the Greengrass sisters. My father hated Pansy's dad, they fell out years ago because Pansy's dad had a crush on Lily Evans (it was Evans back then, not Potter) when my dad loved her. And the Greengrass' ...well they just annoy me. I realise we are still staring at each other and quickly avert my gaze to my half-eaten apple. I see that my friends are still talking about their latest quiddich game against Ravenclaw so I decide I better just leave early for class. I have Transfiguration with Professor/Headmistress McGonagall. I excuse myself, pick up my bags and leave the hall. I have Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures and Defence Against the Dark Arts (DADA) with Slytherin house, Potions (my favourite subject) and charms with Ravenclaw and the rest of my subjects are with Hufflepuff.

When I reach the classroom I see I am the first person there. I take a seat in the middle of the classroom and wait for the other students to come. Eventually the classroom fills up and there's only one spare desk, the one next to me. Professor McGonagall comes in and starts the lesson. We open our books and start reading things we were learning about over the course of the term. I didn't notice that the door had opened until McGonagall called out,

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy! How lovely of you to join us! Please take your seat next to Hermione." She stopped calling me 'Miss Granger' since the start of the year when she found out that I was not, in fact, a Granger but a Snape. She finds it rude to call me someone I'm not, and quite frankly, I like it a lot more when she does. Because I am Hermione, but not Hermione Granger. I see Draco roll his eyes at her but makes no comment. He walks over to me and takes a seat. We don't acknowledge each other's company and just sit in silence. My eyes are looking at my book but I don't see anything. I'm thinking about the conversation that my dad will make us have at lunch. How will I explain what happened? I am so not looking forward to this conversation. And no doubt he will be furious.

Severus Snape is definitely one of those over protective dads. And does not want his daughter to be in any sort of trouble. And landing in the Hospital Wing is not the way to keep my dad a happy bunny.


Draco's POV

When I left the Hospital Wing I just went straight to the Great Hall. In the corridors I remember taking my favourite muggle story with me. Romeo and Juliet. I find my place and read in my head where I left off.

'If I profane with my
unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.'

I continue to read until I reach the Great Hall. There's still 22 minutes until breakfast starts so I just sit at the Slytherin table with Blaise and we talk until the food arrives. At the same time the food appears on the tables, Granger runs into the Hall looking like she just ran a marathon. She takes her seat at the Gryffindor Table and starts talking to Potter, Weasel and Weaselette. Theo comes over to Blaise and I and we start talking about random rubbish to pass the time. I feel like someone is staring at me. I look around me and realise it's Granger who is gazing at me but seems to be in some sort of a daze. I stare back at her unable to look away.

Her hair has gone from being frizzy and bush-like to falling in soft curls framing her face nicely. She no longer has massive front teeth that stick out and it seems like she's grew into them. She is still quite small but even through her robes you can tell she has curves in all the right places. Her light creamy skin contrasts well with her big brown eyes. Her eyes are so deep you swear you'd fall in and never be able to climb back out. They're this gorgeous chocolate colour that can give off waves of emotion if you look hard enough. She seems to realise that we are staring at one another and, what seems reluctantly, turns away from my intense stare.

I suddenly remember I have Transfiguration next so I excuse myself from Blaise and Theo's conversation to go and retrieve my books from my dormitory. I quickly walk to my room, grab my books and jog to my class because I am aware it started a few minutes ago. McGonagall scolds me for being late and tells me to sit next to Granger. I simply roll my eyes and go over to my seat. I am bored out my mind already. I sit not doing anything for a few moments until I hear a female voice in my head!

It's soft and delicate...I feel like I know it from somewhere but something if says catches my attention.

A/N. Just letting you know Hermione's thoughts will be in italics and Draco's will be bold.

'Severus Snape is definitely one of those over protective dads. And does not want me, his precious daughter, to be in any sort of trouble. And landing in the Hospital Wing is not the way to keep my dad a happy bunny.' 

'WAIT. HOLD UP. SNAPE IS A FATHER?!?! HOW IN VOLDEMORT'S NON EXISTENT NOSE DID SNAPE GET LAID?!?' I shout in my head appalled by the fact one of my professors did the dirty.

'Who said that?' Came the voice I heard.

' Who is this speaking to me. Oh for the love of chocolate frogs I'm going mental. Speaking to myself in my head, I should be in St. Mungo's' I reply to the voice, genuinely believing I was going insane.

'It's me, Hermione. Who is this? Although I have an idea who.' Said Hermione. Wait how was this happening?!? I am speaking to Granger through my head. How is this possible?!

'Granger?! How is this even happening right now?!?' I say. 

'Ummm..I'm not entirely sure,' She pauses. 'You never told me your name.'

'Still smart, I see.' I state arrogantly.

'Draco, shut up I know it's you.' She replies smugly

'H-How did you know it's me? And you just called me Draco?' I say flabbergasted

'I think it has something to do with the dagger and our cuts. That or the potion Madam Pomfrey gave us. Wait. Shouldn't we tell someone about this??'

'So you're really Hermione Granger?...' I ask unsure.

'Yes. Are you really Draco Malfoy?...' It's now her turn to be unsure.

'Here's what we're going to do. If we are really talking to each other right now, we will both turn the page to 345? On the count of 3, Got it?' I say.

'Got it.'

'1...2...3' I say

We both flick through the pages until we reach page 345. We turn our heads slowly and stare at each other with our mouths open.

That. Did. Not. Just. Happen.

"You've got to be kidding me." She mumbles out loud with a shocked expression. And I'm pretty sure my face is a mirror image of hers because Professor McGonagall calls on us.

"Is everything alright there Mr. Malfoy? Hermione?" Every head turns in our direction.

'How come I get 'Mr. Malfoy' and you get 'Hermione' ?' I ask Hermione in my head.

'She doesn't want to use my surname.'  Granger said.

'Why not?' I ask suspicious

'You'll find out soon enough' She replied.

"Mr. Malfoy?" McGonagall calls out again. "Is there a reason as to why you are not doing your work?"

"Do you think we-" I gesture to me and Hermione. "Could talk to you privately, maybe after class?" I ask as nicely as possible.

"Is it urgent?" The headmistress replies sternly.

"Very." Hermione replied for me.

"I suppose so. Come to me during your free period. That's next period I believe, isn't it?" She says. We both nod in reply. "OK meet me in my office then. Hermione I believe you know the password." Then walks over to her desk and sits down.

'Meet me outside the office.' Hermione says to me.

'Fine, but no doubt she will floo us to St. Mungo's and have us live out our days in a psych ward.' I say bitterly, to which Hermione lets out a small giggle but covers it quickly with a cough.

Soon enough the period finishes so Hermione and I set off to the headmistress' office. I wonder how this will go down...

'By the way, I never got the chance to say how sorry I am for slicing you with that stupid dagger.' Hermione says to me through whatever is going on. 'So, I'm sorry.'

'Um sure... Same for you too.' I reply back trying really hard not to say 'sorry.'

'I need to ask you something...' She says.

'...ok...' I reply warily.

'Did you have a dream last night too?'

'Yeah, what happened in it? In your dream?'

'There was a large meadow, lots of summery flowers, there was a girl. Cassiopeia. She had silvery blonde hair and the most beautiful greyish blue eyes.'

'Yeah, me too.' I say trying not to be awkward, and failing miserably. 'What does this mean?'

'I'm not sure but I'm guessing it's not good.' She says.

'That's just great.' I reply sarcastically.

'We're here.' Granger announces.

'Yes. I see that, now say the password and let's get this over with.' I say, slightly irritated.

With that said she whispered the password to the gargoyle and we found ourselves in front a set of stairs. goes nothing...


A/N. Thank you for reading this chapter, I'm sorry it's early but oh well! We try to update every Saturday so keep reading and we'll be back soon! Again thanks for reading Part 2!

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