What Lies Beneath

By gamergirl968

30 4 2

Threes a war between vampires and ware-wolfs. A teenager has to use all her strength to win the fight of the... More

Chapter one
chapter two
chapter three

Chapter four

6 1 2
By gamergirl968

I have woken from my slumber from a loud boom coming from the corner of my room. I stood up and walked over to where the ruckus came from, While approaching closer and closer a glowing dark red appeared ,staring right at me.

" wh-who are you?" I said while stepping backwards in fear.

" Im something that you shouldn't be scared of." A deep voice replied.

" Why are you here?"

"I'm here to give you an offer that you should consider to take.

"First what's your name?"

"lamia mortis."

"Well lamia mortis what's the offer you wanted to tell me?" I steeped a little closer to him.

"Be like your father and join the vamps." He reached his and out for me.

"Like my father?"

"Yes... oh sandra haven't told you yet, your father was the head boss of the vamps until he died from a werewolf attack...how sad you were just only 8 years old at that time."

"No you're lying, my dad was a good man and vampires are evil."

" well i have to go think about it Autumn your dad was hiding you from vampires not vamps."

"Wait how do you know my name?"

lamia mortis laughed "silly Autumn I raised you while your dad was fighting those wimps called vampires."

Before words could be able to escape my lips lamia mortis vanished in thin air. I sighed and look at the clock " crap! It's 7:20pm i got to get dressed for school.". I put on the only sweat pants on that i had and put on a baggy shirt with a skull in the middle of it. I quickly bolted down the almost broken stairs and into the kitchen.

" Hey want anything today... you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day." my mom smiled at me.

" Yeah but not when it kills you with rust poisoning."

" Well don't be that way Autumn." My mom looked away, " I thought moving would change our lives."

"Yeah changed our lives alright." i walked towards the door that lead to the outside, " i'm walking today and i'm sorry."

"Please let me get you a ride to school dear." my mom reached into her coat pocket.

"No no it's okay and i be home late."

"Where are you going to be late to come home."

"None of your business." I said slamming the door behind me.

" well thats rude of you."lamia mortis chuckled.

"Why are you laughing at that i hurt my mom's feeling?" I stopped in my tracks.

" Don't you see your born a vamp it's coursing through your veins."

"No i don't see." i started to walk again, " for a vampire you go in the sun a lot."

"I'm not a vampire, i'm a vamp!"

"Well i don't care what you are just leave me alone." i walked as fast as i can to get away from him then it lead to a run.

I arrived to school with some time to spare so i went into the lunchroom. I saw Sandra sitting at the table in the far right corner of the room. Sandra stood up and walked towards me, but when i try to walk the other way she was behind me.

" what took so long?" she asked rudely.

"I just took my time to get here that's all." i replied softly to make it seem i'm not hiding anything.

" okay dracula but don't forget after school is training."

I giggled"or else you kill me like a bug."

He came closer to me with a anger rage. "Be there or else i kill you dracula!" she walked away with clutch fist.

Kevin stood in front of me " don't worry about her she's just worried the werewolves are planning to attack any minute just give her time she's actually a caring person."

"Yeah under the witch and bitch cust."

"Autumn she likes you you just don't know it yet." he put his hand on my shoulder.

" What do you mean Kevin?"

"Have you known she hasn't killed you yet, you have a mouth on you Autumn and she could've killed you three time already."

"Okay but if i'm dead you know who killed me." i giggled, "well i have to go to class or i actually be killed."

"Okay don't have to much fun." Kevin took his hand off me and walked away.

I started to walk when i hear Randy's voice." Hey autumn i have to tell you something."

I turned around " what's up?"

"Well i break up it just not working out."

"What?"i turned around because i don't want him to see me cry.

"It's just this relationship can happen any more."

I just couldn't say a word i was speechless and heartbroken so i just walk away. It seems like the world around me has stopped in place . I just don't want to feel or do anything today but after school i have to train and if i skip i be a chew toy for sandra.

Before i knew it the bell rang for the end of school day but i didn't care i just want to curl up in a blanket and forget about today.

Sandra found me by my locker " come on we have work to do."

"Okay give me a second to collect my thoughts."

" what happened Autumn."

I wiped the tears away."nothing im fine i really am."

"Honey i know there's something wrong with you i can see in your damage soul."

I thought to myself "what she called me honey what's going on."

I looked up at her." you can look in my soul."

"Well yes and as soon we train you you can do all the things i can and maybe better."she said looking down with a concern face.

I know why she looked worried and why she hasn't killed me now. She's worried i become my father and i'm worried that's it's too late to turn back now and no one can save me from myself. I can feel evil in my blood it's becoming more and more to resist the urge to be evil.

We walked to death valley and we didn't fight are anything just talked and laughed. I feel like i belong again and that i have a friend for the first time in 4 years. I told her what Randy said and she was mad that he did that but i could tell her that lamia mortis talked to me today... i just couldn't.

We made it to the valley and started training.

AN hour passed and i nailed down vampire running. There was a noise in the distance. There was howling... it was the werewolf's, their coming.

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