By SharonPereira

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Coffee Shop Bliss

A Classic Tale

364 30 62
By SharonPereira

Far from the Madding Crowd

I stroll down by the sea.

My only means of getting there,

the Road to Avonlea.

The Great Expectations that I had

have all but gone amiss

and all because I could not hide

my Pride and Prejudice.

I poured my heart and soul out

to my best friend who is Emma

but she lacks Sense and Sensibility

and I'm still in a dilemma.

I fell for an unlikely lad

known as Jude The Obscure

but he's smitten with his cousin Sue,

there's no other he'll love more

I tried to tell him it was wrong

as had sweet Anne of Green Gables

but he said that I should hold my tongue

and stop spreading nasty fables

That Sue should wear The Scarlet Letter.

She's an adulterer to be sure.

She's married yet she still pursues

my dear Jude The Obscure

And then there is Rebecca

who had beauty but no heart

and poor Jane Eyre whose marriage

was quite rocky from the start.

And what about that broody chap,

think Heathcliff was his name.

He went and put poor Catherine

through all that hurt and pain.

It often makes me wonder

if he'd always set his sights

solely on becoming

Lord of Wuthering Heights.

All these Sons and Lovers,

how their mother's must despair!

They rush into love so quickly

without neither thought nor care.

My sister too has troubles,

Mr Weston is his name.

I really think she loves him

and I hope he feels the same.

To see him with that Rosalie

leaves her in dismay.

One day I'll hope he'll notice her.

My dearest Agnes Grey.

I really should head home

before it gets too dark

and make my way back to

my beloved Mansfield Park.

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