Finding Me

By QueenBenique

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"You can pretend it isn't true, but I turn you on, without even trying to" I quoted confidently to Valentino... More

Finding Me (Once called 'Turning Points')
Chapter 2 - Cheering up & incident exposure
Chapter 3 - Returns & Random Dancing
Chapter 4 - Classic moves & Reincounters
Chapter 5 - High School Parties
Chapter 6 - Secrets & Spaghetti
Chapter 7 - Memories & Abnormalities
Chapter 8 - Tutors & Questions {Part 1}
Chapter 9 - Tutors & Questions {Part 2}
Chapter 10 - Tell Me Something I Don't Know
Chapter 11 - Rides & Plans
Chapter 12 - Seeing You & Eating Food
The Story So Far...
Chapter 13 - His Crib {Part 1}
Chapter 14 - His Crib {Part 2}
Chapter 15 - Cupcakes & Close-Calls
Chapter 16 - Footballs & Forgotten Things
Chapter 17 - The Hols {Part 1}
Chapter 18 - The Hols {Part 2}
Chapter 19 - The Hols {Part 3}
Chapter 20 - Eyes & Spies
Chapter 21 - Quaking & Confiding
Chapter 22 - Cocoa & Confessions
Chapter 23 - Can't Be Friends
Chapter 24 - Implications & Cross-Examinations
Chapter 25 - What Can I Say? I'm A Teenage Guy
Chapter 26 - Picture Imperfect
Chapter 27 - And The Truth Comes Out {Part 1}
Chapter 28 - And The Truth Comes Out {Part 2}
Chapter 29 - Where's Wally? Cassie Edition
Chapter 30 - The Sleepover from Hell
Chapter 31 - Peaks and Troughs
Chapter 32 - Not So Secret Secrets
Chapter 33 - Fighting Temptation & Uncomfortable Revelations
Chapter 34 - I Misplaced My Hispanicness
Chapter 35 - Masters & Movies
Chapter 36 - Books & Looks

Chapter 1 - New schools & Old faces

456 10 0
By QueenBenique

Hey this is a new book that my friend's been helping me with a little. I hope you enjoy my book please comment. I don't mind constructive criticism, but please don't get rude if you don't like the book. If you don't like it, don't read it, simples. Obviously the first chapter is never the best but just give it a try. One more thing, i happen to be British writing a story set in America so give me a heads up if i write something that's not american-y.

Oh and if you copy this book in any way, I will hunt you down. So don't cat me, OK?

Please enjoy :D


"¿Qué hora es Cassandra?" My ma yelled from downstairs. I don't see why she always has to yell, the floorboards are so thin that I could hear a pin drop from up here. Any louder and I think the ground would start to shake.

Okay, that was a slight overreaction, but the women had the lungs of an opera singing.

"Mama you know I can't understand you "I replied as I bushed my soft honey brown curly hair whilst looking at my new olive bronze completion brought on by a trip we had just come back from only days before. The trip to Spain might have brought out a nice golden shade on me but it didn't help me with understanding anymore Spanish than I already knew which was hola.............and adiós

All I really need to know right?

"You better learn at some point Cassandra, you're Latino, you must learn your own language" mama said in her slight Mexican accent whilst entering my room.

I was startled as I didn't even hear her coming up the stairs, if her catering business didn't work out then she could easily take on the job as a spy. Then I came to the realization that she'd entered my room without permission

"Why don't you knock?!" I exclaimed huffing in annoyance at the invasion or my privacy

"Don't give me that attitude or ill whoop your ass back to Mexico" my mom warned "anyway you're going off topic the fact is you need to learn Spanish for your own good, maybe I should send you to your papa's for a while..."

I widened my eyes in shock. "No mama" I exclaimed "I'll learn it I promise it just might take a while"

It's not that I don't love my papa but he's not exactly 'Father of the year'.

The explanation for that is for another day

Mama chuckled "I'm joking Cassie, I'd never do that, no matter how annoying you get" she replied whilst making her way over to me and taking a seat my bed

"Annoying? What? I'm not annoying!" I said with the utmost certainty. "Anyway I've gotta go, first day in a new school and I don't wanna be tardy!"

I stood up from my bed and looked through my full length closet mirror at my whole outfit.

Light blue jeggings, white tank top, timberlands and black leather jacket. I knew I probably didn't need a jacket in the Californian heat but i liked to bring one just in case it started to rain. You know condensation and all that water-cycle stuff, yeah i listen in my geography lessons.

Then, after shuffling past mama I hurried downstairs, grabbed my bag and a frosties bar before heading for the door

"Buena suerte sweetie" mama said from upstairs

"Okay" I squeezed in before the door slammed shut

I'm guessing that meant good luck but hey, what do I know? She could of said 'I hope you get hit by car', she obviously didn't....I hope, but if she did I wouldn't know

I turned around and looked at my surroundings. I've lived here for ten years and it still amazed me how identical every house was on my estate. I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was already brightly shinning in the sky. Although I wasn't a fan of cold weather I didn't like scorching hot rays of sunlight overheating my body. I took off my jacket and tied it around my waist. All I had to hope for now was that my hair didn't react with the humidity of the air, I can go from honey brown curls to full on Afro frizz.

I made my way down the porch stairs walked along the side walk, it was only a twenty minute walk but I get bored and impatient easily so I decided to listen to some music, I slipped out my iPod from my backpack and after flicking through the playlists I put on my headphones and started to drift into the world of music.

"Wobble d wobble d wah wobble wobbling, stack stacking my paper my wallet look like a bible....."I continued singing out loud until I noticed that in the corner of my eye I saw someone staring. I turned my head around to get a full view, it was a mother and her child who couldn't be more than 4 years old. The mother, or whoever she was, was giving me a deathly glare. I was confused about what was her problem until I realized I had I tendency to sing quite loud and that the song I was singing was exactly 'clean'


I mentally face palmed myself and gave them an innocent grin before continuing to walk

I started imagine what the school would look like. I wasn't really nervous about my first day at a new school, I'm just not the type of person to get embarrassed or nervous anymore, plus it's not like I didn't know anyone there. My childhood friend Carlos has been going there since 7th grade. He's minted as in really rich so he can afford to go to a private school. Both of his parents are lawyers, best in the state actually.

Commit murder and his parents could reduce a life sentence to 5 years. Literally

I'm not rich though, far from it. I'm going there on a scholarship with my best friend Nyah and the horrible nightmare to be around Kayla St. Claire. I shivered at the thought of having to be in the same school, she's a total witch. We're not here on some scholarship based on smartness though.

We're all here on sports scholarships. Cheerleading scholarships to be precise. We were all offered after being seen by the principle at our last competition.

So technically I'm not going there alone

Now I know what you're all thinking. As soon as you hear the word 'cheerleading' some of y'all would suddenly assume that i'm some mean stuck up bitch who parades around school with my cheerleading minions following close behind whilst I bully all who I believe are inferior to me and drop my skirt as soon as a hot guy is in sight.

But lemme tell you one thing.

I am not that girl. I'm not that stereotypical high school cheerleader who believes she's the bomb just because of the sport she does. I do cheer because I love that adrenaline rush you get whilst you are catapulted in to the sky. I love to perform in front of screaming crowds. And most importantly I do cheerleading because it is and always will be a part of me.

God, that sounds cheesy

After 20 minutes of listening to music, carefully making sure to not raise my volume I had already made it to the front gate. I looked up in awe, at the school sign

Bradstone Academy for students searching for success

Boy were they are gonna be disappointed with me...

I made my way to the reception and checked in. After searching and finding my name on her computer, the receptionist passed me a timetable, a locker combination and a map of the school, without giving me a second look.

My jaw dropped dramatically to the ground as I saw the size of the school grounds.

The school had to be bigger than the King of Prussia mall in Pennsylvania! It was huge!

I made my way through the halls looking for my classroom for first period; no one was in the hallways but me so I guess I was already late

Wow, late on my first day

I sighed, acknowledging that I'd probably be stared at by my new classmates whilst entering the classroom. That's what I get for being the non punctual new kid

It took me five minutes of searching the hallways to finally find the right classroom and after taking a deep breath I knocked on the door

"Come in" the teacher called almost immediately from inside the classroom. Well I assume it was the teacher.

"This is it" I whispered to myself. I pushed the door open and stepped in

Ignoring the various stares I put on my best fake smile and walked towards the teacher's desk. "Sorry I'm late, I got lost" I said trying to ignore the extra stares I was getting around the classroom.

"Yeah just don't be late to my lessons again, go sit down" he replied in a firm tone while he gestured to an empty seat at the back of the room

Judging on the harsh look in his eye I already knew that we wouldn't be getting along this year. I nodded and headed for my seat. I sat down and after getting comfortable in my seat I took out a notebook from my bag and stared rummaging through my bag looking for a pen until I realized I forgot my pen

First day and I forgot my pen, Wow I'm smart! My first in impression was not good at all first late and now unorganized

Now I have three choices

1: Go the whole lesson without a pen probably resulting getting a detention on my first day

2: Ask a stranger for a pen

3: Or ask the teacher for a pen, who already doesn't seem to be fond of me

After hesitating for a second I decided on option two, I mean anything is better than a detention on my first day. "-scuse me" I muttered whilst turning my body to the left, to speak to the guy beside me. He turned and I caught on to beady eyed stare by the guy beside me.

"Cassie?" He exclaimed, grinning in disbelief



"It's been a long time" I said unable to believe who my eyes were looking upon.

We didn't do much that whole lesson which meant I could really catch up with Antonio. It's been so long since I last saw him. It must of been 3 years since I last saw him at a family reunion in Madrid.

I've known him almost my whole life, he's my cousin but was more like an older brother to me. As a baby 'Antonio ' was one of my first words, yeah, we just spent THAT much time together.

Then when I was twelve his papa left them and so they had no reason to come and visit us. The visiting became less and less until all contact just stopped

"Cass, Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que ahblamos por última vez" Antonio dared to say, as we left the classroom draping his arm over my shoulder. We made our way to some lockers.

"Antonio, you know I can't understand you?" I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm. I regretted it almost immediately after feeling a painful throbbing sensation in my fist.

"Ouch" I yelled holding my damaged hand with the other as he laughed loudly, shaking his head.

"Aww Cuz, you're as bad as Talia, she-"

"Its not funny" I said, cutting him off "seriously your made of rock. You been working out? Wait who's Talia?"


I creased my eyebrows in surprise, Antonio has never had any interest in girls, not that I thought he was gay but he just generally didn't go near them unless they were family. Girls melt around him but he always turned them down.. Until now I guess

"Girlfriend?" I said in a surprised tone. "Aww my little boy is all grown up " I teased in a motherly voice

"I'm older than you"

"By three weeks!" I exclaimed

Antonio rolled his eyes . "Well anyway, what are you doing here?" he said changing the subject.

"I'm on a sports scholarship, but never mind me, how did you get in? You're not exactly rolling in the green." I expected him to show some kind a hurt on his face from my last comment but with the ego that I know he's got, nothing can break him.

"I'm on a scholarship too" he mumbled scratching the nape of his neck.

"Oh what in boxing, you've always been interested in that!" Back when Antonio and I were tweens, Antonio used to be obsessed with watching boxing on TV with our Uncle Paoblo. He'd always start fights with me just to tryout some moves he'd watched on TV. He even took down Uncle Paoblo (who was a bit on the chubby side and twice his height) in no time at all. He said he'd become a pro one day. Then his dad left and he lost interest.

"No actually, I'm eh.......number one in the school at maths" he mumbled looking away from me

My jaw dropped straight down to the floor for the second time today "It's surprise after surprise with you isn't it?! First a girlfriend then you're a maths genius? Soon you'll tell me you're the head of the chess team!" I said, getting ready to nudge him, but deciding against it since I don't need another hand injury.

We approached his locker and he opened it. As he rummaged through his top shelf this short sleeve fell down revealing his muscly arms

Where the hell did he get those from? This was not the same scrawny guy i knew from years back

I looked up at his face suddenly acknowledging how much he'd changed since the last time we'd crossed paths. He'd really started to grow into his face, he looked so much like his father. Some might even say he was kinda good looking but obviously I'm blind when it comes to family.

He's completion was slightly lighter than mine but he was still really tanned. His short brown hair and his dark brown almost black eyes were the one part of him that hasn't changed at all

"You know you look so different from the last time I saw you" he said like he knew what I was thinking, looking at me through the small circle mirror hanging on the door of his locker.

"And I see that that you still have your big ass ego" I commented, pointing at the mirror

"It's not an ego, it's confidence" he replied while a smirk spread across his mouth after he winked

I rolled my eyes and tried to resist the grin threatening to appear on my face. "Well I've gotta go to cheer practise, first day, don't wanna be late on my first day, again" I announced backing away from Antonio's locker heading down the hall

"Cassie!" Antonio yelled from his locker


"The football fields are that way" he said pointing to the opposite direction"

I gave him a small nod and headed the down the hall, struggling to squeeze through the overfilling hallway.


After roaming the sports block I found the girls changing room. As I pushed open the door to my surprise Kayla was already in there and so were Nyah and other members of the cheerleading squad. I walked over to Nyah and greeted her like a friend I hadn't seen in months, since I hadn't.

"Girlll, it a small world we livin' in" Nyah commented on my story whilst stepping into her new nfinity trainers

"True" I answered

"Anyways what do you think about the team?" Nyah said with a wondering eye

I looked around at the other cheerleaders and noticed that everyone was wearing dark purple team tops and white shorts. Then I noticed some people stretching and man were some of them flexible. It reminded me of what skills Kayla and Nyah am I had, that got us scholarships

After the competition all of the team got in a huddle with our first place trophy in the middle with Coach Hudson was giving her praise.

Then we started to fill the seats on the coach for a long drive home.

Kayla, Nyah and I were at the back, me and Nyah wanted to stick together whereas Kayla was in the back because she believe that no one was 'worthy' of being her friend and so was alone anyway. We were just about to get in when a man stopped us

"Wait" he yelled while running to our team's coach

Out of breath he started speaking to us between breaths. " I just wanted to say -- that you guys -- were -- amazing"

"Aww thank you" we all said in unison

"I know I am" Kayla commented at the end

Me and Nyah looked at each other and rolled our eyes

"Seriously, we've been looking for some people who would be able to perform on our school team, we have scholarships available and I think you girls have what it takes"

He fumbled through his top right pocket and took out a card labelled 'Bradstone Academy' and a phone number. He offered it to us and said "please get in touch soon" before smiling and walking away

"You guys wont need this" Kayla said before snatching the card from me and climbing onto the coach

Nyah was about to go after her when I pulled her back to me, she gave me a confused look

"Let Cruella de Vill have it, we can just find the number online" I said, Nyah agreed and then we joined everyone on the bus. We came up with that nick name for her since she has a vast collection of fur coats that were believed where real plus she acts like her too.


"They look really flexible" I said while looking at the girl with her leg behind her head momentarily making me believe she had somehow unhooked her joints

"And so are you C" Nyah said pushing me playfully, smiling "you got skill"

"Says the girl who did 3 three fulls in a row in three seconds flat".

A/N: A full is a specialized back flip

Back at our all-star gym everyone called Nyah 'the cyclone' because she was the fastest tumbler there

We all had special reasons of why we got scholarships; I got one because of my specialized stunts, Nyah got hers because she's a speed tumbler and Kayla got hers because she was the team Captain (unfortunately) and choreographed some of the routine

"Let's go, c'mon quick quick we don't got time" Nyah said whilst clapping at me to hurry up as everyone was already out on the football pitch

I stuffed my backpack in a locker outside of the changing rooms and followed


Please remember that the first chapter of a story is always the worst :S. So read a few more chapters before deciding if you wanna go further.

The song that Cassie was singing is called A$$ by Big Sean ft. Nicki Minaj and Rick Ross, just in case you wanna listen to it. Listen at your own risk though..

Thanks for reading the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment and vote xx even suggestions of things that could happen in it would be nice. I wanna know what you think, tell your friends about it ;)

All Rights Reserved © 2013 < Don't copy it or I'll hunt you down

Benni x

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