Blue Eyes

By mythical_link86

4.2K 531 364

My name is Sarah. I am 33 years old. I grew up in beautiful Buies Creek, North Carolina. In first grade I met... More

My Story
The Start of the Mythical Road Trip
The Mythical Road Trip Continues : An Argument
Finishing the Mythical Road Trip
Old Friends
What Happened?
Tell Him
Deja Vu
He Knows!
Going Home
The Proposal
The News
Surprise Visitor
Doctor Visit
The Past
Moving In
Author's Note
Why I Love You
First YouTube Talk Show
GOOD Mythical Morning!!!
I Wasn't There For This?
I got tagged
The Big Day
The Tragedy
Teen Photo Shoot
Mmmmm.... Bacon...
Defining Manliness
Weird Dreams
New Studio
"Non-Human Element"
The Spiciest I Get Is This Red Shirt
Oh G-g-g-gosh, Man!
Link's Secret
First Annual Noodle-Off!
I Have a Strawberry the Size of a Watermelon!
Late Night Thoughts
Nerds and Geeks: Telling the Difference
Daddy-Daughter Day at Work
More Weird Dreams
Ghost Pepper Challenge
The Punishment
Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.
Bug War
For Good
Belly Button Facts
He Will Never Cease to Amaze Me
What Just Happened?
The End..... For Now

New Neighbors

121 13 18
By mythical_link86

Rhett POV

Alright. So now that we're finally in LA, it's time to unpack the truck. My stuff is in the front by the door so we head to my house first. I need Link's help because of my back. I don't want to slip a disc.... Or two. That would not be fun.

An hour and a half later....

"Is there anything of mine still in the truck?"

"Nah man. The rest of the stuff is mine."

"Are ya sure?!"


"Alright well I'm gonna start unpacking and you go start moving in to your own house. I'll be over to help later."

"Alright Rhett. See ya later brother."

"Bye Link!"

I then start unpacking but I really need Jessie to tell me where everything goes. I really can't do anything until she comes. I think this is a good opportunity to go introduce myself to the neighbors. So I go down the street and next door there's a family of five. So I go introduce myself to them. They seem nice. I then go on the other side of my house and I meet a woman named Kathy and her dog Spike. I think he likes me. He kept licking my hand whenever I would crouch down to pet him.

On the other side of Kathy's house was a man with three kids. Two boys and a girl. They seemed nice. The whole block seemed relatively nice. After talking to the man and his kids for a while I looked across the street. I noticed a small little house. I asked Kathy who lived there but she told me that she didn't know. She only knew that it was a woman about my age. I was intrigued so I cross the street and head to her front door. I ring the doorbell but nobody answers. When I go home, Jessie is there and unpacking the boxes. The boys are helping her as best as they can. I told them to go set up their rooms so I can talk to Jessie.

I take Jessie outside and tell her what happened and about that house across the street. Kathy next door then tells me "oh that's Sarah's house. She moved here a while ago with her parents. Once they died she kept the house. She's a quiet one- keeps to herself a lot. She's nice once ya get to know her though. Maybe she'll be back later."

A little while later I tell Jess that I have to go help Link unpack. I kiss her goodbye and say goodbye to the boys and then I head over to Link's house.

Sarah POV

I have to go to work today but I don't really want to. I am not a fan of my job. I am a business marketer. I help businesses sell their products so these businesses can get as much money from the goods they sell as possible. I heard that there was a new family moving in across the street from me. I wonder what they're like. I hope they're nice. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to wait until I get home from work this evening.

Seven hours later....

Oh my gosh! I finally get out of work and I'm running late. I was supposed to meet my boyfriend Brandon for dinner but I'm running late so I'm going to have to cancel on him. But he's so nice and good to me that he'll understand. I just am so mad at myself for cancelling. He had something special planned for tonight and now I'll have to wait until he's free next. He works as a police officer and he gets weird hours. I have to wait until he's not after someone or on a call. But at least I get to meet the new neighbors across the street.

20 minutes later...

I finally pulled in my driveway. I am very excited to meet these new neighbors. I can't stop wondering what they're like. Gosh I really hope they're nice.

I get out of my car and get in my house. I drop off my stuff from work and get something quick from the refrigerator to eat. I eat a quick meal and then fix myself up a little bit. You know like brush my hair and my teeth so I don't look like a total wreck as a first impression. Once I fix my hair and brush my teeth, I put on a little makeup and then head across the street. I am greeted by a woman about my height with dark hair and Crimson eyes.

"Hi. I'm Sarah" I say as I shake her hand.

"Hi Sarah, I'm Jessie" she says as she welcomes me into her new home.

It's so nice in here. They  got the whole first floor of the house decorated and there are pictures everywhere. I notice that there are two boys with really curly hair. They must be her sons. Then I see another picture on the wall. It had to have been of Jessie at her wedding. She was in a beautiful silk dress with a bouquet of white roses in her hands. Next to that was a picture of two guys who were shaking hands and had one leg up in the air. I have no idea why though. 

As I look closer at the picture I notice that these two men look very familiar. I then think to myself "it can't be! There is no WAY that is who I think it is." I then look at their eyes. They are exactly the same eyes that I remember from the day I left North Carolina. "Rhett..." I whisper to myself. The eyes are exactly the same as the ones from day I got on the plane eighteen years ago. I then hear the front door open and guess who comes in... Rhett. And he was followed closely behind by Link.

"Jessie!" I hear Rhett call his wife. "Link said he left some of his stuff here by mistake. He's going to look for it!"

"Okay sweetheart! Hi Link" I hear Jessie answer. 

"Hey Jess!" I heard Link say from behind me. I then turn my head and look at the door and there they are..... 

Both Rhett and Link. I don't know what to say to them. I haven't seen them in so long. They probably don't even remember me. It's worth a try talking to them though. 

I then make my way over to the door and before I even could get a word out Link looks at me and says "Sarah?"

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