Immobile......[BW/Biracial Ma...

By nikkib101

261K 5.3K 938

πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡ A New After Hours RomanceπŸŽ†πŸŽ‡ *SNEAK PEEK ONLY* Lena Rae is a stripper, one that just strips for money... More

20 Questions(Part 1)
Thank You's....
Immobile 2

20 Questions (Part Two)

10K 478 75
By nikkib101

"What's your favorite color?" Paul asked Lena as he, Phillip, and Akylas sat in a diner in Atlanta.

"Grey..." Lena mumbled, playing with her straw and stirring ice around in her cup. The twins looked at each other, blank expressions on their faces.

"O-Kay... Favorite song?" Phillip questioned, looking back at Lena.

"Micheal Jackson's 'Leave Me Alone'." She uttered, then pursed her lips gently. Akylas, who was sitting next to her, covered his mouth and snickered.

"Let's just leave Lena alone, guys." he said, lowering his hand.

"And, why would we do that? Favorite food, Lena?" Paul asked, creepy smile covering his features.

"Vomit..." Lena yawned out, leaving the men to grimace. "Favorite activity?" Phillip chuckled.

"Watching paint dry, next?" Lena huffed, annoyed at their questioning.

"Lena, those aren't suitable answers...." Paul said, talking with his hands.

"What's suitable to you?" Lena said, then took a sip from her ice water.

"Sex...." the twins said in unison.

"Of course..." Lena gagged, then giggled.

"Come on, Lena, just play along. Humor us, please?" Paul said, teasing smile on his face.

"Fine.... My favorite color is baby blue. I wasn't lying about my favorite song, and I love visiting my dad." Lena smile faintly and shrugged.

"Favorite food?" Phillip raised a brow.

"Pizza drenched in hot sauce." Lena giggled out, causing the men to smile.

"She can actually make a joyous sound, Phillip, will you look at that..." Paul said, making Lena blush.

"Shut up!" she hissed, then continued stirring her ice.

"So.... How has it been with Ike? Has he turned into King Kong yet?" Phillip asked, eyeing Akylas , who glared back at him.

"Oh, he's wonderful! Sarcasm...." Lena mumbled, looking at Ike out of the side of her eye.

"We're getting to know each other. Some barriers are harder to cross than others...." Akylas corrected, smiling tightly.

"Aww, Paul, isn't that cute. Akylas is breaking barriers! How noble of him! Trying to capture her heart?" Phillip said, while his brother died of laughter.

"I agree, brother. I think I hear wedding bells!" Paul snickered out, holding on to Phillip for dear life.

"Imma need y'all to stop playin, okay? I smashed the bell with a bulldozer, so that thang can't rang no more... Why is the devil lying?" Lena sighed, making the men look at her.


Ike frowned at her words, a little bothered.

"Since you've been such a good sport, Lena, how about some shopping?" Paul asked, brow raised.

"For just answering questions? Well, sure." Lena batted her lashes, sounding like Vanna White from Wheel Of Fortune. Akylas smiled at her, loving her sense of humor.

"Okay, but you're driving , Paul." Phillip said, making Lena shake her head. These twins....

"Then you're paying." Paul said, aggravated.

"You're such a fucking baby!" Phillip huffed, pulling out his snake skin wallet.

"Miss!?" he called toward a brunette waitress. She turned and walked over, smiling.

"Ready to pay?" she asked, making the group nod. Phillip handed her his credit card, then blew a kiss, causing the woman to blush crimson. Turning, she twisted away, making Lena laugh like crazy.

Gurl, tone the desperation down, way down....

The waitress came back, handing Phillip his card and a napkin with a number scribbled across it.

"Call me..." the waitress shrugged in a sexy manner, then twisted away.

"Ahhh, the smell of a horny desperate woman! Yummy...." Lena burst out laughing as Paul spoke, while Ike shook his head. These twins.....

"I think I want to go to Victoria Secret, just to get some perfume." Paul said as the group walked around the mall.

"Wait, why?" Lena giggled, brow raised.

"Women like when a man smells good, plus they like it better when they smell good. I'm thinking about getting a few bottles for the girl..." Paul said, making Phillip nod.

"What girl?" Lena asked, hand on her hip.

"Jenny .... Their secretary...." Akylas said, causing Lena to give them a sassy look.

"Ohhh, y'all trying to get laid?" she asked, shaking her shoulders.

"No, actually.... We're actually trying to make her ours." Phillip said, smug smile on his face.

"Why call her 'The girl', though?" Lena questioned, curious.

"Because.... She's the girl...." Paul said, in a dreamy state. Lena looked at him, weird expression on her face. O-Kay....

"Because she's stunning." Phillip uttered, pulling out his phone. Strolling through his pictures, he came to a pic of Jennifer. She was black, with a short pixie cut, sitting at her desk , dressed in all black. Her head was bent, so Lena couldn't really see her face.

"I like her hair..." Lena said, bouncing her head.

"It's the only picture I could get of her. I think she's catching on to Paul and I's spying...." Phillip chuckled out, putting his phone up. The group continued walking, passing a bridal shop. Lena froze, then backed up, staring at the gorgeous gown in the window. It was a mermaid tail gown, with a beaded bodice. Memories came back to her, hurting her heart as she gazed at the dress.

"You actually think I wanna marry a ghetto hoodrat?" Tanner asked, pacing in front of her as she sat on their couch.

"And, I don't want to marry some stuck up ,rich white boy that talks to people like they're trash." she mumbled, crossing her arms.

"Give me the ring back! That's it!" Tanner pivoted around, eyes bright with anger.

"Fine, you're not hurting me.... My daddy wants me to marry a successful black man anyway...." Lena said ,watching in satisfaction as Tanner froze. She slid the four karat diamond ring from her finger and threw it at him, then started to cry.

"You're only treating me like this because my daddy's gone to that....PLACE! That you sent him to!" she sobbed, covering her mouth.

"Lena...." Tanner stooped down, tears In his eyes.

"He was getting in the way of us.... He's still getting in the way. What you said hurt me, babe. I have everything we need to be happy, except the right color. I... I didn't mean what I said, it's just when you get around other black people, it's like you forget about me. I'm your fiance, Lena, not them...." Tanner told her, rubbing her leg.

"But, they're my friends.... I have no one, Tanner..." Lena cried softly, which made him angry.

"What the fuck, Lena!? You have no-one!? I'm your fiancee! See , this is what I'm talking about! Just because I'm white, I'm not seen as someone to relate to.... Fuck you , Lena!" he stood, walking to the bedroom.

"Oh, and the engagement is off.... You're not marriage material..." he said, pausing. He started walking again, leaving Lena looking after him, in tears....

"Lena love?" Lena blinked rapidly, then turned, seeing Paul, Phillip and Akylas gazing at her cautiously.

"I know we're pervs, but we don't like to see women cry, especially beautiful women." Phillip said, tight smile on his face.

"I'm fine, it's just this dress is so lovely, I got caught up." Lena said, drying her tears.

"I think it was more than the dress, but I won't question you." Akylas said, making her nervous.

"Well, like I said, it's nothing. I'm going to Victoria Secret..." she said, speaking quickly. Side stepping the men, she walked over to the lingerie store and stepped inside, looking around. She found a few deals on bras and panties, exciting her. Looking around the section designed for brides, she found a cute honeymoon set. Swallowing hard, she looked over it, then put it into her carrying basket. She continued on with her shopping, then after she was done, she went up front and paid.

"Thank you!" she smiled as the clerk handed her the new items bagged up. The clerk gave her a receipt and some change back. Lena accepted the change and receipt, then turned and left the store. She saw the men sitting in the mall lounging area, chatting about work, so she walked over.

"The purpose was to buy you items, not you purchasing your own things..." Phillip said as she walked up, making her shrug.

"I have money, I don't need yours." she said, crossing her arms.

"There's the Lena I love!" Paul clapped, chuckling. Lena rolled her eyes, trying to keep a smile at bay.

"Are we leaving now? I kinda have everything I need." she said, rubbing her neck.

"No jewelry? Perfume? Makeup?" the twins asked in unison, causing her to grimace. Weird....

"No, I just wanted a few New bras, is all." she nodded toward her pink bag, which made the men sigh.

"Fine, then. Akylas?" Phillip raised a brow, looking at his friend.

"If the lady is done, then we shall go..." Ike said, using his cane to stand. The twins followed, getting up. Lena felt a little bad. She didn't mean to cut the day short, but she wasn't up for staying out anymore. The bed was the only thing she wanted right now....

The men walked over to her, then the whole group headed toward the exit.....

Lena sat in front of her vanity, dressed in her honeymoon lingerie. It was white and sparkly, leaving nothing to the eye. Gazing at herself, she swallowed softly, then reached for a tube of nude lipstick. Opening the top, she smeared a little onto her lips, then rubbed them together. Sitting the lipstick down, she huffed at her reflection, tears coming to her eyes.

"Hey, Lena, I.... Wow..." Akylas opened her door, then froze, eyes glued to her attire.

"You look.....nice. Is that what you brought today?" he asked after awhile, causing her to blush as she nodded.

"I... I just wanted to see how it would look." Lena whispered, then turned away from the mirror.

"You look....amazing." Ike mumbled, then shut the door quickly. Lena sighed, then straightened her top. Looking at the mirror again, she huffed once more.

"Lena..." Akylas opened the door and stepped back in, making her pause.

"Yes?" she questioned, deep blush covering her cheeks.

"You're gorgeous..." Ike breathed out, which made her lower half tingle. Akylas stepped over , then leaned his cane against the vanity. Bending down next to her chair, he grabbed her face inbetween his hands. Capturing her lips tenderly, his tongue danced within her mouth.

"Ike, don't..." she pulled back, lips swollen.

"You think I can resist you in that?" Ike pointed at her white lingerie. Her hands flew up, covering herself.

"Don't..." Akylas uttered, pulling her hands away. Leaning forward, he enveloped her lips again, tasting their sweetness. Lena pulled back, breathing fast. Grabbing his hands, she helped him stand, then led him over to her bed. Pushing him back onto the bed, she bit her lip as she climbed between his legs and began undoing his slacks. Reaching inside, she pulled him out, then grasped the head tightly, making him moan. Slowly, she leaned forward, capturing him in her mouth. Ike let out a loud growl as Lena gobbled him up. Hissing as he hit the back of her throat, he buried his hands in her her, controlling the pace. Lena groaned around his cock as he harassed her mouth. Rolling her tongue under his dick, she slurped him, making him shiver. She didn't know what had gotten into her, but being dressed in this sparkly get up had her horny as hell. She chocked on Ike's hard dick, taking him deeper into her throat.

"Shit, Lena!" Ike grumbled, abdomen tight as his orgasm approached. Lena took more of him, then he erupted into her mouth. Swallowing his essence, she pulled back and bit her lip. She gazed at him, eyes hot with desire. Pulling his slacks the rest of the way down, she threw them off of the bed, then took off his boxers. Sliding over his legs, she rubbed his clothed chest. Seduction shimmered in her eyes as she undid his button down. Once his hard chest was exposed, she leaned her head down and began nibbling on a nipple. Akylas reached between her legs and pulled her panties to the side, aligning himself against her wet entrance. Flexing his hips, he groaned like a dog, feeling Lena's inside guzzling him whole.

"Fuck, baby..." he swallowed tightly, placing his hands on her hips. Lena sat back and began riding him like he was a horse, the room filled with their moans. Ike grabbed her ass, holding her in place as he took off, slamming into her sweet, wet body.

"Fuck, yes!" Lena hissed, bracing herself on his chest as he moved within her. Her tummy clenched together and she groaned, her climax flooding over Akylas.

"Yes, give it to me..." he said, pulling her down on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her back as he continued flexing into her body. Lena suckled on his neck as he murdered her insides, her body in heaven.

"Shit!" Akylas cursed, then bit his lip as his sac jumped, his seed spewing into Lena. She rolled off of him, tucking herself in his side.

"Lena?" Akylas breathed out, trying to catch his breath.

"Yes?" Lena looked up, eyes curious.

"Keep that lingerie set..." she smiled as Ike spoke.....

The next day at work, Lena was literally pulling her hair out trying to meet Akylas's demands. She walked to the copy room, stack of papers blocking her view. Her foot hit the rug, causing the papers to topple over. Shit! She rushed down to the floor, stuffing papers under her arms.

"I guess it's true what they say about black women.... They stay on the ground..." Chelsea laughed, walking pass.

"And I found out that not only are white girls easy, but they're desperate for attention." Lena turned , seeing a tall handsome white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Yes, lawd....

"Whatever , Ashton. See if Ike will talk to you yourself..." Chelsea huffed, sitting at her desk. Lena chuckled, hand over her mouth.

"Need help?" Ashton asked her, bending down. Grabbing a handful of papers, he handed them to her.

"Thank you. I, um, I'm Lena." she said, standing and arranging the files

. "Ok ,Ashton Tucker. Nice to meet you, Lena. You're the new what exactly?" Aston stood, then placed his hands in his pockets.

"Assistant, I'm the new assistant. I work under mister Reynolds." she said to him.

"You might not wanna use that word. Sounds dirty...." Aston chuckled, making her blush.

"I'm from Herbert law firm, from downtown. I'm the CFO, just trying to get Reynolds to merge with us. You seem to be the pervasive type. Could you....give him a good word for me? Seeing how things are going, Chelsea isn't going to set me up for a meeting." Ashton chuckled out, causing Lena to smile.

"I'll see what I can do..." she was about to go to Ike's office, but Ashton stopped her.

"Are anyone? I mean , you're very gorgeous and deserve a night out, where a man caters to you." she blushed red at his comment, feeling hot. Damn, that was super gentlemanly...

"I, uh, have to think about it. Let me see if I can get you a quick meeting." she smiled, then turned, going to Akylas's office.

"A Ashton Tucker is here to see you..." she said, opening the door.

"Tell him to go away , I'm not interested in his silly merger." Ike huffed, going through files.

"But...." Lena started, but he silenced her.

"I'm deeply busy , Lena. Bother me when it's something important." she narrowed her eyes at Ike as he spoke, then pulled her head out and slammed the door.

"Hey, Ashton!" she turned, going back over to where Ashton was standing.

"He's busy right now, but I think I'll take you up on that offer." Lena told him, smiling.

"Well, lucky me. Is tonight too much of a bother?" Ashton asked.

"Uh, no, tonight's fine. Can we meet at Maggiano's? On 8th?" she questioned, blushing.

"Yes, I'd like that... Looks like your boss doesn't like you talking to me." Ashton pointed to Ike, who was glaring at them as he stepped out of his office.

"Don't worry about him, he's always like that. I'll see you tonight , okay?" she said, then hugged him. Pulling back, she kissed his cheek, leaving him surprised.

"I need to ask black women out more often!" Ashton said, turning and leaving. Lena laughed, shaking her head. Ashton was a fool....

"Lena!" she turned, seeing Akylas on fire.

"Yes..." she sauntered over, innocent smile on her face.

"What was that?!" Ike hissed, hand gripping his cane tightly.

"An acceptance of a date. Why?" Lena crossed her arms, throwing her hair over her shoulder.

"He's a woman eater despite his personality. He isn't suitable for you." Ike told her truthfully.

"And your personality is suitable? I know Ashton's type, and trust me , it doesn't affect me one bit." she said, uncrossing her arms.

"Why are you so bothered by a simple date? We're not committed, and there wasn't a dating clause in your rules, so I'm not breaking any code or anything. Lighten up...." Akylas watched Lena walk away, fury on his face......

Lena sat in Maggiano's, wearing a black strapless dress and tan heels. Her hair was curled and hanging down her back.

"Hi, Lena?" she turned, seeing Ashton in a blue suit.

"Hey, I waited to order." she smiled as he sat down.

"Thanks...." Ashton said, lifting his menu. He scanned over the food, but found nothing interesting. Looking at Lena, he smiled.

"So, is it true? The rumors?" he asked, sitting his menu down.

"What rumors?" Lena said, brow raised.

"You know, about Akylas not being able to get it up?" Ashton said, making her freeze. No the fuck he just didn't!?

"I don't see how he can't get hard with you around. I'm hard now.... And, I have been since this morning...." Lena grimaced as he spoke, then picked her water glass up and threw it at him. Getting up, she huffed and walked away. Making it to the exit, she broke down. Pulling out her phone, she dialed Akylas, then put it to her ear.

"Hello, Lena. Did he make a disgusting pass at you?" Ike asked knowingly, sitting back in his chair. He stayed at the office when she went back to the house, so he wouldn't have to see her getting ready for Ashton.

"Yes, and.... Please just come get me , Ike. I'm at Maggiano's on 8th..." he froze at the sound of Lena's sad voice, then hung up and stood. Grabbing his cane, he limped out of his office....

Akylas drove down 8th ave, no sight of Lena. Continuing down the block, he saw a figure shaking against a light pole.

"Lena..." he called, slowing down. Lena turned, wiping her tears away as she went to the car. Getting in, she said nothing as Ike pulled away from the curb.

"So, what happened?" Akylas asked, voice low.

"Nothing...." she whispered, rubbing her arm.

"Lena, what the hell did he do!?" Ike hissed, pulling the car over.

"He...was talking about you , and it upset me.... So, I left, okay?" she huffed, crossing her arms. Akylas blanked out as he drove, thoughts getting to him. upset because Ashton was talking about him?.....

Wow! But, why?

"Why?" he voiced his thoughts.

"Because I hate when people talk about others with disabilities. I mean, why talk of someone that can't function like you do? It's unbecoming...." Lena said, uncrossing her arms to rub her legs.

"He was....talking about my cane?" Ike asked, causing her to burn with shame.

"No.... Your erectile dysfunction...." she said, voice almost a whisper. Akylas said nothing as he gripped the wheel tightly, continuing his drive home. Once there, he parked, then turned to Lena.

"I didn't feed into it, I just want you to know that. I'm not like him...." she said, not looking at him.

"But, you still entertained his request...." he said, anger coating his tone.

"Did it make you jealous?" Lena asked, smug brow raised.

"You and Ashton? Never...." Ike reached into the back and pulled out his cane, then got out, leaving Lena to stare at him in sadness. She shook her head, shaking the feeling away, then got out, headed toward the door, which Akylas was unlocking. They went into the house and paused in the foyer, taking off their coats. Akylas turned, freezing as he looked at Lena's tight black dress.

"You wore that for him?" he asked, brow furrowed.

"Yes, why?" she questioned, arms crossed over her chest.

"You look like a whore, you're better than that , Lena." her heart halted at the words, her body feeling heavy.

"I.... Oh, I just wanted to make a good impression. I guess I can never do that right, huh?" she giggled tearfully, causing Akylas to clench his jaw.

"I'm going to bed.... Goodnight , Ike..." he watched her turn and walk away, feeling like a complete ass....

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